The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 911: Kamaru

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"Not bad!"

Mu Jianhan nodded slightly and said, "In the Qingmu Temple before, Daoyou Liang saw all the changes in the'Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation' at a glance. This shows that the formation is extraordinary. I let you stay here for seven days, and it is also saved. Selfish, I want to participate in the research of a sword formation with you."

After Liang Yan heard this, he understood, and laughed: "Sect Master Mu takes it for granted. Is it so easy to create a sword formation that surpasses the predecessors?"

When he said this, he changed the conversation, and then continued: "But Liang has always been quite fond of the formation, and the book collection in this room really opened my eyes. Since everyone is in the same way, they have participated in the research together for a few days. It doesn't hurt."

After Mu Jianhan heard this, his face was overjoyed and said, "As such, I come to discuss the Tao with Brother Liang at noon every day."

Liang Yan certainly wouldn't refuse. The two hit it off and sat on the floor in the attic wooden house, discussing their understanding of the battle.

Na Mu Jianhan has been studying the sword formation for hundreds of years, and his comprehension in this aspect is naturally far beyond Liang Yan. However, what Liang Yan has learned is very complicated. Back then, Yixingge’s array of books was vast and vast. Over the years, as his realm has improved, he has also seen various strange arrays. After many opinions and insights have been expressed, Mu Jianhan’s eyes are also bright. , Faintly inspired.

The two of them continued to discuss this until the moon at the atrium before Mu Jianhan left. When the next day at noon, he would come here again on time.

Until noon on the seventh day, Liang Yanduan was sitting in the "Shuimudongtian", but Mu Jianhan did not come, only a delicate Taoist boy came here.

"Enlighten Senior, today is the day when Jian Tomb is opened, and the head teacher asked me to lead the way for Senior." The Dao Tong said respectfully.

Liang Yan nodded indifferently, and suddenly asked, "Why didn't you see Mu Jianhan coming?"

"The master teacher said that in the past few days, I have benefited a lot from talking with seniors, and I have some ideas, and I am going to retreat for half a year to see if I can create a powerful sword formation."

"That's it."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, and stopped asking too much, but directly opened his mouth and said: "There is work to lead the way."

"Senior please."

After a deep bow, the Dao Tong turned to lead the way.

The two of them left "Shuimudongtian", drove the light all the way through several mountains, and came to the steepest mountain in the entire Qingyu Jianzong, "Qianblade Peak".

Liang Yan followed the Tao Tong down halfway up the mountain, and walked up a winding path all the way up. After walking for about half an hour, he faintly saw the top of the mountain in the clouds.

"The Thousand Blade Peak is the highest mountain in our sect, and the top of this peak is where the sword tomb of our sect is located." The Tao Tong suddenly said.

Liang Yan nodded slightly. At this time, he swept away with his spiritual sense, and saw that there were nine tall peaks around Qianbfeng Peak, which surrounded this peak in the center like stars arched over the moon.

"The Sword Tomb is worthy of the sacred place of the Qingyu Sword Sect. If anyone dares to break into this place, I am afraid that they will immediately be surrounded by these nine peaks. This is the'Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation' laid down by the power of the Zongmen Mountain Range. It's far better than what I saw in the Qingmu Temple that day."

Just when Liang Yan was secretly thinking in his heart, two people walked out at the corner of the road ahead, a man and a woman. It was Su Yue, the master of Shujiantang, and Wen Chuhua, the master of Sujiantang.

"Senior, going up is my Zongjian Tomb."

Su Yue took a step forward and said, "The flying swords of the ancestors of my ancestors are buried here. The flying swords are psychic and will automatically attack the invading enemies. I will offer the jade pendant of the sect on the order of the lord. Those who hold this jade pendant will not be regarded as enemies by the sabers of the ancestors of the past when they enter the sword mound.

"no need!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and did not take the jade pendant from Su Yue's hand.

The last three times of sword refining in the "Sword Seizure Method" are to fight against other swordsmen's flying swords, tempering one's own flying swords with the opponent's kendo artistic conception, and finally achieve the goal of "huawan".

Liang Yan is not afraid of the flying swords of the past generations in the sword mound, but wants them to fight against him, and he is also afraid that they are not aggressive, how can he pick up this jade pendant?

Su Yue and Wen Chuhua were both taken aback when they heard the words. At this time, they whispered: "Senior, there are dangers in the sword tomb. It is the head of my sect, and I must wear a jade pendant to dare to enter. For safety... ........"

Liang Yan didn't say much this time, just smiled and shook his head, then put the two aside, and walked directly along the mountain path.

"This senior is really weird..." Su Yue turned to look at his leaving back, frowned and said: "I don't know what he promised to the Sect Master, but he was allowed to enter. Sword Tomb."

"Don't think about it, there is nothing wrong with the decision of the lord." Wen Chuhua shook his head and said: "We have brought our words, and we have completed the task. It is his own business that he does not take the jade pendant, so we will go back here. Come back to life."


Su Yue nodded, then stopped looking up the mountain road, turned around and drove a ray of light, led Xiao Dao Tong and Wen Chuhua to leave Qianbian Peak..............

After Liang Yan left the crowd, he walked all the way up the mountain road by himself. After about half a cup of tea, he saw a long stone step.

This stone step leads directly to the top of the mountain. It is roughly ninety-nine steps. It looks old and there are moss growing in many places.

Liang Yan groaned for a while on the spot, then took a step and stepped on it decisively.

