The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 848: The last 1 piece of fairy jade

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As soon as he said this, Wu Jun immediately changed his face and looked at Liang Yan with a trace of unkindness.

"Leader Liang, we only called you to give you face, you don't know how to praise, you really want to anger a certain family, you don't end well?" Wu Jun said coldly.


Liang Yan said amusedly: "Wu Daoyou, no matter what you say, you still can't get the fairy jade?"

After Wu Jun heard this, his face became more gloomy, and he suddenly shouted:

"Okay, I'll let you know why a certain family can sit here!"

As soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand and pushed forward, and the entire mountain top shook violently. Eight stone pillars rose from the ground, forming a huge cage toward Liang Yan.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and stood still on the spot. He didn't see any movement. Only a purple light flew out from behind and slashed straight towards the giant stone cage in the air.


There was an explosion, countless earth and rocks cracked, and the Thunder Sword's intent was surging in the air. It actually cut the huge stone cage into countless pieces by Yijian!

Wu Jun couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

Although he didn't use his full strength in this move, he also used 50 to 60% of his skill. With his cultivation base in the later stage of the golden core, he thought that it was more than enough to deal with a monk who had just formed a core.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even move at all, just raised his eyelids, and resolved his moves.

At this time, Wu Jun didn't dare to hold back the slightest.

He is not a brainless stupid, especially at this level, he will not easily share life and death with people, not to mention the most important thing at the moment is to gather the fairy jade and find the innate Tao fruit.

Thinking of this, Wu Jun's expression gradually calmed down, and he smiled at Liang Yan: "It seems that Wu has gone away. I didn't expect your Excellency to hide deeply. I am here to make a compensation for the leader of Liang Yan!"

Seeing that his attitude had taken a big turn, Liang Yan couldn't help being amused, and secretly thought: "After all, it depends on strength. If he knew Gu Zhiyu and Wuxin's true cultivation base, I'm afraid there won't be so many things. "

In fact, both Gu Zhiyu and Wuxin also used secret methods to cover up their cultivation. Now they look like they are in the early days of Jindan, so they are regarded as soft persimmons.

At this time, Shouwenshi laughed and stood up to make a round of rounds: "Everyone present is already the top existence in the entire underworld. Everyone came here not far away, all to escape the underworld. Still hope You don’t have to worry about it, you need to cooperate sincerely."

The old man's face was smiling, Liang Yan was not happy about it, both of them went down his steps and arched their hands at each other, which is regarded as revealing the matter.

"Lord Shoumeng, don't say that I am not here to cooperate sincerely. This time, in addition to the piece of fairy jade from our Feixing League, we also brought another piece!"

Liang Yan raised his hand and waved, only to see two fist-sized jade pieces flying out of his storage bag, floating in front of him, emitting a shining emerald brilliance.

"It's really a fairy jade!"

Everyone present was taken aback, even the black-robed Taoist man who had been meditating with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight to this side.

"Haha, good! Good! I didn't expect Leader Liang to bring us such a surprise!"

Shou Wenshi was also smiling. Originally, he thought Liang Yan had only the piece of fairy jade from the Feixing League, but he didn't expect that at this moment, there would be an extra piece of jade.

And this piece of fairy jade, naturally the piece in the bamboo forest, was temporarily handed over to him by Gu Zhiyu for safekeeping.

Ignoring the look of surprise in Shou Wenshi's eyes, Liang Yan raised his hand and put the two immortal jade in front of him in his storage bag, and then said lightly:

"Leader Shou, I have already shown my sincerity, should I look at yours too?"

Shou Wenshi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "As it should be!"

Without saying anything, he patted the storage around his waist with one hand, and a piece of the same size fairy jade flew out of it, exuding an extremely rich aura in the air.

At the same time, Nie Ziming and Xiang An did the same, taking out the fairy jade from their storage bags.

Three crystal clear jade stones were suspended in the air. Liang Yan only used his spiritual knowledge to investigate for a while, and he knew that all the jade that everyone took out was genuine immortal jade.

