The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 877: Exchange material

"Green Calabash Sword Fairy (!

"What a fast sword!"

This was the first reaction in Lan Wangqiu's mind. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword was galloping, and before she could react, she had already reached a place less than thirty feet in front of her.

A surge of violent thunder sword aura made her hair fly, her eyes were surprised, and she seemed to be facing a wild beast.

At the same time, a wave of Ruoyoruowu lurking nearby, the sword intent of the light sword is restrained, and there is no whereabouts, just like an invisible killer, brewing a killer blow.

Facing the two flying swords, Lan Wangqiu's face was no longer calm, but showed a solemn color.

She pinched her two-handed technique hurriedly, and the water above her head gathered and finally formed a water mirror.

The brilliance of this water mirror flashed, and the next moment a blue beam of light shot out, directly shining somewhere in the surrounding void.

I saw ripples in that place, and after a while, a silver flying sword appeared, it was Liang Yan's "fixing light sword" hidden nearby!


Liang Yan looked at the water mirror on Lan Wangqiu's head and couldn't help but let out a soft huh, but before he could move, the wave of light on this water mirror turned again, and a light blue vortex was born.

The purple thunder and Dingguang swords in midair each made a trembling, and then they couldn't help themselves, and at the same time they were sucked into the water mirror by the vortex.


Liang Yan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly pinched the tactics to withdraw his sword, but found that the purple thunder, the fixed light sword and his own induction were still there, but he was trapped in the mirror and couldn't escape for a while.

He condensed his gaze, then looked at the world in the mirror, and saw the white mist inside, with countless runes floating in it, like the sky and clouds, looming.

And his purple thunder and fixed light swords are floating in the sea of ​​clouds at this time, seeming to be deeply trapped in them.

"This magic trick is so weird, it can actually trap my flying sword!"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart, but before he could take any action, the water lotus beside him exploded separately, and a surging wave swept in. It was his physical strength that he felt difficult to resist at this moment.

"go with!"

Facing Lan Wangqiu's boundless water system, Liang Yan suddenly snorted, and his one-handed technique changed. A blue light flashed out of his dantian, suddenly rising in mid-air, turning into Zhang Xuchang's blue horse training. .

"Jian Gang!"

At this time, the four people sitting still in the middle of the pavilion were surprised almost at the same time.

Before they could react, this blue horse split apart the heavy water mist, crushing all the water lotus close to it, and at the same time, it moved forward and cut towards Lan Wangqiu in the distance.


There was a loud bang, but the water mirror on Lan Wangqiu's head was hit by this cyan horse with a sword, and it was instantly torn apart, turning into a blue halo and spreading around.

At the same time, two flying swords, one purple and one silver, also rushed out of the mirror world.

This series of changes is complicated to say, but from Liang Yan's sword to smashing the magical power of the water mirror, it is actually a matter of blinking an eye.

When all the dust fell, Liang Yan's Mayfly Sword Gang was stopped in front of Lan Wangqiu less than three feet away, but the point of the sword was down, and there was no murderousness, but it seemed to be holding a sword.

"Good boy, take it seriously!"

Lan Wangqiu looked at the cyan flying sword in front of her and couldn't help but exclaim. She was worried that Liang Yan would be too greedy and not bad. Only now did she discover that the opponent's kendo realm had already exceeded her imagination.

"As soon as this child has achieved the golden core, he has actually condensed into Jian Gang?" Shen Tusu said with a look of surprise in the white jade pavilion.

As soon as he said this, Shanhe and Yu Xuan chanced to smile and shook their heads.

"Why? Brother Yu, Senior Brother, what else do you see?" Pu Nansheng couldn't help but curiously asked when seeing them both laugh.

Yu Xuanji smiled without saying a word, but Shan He Zai slightly nodded and said: "After all, the two junior cultivators have too short a time to cultivate, and they don’t know much about the division of the kendo. You must know that when Jian Xiu first entered the Jian Gang stage, the Jian Gang was a hundred feet long. Long, but the sword energy is slack and flashy. The more you practice to the back, the more condensed your sword gang will become, and the more refined your sword energy will be. If you wait for your leisurely magical powers, you can break it with a single sword."

After listening to this, Pu Nansheng and Shen Tusu were shocked in their hearts and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Then this son's Jian Gang just now is dissatisfied, and all the sword auras are all restrained, isn't it............ "

Shan He Zai nodded and said faintly: "I'm afraid this son has already been made into Jian Gang long before the Golden Core, and now it's only one step away from the Jian Wan stage."

