The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 871: Lake Heart Fighting

"It turns out to be a fellow daoist of Yungangzong. Fortunately to meet you!"

   Wan Ziliang laughed, then changed the conversation, and then said: "It's just that this time the five sects are fighting alone. Everyone has said they are going to fight alone, but I don't know why Guizong sent two people to come?"

"Friends Wandao laughed." Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged, and she only said indifferently: "The little junior sister hasn't practiced for a long time. This time the master sent her down the mountain, but also wanted her to experience and meet the masters of various factions. As for me, It’s just here to take the battle for Junior Sister, you don’t have to worry about it."

   As soon as she said this, everyone present was surprised, even Yuan Taiji looked sideways, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

   You must know that this gambling agreement is limited to monks below the Juyuan realm, so the disciples from all major sects are at least in the late foundation stage.

   They saw Shen Yu and Miao Suwen coming side by side. They thought that the person who played would be Shen Yu at the top of the foundation building, but they did not expect that the opponent sent by the other party was actually Miao Suwen in the middle of the foundation building.

However, no one has the habit of feeling that the opponent is too weak. Seeing that Shen Yu, who has the highest cultivation level, avoids fighting, instead he sent Miao Suwen, who has the weakest cultivation level. Removed from this fight.

   "Everyone, the agreed time has come. Since no one can persuade Yan Ming to join his sect, let's use magical powers on this Tanxi Lake?" Zhao Gaoyi on horseback suddenly said loudly.

   "Hey, that's what I meant!"

Wan Ziliang stood up from the rock in the middle of the lake, first sent Yanming to the shore of the lake, and then raised his hand to play a few tricks, only to see that a square shape appeared on the calm Tanxi Lake. Enchantment.

After all this was done, the old beggar laughed and said, "It would have hurt the harmony of our five sects. This fighting method does not need to be divided into birth and death. As long as you surrender and surrender, or be driven out of the scope of the enchantment, What do you think you are losing in the fight?"

   "Haha, this method is wonderful, my old Zhao has no objections!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Gaoyi kicked on his horse, and jumped up into the air, jumping directly into the enchantment in the center of the lake.

And Miao Suwen glanced at her senior sister Shen Yu, and when she saw her nodded slightly, he didn't say much, but silently jumped off the bamboo shuttle, then walked on the waves, and suddenly came to the center of the lake. .

   As for the Lin brothers, the two looked at each other, and then saw Lin Huo leaping from the lake, jumping outside the barrier, apparently asking his brother Lin Shui to participate in this fight.

   "Hmph, the old beggar said it nicely, but the sword has no eyes when fighting the law. In case of an accident, Yuanmou will not be responsible!" Yuan Taiji snorted coldly.

   "Hey, since Fellow Yuan Daoist is so confident, then Zhao will come to learn about your magical swordsmanship!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Gaoyi stretched out his feet and slammed on them. The stones under his feet exploded in an instant, and countless rubbles floated up in the air. Then he waved them casually and all shot at the opposite Yuan Tai Chi.

   Although these rubbles are large and small, they are disorderly, but their arrangement in mid-air coincides with a certain pattern. Liang Yan only glanced at the lake bank, and he knew it.

   "It turned out to be a disciple of chess."

   He studied art in Yixing Pavilion in his early years. Although he did not learn any exercises from Chuan Gong Pavilion, he is not unfamiliar with the supernatural powers of chess.

   After all, Kuchiki was born in chess. Although he couldn't understand his moves back then, but now in retrospect, he can still taste the samadhi.

   Zhao Gaoyi broke into stones and formed his sons. They lined up in mid-air. After only a few moments, they were able to achieve success, trapping Yuan Taiji on the isolated island in the middle.

   When that Yuan Taiji saw this, he didn't panic. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the Wind Sword moved in response, turning into a violent wind and rushing into the air.

   bang bang bang!

   A series of sword slashes blocked the sky full of stones away from Qizhang, especially where the sword light passed, and even cut a lot of stones into powder.

   Zhao Gaoyi's eyes narrowed slightly. Although these stones seemed ordinary, they were infused with "Star Falling Power", and they had long been reborn and turned into murderous chess pieces.

   However, the opponent blocked the whole sky with only a flying sword, and also smashed 30% of the pieces, which was really a bit shocked.

   "This Yuan Taiji really is the strongest person in this fight. Only if I get rid of him first can I have the chance to win!"

   Not only Zhao Gaoyi but also Lin Shui had this idea.

   In this five sect battle, although it is said that only one person can be sent in each case, the fighting rules are melee. There is no rule that more can not be bullied. In short, whoever can persist to the end is the winner.

