The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 905: Star Battle God

"Green Calabash Sword Fairy (!

There was more than a guilty death. Just after the word "Gu" was uttered, Taoist Hongyu raised his hand and waved, a vast expanse of starlight fell from the sky, spreading, and only fell on the heads of Liang Yan and Liang Yan.

"Brother Dumb, it seems that we are in big trouble this time!" Liang Yan put his hands together and made a helpless expression.

"The trouble is indeed not small... but whoever wins or loses will have to be tried before we know it!"

Dumb turned his head and looked at Liang Yan, but he didn't see a trace of retreat from the other person's eyes, but was full of fighting spirit.

"Haha, what a ‘I’ve tried to know’! Liang did not come in vain on this trip!"

Liang Yan laughed loudly and pinched his two-handed tactics anxiously. The whole person rose up into the sky. The three swords of purple, silver and black emerged from behind him, turning into a three-color sword rainbow to open the way.

Almost at the same time, Dumb next to him flipped his palm and covered his whole body with a burst of black infuriating energy. Then he held an ebony stick and leaped hard, hitting the nebula above his head.

The two have their own magical powers. One is sharp and unparalleled, the other is domineering and powerful, and the two of them combined to beat the vast nebula that fell from the sky to pieces, and countless stars leaked down like water, and finally became again. It's bleak.

Liang Yan broke Taoist Hongyu's magical powers with a single sword, and felt very comfortable in his heart. He couldn't help but screamed, his sword art changed, and three sword gangs descended from the sky, and then cut towards the deity of Taoist Hongyu.

The old Na Hongyu narrowed his eyes slightly, but the expression on his face did not change at all. He only slowly raised one hand, and unexpectedly gently picked a star from the top of his head.

This star is dazzling and dazzling, and Jiaojiao Guanghua circulates in his hands, just like the celestial being banished from the sky and falling into the mortal dust.

"go with!"

Old Hong Yu threw his hand and threw the star into the air. A huge star power rushed in, making Liang Yan who was galloping stunned. He hurriedly stopped Jian Guang and took the black lotus. The sword protected the whole body, and only the purple thunder and Dingguang continued to attack.


Hearing a loud noise, the star unexpectedly exploded in mid-air, and a dazzling white light sealed everyone out, even Liang Yan couldn't really understand it.

However, this scene only lasted half a breath, and after half a breath, there was an extra "monster" with a height of hundreds of feet and a crystal-clear body in the place where the star dissipated.

This "monster" is similar to a human being, with both hands and feet, but the body of a dragon head. At this time, a pair of long eyes looked around, with a sense of indifference.

"What is this?"

Liang Yan was surprised, but the sword art in his hand didn't stop, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword didn't stay at all, still cutting it forward.

The dragon-headed human monster gave a cold snort, raised his hand to the sky and dragged his ears. He heard a dragon roar, and countless stars spread out from his hand, unexpectedly dragging Liang Yan's thirty-foot purple thunder sword gang firmly. Nothing can be cut anymore!

"Star Fighting God?"

Liang Yan suddenly remembered the information he had discovered from Broken Moon Valley. It is said that the method created by the founder of Qianyuan Holy Palace was called "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Star God Fighting Method".

Those who practice this technique can draw the power of the nine-day stars and infuse them into their own body. If they can cultivate to great success, they can train twenty stars and spirit fighting gods in their bodies, guarding the twelve serious meridians and the eight channels of the odd meridians respectively.

When fighting against people, these Star Soul Fighting Gods are released from the body, and each has special abilities, which can be described as magical.

It’s just that although "Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Star God Fighting Technique" is powerful, its cultivation conditions are also extremely demanding, and if you can’t enter the Profound Realm, you will not be able to condense the Star Soul Fighting God in your body, and the fighting ability is inferior to other Golden Core Realm skills. Therefore, among the monks of the past dynasties in Qianyuan Sacred Palace, only a few people can practice it.

This "Hongyu Taoist" has a firm heart, not only has super talents, but also has great perseverance. It can be said that he is the only person who has cultivated this technique in Qianyuan Sacred Palace for nearly a thousand years.

The monster with a dragon head and a human body in mid-air is actually the "Kanglong Xingjun" guarding the Shaoyang Triple Jiao Sutra in his body. Abruptly took Liang Yan's Purple Thunder Sword Gang.

"It's so strong, don't fight it hard!"

Liang Yan only felt it for a while, and then he made a decision in an instant. While holding the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword against "Kanglong Xingjun", he pinched the tactics with one hand. The Dingguang Sword disappeared in an instant, and quietly walked around to Hong. Behind the Taoist Yu.

