The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 889: Behead the Patriarch

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This monster that suddenly appeared was the main body of Old Monster Yang Yan, the "Sura God Spider". Unlike Lilong, Yushu, and Cold Stone, which were born after birth, it is a monster that can be cultivated innately.

From the moment they are born, they can absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and in a certain year, they can also feel their own talents and supernatural powers, so their strength is far better than ordinary monsters.

The old monster of Yang Yan fought hundreds of strokes with Liang Yan. He originally thought that with his own clean dust and Yang Yan, he could easily win the opponent, but he did not expect that the sword repair in the early stage of the golden core was so difficult and he would do his best. His "Boundless Burning Heaven Formation", while protecting himself, was able to separate a flying sword to break through the encirclement and slash towards his own deity.

In this way, he is not invincible.

The old monster Yang Yan did not dare to underestimate the black sword light. He knew the benefits of the flying sword of Human Swordsmanship. If he really slashed the opponent with a sword, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die. "Sky Formation" will not be able to trap this person.

He showed his true body directly, and the "Sura God Spider" opened his mouth in mid-air, actually spit out the sky spider silk. These spider silks are layered on top of each other, one by one, like a net from the sky and the earth, breaking through the air. The black lotus sword was stuck in the center.

Liang Yan and his own flying sword have the same mind. While controlling the mayfly sword gang to protect the whole body, he is distracted to control the black lotus sword. He wants a sword to cut the monster body of the old monster Yang Yan, so that the old monster's inner spiritual power If you lose yourself, you can take the opportunity to escape the blockade of the "Unbounded Burning Heaven Formation".

However, the Black Lotus Sword was trapped by layers of spider silk in mid-air before it reached the opponent, as if sinking into a quagmire.

Liang Yan was also spontaneously ruthless. The three spiritual powers in his body circulated endlessly like boiling water, forcibly inspiring the strong sword intent on the black lotus sword. The black lotus blossoms in the void, causing the black sword light to break through the air again and move forward. Slashed away.

Facing the black flying sword with great sword intent, the spider monster of Yang Yan didn't have any panic in his eyes. Instead, he fiddled in the air with eight long legs.

brush! brush! brush!

There was a continuous sound of breaking through the air, and the black lotus sword cut through the sky, as if flying hundreds of feet forward, but when everyone looked intently at the next moment, they found that the black lotus sword had returned to its original position.

At this time, some of the human monks in the North Sea Monster City had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Someone asked in a low voice, "Wait, did I make a mistake just now? Hasn't the sword repaired flying sword rushed out of the cobweb? Why did it return to its original position in the blink of an eye?"

The person next to him also said: "It's not wrong. I also saw that flying sword broke through the air. It had clearly shattered layers of spider webs, and it looked like it had traveled hundreds of meters away, but every time it seemed to be stepping in place... ..........."

The monks in the city talked a lot, but the Yang Yan boss in the air had cold eyes.

His huge cobweb that covers the night sky is a talented supernatural power in the Asura clan, and his name is "Thousand Magical Sky."

There is a trace of space power in the spider web, whether it is the opponent's magical spells or magic talisman, as long as you enter this spider web, you will definitely be bound by that trace of space power.

This trick is extremely useful to the monks of the human race, because most monks in the human race rely on magic weapons, and once their natal magic weapons enter this "thousand illusion heaven", they cannot kill the enemy or return to their own hands, which is equivalent to losing. An arm, can only be slaughtered by the old monster Yang Yan.

The old monster Yang Yan used this hand of talent and supernatural powers, and he didn't know how many powerful enemies he had defeated, and he always used it at the critical moment of the opponent's full attack. He really tried repeatedly.

"Boy, even though you have four flying swords in your hand, you can't break my defenses, and you are deeply trapped in the'Boundless Burning Heaven Formation'. What else do you use to fight me?"

The old monster Yang Yan sneered in his heart, and secretly said: "When I take your lotus sword first, and then cannibalize your remaining flying swords one by one, you will be like a tiger without minions. Prestige in front of you?"

At this point in his mind, the eight long legs moved faster, and the spider webs in the midair were layered on top of each other, and at the same time they fell towards the black sword light, seemingly intending to subdue the black lotus sword in one fell swoop.

At this critical moment, Liang Yan, who was in the "Boundless Burning Heaven Formation", did not show the slightest horror, but had a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't urge mana to forcibly retract the black lotus sword outside the formation, but reached out and unlocked a blue gourd on his waist, then flicked his sleeve and threw it into the air.

