The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 868: evildoer!

If the previous "locking wind technique" was still invisible and invisible to everyone in the audience, then this huge wooden thorn that suddenly emerged from the ground was too shocking.

   "The demon technique, it is the demon technique! This little white face has practiced the demon technique."

   Some people who had good acquaintances with Shen Xiuwen couldn't help but exclaimed, but more people remained neutral and did not judge the sudden appearance of the vision.

   At this time, Shen Xiuwen had already jumped into the air. He took a series of virtual shots with both hands, and the black palm wind stirred in front of him, bringing out a fierce aura.

   "It's the'Three Desperate Hands'!"

Some people in the audience who are familiar with this martial arts art called out. This martial arts is Shen Xiuwen’s mastery. Seeing him use this trick, it means that he has no reservations and wants to do his best. Up.

   Liu Qing saw that Shen Xiuwen had escaped from his own ultimate move, and he couldn't help but secretly say a pity.

The two secret techniques she used before were exactly the "locking wind" and "earth stab" recorded in the bamboo slips of Liang Yan. These two spells are only low-level spells in the refining period, but they are used in conjunction with each other. , But there are unexpected effects.

   Liu Qing was the first time she faced the enemy, and almost hit her opponent heavily by relying on these two spells, but in the end, she practiced for too short a time and was not proficient in the use of "locking wind".

   Just now, her spiritual consciousness had something wrong, which caused the "locking wind technique" to be broken in advance, which made Shen Xiuwen escape.

   However, although Liu Qing was not disturbed, she silently ran the mental method in the bamboo slips, deducing with one hand in the sleeve, and quickly saw the loopholes in Shen Xiuwen's palm.

   I saw her figure turning, like a clever fish swimming in the wind of Shen Xiuwen's palms. Although the moves were out of order, she could evade Shen Xiuwen's ultimate moves dangerously and dangerously every time.

   "It's weird!"

Shen Xiuwen was surprised and secretly thought: "Why does this girl seem to be very familiar with my martial arts skills? Trick, she can always expect the enemy to take the lead! Could this girl usually hide her secretly, but actually secretly worshipped an expert as her teacher?"

   How did he know that the mental method Liu Qing used at this moment was not secular martial arts moves, but the Confucian mental method "eight fighting talents"!

   Liang Yan realized this secret technique in the prison stele of Huangshi Mountain, and later escaped from prison with this technique in the Witch’s Huanxi Villa. Now fifty years later, his mastery of this mental technique has been perfect.

   "Eight Fighting Talents Method" is a deduction technique that can be practiced to a high level and can be based on the operation of spiritual power to deduct the opponent's actions, the spells to be used, and even the flaws and loopholes in the spells.

   Liang Yan turned the complexity into simplicity, and simplified this spell into a mental mantra. Liu Qing had a good understanding, and he quickly achieved something after practicing according to the instructions in the Liang Yan bamboo slips.

   Although she hasn't reached the realm of deducing cultivators' spells, she can still deduct one or two against the ordinary martial arts in a small area, so as to predict the enemy's first opportunity.

   Shen Xiuwen is conceited that his martial arts is not weak, and can even be said to be the youngest generation of martial arts champions in the Yue Kingdom, but he still can't hold a princess in the greenhouse with all his methods now, which makes him uncontrollably embarrassed and angry.

   "Humph! You forced me, don't blame your husband for hurting you!"

   Shen Xiuwen shouted angrily, palms of both hands were stormy, and there was a faint cry of ghosts!

   He strenuously slapped forward, a burst of invisible energy shot out from the air, whistling towards Liu Qing's location.

   Liu Qing is now fully engaged in this battle, facing Shen Xiuwen's unmatched inner strength, not only did not have the slightest fear, but showed a hint of excitement.

   "There is a flaw!"

   Her "Eight Fights of Talents Method" quietly worked, and after she performed Shen Xiuwen's trick in an instant, all the momentum was used up and she could no longer fight back.

   She stood still with her feet on the spot, and she leaned back, slightly letting the opponent's first wave of palms pass.

At the same time, the white right hand in the sleeve was exposed, one hand pointed like a sword, and a blue electric light as thin as a hair rushed out of the fingers, breaking Shen Xiuwen’s palm in an instant, and without stopping, directly hit On the other side.


   A scream sounded, and even though Shen Xiuwen had an internal body protection, he was convulsed by this electric light, and fell from mid-air.