After hearing what Shanhe Zai said, Shen Tusu and Pu Nansheng both took a deep breath. A cultivator who had just entered the Golden Core Sword Gang stage had already shocked them. Unexpectedly, the opponent had already achieved swords before the formation of alchemy. Gang, isn't this the first person in Nanchui's history?

At this time, Lan Wangqiu had already received his magical powers, and Shi Shiran retreated to the pavilion, sat down in his seat, not forgetting to glance at Yu Xuanji, and hummed: "Good apprentice you teach! Even my uncle can't fight him."

Yu Xuanji smiled and said, "Qing is better than blue because of blue. This is a sign of the resurgence of my Yungangzong."

Everyone in the pavilion knows that these two people often quarrel and don't take it seriously, but Shan He Zai's expression is indifferent. He raised his head and looked at Liang Yan in mid-air through the white jade bricks. There was a faint brilliance in his eyes.

At this moment, Liang Yan was standing in the air with his hands hanging down, and suddenly felt a flower in front of him. The next moment, he found that the white jade pavilion was twisting and spinning.

This kind of scene is very strange. The people in the Mingming Pavilion are still talking and laughing, as if everything around them has not changed, but in Liang Yan's eyes, not only this pavilion, but even the entire mountain peaks around him have begun to twist and deform.

"He shot!"

Although there was no sign, Liang Yan reacted almost instantaneously. The person who made the trial this time was the current Sovereign of Yungang Sect.

Before he could take any action, he saw the two airs of black and white flying out of the pavilion. The white is light and ethereal, like a nine-day cloud, flying upwards; the black is muddy, like a mud puddle in the ground, sinking downwards sharply. .

The entire top of the mountain is divided by the black and white qi, and turned into two different halves, in which the clear one rises and the turbid one sinks, a huge tearing force is transmitted, it seems to be located at the center of the beam. The language is also divided into two halves.

"What a domineering supernatural power!"

Liang Yan exclaimed, hurriedly pinched Fa Jue, and called the four flying swords back to his side at the same time.

The four sword intents suddenly exploded, forming a sword intent barrier around him. The black and white qi just approached, they were completely cut apart by these four sword intents.

The two sides stood in a stalemate for a while, Liang Yan's sword intent was surging, and the black and white qi also seemed to be endless. You come and go, and you can't help anyone.

After about half a cup of tea, a chuckle suddenly came from the pavilion, and then the black and white qi dissipated at the same time, and the originally distorted mountain returned to normal.

"come in."

Shan He Zai's voice sounded faintly, with a hint of approval in his tone.

Liang Yan didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly raised his hand to retract the four flying swords, then fell from mid-air and walked straight into the pavilion.

"Not bad!"

Shan He looked at this sect disciple who had been in the business for less than sixty years, and a rare smile appeared in his eyes that seemed to be forever calm.

In fact, Liang Yan was also a little shocked. He originally thought that he had rarely met an opponent in the Golden Core Realm, but the old man with a half-black and half-white face in front of him gave him a sense of oppression that he had never encountered before.

Although they are both in the Golden Core Realm, their powers are different, their strengths and weaknesses are also different. Like the few people I met in the Underworld, they are still much worse than the mountain.

It can only be said that this person is worthy of the master of the Yungangzong. Although he is the cultivation base of the Golden Core Peak, he has not yet entered the Profound Profound Realm, but if he wants to fight with this person with all his strength, who wins and loses It's really hard to tell.

At this time, Shan He Zai looked at Liang Yan again, and suddenly asked:

"Where have you been in these fifty years of disappearance, why is there no news at all?"

After listening to Liang Yan, he hesitated for a moment, and chose to truthfully tell the truth about entering the hell.

His experience was extremely dangerous. Liang Yan didn't conceal too much in the process of narration, and only omitted matters involving the witch's unintentional and her own secrets.

But this is the case, and all the people in the pavilion are slightly discolored.

When he mentioned the weird people he met in the bamboo forest, Shen Tusu and Park Nan were okay, but Yu Xuanji, Shan He Zai, and Lan Wangqiu frowned and seemed to think of something.

"Old seventeen, this person you are talking about...but there is a mole on the left side of the face under the corner of the mouth with the Chinese character?"

Liang Yan almost nodded and said, "It's true, Master, you don't have to guess, this person is Gu Zhiyu, Uncle Gu."