The endless flames swept in, but couldn't hurt the gourd half a point. On the contrary, the position of the gourd's mouth was so brilliant that a white glow was spewed from it.

This white glow was like a floating cloud, and was not disturbed by the surrounding net dust and yang flames. It sprayed directly out of the array and landed on the sky full of spider silk.

The eight-legged spider who was casting the spell to subdue the black lotus sword was taken aback for a moment, and several eyes above his head looked at it at the same time, but saw that the white light was only a light curl in the air, and it sucked all his spider silk!


The spider of the old monster Yang Yan was so horrified that he couldn't help but vomit: "Thief, return my spider silk!"

However, Liang Yan smiled slightly at the moment, ignoring Old Monster Yang Yan at all, and shouted instead:


Following his drink, the sky full of spider silk was rolled up by the white light, and then it turned into a white mist and haze, all of which were collected in the Taixu gourd.

Taixu Gourd is the ultimate treasure evolved after the "Xiao Jiu" obtained the innate Tao fruit. Before the "Xiao Jiu" was incarnate in the gourd, he was originally the spirit of space, good at devouring all kinds of space magic weapons, and using it as food to strengthen himself.

The innate and supernatural powers of the Shura Divine Spider may seem to be extremely tricky spells in the eyes of others, but in Liang Yan's eyes, it is a great supplement to his too virtual gourd!

These spider silks containing the power of space are now in the Taixu gourd, being swallowed by Xiao Jiu, as if it were an appetizer.

Speaking of this old monster Yang Yan is also unlucky. He originally planned to rely on his talent and supernatural power to forcibly conquer Liang Yan's Black Lotus Sword, but he didn't expect that the matter had not succeeded, and his natal spider silk was forcibly taken away by his opponent.

At this moment, the old monster's heart was astonished to the extreme, but before he could move, in the spider's eyes, he saw a black sword light from far to near, reaching the top of his head in an instant.


The old monster Yang Yan was shocked, his talent "Thousand Illusion Tianluo" was broken, and he couldn't find the way to restrict the opponent's flying sword for a while. He could only force the escape technique in mid-air, turning it into a red glow backwards. Retreat.

However, Liang Yan did his best with this sword. How could he say that he could hide by hiding?


In the night sky, the black sword light flashed by, and with a scream, everyone underneath saw the feet of two huge spiders being chopped off by a sword.


Liang Yan in the formation sighed slightly, his mayfly sword Gang wanted to protect his own safety, so he could only sacrifice the black lotus sword to kill the enemy.

Although this sword is sharp, it hasn't been cultivated into a sword gang, and without a sword gang added to the flying sword, its power will be greatly reduced.

If the sword just now was replaced by a mayfly sword, I'm afraid the old monster Yang Yan has become a ghost under the sword at this moment, instead of just breaking his feet.

However, in this way, the aura in the old demon's object was also smashed by Liang Yan with a sword, and he could no longer control the "Boundless Burning Sky Formation".

In the raging sea of ​​fire, I only heard a long roar, and then I saw a blue sword light from top to bottom, splitting the entire sea of ​​fire in half!

A gray escape light flew out from it, and it appeared outside the formation after a few ups and downs. In the escape light, someone was standing long, with a one-handed sword pointing forward.


The cyan sword gun crossed hundreds of feet, and appeared on the head of the Shura God Spider in a flash.

The old monster Yang Yan had eaten the cut of the black lotus sword just now, and he was already extremely weak. At this time, he raised his head and looked at the cyan sword gang, his eyes could not help but be terrified.

"Friends, wait, friends, wait!"

The giant spider waved the remaining six long legs wildly in the air, begging for mercy:

"We have no grievances before, and we can't make trouble to such a degree. As long as the Daoist is willing to spare my life, my Beihai Demon Clan will serve you as the master for the next generations. I believe that Daoists are unparalleled and will definitely leave this Nanchu in the future. From the earth, at that time, I will give the'Zixiao Yunzhou' both hands to the daoists to follow the road."

Standing in the air, Liang Yan sneered when he heard the words: "You old monster's words are not credible. Today's things have come to an end. Do you want Liang's men to show mercy?"

As soon as he finished his words, he raised his hand and pointed, and the mayfly sword turned into a blue pike, from top to bottom, cutting this huge spider in half in the middle!


There was an explosion in the spider's body, and countless blood poured down, dyeing half of the North Sea Monster City red.

However, Liang Yan didn't give up. With one hand, the four flying swords flew up and down, as if woven into a sword net, completely beheading all the broken corpses in the air.

