The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 900: Let's save people!

"Green Calabash Sword Fairy (!

As soon as Chantai's voice fell, a cloud of white clouds appeared in the air, and then a tall man with a wide robe, large sleeves, a square face and a wide nose walked out of the clouds.

This person has a majestic face, and there is an awe-inspiring air around him. Since his appearance, everyone present, including the monks of all factions who came to observe the ceremony, can't help but hold their breath, and they don't dare to talk any more.

"Is this the real person Yunli, the master of Qianyuan Sacred Palace?"

In Liang Yan's mind, he secretly compared this person with Shanhe Zai and Yang Yan boss, only to feel that his cultivation level should be slightly higher than the two. It is no wonder that Qianyuan Sacred Palace acted without scruples. The lord of this sect had such a cultivation level, and coupled with the many Jindan monks under him, it was worthy of the name to say that it was the number one school in Nanchui.

After the real person Yunli fell from the air, his eyes slowly swept over the people present, and finally he said:

"The ancestor of the gods, built the statue of the Taoist ancestor in my Qianyuan Sacred Palace. For thousands of years, the Taoist rhyme has survived, protecting my sect for everlasting prosperity! All my disciples of the Qianyuan Sacred Palace will come here every 20 years Zu, you and other factions, also have to be in awe!"

His remarks can be said to be merciless, but almost all the monks who came to observe the ceremony have been attached to the Qianyuan Sacred Palace, and he did not feel that there was anything wrong with them.

And the disciples on the square looked even more solemn, and shouted in unison: "Patriarch's divine prestige, the sect is prosperous!"

Master Yunli had a full view of the reactions of everyone present, nodded slightly, and then said: "I know that all fellow Taoists come to watch the ceremony, and they all want to wait for the opening ceremony to take a look at the true face of the Taoist ancestor. This year Kaifeng Kaifeng I have prepared all the tributes for the ceremony, but there is one more thing to deal with before the ceremony."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but they heard Master Yunli suddenly sternly said: "Although my Qianyuan Sacred Palace is a Taoist orthodox, but some of my disciples have committed suspicious things, so that my ancestors have been embarrassed! Today! Above the ancestor worship ceremony, I want to condemn this person in public!"

"Come on! Bring her up!"

After the real person Yunli yelled, two escape lights galloped from outside the valley. Liang Yan turned his head to look and saw that they were two disciples from the Juyuan realm, holding one from the left and the other. Female repair.

The woman was dressed in a Taoist suit and had a beautiful face. Although she was being held hostage, she still had a cold and arrogant expression in her eyes, and she didn't seem to put everyone present in her eyes.

"Lin Shanjun!"

Liang Yan recognized it at a glance. It is said that the woman who smashed the tomb of the dead with a sword was considered a life-saving grace to herself, but she did not expect that the fate of the two of them was so miserable. They met in this situation twice. .

He thought of this, and subconsciously glanced at Ah Dui's side, only to find that his expression was as calm as water, without a trace of restlessness.

Among the people present, only Liang Yan knew that this was just his appearance, just like the tranquility before the storm, waiting for the opportunity to appear, the next moment will be a storm!

At this time, Lin Shanjun had been brought to the statue of Patriarch, her mana was sealed, and her left and right sides were also held hostage by two disciples in the Ju Yuan realm, and she had no resistance at all.

Madam Chantai stepped forward and shouted sharply, "Can you be guilty?"

Lin Shanjun glanced at him and sneered: "Brother Zhong, why am I guilty?"

"Huh! At this time, don't you still plead guilty?" Chantai said with a gloomy face: "My Qianyuan Saint Palace is a noble and upright sect, but you have an affair with the demon clan. This act of violating the clan rules and rebelling against the law. It simply ruined our reputation for thousands of years!"

"Brother Zhong, you don't need to use the rules to suppress me! I only know that people are divided between good and evil, and so are demons. My beloved is an indomitable demon, unlike some treacherous villains. Today I am Lin Shanjun. There is no regrets or regrets if you die here!"

She said this very loudly. Although the mana was banned, she had an awe-inspiring aura that made everyone present to look at her.

At this time, I heard a voice sighed softly: "Sister Lin, why are you here? The sect will raise you up and teach you the Taoism. Even if you are unwilling in your heart, you should not violate the rules. Even more shouldn't violate the Palace Lord's decree..."

The speaker is the most mysterious "Thousand Illusory Divine Sovereign" among the five great hall masters.


Lin Shanjun glanced at him obliquely and suddenly laughed.