   Lin Shui silently estimated the situation on the court. Without any hesitation, he patted the lake with one hand, and saw six water dragons rising from the lake and rushing straight to the place where Yuan Tai Chi was.

Although Yuan Taiji fought Zhao Gaoyi with swords, he was always observing the situation on the court. Seeing the six dragons mighty and struggling towards his own heart, he did not hesitate to use a backhand sword to cut the nearest water dragon into shape. In two halves.

   Unexpectedly, even though the water dragon was dead, the water force was endless. It turned into a house-sized water prison, trapping Yuan Taiji in it.

   The remaining five water dragons roared and rushed directly to Yuan Tai Chi in the dungeon without any weakening.


  A piece of blue light rippled in the air, and violent fluctuations were heard around it.

   Just when Lin Shui and Zhao Gaoyi were still looking at them carefully, they heard the sound of a sword sound coming from the water prison.

   The next moment, I saw a sword cutting through the entire prison, and Yuan Taiji's figure jumped out of it.

   At this moment, he has disheveled hair and his white robe is soaked in water stains, looking quite embarrassed.

   But even so, Yuan Taiji didn't feel the slightest panic in his eyes, he was still cold as a knife. With a pinch of the sword art in his hand, the Wind Sword turned into a violent wind, and instantly disappeared in place.

   "Be careful, he is coming!"

   Zhao Gaoyi gave a low shout, rolled his right-hand sleeve robe, rolled all the chess pieces to his side, and arranged them into a chessboard with different vertical and horizontal directions in front of him.

   But Lin Shui is a hurried squeeze of the law, a huge bubble appeared around him, protecting his whole person in it.

   In the mid-air at this time, violent winds are everywhere, the sword light is erratic, and the wind-sharing sword is hidden in the violent wind.

   Although Yuan Tai Chi is extremely powerful in kendo, facing the attack of the two at this moment, looking forward and backward, they could not break their magical powers, and the two sides became a stalemate for a while.

   Seeing that the three of them were fighting fiercely, Wan Ziliang was unwilling to be lonely, he chuckled, and patted Miao Suwen with a single hand.

   "Little girl, let the old man come and stretch your means!"

   Miao Suwen had been wary for a long time. At this moment, he saw a huge palm shot in mid-air, without the slightest fluctuation on his face, but stepped forward, and his hands made a circle in front of him.

   A weird thing happened. The huge palm shadow in mid-air, under Miao Suwen's hands, turned around her body. After a while, he turned around, and instead hit Wan Ziliang's position!


  Rao is Wan Ziliang, who is the oldest and the most knowledgeable among the five, and can't help being surprised at this moment.

   "What magical power is this, why have I never heard of it?"

   Of course he wouldn’t know that this is the "turning round method" in the "Heartless Method".

  The Undecided Mind Method was created in the old age of Xu Musheng. Since his death, only Liang Yan and Miao Su asked about this practice in the world.

   Miao Su asked Liang Yan’s true biography, and his own comprehension is extremely high. In the past fifty years, he has been diligent and unfixed, and has already practiced the method of indecision to a level of proficiency.

   At this moment, he came here at will, easily resolved Wan Ziliang's sneak attack, and returned his magical powers back.

Wan Ziliang was surprised and surprised, but when he saw his palm roaring, he immediately reacted, and saw that he lightly tapped on the stone with one foot, and his whole person was like a big Peng spreading his wings, rushing toward the air. Away.


   He had just left for a breath, and the rock he was on was hit and shattered, and a whirlpool was exploded on the lake under his feet.

   Wan Ziliang narrowed his eyes and secretly asked, "Where is this little Nizi sacred? How come my ‘Fanyun Palm’ was returned by her, and the power has increased a lot?"

   Thinking of this, he no longer dared to ask for a big deal. Although the opponent was a cultivation base in the middle of the foundation building, it seems that Yun Gangzong sent her to fight, and it is not unreasonable.

   He pulled his hand behind his back, and took out a banana fan like a trick, and then slammed it in mid-air, and saw a few groups of magic clouds made of demon qi whizzing out toward the top of Miao Suwen's head.

   The scope of these magic clouds is extremely large, covering almost all the positions above Miao Suwen. Even if her escape technique is not weak, she was still enveloped in by the magic clouds at the last moment.


   Wan Ziliang couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw a move.

   The magical tool in his hand is called "Fengyue Fan", and with the magic skills he has learned, it can urge the purple magic cloud just now.

