The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 852: 9 people team up

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Liang Yan was stunned for a while. He had only heard this voice once before, but he would never remember it wrong. The speaker was the black-robed veteran king Lin He who was still in a "coma".

"Are you pretending to be dead?" Liang Yan didn't have any expression on his face, only asked in secret.

"Hehe, why bother about the truth? The old way has a secret technique that can forcefully break the seal in front of me, but I can only use it on one person except myself."

"So you chose me?" Liang Yan asked.

"Not bad!"

Wang Linhe's voice continued: "You are Jian Xiu. Among the nine of us, your attack is the fastest. I want you to break the chains of others at the same time as soon as you get out of trouble!"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan almost agreed without even thinking about it. The long-haired man in front of him had an unfathomable cultivation level. Only with the strength of the nine of them could he have a chance of life.

At this time, the evil sword immortal was staring at the entrance of the space that had just appeared, and at the same time, one-handedly pinched, the wisps of essence and blood were drawn from the people, and they gradually condensed into red sword aura in mid-air.

Just when all his attention was placed on the barrier at the entrance of that space, Wang Linhe's voice suddenly sounded in Liang Yan's mind:

"Daoyou Liang, it's now!"

Before Wang Linhe's words fell, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and two rays of light circulated in his left and right eyes, one black and one white, which looked extremely weird.

In almost an instant, the black light flew out of his right eye and landed directly on the iron chain in front of him.

At the same time, another white light flew out from his left eye, but it was an iron chain that went straight to Liang Yan.

boom! boom!

With two crisp bursts, the chains in front of Liang Yan and Wang Linhe were disconnected at the same time, the spiritual power in the two of them circulated again, and their cultivation was back to the peak!

Liang Yan let out a small whistle and jumped into the air. The sword art in his hand hurriedly pinched, and the purple thunder sky sound sword and the black lotus sword were unsheathed at the same time, and they were cut to the iron chains of several people nearby.

In the midair, the purple and black sword light was so fast that only the afterimages remained. With four crisp cracking sounds, the iron chains of Wuxin, Gu Zhiyu, Nie Ziming and Xiang An were instantly caught by him. Cut off.

At the same time, Wang Linhe, who was opposite him, slapped the storage bag around his waist, and saw a whisk shot out. With a light brush in front of Wu Jun and Chang Shuyao, the chains on their bodies broke. .


Wu Jun regained his magical powers and couldn't help but laugh out loudly: "I didn't realize that Wang Lao Dao still kept a hand. It seems that I should not be killed until today!"

While he was speaking, he had already sacrificed his own magic weapon from his storage bag. It was a pair of earth-yellow copper hammers, which looked majestic and majestic.

As for the others, they looked solemn at this moment, and did not seem to be half happy.

They sacrificed their own destiny magic weapons, while staring at the long-haired men in the field, they all looked like they were waiting.

"Friend Wang Dao, you..."

Liang Yan glanced at the black-robed Taoist man opposite him, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, Wang Linhe's eyes were muddy, and blood was still flowing out of the corners of his eyes. It seemed that the secret method of forcibly breaking the seal between the two had completely blinded his eyes.

"It's okay. My eyes are not as important as life. The Taoist Liang Yan still focuses on what is in front of you, and you must not be careless..."

Before they could have more exchanges, Evil Sword Immortal had already flicked his sleeves and stopped cracking the space barrier.

At this moment, the nine people who were originally imprisoned in the field unexpectedly got out of the trap together, causing him to frown slightly and snorted coldly:

"Unexpectedly, the trivial ants also have this method, but I underestimated you!"

Wu Jun asked himself if his supernatural powers were weak. After receiving the secret calculation just now, he was still depressed at this time, so he directly said angrily: "Huh! You are only in the Golden Core Realm. What qualifications do you have to call me an ant? Today we are nine People join hands, you must die without a corpse!"

"Hahaha! What a dead body!" The Evil Sword Immortal opened his mouth and laughed: "I like the way you die. I will reward you nine people today!"

Before he finished his words, he pointed forward with one hand, and the blood-red long sword on his head disappeared instantly.

"Be careful!"

Liang Yan yelled, and at the same time he pinched the sword art in his hand, and sacrificed the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword at the same time, and cut them towards the chest of the evil sword immortal.

However, his two flying swords were still halfway, and the blood-red long sword of the evil sword immortal had already appeared above Wu Jun's head.