At the same time, Duan also descended from the sky, raised the black wooden stick in his hand, and smashed his head towards Taoist Hongyu.

Faced with the combined blow of the two, the skinny old man in the black robe didn't panic, just a single-handed pinch, and three more stars shot out from the top of his head.

One of them was spinning rapidly in mid-air, and in just a moment of effort, it turned into a tall martial artist wearing a purple crown, wearing a golden unicorn armor, and holding a Xuanyang mountain axe.

This star battle **** is exactly the famous "Wuqu Xingjun".

He had just appeared, and his whole body exuded an overbearing aura. Facing Dumb's head, he did not evade and swung two great mountain axes upwards and slashed directly.


Only when there was a loud sound coming from the sky, the weapons in the hands of the two crossed together, and the entire valley of Qianyuan Mountain began to shake. The real person Yunli saw this shocking blow from a distance, and then knew that The dumb who played against him hasn't used all his strength!

At this time, Dumb's ebony stick and the double axe of "Xingjun Wuqu" were at the same place, and the two sides fought against their supernatural powers, and they were evenly matched, and no one was willing to take a step back.

Liang Yan wanted to help, but saw that the stars were dazzling in the mid-air, and the other two stars were actually rushing to where he was.

He was stunned in his heart, not daring to neglect, and hurriedly retracted the Dingguang Sword, flanking him with the Black Lotus Sword, and guarding him.

These two stars are extremely fast, and when they collide with each other in the air, the next moment they turn into a humpbacked old man and an immature child.

The hunchbacked old man had muddy eyes and haggard face, and there were not even a few teeth left, which looked like a piece of dead wood.

But the immature child has a ruddy complexion, smart eyes, and full of vigor. Compared with the former, it is simply two extremes.

This sudden appearance of two Star Soul Fighting Gods, one old and one young, are the "Mud Xingjun" guarding the Jueyin Liver Meridian, and the "Huo De Xingjun" guarding the Shaoyin Heart Sutra of the hand!

Among the five elements, the liver is wood, and the heart is fire. The two grow together to meet the enemy.

After the two fighting gods appeared, they did not hesitate at all, and at the same time stretched out a palm and patted the space ahead.

As this palm fell, the nebula above everyone's heads immediately surging, and after a while, thousands of wooden stakes of various sizes were born, all of which were suppressed above Liang Yan's head.

Although these wooden piles are far less powerful than the "Escape Dragon Pile", they are superior in number. At this time, they fall from mid-air like a meteor shower, and there is almost no room for Liang Yan to escape.

Liang Yan's heart was slightly stunned, and the sword art in his hand was eagerly pinched, and the black lotus sword gang immediately went up against the sky. Hundreds of black sword lotus bloomed from the void, and each one aroused infinite sword energy.

The sky-filled wooden stakes collided with the black sword lotus, and the hundreds of wooden stakes that were headed were immediately crushed by the black lotus sword energy. However, after the wooden stakes burst, there was a light green flame spreading out, actually following the sword energy. Instead, they got entangled with the black lotus in mid-air.

"Hidden fire in the wood?"

Liang Yan was taken aback. At this moment, a fire-poisoned force had penetrated into his body through the flying sword. Although he was separated by hundreds of feet, he also sensed the terrible fire-poisoning force.

If these green flames are allowed to erode, no matter how high the grade of one's Black Lotus Sword is, several holes will be burned out by it!

Liang Yan didn't hesitate, he directly raised the technique and pinched it, and the black lotus sword turned into a long rainbow and flew backwards, while he himself unfolded the "empty aspects of all the laws" of the "Eight Branches of the Origin". Turning into a golden light, the whole person does not retreat but advances, galloping forward.

There are so many piles in the sky that they cannot be avoided at all. Since they cannot be avoided, then he will simply hit Huanglong!

Taoist Hongyu saw it from a distance, and he was also a little surprised. He used his sword to prove his Dao, and his supernatural powers must be on the flying sword, so he sent "Mu De Xing Jun" and "Huo De Xing Jun" to fight.

Although these two are not the most powerful Star Soul Fighting Gods, they are extremely good at the art of combining attacks, especially the "Huo De Xingjun" "Transforming Spirit Real Fire" is a flame that specializes in restraining magic weapons.

If a monk of the same rank fights, this fire poison may not be able to corrode the flying sword, but Taoist Hongyu is a monk in the Tongxuan realm. He uses his own soul to communicate with the Star Soul Fighting God in his body, and the power of the spell naturally doubles. .