After a few breaths, the patriarch of the North Sea Monster Clan, one of the three top masters of the Nanchui Golden Core Realm, had already died with ashes left...........

However, even though the old monster Yang Yan died, there was a flame swaying in the air. The flame was pale gold, and in the flame's heart, there was the Taoist mantra looming, with a hint of ethereal and clear air.

"Jing Chen Yang Yan!"

Liang Yan exclaimed secretly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The reason why a demon clan in the old strange area of ​​Yangyan has been able to lie in the south for thousands of years, together with the mountain of Yungangzong and the real person Yunli of the Qianyuan Sacred Palace, is called the Three Wonders of Jindan, relying on this group of Taoist truths. Fire, it can be said that his strength, seven or eight out of ten, is above this fire.

However, before Liang Yan could move, someone took the lead before him. There was a flash of white light in the wooden house on the waist, and a white civet cat with an unusually big tail had rushed out, screaming in the air. , Opened his small mouth eagerly, swallowing the Jingchenyangyan in one mouthful.

"Is the starving ghost reincarnated?"

Liang Yan cursed badly, but after another thought, he really didn't want this real fire to be very useful, at most it was only used to comprehend the Taoist mantras, but if it was given to Komatsu, it would be able to make the best use of it.

Thinking of this, he stopped talking, raised his hand to recall Li Xiaosong to Mu She, and then turned his gaze, and fell on the few fairies who were still fighting with Dumb just now.

When the old monster Yang Yan died, the North Sea monster clan had no leader. These monsters in the Golden Core Realm still had the heart to fight. Under Liang Yan's sword power, they only dared to bend over and crawl, and even the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

"you guys.........."

Before Liang Yan said anything, one of the demons on the opposite side came out more and more, and took the lead to bow down to Liang Yan, and shouted respectfully:

"Liang Jianxian's appearance is outstanding, and it is a thousand times better than Yang Yan old monster. If we are willing to lead our Beihai monster clan, it is the fortune of my three lives!"

This person who took the lead in becoming a minister is the "Yushu", one of the three protectors.

This person is usually arrogant and arrogant. He often looks down on people of the demon race of his generation.

However, at this moment, he is also the fastest to turn the ball!

Compared to this person, the other Golden Core cultivators of the monster race, although they were also panicked at the moment, they couldn't say such a thing for the sake of their skin.

"You want to serve me as Lord, but I don't want to accept you."

Liang Yan smiled and said: "From the moment you took action against me, you should have been conscious. If you want me to die, how can I keep you?"

When he said this, Yushu's complexion changed, and he hurriedly pinched the tactics with one hand, turned into a light and soared into the sky, and then fled outside the city without looking back.

Liang Yan sneered, and pinched with one hand, the mayfly sword pierced the night sky, and in an instant he caught up with Yushu and slashed towards the person.

Yushu, who was running away, felt a chill in the back of his head, and couldn't help but look back, but saw a dazzling green glow, the world turned upside down in his eyes the next moment, and a headless body fell from the air.

"My life is over..."

After Yushu finished his last thought, he closed his eyes and fell into the night sky.

After Liang Yan killed Yushu, he looked at the rest of the monsters in the North Sea Monster City again. After standing in the same place for a while, he raised his hand and took back all the four flying swords in the air~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In the battle tonight, he beheaded the patriarch and the three major guardians of the North Sea monster clan. Although the two sides formed blood feuds, he was not a brutal and bloodthirsty generation.

He asked him to slaughter all the tens of thousands of monsters in this North Sea Monster City, regardless of the old, young, women, and children. Liang Yan asked himself that he couldn't do this.

The old monsters of Yang Yan, Cold Stone, Lilong, and Yushu that he killed were all shots against himself. Since the other party wanted his life, no wonder he was ruthless under the sword.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then shouted:

"For today's matter, I wanted to cut the grass and root out the roots, but it is not easy for me to practice, and I will leave you a way of life. Among you, if you are a avenger, you can come to Liang Guocao Lu Mountain to find me. I will not change my name. If you don’t change your surname, the Caolu sword immortal Liang Zhidao is right!"

After he said this, he winked at Ah-Dai without saying more. The two simultaneously drove a light and turned and left. In a short while, they disappeared outside the North Sea Monster City.

At this time in the city, there are still many Human Race monks who come to participate in this exchange meeting. These people look at me and I look at you. There is a question in your mind:

"Among the thirty-six countries in the South Chui, what remote place is Liang Kingdom, where did the'Caolu Sword Fairy' pop up?"


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