"What a sect! When I was in Huangshi Mountain and was almost used as a cauldron by Huangshi Gong’s eldest son, where was the sect? Later, my husband and I were chased and killed by the North Sea Monster Clan. Where is the door? It’s the master of the family who has the grace of preaching and teaching karma. If it weren’t for the master of sitting, would you dare to deceive me like this?"


A sharp female voice came coldly, and the person who spoke was the only female cultivator left among the five main hall masters, "True Broxie".

"You said that Huangshigong's eldest son wanted you to be a furnace tripod. How absurd! The Huangshishan line is passed down from monks outside the territory. There are all kinds of magic methods on the mountain that can lead to the road. Where do you need to use these three kinds of indiscriminate methods? I think it is clear that you eloped with that enchanting evildoer, and after you missed and killed someone, you made up this kind of lie in an attempt to exonerate yourself!"

As the master of law enforcement in Qianyuan Sacred Palace, True Person Poxie has always been extremely cold-hearted. At this moment, looking at the former junior and sister, there is no feeling of affection in his eyes.

When Lin Shanjun heard her finish her words, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he only smiled faintly: "Why don't you have any trouble if you want to commit a crime? Senior Sister Li, you are in charge of my punishment. It will be easy to listen to what Senior Sister wants to deal with today. "

"Hmph, I don't know how to repent until I die!" Poxie's face was pale and coldly shouted:

"Back when we learned that you had an affair with the monster race, according to my temper, we originally wanted you to rectify the Fa on the spot. But the palace lord thought of the affection of the seniors, and only then did you betrothed to Huang Shigong’s eldest son. In order to cut off your thoughts. How could you expect that not only did you not want to repent, but you eloped with the evildoer, killed the eldest son of Huangshi, and committed such a serious crime, it is simply intolerable!"

As she said, she turned around and bowed to the real person Yunli: "Palace Master, I suggest that Junior Sister Lin rectify the Fa on the spot, disperse the soul, and use the righteousness!"

As soon as Real Poxie said this, many cultivators present, including the disciples of Qianyuan Sacred Palace, were slightly discolored.

Although it is said that monks only seek this life, regardless of the next life. It is still a very miserable thing to disperse the soul and not enter the cycle of reincarnation. The real Poxie was in charge of the punishment, accumulating prestige, and at this moment, the Qianyuan Sacred Palace disciple present could not help but burst into a cold sweat.

Among them, two female sisters reacted most intensely. The two of them jumped up almost at the same time, jumped onto the high platform, bowed down in the direction where the real person Yunli was.

"Pray for the palace lord's mercy, open the net, and forgive the teacher!"

The two women have a guqin on their back and a long sword on their waist. They are Lin Shanjun's two apprentices, Yimanyun and Ye Qing.

When Liang Yan was performing the sect mission in the capital, he worked with these two women once. One of them had to teach the kendo and the other the piano. The supernatural powers were not bad, but for Liang Yan today, it is fundamental. Invisible.

The real person Yun Li didn't even look at them, but frowned slightly, staring in the direction of Lin Shanjun, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, I saw the person sighed and said: "Master Chen was kind to me in the past, and I can't kill her disciples. No matter, I will let you live today, but the death penalty is waived, and the living sin is hard. To escape, you have to abolish your entire cultivation base, and from then on punishing you to kneel in front of the patriarch's statue, which is regarded as washing away your sins for your past."

As soon as the real person Yunli said this, both Yimanyun and Ye Qing's faces were pale.

Although they are determined to fight, they also know that the general situation is gone at this time, and there is no way to save it. It is a blessing in misfortune to be able to leave a life.

The two teachers and sisters of the same school looked at each other, and both saw a trace of helpless determination in each other's eyes.

I saw the two bend at the same time and said: "We, the teacher and sister, are willing to scrap the cultivation base together, and we will be punished here with the teacher."


Lin Shanjun's face showed a rare trace of anger, and he shouted: "You two are going to talk nonsense here, don't get back quickly!"


Yimanyun choked up and said: "We honour you not to abandon, teach all the teachings, and impart magical powers. These years have nothing to pay for. Only by being with you can we both feel a little at ease."

Lin Shanjun looked even more anxious, and wanted to say something more, but when Madam Yunli stepped forward, he shouted: "My Qianyuan Sacred Palace clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, meritorious rewards, guilt and punishment, you two second-generation disciples, Don't disturb at the ancestor worship ceremony!"

After he said that, with a wave of his sleeves, a breeze blew, and he sent Yimanyun and Ye Qing away.

On the high platform at this time, there were only the three great hall masters, Yunli Zhenren, and Lin Shanjun.

I saw the real person Yunli sigh lightly, and suddenly raised his hand, there was a gathering of spiritual power in the palm of his hand, and the power of thunder and lightning could be faintly seen.

