The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 850: Fairy Jade Transmission

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"This is Real Ning Luo? It really has become an inhuman monster!" Wu Jun looked at this huge ball of meat, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Before he finished his words, one of the vertical eyes on the meat ball suddenly turned and looked towards its location.


A dull and slight sound came, and behind Wu Jun, countless gray silk threads appeared out of thin air, spreading towards his back.

The nearest to him, Nie Ziming, was the first to discover the abnormality, and his face changed immediately and he shouted: "Friend Wu, be careful behind!"

That Wu Jun was also a human spirit who had been cultivating for many years. He didn't even think about it when he heard it. He directly pinched it with one hand, and a little beast phantom that looked like a unicorn flew out of his back.

This little beast phantom was a demon beast spirit he had burned on his back with the use of totem secrets in conjunction with the Witch Clan's heart. It was hidden in the usual days, and was specially used to defend against sneak attacks from behind.

So when he heard Nie Ziming's reminder, he didn't even think about it, so he directly sacrificed the spirit of the totem monster.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless gray silk threads were entwined, and the end of each thread was deeply pierced into the body of the beast spirit. It was only a moment's effort to see that the original beast spirit was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

A decayed breath came from behind, and Wu Jun was shocked, and there was no time to look back. The whole person fled together, and they moved horizontally for several tens of feet in an instant.

After a long distance, Wu Jun dared to look back.

I saw that the monster totem that I carefully cultivated had actually turned into a shriveled fleshy skin, hanging on the gray silk threads at this moment, as if it were leftovers left over from the eating of others.

The huge fleshy ball in mid-air missed a hit, and the three vertical eyes on the top turned at the same time. After a while, the same gray thread appeared behind Wang Linhe, Chang Shuyao, Xiang An and others.

After the incident with Wu Jun just now, everyone was wary in their hearts. Seeing it's eyes turning at this moment, they didn't even think about it, and at the same time they used their own magical powers to hit the position behind them.

As soon as those weird gray threads appeared, they were blocked by everyone's magical powers, and they couldn't get close to these monks at all.

"Unexpectedly, this monster is still a bit tricky, use the heavenly spirit and light!"

Wang Linhe, who had been silent before, suddenly shouted.

Before he finished speaking, he pinched the tactics with one hand, and took the lead in punching a tactics into the precious mirror above his head. When the other five people saw it, they all did the same.

In a blink of an eye, six golden beams of light shot out from the treasure mirror, gathered in midair into a golden rainbow of hundreds of feet, and directly landed on the real person Ning Luo in the "Six Rensuo Demon Array".

The huge ball of meat trapped in the formation shook suddenly. As long as its swollen and red skin was touched by the golden rainbow, it would immediately make a sound of "Sizzle!", and then a black smoke came out.

"Harsh! Harsh! Harsh!"

The fleshy ball made by the real person Ning Luo made a few weird syllables, and the three eyeballs at the top suddenly burst.

At the same time, three huge gray tentacles emerged from their original eyeball positions, and they rushed towards Nie Ziming, Xiang An, and Chang Shuyao.

Although this real Ningluo has lost his sanity, his fighting instinct is not weak. It is necessary to know that among the six people in the formation, these three have the worst strength, so it selected these three with a desperate blow. .

Seeing that these three tentacles were extremely fast, they were about to penetrate their respective goals almost instantly, and Liang Yan and the others, who were standing by the side, couldn't stand idly by.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two bursts of air sounded, and Liang Yan's purple and black swords were unsheathed at the same time, and the gray tentacles reaching Nie Ziming were chopped into countless pieces.

At the same time, Wuxin and Shou Wenshi also made their own moves, solving a tentacle for Chang Shuyao and Xiang An respectively.


It seemed that he knew that one of his best efforts had been resolved by everyone, and the ball of flesh was so furious that it began to rush from the left to the right in the circle.

However, the "Six Rensuo Demon Array" is a Confucian strange formation. If you don't understand the principle of the formation and only rely on brute force to break through, you will not be able to escape from this formation unless your realm is more than one.

