The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 909: First soldiers and then salute

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This purple sword aura cut through the sky, like a thunder descending from the world, piercing Su Yue's head straight.

When the two people next to him saw this, they couldn't help but say, and at the same time they turned their sword light to come to support them, and the three flying swords overlapped in one place, and a mountain-like aura burst out immediately, dispersing the purple sword aura directly.


There was a hint of surprise on Liang Yan's face. Although his sword aura was released casually, these people only had the cultivation base of the Ju Yuan realm, but they could barely take it. It was a bit unexpected to him. .

At the same time he attacked Su Yue, the other six palms also attacked each other. Among them, Guo Huai's saber was a sharp sword, rushing to the forefront, like a huge rock falling from the sky.

Liang Yan glanced obliquely, raised his hand and curled his fingers, only to see a golden light burst out, and the edgeless epee directly hit the air, unable to cut even half a point.

His "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" is now becoming more mature in cultivation. The "One Punch" can show most of its power without the need for momentum. At this moment, he turns his fist into a finger. With just a single tap, he will give Guo Huai's flying sword. Stopped.

However, Guo Huai's Feijian was blocked, but his expression was not discouraged. Instead, he pinched a single-handed technique, and saw a sword intent rise from his sword, just sinking into the flying sword of the man behind.

This later sword has a long and slender body, and there are many ripples on the hilt. It is Lin Beiyuan, the palm of the "Shuijiantang".

This woman has a gentle personality and continuous sword intent. Although not fierce at first, she wins with infinite stamina, and one wave is stronger than one wave.

Her "fine water sword" gained Guo Huai's sword intent, and immediately made up for her own shortcomings of lack of strength. The original long flowing water has also turned into a stormy sea!

Liang Yan squinted his eyes slightly, flicked his fingers with one hand, and dozens of golden light burst out from his fingertips, just enough to block this "fine water" in front of him.

When Lin Beiyuan saw this, there was no sign of anxiety either. With a pinch of the two-handed tactics, two sword intent burst from her flying sword body, submerged in the flying sword behind.

Liang Yan was taken aback for a while, he could see that this "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation" was based on flying swords, and each time it would transfer his sword intent to another flying sword, just like a stack of Arhats. , When it comes to the last flying sword, it will inevitably be mixed with the surrounding heaven, earth and green mountains, exerting several or even dozens of times its power.

On the contrary, the besieged person has to deal with every flying sword attack, and when one goes from one to the other, it is naturally unable to withstand it in the end.

In history, a monk from the early stage of the Golden Core came to challenge the "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation".

This person is full of confidence. He thought that with his tyrannical mana, even in the "Green Wood Temple", he would not be defeated by this formation, but when anyone thought of the Eighth Sword, this person had already resisted it. I couldn't help but forced to withdraw from the "Green Wood Temple" and gave up.

Liang Yan sat still at this time, sending out dozens of golden lights in a row, and repelling the flying swords in the air one by one. At the time of the fifth sword, the person holding the sword was the Thunder Tiger of the "Overlord Sword Hall". A black front long sword, matched with the sword intent of the previous few people, really seemed to hit the top of the mountain with a sword on Liang Yan's head.


At this moment, Liang Yan suddenly slapped the blue gourd on his waist with one hand, and a purple sword river rushed out in an instant.

This sword river had just appeared, thunder rang in the hall, countless sword auras swept all around, and in the blink of an eye, Lei Tianhu's long sword was pushed aside.

The nine palms who originally participated in the "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation" were all backlashed by their own sword energy at this moment, and their faces were instantly pale as paper, and they retreated dozens of steps before reluctantly stopping.

"Jian Gang!"

Mu Jianhan, who had been watching the battle all the time, changed his face, and was no longer as calm as before, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

He only hesitated for a moment, and the next moment he raised his hand and shook, only to see a frosty flying sword flying out of his sleeve.

As soon as this sword appeared, the temperature of the entire Qingmu Temple dropped rapidly. It was just now in March, and it would have turned into a severe winter in the twelfth lunar month, and the surrounding area was extremely cold, as if even spiritual power could be frozen.

Mu Jianhan pinched the sword art with one hand, and that frost-like long sword immediately surged with sword energy. Numerous frost sword energy swept all around and turned into a sword gang of tens of feet long.

"I'm not a talent, I only managed to achieve Jian Gang 40 years ago, but now the sword Gang of'Ling Shuang Jian' has been compressed to more than fifty feet, which is slightly inferior to the fellow Daoist's Zi Lei Jian Gang. "Mu Jianhan said solemnly.