  Once an opponent is trapped in it, he will gradually lose his mind, become addicted to past dreams, and eventually become demented, leaving him at his discretion.

   This magical power has been tried repeatedly in the same-level fighting technique. As long as the opponent is trapped by the magic cloud, there is no one who can escape from it, so Wan Ziliang will show a complacent expression.

   However, his expression only lasted for a few breaths. The next moment, he saw the purple magic cloud tumbling, and then a young girl in a plain skirt jumped out of it.

"How can it be?!"

   Wan Ziliang was taken aback, but what made him even more surprised was that a wandering divine mind was invading his mind, making him a little confused.

"not good!"

   He yelled, bit his tongue just before losing his mind, and a sharp pain reawakened his close to lethargic consciousness.

   It was only at this time that Wan Ziliang knew that the other party was not afraid of his own spirit attack at all, and even she was a master in this category. Not only did she break her own supernatural powers, but on the other hand, she almost invaded his consciousness.

   "Still Dreaming Heart Sutra?"

   Wan Ziliang suddenly realized something, and pointed at the girl in Qingyi who was opposite and shouted: "You just made But Yungangzong Town sect one of the three methods, the moves in the "Han Dream Heart Sutra"?"

  Miao Suwen was in mid-air at this time, and when he heard the words, he smiled slightly and said: "Your knowledge is not low!"

  While she was talking, she didn't stop herself, and she deceived Wan Ziliang in front of him almost in the blink of an eye and slapped him lightly.

   Although this palm seems to be light, there is a blue light in the palm. Wan Ziliang narrowed his eyes. He knew that as long as he suffered a little palm wind, he could be seriously injured.

   When it was critical, this person opened his mouth, and he spit out three black lights from his mouth, and went straight to Miao Suwen's door.


   Miao Suwen let out a sigh, with a dignified expression on his face, with both hands withdrew his palms back to his defenses, fiddled with him in front of him, and what he used was the "distraction method" in the Undecided Method.

   The three black rays of light were fiddled with by her. The speed that was originally as fast as lightning slowly weakened. In the end, the black light dissipated, revealing the contents inside, which were three hideous skeletons.


   A strong devilish energy erupted from the skeleton's seven orifices, staining Miao Suwen's location with black ink.

   But Miao Suwen had been wary of it long ago. At the same time as stopping the three black lights, the person had already flew back towards the rear, and had just escaped the eruption of demonic energy dangerously and dangerously.

   At this time, Wan Ziliang's breath was vain, and his expression was embarrassed. It was obvious that he was completely at a disadvantage in the fight just now.

   "No wonder Yungangzong dared to send a little girl in the middle of foundation construction. It turns out that she is very talented and has already practiced one of the three methods of Yungangzong's Zhenzong: Still Dreaming Heart Sutra!"

   Actually, he doesn't know Miao Suwen’s basic method is not the "Han Meng Xin Jing", but the "Heart Wu Ju Yi Fa" taught by Liang Yan.

   It's just that this woman is gifted and given special care by Lan Wangqiu, and only then has she learned some of the secret techniques in "The Heart Sutra of Returning Dreams" in order to strengthen her weakness in spirit.

   Just when Wan Ziliang was a little bit timid, a water dragon not far away rose into the air and rushed straight to the location of Miao Suwen.

   At the same time, dense black and white chess pieces appeared in the air, as if the sky was full of stars, surrounding Miao Suwen.

   Wan Ziliang was taken aback for a while, turned his head and looked around, only to find that Yuan Taiji's clothes were damaged at this time, and the aura in his body was empty, making him even more embarrassed than himself.

   "Haha! Although Yuan Tai Chi is powerful, all the masters of the same level came here. He wanted to fight one against two, but he still suffered."

   Seeing Yuan Taiji's injury, he would not understand the truth of beating the falling water dog. At this moment, he turned his figure and pointed his banana fan at the white-robed swordsman not far away.

   As for Lin Shui and Zhao Gaoyi, they have now joined forces to meet Miao Suwen.

   Both sides performed supernatural powers, fighting in midair to get you and me, I saw water dragons roaring, chess pieces flying, and Miao Suwen traversed horizontally and horizontally, but there was no sign of defeat.

   On the surface of Tanxi Lake, the five-person melee has entered a white-hot stage, but on the shore of the lake, there was a person sitting cross-legged under the peach tree, and he did not intervene once from beginning to end.

   Liang Yan's face was as plain as water, but his eyes were not on the five juniors who were fighting in the court, but on the other end of Taolin.

   There, there is a breath that is not weaker than oneself.

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