   "It's Lei Fa!"

   The insightful people in the audience exclaimed. It is obvious that the thunder and lightning power contained in the blue light has already left a deep impression on everyone's hearts.

   Liu Qing used the third secret technique in the bamboo slips of Liang Yan: "Practicing thunder technique".

She first used the "Eight Fights of Talent Method" to see through the flaws in the opponent's moves, and then used the "Training Technique" to fight back. The current Shen Xiuwen is definitely not as simple as being beaten and convulsed.

   Liu Qing saw that Shen Xiuwen fell off the court, and was slightly stunned. It took a while to confirm the fact that he had won the ring.

   "I won!"

   She couldn't help but jumped up from where she was, and then looked down at Shen Xiuwen off the court. She only felt that all of this seemed like a dream and it was so unrealistic.

   Just two days ago, she was still an ordinary girl who can only order three-legged cat kung fu, but only two days later, she was able to defeat the outstanding young generation of Yue Guo martial arts.

   "It's all the credit of the mysterious man. The things he taught me are really incredible. If I hadn't practiced it myself, I wouldn't believe it in my life."

   Just when she was slightly in a daze, there was a Buddha's horn under the stands:

   "Amitabha, the princess is surrounded by evil and filthy things. It is really the great misfortune of the royal family."

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this person was talking about herself. She had a bad temper. After hearing this, she was so angry that she immediately cursed: "Smelly monk, who are you scolding? This girl is fine, why? Say I am surrounded by evil spirits?"

   The person who spoke just now was the short squat monk beside the emperor. He put his hands together at the moment, making a gesture of compassion, and while proclaiming the Buddha's horn, he turned the Buddha beads in his hands.

   "Guo...Guo Shi, my sister-in-law, is he really, really entangled by evil things?" The yellow-robed boy on the dragon chair asked with an uneasy expression.


   Liu Qing paused and said: "Do you believe this bald donkey? Don't you even believe your own sister?"


   The yellow-robed boy stopped slightly when he heard the words. He looked at Liu Qing and then at the chunky monk beside him, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

   At this moment, the short and fat monk suddenly took out a golden bowl from his sleeve, and while chanting, he pointed the mouth of the bowl at Liu Qing on the stage.

   I saw a golden beam of light blasting out, and instantly enveloped Liu Qing's whole body.

   At the same time, wisps of black smoke emerged from the top of Liu Qing's head and formed a hideous grimace in the air, which looked very strange and terrifying.

   "There is something evil and evil!"

   Everyone present was shocked, and they subconsciously moved away from the ring, and withdrew more than tens of feet back.

And the yellow-robed boy on the dragon chair was even more frightened and sat down on the ground, muttering to himself in horror: "I didn't expect Qing'er... Qing'er she How is it good to be taken up by something filthy? How is it good?"

   "Don't worry about the emperor, the poor monks have their own magic!"

   The short and fat monk folded his hands together and made a low voice of the Buddha's horn. The next moment he jumped onto the ring and came directly in front of Liu Qing.

   "Smelly monk, what have you done to me!"

   Liu Qing was trapped by the golden light from the bowl in his hand, and was still unable to move at the moment. Although she did not understand what had happened, she knew that she was definitely not the upper body of a demon, but had practiced the mysterious man's techniques.

"You bald donkey slanderously, dare to slander the current princess. I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. Believe it or not, I let the emperor's brother cut your official position and put you in a prison!" Zhong glared at him.

   "Amitabha, the princess is deceived by the evil spirits, so she has such words. When Lao Na uses the Buddhadharma to help you overcome the obstacles, you will be free!"

   "Nonsense! You..."

   Liu Qinggang wanted to ridicule, but accidentally met the eyes of the chunky monk. She only felt a strange red glow flashing in the other's eyes, and her consciousness became blurred the next moment.

   A voice kept ringing in her mind, asking her to restrain herself, obey any orders from the person in front of her, and even ask her to take the initiative to marry Shen Xiuwen.

   This voice kept reverberating, and just when she was about to nod her head in agreement, the skirt behind her was gently pulled.

   The next moment, all consciousness returned to self again, Liu Qing's eyes widened, only to find that he had left the ring, and there was one person standing beside her.

   This person was in a gray gown, tall and straight, with broad shoulders. He was the "mysterious person" I saw in the palace of the Emperor that day.