Liang Yan was still sitting on the wooden chair, and he laughed after hearing the words: "It's okay! Since it was Liang's own path, you have to follow whatever you say, let's go together! Sect Master Mu doesn't have to be scruples, fight today. About the sword, Liang will never go outside!"

Mu Jianhan nodded slightly, and shouted: "Friends, be careful!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ling Shuangjian had already cut through the sky, as if the sky had fallen from the sky, and cut straight towards Liang Yan.

When Liang Yan saw this, he didn't leave his hand at all. With a pinch of the Fa Jue in his hand, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword galloped up and fought with Mu Jianhan's Ling Shuang Sword.

The two sides fought with swords, and the two swords fought back and forth in the hall, and the sound of the swords was endless.

Mu Jianhan's swordsmanship is superb, the Lingshuang sword is fickle, and the sword air is cold, but everything he passes is turned into frost, even with Liang's ability, it will be difficult to gain the upper hand for a while.

At this time, the sword spirit in the "Green Wood Hall" was vertical and horizontal, and countless scratches appeared on the wall. If it weren't for the special material and vast area of ​​the temple, Liang Yan and Mu Jianhan both deliberately controlled it, with only a few scattered swords. When the anger hit the wall, this promised "Green Wood Hall" was probably destroyed long ago in the swords of the two.

The more Liang Yan struggled, the more surprised he was, and he couldn't help but look at Mu Jianhan a little bit higher in his heart. This Blue Feather Sword Sect had only one cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, but he was able to obtain the reputation of being second only to the top five upper sects, and was neutral outside of many forces. I thought it was because of Mu Jianhan's reputation.

He was secretly surprised, but he didn't know that Mu Jianhan was even more frightened. This "Green Wood Temple" was specially built, and it has a blessing effect on the swordsmanship of the Qingyu Sword Sect. Actually, he couldn't take the sword repairer who had just advanced to the Golden Core Realm before him.

Those purple thunder sword auras raging in mid-air are like scourges, giving Mu Jianhan an illusion, as if every time he makes a shot, he is in danger of life and death!

As for the other nine palms, their faces were pale at this moment, and they did not flinch. They still formed the "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation", but they did not continue to attack as before, but supported Mu Jianhan from the side. attack.

At this time, all the tables and chairs, flower beds, or beams in the main hall were all damaged. Only the wooden chair under Liang Yan's seat was still standing without any damage.

Everyone knew it well and knew that it was Liang Yan who had protected the wooden chair with superb magical powers. The nine palms are also those with a clear mind. They understand that it is even harder to beat this person today. Only by trying to attack the wooden chair under his **** can there be a glimmer of hope of victory.

Su Yue and the other eight people looked at each other, and they all understood, and nodded at the same time.

brush! brush! brush!

A series of sounds of flying swords breaking through the air came, but the nine people used their strength at the same time, and when Liang Yan and Mu Jianhan attacked, they used their flying swords to slash at the wooden chair under his ass.

These nine flying swords roared from all directions, and the angle is extremely tricky!

According to everyone's assumptions, this person's natal flying sword has been constrained by the Sect Master. At this time, there is no time to return the aid, and he can only rely on his own magical powers to barely protect the wooden chair.

But although his supernatural powers are strong, the wooden chair under his seat is just an ordinary thing after all. Even if he can withstand one sword and two swords, it is difficult to withstand nine swords. As long as the wooden chair is broken, even if he leaves the stool, although the win is not very glorious, it is better than losing face.

When everyone was thinking about it and looking forward to it, Liang Yan on the wooden chair was pinched with one hand, only to see the gourd swaying around his waist, and another black sword gang rushing out after a while!

This sword gang is filled with the meaning of death, and there are black lotus flowers in the long river of sword energy. The palm of the Nine Great Swords Hall just looked at it a few more times, and felt his eyes tingling, and the separation of his spiritual consciousness, it seemed that even the anger in his body had been shattered by the black sword lotus.

"what is that?"

"Why there is still a sword gang!"

The expressions of all the people present changed drastically. Before they could react, this black sword had already swept all around. With just one sword, all the flying swords of the nine palms were swept away!

The nine people’s hearts were shaken, and they only felt a rotten and dead sword qi lingering around their bodies, and there was a gloomy qi in their chests. They actually had hallucinations in the dark, as if they saw a pile of bones, and one of them had a skeleton. It's me!

At this moment, I heard a long scream, and then the golden light spread, pushing everyone present back dozens of feet.