This kind of formation is definitely the most suitable choice to deal with the monster Ningluo who has lost his mind.

"It is already at the end of the crossbow, fellow daoists will work harder to completely suppress this monster!"

Wu Jun yelled, his face was full of excitement, as if he had already seen the piece of immortal jade of the real Ning Luo beckoning to him.

Six hills, six golden core monks simultaneously urged the magic art, one after another golden light merged into the magic circle, the flesh ball that Ningluo turned into could not resist after all, was gradually melted by this golden rainbow, and finally turned into one. A group of unconscious gray mist.

With the breeze blowing in the circle, these gray mists also drifted away. The original imposing "Ning Luo True Person" had no traces left.

However, where he disappeared, there was a little emerald green aura floating in the air, and the aura was wrapped in a palm-sized jade.


Everyone on the scene brightened their eyes, unintentionally shot the fastest, directly hitting a magic trick, and this fairy jade was taken into her hand.

If in the past, everyone would have been fighting for such a piece of fairy jade, but today it is not necessary, because no matter how many pieces of fairy jade you have in your hand, they will all be taken out and integrated into one later.

"Haha, I didn't expect this trip to go so smoothly, so that the six celestial jade pieces will be gathered, and the day when I can escape from the underworld is not far away!" Shou Wenshi laughed.

The rest of the people also showed excitement. Obviously they had waited too long for this day, but at this moment, no one was the first to take out the fairy jade.

"Since you have all reached this point, you don't need to suspect each other anymore." Shou Wenshi smiled and said, "After I count to three, you all sacrifice the immortal jade in your hands at the same time, how about?"

"Good!" Everyone present, including Liang Yan, nodded in agreement.

"one two Three!"

As the voice of Shouwenshi just fell, Liang Yan, Wuxin, Nie Ziming and other monks who held immortal jade simultaneously waved their sleeves and threw the immortal jade in their hands into the air.

Six immortal jade floats in the air at the same time, creating a huge gravitational force between them.

Clouds of blue light projected from the surface of the six celestial jade, forming a huge light curtain in mid-air. This light curtain traverses hundreds of miles in a mighty manner, reflecting almost the entire gray sky into a verdant color. .

The Golden Core cultivators present are all staring at the vision in midair at this moment. Even if they have a profound cultivation level, they are still unavoidable to be captured by this spectacle, and they feel a little fascinated.

Liang Yan also looked up at the sky at this moment, his thoughts fluctuating.

"I have been squandered in the underworld for decades, and finally waited until this day! Now that the six pieces of immortal jade are combined into one, as long as you find the innate Tao fruit, you can use its spatial power to escape from this ghost place... ........."

It was not only him who had this idea in his mind, but the rest of the people were also concerned, and most of them had been stranded in the underworld for hundreds of years, and their emotions were only a lot more than Liang Yan.

At this moment, the six celestial jade in mid-air turned faster and faster, and the six azure lights gradually connected together, forming a closed circle.

And in this circle, there is an incomparably rich spiritual energy flowing out of it, and strands of daunting traces of the avenue also spread out from these cyan glow.

Everyone present looked up at the sky at the same time, and seemed to have seen the innate Tao fruit they had dreamed of through the heavy glow.

However, at this moment, there was sudden change in the field.

I saw that one of the six immortal jade pieces suddenly showed a faint red glow. Although this red glow was not very dazzling, it looked strange under the sky full of green clouds.

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Liang Yan's heart. He quickly mobilized the spiritual power of his whole body, used the "Wang Qi Method" to the extreme, and looked towards the piece of fairy jade in the sky.

The other cultivators present had obviously noticed this, and they all looked at the piece of fairy jade in unison.


Before everyone could react, they saw that red light burst out suddenly, a **** evil aura spreading out, dyeing all the six celestial jade in mid-air red.

"not good!"

Liang Yan was horrified, and the instinctive reaction was about to flee back, but before he could take any action, the blue and red halo in the midair suddenly spread, covering all the monks in the field.

A powerful spatial force came, and Liang Yan felt as if he was in a quagmire, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move a step!