"It seems that you are all here to cooperate sincerely." Liang Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Now we have collected five of the six fairy jade, and only the last one is left."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at the Shou Wenshi, and said lightly: "The Shou League leader promised me at the beginning. Now that someone in Liang is here, it's time to clarify the whereabouts of this last piece of jade?"

"Hehe, speaking of the clues to this last piece of jade, it was discovered by Daoist Wang Linhe."

Shou Wenshi first pointed to the black-robed Taoist who had been meditating with his eyes closed, and then he chuckled and said, "Everyone may not have thought of it. In fact, this last piece of jade is not elsewhere, it is under our feet!"


Nie Ziming and Xiang An both showed a hint of surprise when they heard the words. Obviously they did not know beforehand.

"Isn't this a barren mountain? Where did the fairy jade come from?" Nie Ziming frowned slightly, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

"Haha, have fellow Taoists ever heard of'Ningluo's Tomb'?" Shou Wenshi asked unhurriedly.

"Why haven't you heard of it? Everyone knows about this!" Xiang An shouted, "But for hundreds of years, no one has found his tomb in Ningluo Mountain. Could there be any mystery in it? ?"

"Haha, fellow Taoists only know one thing, but not the other. This true person Ningluo is still alive, so where did the grave come from?" Shou Wenshi laughed.

"How can it be!"

Xiang An was the first to jump up and retort: ​​"He is already a character from eight hundred years ago! How could he have survived to this day."

At this moment, not only Xiang An, but even Liang Yan, Wuxin and others had this idea, feeling that what Shou Wenshi said just now was too unbelievable.

You must know the golden core monk's life span, which is more than eight hundred years. Even if Real Person Ninglu started practicing in his mother's womb, by now he should have been sitting down.

Unless he can break through to the Tongxuan Realm.

But everyone present was all people who knew the truth about Hell, knowing that it was impossible for anyone to break through the Profound Realm in such a place, so in any case, it was impossible for Real Ning Luo to be alive.

"Leader Shou, don't you use us to entertain you?" Nie Ziming frowned at this moment, and his voice gradually became cold.

"Hehe, is the old man such a person who doesn't know the severity?" Shou Wenshi smiled slightly: "Although the real Ning Luo is not dead, he is now a walking dead, not much different from death!"

"How do you say this?" Liang Yan asked with a frown.

"After the real person Ningluo broke through the golden core, limited by the resources of the underworld, his cultivation has been stuck in the initial phase of the golden core, and he has never been able to break through."

"Originally, he can only sit here in this life, but who knows that things have turned around and he has found one of the six immortal jade!"

Hearing the word "Xianyu", everyone present was refreshed, and no one intervened again.

The entire mountain was quiet, and only the voice of Shouwenshi spoke freely:

"Relying on the immortal jade he found, Master Ning Luo began to practice in retreat. It is also his talent. He actually broke through two consecutive bottlenecks by him, and his cultivation reached the late Jindan stage."

"You all know that once you enter the realm of the late Jindan stage, you will be chased by the'murder mist'. Real Ningluo is no exception. It is also at this time that he gradually understands the truth of the hell. ."

"So he fled to this barren mountain and used the power of the fairy jade to lay out the formation to fight the gray fog, but this is just a lingering breath. If he doesn't break through to the Tongxuan realm, his life will not increase. Can't escape the fate of sitting and transforming. Once you break through to the Tongxuan Realm, I'm afraid it will become food for the Void Soul Swallowing Beast in the next moment."

"To say that this real Ningluo deserves to be a casual genius, in this dilemma, it really made him come up with a weird method that can continue his life."

Shou Wenshi said this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they were obviously very curious about this so-called "law of life extension".

And Shou Wenshi did not appetite everyone, but went on to say: "The method that Real Ning Luo came up with is to use his unique technique,'Changchun Liuhe Jue', to blend himself with these gray mists!"


Everyone present, except for the black-robed old Taoist King Lin He, all the others looked surprised.

"There is this kind of method? Can the'Murder Fog' also blend with the monks?" Wu Jun's mouth twitched slightly, and it was obvious that the "Murder Fog" reminded him of some horrible past.