Although Wu Jun is arrogant, his cultivation is a genuine Jindan late stage, and his supernatural power is also in the middle and upper ranks among the cultivators of the same rank.

Seeing Evil Sword Immortal's sword breaking through the air at this moment, he also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly threw the two copper hammers in his hand upwards.


Two copper hammers struck one place, splitting hundreds of thunder and lightning from it, surging in mid-air, like a net of thunder and lightning, toward the blood-red long sword.

"Haha, is this your toy?"

Leya's voice came from the blood red sword, and its speed did not decrease but increased. Everyone only saw a red line flashing by, and those thunder nets in mid-air burst and shattered!


Wu Jun's expression changed drastically. Although he also knew the power of this flying sword, the opponent smashed his own magical powers to pieces with a single sword. Isn't this too incredible?

Realizing that this person's supernatural powers were beyond his imagination, Wu Jun no longer dared to be mad at all. He shrank his head directly and made a escape technique to go underground.

"Want to go?"

Evil Sword Immortal sneered, the sword art in his hand changed, Liya and his mind were connected, and the blood-red sword light cut down sharply, closely chasing Wu Jun's back.

By this time, Liang Yan's Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and Black Lotus Sword had also arrived in front of him, and the purple and black double swords, with infinite sword intent, slashed towards the evil sword immortal.


Evil Sword Immortal frowned slightly, folded his hands in midair, and immediately produced countless red trickles around him, layered on top of each other, like a stream of fireflies, forming a thick red light curtain.

boom! boom!

Two loud noises came, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword slashed on the light curtain, and they flew back at the same time.

"Sword Qi Bodyguard?!"

Liang Yan's eyes widened in disbelief, and the countless streams that formed the red light curtain were actually incredibly condensed sword energy!

"Sword Qi Protecting Body" is an extremely advanced method of sword cultivation. He has seen it in the "Fighting Sword Chapter" of "Tao Jian Jing", but to develop this kind of supernatural power, you first need extremely high kendo. Cultivation base, secondly, one's own sword qi must be condensed to a certain degree, to reach the realm of sending and receiving from the heart and turning freely.

Who is the sacred person in front of him, who can use the Golden Core Stage cultivation base to perform this kind of supernatural power?

Just when Liang Yan was shocked, the flying sword that Leya had turned into Wu Jun had already reached the back of Wu Jun. Seeing that this person was about to be cut into two pieces by a sword, a blue light suddenly appeared next to him.

In the blue light, there are countless bamboo leaves flying around, forming a sword of bamboo leaves!

This bamboo-leaf sword stopped Wu Jun’s blood-red long sword made by Liya. The two weird flying swords fought together in an instant. Everyone only saw countless red sword energy surging out. In just a moment of effort, Those bamboo leaves were chopped off one after another!

The supernatural power was broken, and Gu Zhiyu's face immediately turned pale.

Although his "Taiqing Sword Urn" uses swords as symbols and all things as swords, these bamboo leaves that he has turned into "sword symbols" are also connected to his own mind.

Now that the Bamboo Leaf Sword was cut off, he himself was also involved in a lot of blood. If he hadn't cultivated his body for many years, he would have to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

However, after such delay by him, Wu Jun managed to get into the ground and escaped from the sword of the Evil Sword Immortal.

"This person is unfathomable, let's do it together!"

Wang Linhe yelled, and at the same time gently waved the dust in his hand, a mysterious gate came out vigorously, and instantly fell on the top of the evil sword immortal's head.

When Wuxin next to him saw this, he immediately pinched a magic trick with one hand, and the nineteen "wheels of indulgence" whizzed out and slashed towards the location of the evil sword immortal.

As for Xiang An, Chang Shuyao, Nie Ziming and others, naturally they didn't dare to stand by. They sacrificed their destiny almost at the same time and attacked the evil sword fairy in the middle.

"Tsk, what a mouse!"

Evil Sword Immortal frowned slightly, as if he was very dissatisfied with Wu Jun's ability to escape from his sword, but at this moment everyone's attack had already arrived, and he did not dare to exaggerate.


Hearing the evil sword immortal's burst of shouts, the sword aura light curtain around his body suddenly rose, actually blocking the attacks of Wang Linhe, Wuxin, Chang Shuyao and others.

At the same time, the entire sword aura light curtain suddenly shattered, and countless small sword auras scattered in all directions, unexpectedly defensive as an offensive, and at the same time slashed toward everyone's magic weapon.