Although Liang Yan's black lotus sword is sharp, he only has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. He hasn't cultivated into the soul, so he can't protect his magic weapon flying sword.

It’s just that Taoist Hongyu didn’t expect that in addition to his sword-cultivating supernatural powers, Liang Yan also obtained the true biography of Buddhist monks. Stakes in the sky.

Liang Yan urged the escape technique to the extreme, but after a few breaths, he passed through the layers of blockade and came to the top of "Huo De Xingjun".

He pointed his hand, the fixed light sword turned into a long silver river, and instantly cut it down.

Seeing that this sword gang was about to be cut on "Huo De Xingjun", the "Mu De Xingjun" beside him suddenly jumped and directly stood in front of "Huo De Xingjun".

Liang Yanjiangang fell, and in an instant, he split this thin, humpbacked old man in half!

However, before he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw that the old man who had been split in half showed no sign of dissipating, but a dazzling starlight burst from the wound.

After a while, two identical old men appeared in front of Liang Yan. Looking at the complexion on their faces, they turned out to be a little more ruddy than before. They seemed to be a teenager younger, and even the hunchback behind them was not so obvious.

"How can it be?!"

Liang Yan's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions.

He didn’t know that although the supernatural powers of this "Mute Star Lord" ranked last among all Star Soul Fighting Gods, it had one characteristic, that is, every time it was beheaded, the decaying body would regain some vitality, unless the The soul of Hongyu Taoist deity was severely injured, otherwise it would be immortal at all!

This is the secret of Taoist Hongyu's technique, let alone him, even if no one in the entire Qianyuan Sacred Palace knew about it, Liang Yan didn't know it and wasted an excellent opportunity.

This sword returned without success, and before he could react again, another violent and domineering force surged from behind, directly hitting his back.

The person who shot was "Kanglong Xingjun". He had already sneaked over when Liang Yan used his sword to kill "Huo De Xingjun", and he took advantage of Liang Yan's momentary loss of mind to hit him directly. On top of his back heart.


Liang Yan's mouth was sweet, and a pool of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person fell sharply downward like a kite with a broken line.

"Brother Liang!"

The dumb on the side exclaimed, trying to rescue Liang Yan, but at this moment he couldn't get his hands free.

Because just now, Hongyu real person released two more Star Fighting Gods, namely "Gu She Xing Jun" and "South Dou Xing Jun". These two Star Fighting Gods and "Wu Qu Xing Jun" worked together to encircle A-Dai, even though He possesses superior skills and uses martial arts to enter the Tao. At this moment, he is also hard to beat with four hands. His body is already scarred and bloodstained.

"These two juniors...really a bit tricky..."

Daoist Hongyu at this time didn't look good. Although he was a monk in the Tongxuan realm, the Nanchui Great Tribulation 50 years ago was completely destroyed in all sects, and he was also seriously injured.

For the past fifty years, he has been in retreat and recuperating, but he has not improved much. The odd meridians and eight meridians in his body have been damaged, and even the twelve serious meridians have been blocked for more than half. Only the Sanjiao meridian of Hand Shaoyang and the Heart meridian of Hand Shaoyin have been blocked. Wait until the six meridians can still operate.

Therefore, there are only six of his twenty Star Soul Fighting Gods that can be used now, and in order to deal with Liang Yan and Dumb, he can now say that he has all the means, without reservation.

I originally thought that these two people were just cultivators of the Golden Core Stage, and I could kill them even with only two Star Soul Fighting Gods, but I didn't expect their supernatural powers to be so powerful.

Although Taoist Hongyu was calm and calm on the surface just now, he had already set off stormy waves in his heart. If these six star soul fighting gods were all out and couldn't take them down, then he would really be ruined this time.

Fortunately, at the last juncture, relying on the immortal body of "Mu De Xingjun", he successfully lured the enemy into deep, and then used the supernatural power of "Kanglong Xingjun" to hit him in one fell swoop!

Taoist Hongyu is also a person with rich fighting skills, knowing that this is the time to take advantage of the victory ~ ~ must not give the opponent any chance to breathe.

With a pinch of his two-handed technique, countless stars gathered immediately around his body, and then with a flick of his sleeve, the bright stars gathered into a sharp sword, slashing away in the direction of Liang Yan's fall!

"Brother Liang!"

Dui, who was being besieged by the three Star Soul Fighting Gods, caught a glimpse of this scene, and suddenly burst out with a sky-shaking roar, all his clothes were broken, and his long black hair became white.

The tough and simple man in black had disappeared, replaced by a monster with a wolf head!

There are faint purple lines in his eyes, the original clear color has long disappeared, and it is completely crazy to replace it!

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