When the nine palms heard this long roar, they only felt a sweet throat, and the next moment, they all raised their heads and spewed a mouthful of blood!

And as the blood spurted out, the depression in their chests gradually dissipated, and their pale faces gradually returned to life.

Each of these nine people was in a cold sweat, and when they recovered, they couldn't help looking at each other a little.

However, Mu Jianhan's expression was calm. At this time, he took Ling Shuangjian back, and Shi Shiran returned to the crowd, arching his hand towards Liang Yan:

"Father of Daoist swordsmanship is superb, and Mu is willing to go down! Just now thank you to fellow Daoist to stop in time, so that I did not hurt my disciples!

"Thank you seniors for showing mercy!" The palms of the Nine Great Sword Hall also said in unison.

Just now, the nine people teamed up to attack the wooden chair under Liang Yan's buttocks. The "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation" was quite mysterious, and Liang Yan was forced to fight back with the Black Lotus Sword Gang.

It's just that as soon as this sword came out, death aura spread. Although the nine people had superb sword skills and supernatural powers far surpassing the monks of the same generation, they were still fragile in the face of this death sword aura.

If it hadn't been for Liang Yan to promptly use the "swearing at the street" in "Babu Yanyuan", and a Buddhist roar shook out the stagnant life in their chests, it would have become a boneless one.

When Mu Jianhan saw his second sword gang unsheathed, he knew that his defeat was settled, and seeing that he was merciful everywhere, and actually saved his disciple, he couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

The reputation of Qingyu Sword Sect is small, but the thousand-year foundation created by the ancestor is big, and he must not just be destroyed in his own hands! As long as the other party is not malicious and does not harm his disciples, no matter what the purpose is, it is still easy to discuss.

"Fairy Daoist swordsmanship is far superior to me, Mu is convinced, but my clan has always escaped the world and is independent. I don't know what the purpose of Friends is here?" Mu Jianhan asked tentatively.

Seeing that he took the initiative to admit defeat, Liang Yan immediately smiled, raised his hand and took away the two flying swords of Zi Lei and Hei Lian. At the same time, he stepped forward and said:

"Sect Master Mu, Liang did not come here to embarrass the noble faction. On the contrary, my trip brought a great opportunity to give to Qingyu Sword Sect!"


The nine palms present were all looking at me, and I looked at you, completely puzzled.

Are you lucky? How can it be said that giving someone the chance to beat someone up first?

Even Mu Jianhan frowned slightly, obviously not believing his words.

However, Liang Yan smiled, suddenly raised his hand, and saw a few streams of light flying out of the storage ring, turning into light **** of different colors, suspended in the air.

The nine palms stared attentively, and when they could see the things in the light group, they couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. They only heard someone shouting: "Taobai Gengjin, Shen Yuanmu, Xinghesha... ...And Scarlet Fire Profound Gold!"

The treasures in these light groups are all genius treasures that are extremely helpful to sword repair. Some can exercise their natal flying swords, and some can enhance their own perception and sword intent. The Qingyu Sword Sect has almost They are all sword repairers, and naturally knowing the preciousness of these treasures, they are also fierce in their hearts.

These treasures of Liang Yan, only a few, like Taibai Gengjin, Shen Yuanmu, Xinghesha, etc., he obtained from Nanchui, UU reading www. and most of the rest, he obtained from hell.

Among them, Crimson Fire Profound Gold is the most precious. For monks who have advanced to the sword gang stage, this item can help to compress and condense the sword gang, saving a lot of time for hard cultivation, even Mu Jianhan was tempted to see it.

Liang Yan glanced over everyone’s expressions. At this time, he touched his chin and said with a smile: "Liang once said that if you want to pray to the mountain, then naturally you can’t eat your words and get fat. I don’t know if you can treat me with these greetings. Still satisfied?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present, including Mu Jianhan, was taken aback for a while, and suddenly they didn't know how to answer.

Ordinary people say that salutes before salutes, but when it comes to Liang Yan, the opposite is true. He salutes before salutes.

The rough experience of these years has made him understand a truth, that is, only if he is strong enough and strong enough to deter others can he be qualified for "li".

So the first thing he does when he visits the mountain is to convince everyone! After everyone agrees with his strength, he can sit down and negotiate.

Mu Jianhan looked at the heavenly materials and earth treasures floating in the air, and after a long time, he asked in a tentative tone: "What on earth do fellow Daoists have, please tell me clearly!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said lightly:

"I want to enter Guizong's sword grave!"

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