Fortunately, Wang Linhe, Wuxin, and others, "The Wheel of Indulgence" and Bai Yu Fuchen both retreated without giving the Evil Sword Immortal any opportunity, but Nie Ziming and Xiang An were different.

Their strength is the weakest in the field, only the initial cultivation base of Jin Dan, and the level of magic weapon training is not high. Under the sword energy of the evil sword immortal, the "Killing Book" and the Overlord Spear were cut to pieces at the same time.

The two lost their destiny magic weapon, just like a tiger without minions, and under the panic, they spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Huh, fireflies, dare to compete with the sun and the moon? Leya, kill them for me!"

The evil sword immortal gave a long roar, pinched the sword in his hand, and the blood-red long sword flew back, directly slashing towards the two leaders not far away.

"Friends of Tao help me!"

Nie Ziming's "Killing Book" was broken, and looking at the blood-red long sword in the air, the sword was agitated, and he couldn't help but screamed for help.

"Friend Daoist Nie, run away!"

Shou Wenshi shouted, the whole person rolled on the spot, and the next moment it turned into a golden-winged roc.

As his wings flapped, countless golden feathers shot out, wanting to stop the evil sword fairy for Nie Ziming.

However, these golden feathers only interrupted Feijian for a moment, and they were all cut to pieces by Liya, and then the red glow flashed straight through Nie Ziming's throat.

Pity the leader of the Blood Moon League, from the battle between the two sides to the present, only half a cup of tea has passed, and he has disappeared!

Evil Sword Immortal used one enemy to nine, and was actually still under the eyes of eight Golden Core cultivators, forcibly beheading a leader here, really shocking everyone's heart.

At this moment, Liang Yan's voice suddenly sounded in the field:

"Everyone, listen to me, although this person's cultivation is unfathomable, it is not his deity here!"


Everyone present was slightly taken aback.

"I have been to his cave. If I expected it well, this person should be sealed in a huge red door, and the person in front of us is just a clone of him."

"A clone has such a cultivation base, then his deity..." Xiang An was stunned for a moment, and suddenly there was a bit of horror in his heart.

"Haha, have you forgotten the law of hell? He is just one of the food of the Void Soul Swallowing Beast, so even if you send a clone, it is impossible to exceed the limit of the Golden Core Peak. And this clone should not be able to leave the Seal. The land is too long, otherwise there is no need to spend a lot of time to send us all here."

"Haha, wonderful! Wonderful!"

After hearing this, the Evil Sword Immortal, instead of being angry, clapped his hands and laughed: "Among so many people, you really are the one I like the most. Later, I will use your blood to create a new one for me. Flying sword!"

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed, Liya yelled excitedly in the air, suddenly turned into a crimson sword light, and slashed towards Liang Yan's position.

Liang Yan didn't hesitate at all, raised his hand and received the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword. At the same time, when the sword art was pinched, a blue sword flew out of the dantian and directly faced the **** sword light.

The blue and red rays of light intersected in the air, and a ring of violent sword aura spread, causing all the monks to involuntarily retreat hundreds of feet, for fear of being affected by these sword auras.

Liang Yan and him only had a sword right, and he felt a **** qi coming through his natal flying protruding from left to right in his body, almost all the internal organs. Crush it.

If it weren't for him to temper his body with "Hunhun Gong" for many years, I'm afraid that this first move would be hurt!

Liang Yan also ignored the **** evil spirit that was rolling in his body, and shouted: "Don’t leave your hands in the slightest. The clone cannot regain spiritual power, and it cannot leave the sealed land for too long. As long as we can delay for a while, this clone It's self-defeating!"

"well said!"

The Golden Winged Roc that Shouwenshi transformed into also shouted in mid-air: "If you don’t work hard, he will break them one by one. If you have any ability to press the bottom of the box, I will wait. Can live!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a golden rainbow rising from behind him, like a dazzling sun, illuminating the entire dark space.

"go with!"

With the wings of the Golden Wing and Dapeng, the golden sun fell from the sky, and with the scorching heat that melted everything, it hit the Evil Sword Immortal's head.

"My concubine is here to help you too!"

Chang Shuyao yelled, and her long sleeve on her right hand flicked, and a palm-sized jade plate flew out from it.

After the jade plate floated in the air, it shot out hundreds of colorful glow, like meteors in the sky, lasing towards the evil sword immortal!

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