"Sister Lin, this is the end of the matter. For my brother, I have to come to enforce the rules in person. Don't blame me for being cruel. I sent you to Huangshi Mountain back then and gave you the opportunity to fall to the point where you are now. ."

Master Yunli finished speaking softly, the power of thunder and lightning in his hand has already condensed and formed, and the next moment it will penetrate into Lin Shanjun's body meridians, destroying her hundreds of years of Taoism.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the stone platform around the valley. The figure of this person was not there yet, and the wooden stick in his hand was swept away. The shadows of heavy sticks fell from mid-air, as if to knock the whole valley into pieces. .

Starting from the time when Master Yunli said that he would implement the rules, everyone in the valley focused on Lin Shanjun. Even Master Yunli himself did not expect anyone to take action at this moment.

When they reacted, the person in mid-air had already jumped over the high platform of the square, with an ebony stick in his hand that seemed to be a mighty force, pressing the real person Yunli and the three hall masters under the shadow of the stick.

The real person Chantai, the **** of thousands of illusions, and the real person Poxie were all taken aback. Although this stick in mid-air seemed no fancy, the domineering ingenuity contained in it was enough to crack the mountain and crack the rock.

Deterred by this great power, the three hall masters all unanimously withdrew a step backwards, that is, this step, let the incoming person pull the Lin Shanjun on the high platform over.

"It's you!"

Real person Chantai was the first to recognize the person, and he coldly shouted, "You are not dead yet, the remnants of the demon clan!"

"Bold evildoer, dare to disguise and disguise, break into my forbidden area, I think you are tired of living!" Real Poxie also shouted angrily.

At this moment, the one who rescued Lin Shanjun from the high platform was naturally dumb.

He had already shown his original appearance, and his anger at the people around him was unheard of, only Lin Shanjun in his arms was in his eyes, as if the affairs between the world and the earth had nothing to do with him.

"I'm late."

Duan gave a soft voice, but a bare hand touched his cheek, blocking all the rest of his words back.

"You shouldn't have come..." Lin Shanjun had infinite tenderness in his eyes, and he looked at Ah Dui for a long while before sighing: "Today, our husband and wife, I’m afraid we will be buried in This is..."

The two men descended hand in hand from a high altitude, standing on the stone platform on the mountain wall, the disciples of Qianyuan Holy Palace in the square and the monks of various factions who came to observe the ceremony were in an uproar.

We must know that Qianyuan Sacred Palace is one of the top five sects in Nanchui, and its strength ranking has to overwhelm the other four sects. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the top sect in Nanchui.

This person dared to break into the ancestor worship ceremony of the Qianyuan Holy Palace and rescued the felony disciple Lin Shanjun, really bold!

"Huh! Bold evildoer, I don't know how high the sky is, how dare I trespass into my Qianyuan Sacred Palace!"

The real Poxie had the hottest temperament. Seeing that Zongmen's face was lost, he immediately shouted and wanted to make a move.

"Sister, wait a minute!"

Master Yunli's voice came slowly: "This enchanting supernatural power is not what it used to be. It seems that there have been other adventures in these years. The younger sister has a little bit of experience, so let's leave it to the brother."

When Real Poxie heard him say this, his face couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

Although this senior brother is very simple and seldom shows his skills outside, the few of them who are close to him are well aware of his ability. With the current magical powers of the real person Yunli, he is only one step away from breaking the profound entrance and achieving the soul. remote.

What kind of strength will someone who can make him value?

Real Poxie's face changed again and again, and finally he slowly retreated to the side, and said respectfully: "I will follow the palace lord's decree."

Master Yunli nodded slightly, turned his head to look at the dumb on the cliff, and suddenly smiled: "You enchanting evildoer has a bit of courage. Now that you are here today, UU reading will take out your demon soul. , In order to revitalize me the prestige of Qianyuan Palace!"

After listening to Dumb, he was silent, turned around and helped Lin Shanjun to sit down against the wall, and then said softly: "Shanjun, you have paid so much for me over the years, and today's affairs are left to me, and you Watch from the sidelines and watch me smash this imprisoned sect to pieces!"

Lin Shanjun had the same mind with him, knowing that it would be useless to persuade him at this moment, so he could only sigh slightly, with a smile on his pale face, and only said two words:

"Be careful!"

Although there are only two words, it is more than a thousand words. Dui gave a long laugh and turned around suddenly. An overbearing aura suddenly erupted from him, and he was no longer the ordinary man who spoke little before, as if A **** of war, looking down at the people present from top to bottom.

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