"It's you!"

   Liu Qing couldn't help but yelled out, his face showed unprecedented joy.

   "Master, Master, save me!"

She seemed to be a drowning man grabbing the driftwood, hurriedly pulling the sleeves of the gray-clothed man, and said with a pleading expression: "I know you and the first emperor are old friends, even if you look at her face, you can't Let me be bullied by this great monk, I don't want to be taken away as a monster, let alone marry that Shen Xiuwen!"

   The gray-clothed man smiled slightly, reached out his hand to touch Liu Qing's forehead, and said lightly: "Don't worry, no one dares to move you if I am here."

   His words were plain and flat, and there was no aura from his body, but for some reason, all the martial arts practitioners present subconsciously stepped back a few steps, seemingly afraid to approach him.

   The squat monk on the high platform narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked, "Who is the one here, can you dare to report your name?"

   The gray-clothed man snorted and said casually: "You didn't deserve to ask my name, but if you rise up today, it's okay to tell you. My last name is Liang, and my single name is a word of ‘speech’!"

   "Liang Yan?"

   The chunky monk racked his brains, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of such a number one person in the realm of Nanchui Comprehension.

   He pondered for a moment, suddenly his eyes widened, and he shouted:

   "Bold evildoer, I can tell at a glance that you are not a human! I want you to be exposed!"

   With this burst, he was full of breath, and the sound was like thunder, which shook the eardrums of everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, the short and fat monk floated up in the air, while the golden bowl was suspended above his head. With the sound of Sanskrit singing, the golden beam of light shot out of the bowl and went straight to Liang Yan. go with.

   "Ah, be careful, master!"

   Liu Qing had suffered from this trick just now, knowing that if he was covered by golden light, he would not be able to move all over his body, and even the internal force in the meridians would not be able to operate.

   However, Liang Yan didn't move his feet, and there was a hint of mockery at the corners of his mouth, letting the golden light cover him.

   The chunky monk was a little cautious at first, but when he saw that he succeeded, he couldn't help but feel smug. He knew very well that his bowl spirit tool was so powerful that as long as it was covered by a golden light, even a monk in the foundation-building period would be difficult to move.

   "Huh, I'm a little tricky, but I dare to hack the door? Look at me, the mighty dragon, the magic curse!"

   The chunky monk gave a low voice in the air, folded his hands together, and a Buddhist seal appeared in front of him.

   There is a majestic aura in this dharma seal, really like a Buddhist monk pursuing sentient beings, and the Liang Yan under him is a person who is going to be purified by this Buddhist supernatural power.

   The next moment, the Buddhist seal rushed out and hit the figure in the golden light.


   There was a loud noise, and just when everyone thought that the man in gray in the golden light was about to be suppressed by this Buddhist supernatural power, a silver sword light appeared from the golden light.

   Although this sword light is not dazzling, it is even hard to be noticed, but it is only a moment of The golden beam of light that shrouded everyone in the sky collapsed and turned into countless fragments.

   At the same time, the Buddhism seal in the air was also cut in half by this humble sword light.


   The short and fat monk's eyes widened, as if he had seen a great horror that had never been seen before. The bowl above his head had collapsed on its own at this moment, and the golden light covering his whole body had disappeared without a trace.

   "Senior, please spare my life, senior!"

   The chunky monk finally knew how powerful the other party was. He rolled around in a hurry, turned into a palm-sized golden toad, and fell down from mid-air.

   Liang Yan saw that he appeared in his original form, and he groaned for a while, then raised his hand to retract the "Light Sword", and at the same time stretched out his right hand, letting the golden toad fall in his palm.

   This beast seemed very scared. He was trembling in Liang Yan's palm at the moment. He knocked his head and said anxiously:

"Senior Mingjian, I am the Golden Toad of the Xishan Mountain. Later, I ran into a wandering monk and gained the shade of Buddhism. I was lucky enough to have a trace of cultivation. This time I mixed into the capital, I just wanted to be prosperous and wealthy, and did not do anything to harm living beings! "

   "Just now the little demon had eyes and no beads, and ran into the predecessor. He also asked the net to open a side. I would like to guard the cave for the predecessor and be a bull and a horse in return for not killing!"

   Liang Yan glanced at him, but didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he raised his head and looked into the air.

   I saw that the place where the Buddhist seal was cut to pieces, there was still a golden light...

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