"This matter is absolutely true. After realizing the murderous gray fog, Master Ning Luo broke through the limit of Shouyuan and has survived to this day. But what he didn't expect was that he himself was wiped out of consciousness and became a one. A monster that is neither human nor ghost, the real Ning Luo nowadays is not so much immortal, but a walking corpse."

Shou Wenshi talked about what happened back then, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

"What a cruel man!"

Liang Yan couldn't help but sighed in his heart. He couldn't say that Ning Luo was really unwise at the time, but that he had no retreat at the time, and he could only take a risk.

"But what does this have to do with Xianyu?" Nie Ziming was silent for a while, but still asked the question he cared most.

"I said before that before real Ning Luo turned into a zombie, he had already obtained a piece of fairy jade. After he merged with the gray fog, he lost his mind. For hundreds of years, he has been wandering in the retreat of the cave. Never left Ningluo Mountain for half a step!"

"That's it!" Before Shou Wenshi finished speaking, Xiang An nodded and said, "It seems that this piece of fairy jade has been in Ningluo Mountain for hundreds of years."

"Not bad!"

Shou Wenshi smiled slightly and said: "All of this is what Wang Linhe Wang Daoyou spent decades before investigating it step by step. Now the hiding place of Real Man Nanning Luo is in this valley!"

"If this is the case, what are you waiting for? This real Ningluo is already a monster that is not human and ghost, I will go down and send him a ride, let him get free soon!" Wu Jun laughed.

"Yes, with the piece of fairy jade in his hand, we can find the innate Tao fruit and leave this dark ghost place!" Chang Shuyao also said with excitement.

"Not urgent!"

Shou Wenshi waved his hand unhurriedly and said: "Although the real person Naning Luo is only the cultivation base of the late Jindan period, after he has integrated this gray fog, his strength has exceeded the previous one, even if I waited. You have to be cautious when you join forces in a siege."

When Liang Yan heard this, there was a sudden in his heart. No wonder, when he was in the Feixing League before, Shou Wenshi said that this jade was guarded by a powerful underworld beast, and it must be defeated by everyone's strength.

The "Nether Beast" of affection is real Ning Luo!

"Lord Shou is not joking, but the nine of us can't deal with a mere ‘Ning Luo True Person’ when we join forces?" Wu Jun said in disbelief.

"That's not true!" Shou Wenshi smiled slightly: "No matter how strong the real Ningluo is now, it is impossible to be an opponent of all of us. But there is a saying: Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years! Since the leader of Liang has brought it again When the two come here, there will be enough people to set up the formation and wait for work!"

"Oh? What kind of formation does the Shou League Master plan to use?" Wu Jun then asked.

"It's the'Six Rensuo Demon Array'!" Shou Wenshi said lightly.

Liang Yan couldn't help but nodded softly when he heard this.

This "Liuren Locking Demon Formation" he has heard a little bit. Liuren, Dunjia, and Taiyi are also called the three types of Confucianism. They are all branches of the Confucianist Yijing, claiming to be able to calculate everything.

The "Six Rensuo Demon Formation" was born out of the Confucian Book of Changes. Once you enter this formation, you will be calculated step by step Unless the cultivation base is too strong, you will not be able to escape from this formation and you will be killed. Wasted alive!

Especially when dealing with the walking dead like "True Ning Luo", he has lost his mind, and he can't compete with this kind of formation at all.

Liang Yan can think of this, and other old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years can naturally think of it. Even Wu Jun, who was the most reckless, nodded slightly and said: "The Lord of Shou makes sense. feasible!"

"There is nothing wrong with this method..."

At this moment Liang Yan suddenly pondered and said: "But as far as Liang knows, this'Six Ren Locking Demon Array' must be arranged in advance to take effect. If the monster is too strong, we will have no spare time to arrange the formation at that time. ."

"Haha, I didn't expect Leader Liang to be proficient in formation!" Shou Wenshi smiled and said, "Yes, the'Liuren Locking Demon Formation' must be arranged in advance, so we can't fight him in Ningluo's lair."

Liang Yan's heart moved when he heard it, and he said: "What do you mean..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shou Wenshi nodded and said: "Six people must maintain the formation outside the mountain, and then the three of them will sneak into Ningluo's lair to draw this monster into the formation."

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