"Sure enough it is him!"

Yu Xuanji, Shan He Zai and the others looked at each other, and they all saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

"In the past, Senior Brother Gu, in order to pursue the higher realm of kendo, he did not hesitate to leave the sect and go to the Antarctic Xianzhou, but he did not expect to end up in the underworld..."

Yu Xuanji sighed lightly, and then asked again: "Why didn't he come back with you? Didn't he even come to worship with his master's tablet?"

Liang Yan shook his head dignifiedly, and then explained what happened after the underworld. He just ignored the final fight for the innate Tao fruit and changed it to fight for the thing that escaped the underworld. .

When he talked about Gu Zhiyu's tragic death under the evil sword immortal's "ten thousand blades", everyone's expressions changed.

"What? You said Senior Brother Gu.........he just died like this?" Yu Xuanji's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

Liang Yan nodded silently, took out a wooden box from his arms, held it with both hands, and handed it to everyone respectfully.

"Uncle Gu is kind to me. His last words told me to send him back to the sect. The disciple was disappointed and failed to rescue Uncle Gu, so he could only return his ashes to the sect."

Seeing this wooden box, Yu Xuanji was stunned for a moment. It was then that he finally believed that the spirited and talented brother of the past really just left!

When Shanhe saw this, he sighed softly: "The world is impermanent, and misfortunes are unpredictable. I and other cultivators will have fatalities. Brother Yu, I know that you two have a good personal relationship, but this matter is irretrievable after all. , You don’t have to be too sentimental."

Yu Xuan moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything, so he remained silent.

"Liang Yan, I have worked hard for you. If it weren't for you, Senior Brother Gu would probably expose the corpse to the dark prison." Lan Wangqiu said softly.

Shan He raised his hand to receive Gu Zhiyu’s ashes, and said solemnly: "Now that you send his ashes back, you finally have lost the concern of the younger brother before his death, so that he can be included in my Yungang. The ancestral hall of the ancestor of the ancestors, this is indeed a great merit."

Liang Yan shook his head and said: "Uncle Gu is kind to me in kendo. The disciple is not good enough, and he is ashamed of not being able to escape from the underworld with his uncle. Sending the ashes back is just a matter of effort, so how dare you take credit? ?"

Shanhe nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "You have entered the **** this time, and you will die in nine deaths. Fortunately, you are a blessing in disguise in the end. You not only condense the pill, but also achieved the fifth rank golden pill, but I don't know what you plan to do in the future?

Liang Yan pondered for a while, and then replied: "The disciple has some insights on the way of kendo, and now I have reached the most critical bottleneck period. I plan to collect some materials, and then I will stay in the sect for several years to break through the bottleneck. ."

After mentioning the point just now, everyone in the pavilion now almost knows that the "bottleneck period" referred to by this disciple right now is probably about "turning swords into pills."

Although they had expected it in their hearts, Shen Tusu, Piao Nansheng and others still showed a hint of astonishment on their faces.

"If he really succeeded in breaking through, wouldn't my Yungangzong want to produce a cultivator of the'Sword Pill Stage' that hasn't been seen in Nanchui for ten thousand years?"

This is the idea that came up in everyone's minds at the same time.

Yu Xuanji was originally caught up in the news of his brother's death, and his eyes were full of sadness, but he heard that his disciple was going to retreat and break through the "Sword Pill Period", and he was still a little bit energetic and asked:

"What materials do you need to break through the bottleneck?"

Liang Yan was also unambiguous. He was prepared for this. He originally planned to use the power of the sect. At this time, he took out a list from his sleeve and handed it to Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji stretched out his hand to take it, and his divine consciousness quickly swept away, and his brows wrinkled slightly.


He did not reply directly, but forwarded the list to Shan He Zai aside. UU reading

Shan He Zai also took the list and checked it in silence for a while before he said: "The quality of these things you need varies. We do have a lot of things in the Yungang Sect, but some are extremely precious. The foundation of the Yungang Sect is not something that can be obtained by just taking it."

Liang Yan had anticipated this a long time ago. After all, the materials needed for cultivating sword pills could not be all bad street goods, many of which are extremely precious.

"Masters, uncles and uncles, the disciples have also made some gains during this trip to Hell. I already have some of the materials in the list, and I am willing to exchange other materials with the sect for the rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag around his waist, and saw countless precious lights flying out, and the entire step was piled up in an instant.

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