In the midair, the blue and red light alternately changed, radiating radiance, covering hundreds of kilometers of surrounding area.

The nine Golden Core cultivators gathered here were frozen in the air at the same time, each of them opened their eyes wide, presenting a completely still picture.

In the next moment, the blue and red rays of light rolled back, returning to the middle of the fairy jade ring, and all the monks in mid-air disappeared without a trace at this moment... ......


Darkness, endless darkness.

Liang Yan couldn't see his eyes, nor could he release his spiritual consciousness. He only felt that his whole body was sore and weak with a splitting headache.

His last glance was to see the power of the space in the immortal jade suddenly explode, covering all the nine Golden Core cultivators including himself.

The next moment, he lost consciousness.

In the vagueness, I don't know how long it has passed until a violent spatial fluctuation surged in, tearing his whole body up and down.

Liang Yan suddenly felt fortunate. If he had not already advanced the Golden Core, with his previous cultivation level, he would have been torn into countless pieces by the force of this space.

In the endless darkness, he can only grit his teeth and operate the "mixing power", covering the whole body with the "empty phases of all dharmas", resisting the continuous surge of spatial fluctuations around him.

"Wuxin? Uncle Gu?"

Liang Yan asked tentatively, but there was no response in the darkness.

Suddenly, a feeling of turning around and around, Liang Yan couldn't help himself, and his whole body fell down, and finally he fell directly onto a huge boulder.

In a daze, he only felt the power of a seal acting on him, seeming to tie his whole person on a stone pillar.

Liang Yan was taken aback, and quickly used his whole spiritual power to break free of the power of the seal, but no matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't move.

The surroundings were still pitch black, Liang Yan's eyelids were as heavy as lead filled, and he couldn't open them at all, and even his spiritual consciousness could not spread out.

But his hearing was still there, only a woman's voice sounded not far away:

"Come, here, the last one is here!"

There was a hint of excitement in this voice, and the strangest thing was that Liang Yan felt a little familiar.

Before he could even think about it, he heard a low-pitched man's voice ringing beside him:

"Don't get excited, my baby, although we have been waiting for this day for many years, we still have to give our guests a little bit of basic respect."

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I can't wait, I can't wait to kill them all!" There was a tremor in the woman's voice.

Although Liang Yan still couldn't open his eyes, he could be sure that the trembling in the voice was not because of fear, but a kind of emotion that couldn't be more excited.

"Quiet, quiet my baby!"

The man's voice is low and elegant, and although his tone is soft, he has an indisputable temperament, which makes it difficult for people to resist.

"Well... as long as the master is willing..."

The woman seemed to be wronged, and her voice gradually calmed down.

By this time, Liang Yan's physical strength gradually recovered, his heavy eyelids lifted, and finally his eyes slowly opened.

The first thing that catches the eye is the eight stone pillars, each of which is **** with a monk. These people are male and female, and they are the eight golden core monks who are looking for the innate Tao fruit with Not only Shou Wenshi and Wu Jun, but even Wuxin and Gu Zhiyu are tied to a stone pillar at this moment.

Everyone's hands and feet are bound by a dark iron chain with weird runes painted on it. It looks like neither Confucianism nor Taoism nor demon, but like a forbidden technique by a side door.

However, these seemingly impervious rune chains actually confine everyone's spiritual power in the body, and are unable to display any magical powers at all.

Liang Yan himself is no exception.

He was tied to a stone pillar at this moment. Even though the spiritual power of the three schools in his body was as vast as the sea, he seemed to be pinched to the point, and he could not display any magical powers at all.

"where is this place?"

Liang Yan shook his dizzy head and looked towards a high platform in the center, only to see two people standing there.

One of the men was tall and slender. Although his complexion was a little pale, his appearance was handsome, and he exuded an evil charm.

But the other woman was wearing a blood-red dress with long black hair curled up behind her head. The whole person's dress was exquisite and elegant, but there was a weird breath everywhere.

This person Liang Yan is no stranger, she is the palmprint envoy of the Feixing League: Leya!

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