As he stepped onto the stone steps at this step, there was a sudden wind around him, and the sound of Salsa came from the dense forest. At the same time, a huge sword intent burst out from the top of the mountain, like a dark cloud covering the top, pressing on top of him.

"Is this a demonstration to me?"

Liang Yan raised his brows, without hesitation, he directly raised his steps and took another step upwards.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless sword intents rushed down, like a sea of ​​swords rushing towards Liang Yan's head!

"Oh, well done!"

Liang Yan's expression was excited, and with a single-handed pinch, he saw a blue swordfish flying out of his dantian and rushing towards the sky full of sword intent.

He didn't use any other means, just relying on his life flying sword to fight against the infinite sword intent on the top of the mountain, the purpose is to use these sword intents to temper his flying sword.

This blue swordfish broke through the heavy epee intent on the top of the mountain and killed him a broad road from the stormy sea. Liang Yan followed the mayfly sword. Although his footsteps were slow, he did not stop at all, and walked towards the top of the mountain step by step. .

With each step he took, the sword intent from the top of the mountain would increase a bit, and the mayfly sword sounded more and more in the air, and seemed very excited.

After a hundred breaths, Liang Yan finally reached the last step.

The place where you enter the eye is a barren cemetery, but this cemetery is not the same as the world, because above those tombs, each has a flying sword inserted.

In the history of the Qingyu Sword Sect, there were 23 ancestors who were able to cultivate into sword gangs, and these 23 sabers, without exception, were all buried here!

With his arrival, these flying swords trembled at the same time, and the clank swords rang endlessly, as if they were approaching an enemy.

Liang Yan looked around, and suddenly laughed softly: "Hehe, you must have been lonely here for a long time, right? Later generations of swords repair Liang Yan, and today you will be friends with your ancestors with swords!"

Meeting friends with swords. Just as the word "Friend" was uttered, the twenty-three flying swords in the sword tomb rose from the ground at the same time, turning into twenty-three sword rainbows in mid-air, with the tip of the sword pointed directly at Liang Yan's eyebrows.

The owner of these twenty-three flying swords had all been cultivated into sword gangs back then. Although no one controls them and cannot condense the sword gangs, their power cannot be underestimated.

However, Liang Yan's eyes did not fluctuate at all. He silently came to the middle of the sword tomb and sat cross-legged, pinched a magic trick with his hands in front of him, the mayfly swordfish turned into a three-foot swordfish, and rushed straight into the air. The twenty-three flying swords.

brush! brush! brush!

The ancestor Feijian of Qingyu Sword Sect burst into fierce sword intent at this moment, and the unparalleled sword edge swept from all directions, trapping the mayfly sword in the middle.

If it were the flying swords of other Golden Core Swordsmen, surrounded by so many flying swords, I was afraid that they would be cut off abruptly. However, Liang Yan has practiced the "Dao Sword Scripture" for a long time, and now he has already stepped into it with half his foot. During the sword pill period, that swordfish was very agile in the air, and it was always able to resolve the siege of many flying swords at an inevitable occasion.

And as the Mayfly Sword and a group of flying swords continue to fight, those twenty-three different sword intents are also tempering Liang Yan's natal flying sword. Every life and death fight will make the mayfly sword more condensed. one cent.

Liang Yan was sitting cross-legged at this time, with his hands in front of him constantly, the "Tao Sword Scripture" technique quietly operated, a faint blue light enveloped the entire mountaintop, and he had already begun his last three sword training!

These three sword exercises were different from the previous ninety-seven times, and they were extremely dangerous.

The flying sword sword intent of the ancestors of the Qingyu Sword Sect's sword mound is not only a great supplement for his mayfly sword gang, but also a murder weapon to make him go into trouble, and even kill his life!

However, with Jian Xiu, there is no retreat. Liang Yan wants to take the last step and obtain the prototype of Jian Pill, he must bear the risks brought about by this process.

At this moment, he didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart, as if the things in this world had nothing to do with him, the sword heart was extremely pure, what he saw in his eyes, and what he thought in his mind, only the top of the mountain, which was less than a hundred feet away from the sword dojo... .....

The so-called cultivation has no years, and the mountain does not know the time. Liang Yan entered the sword tomb, two springs and autumns in the blink of an eye.

In the past two years, the head of the Nine Great Sword Hall has mentioned this to Mu Jianhan more than once.

After all, Liang Yan, as an outsider, had obtained the approval of the suzerain and was allowed to enter the sword grave, but he couldn't stay in it forever.

Until one time, Mu Jianhan thought over and over again, and finally revealed to everyone the deal Liang Yan had reached with him.

After Su Yue and the others heard this, they were all too surprised to speak. It was then that they knew that the reason why their Sect Master was able to tolerate the other party to this point was all because of the sword pill method he had promised!

The sword pill secret technique is so precious, for these masters of the Ju Yuan realm, it is simply unattainable, and this secret technique is enough to revitalize the entire school!

After knowing the whole story, these nine palms no longer say anything. Since Liang Yan has given the first half of the magic trick, as long as he fulfills his promise afterwards and completes the secret technique, then even if he is in the sword tomb. After staying in China for ten years, these people will not have the slightest complaint.

Qingyu Jianzong was originally the Sejong Sect, and he acted very low-key. In these years, apart from Liang Yan's visit, no other monks came here. Time passed so peacefully, until one day, when the Qingyu Sword Sect was up and down, a total of 3,000 disciples received a handwritten letter from the head at the same time.

The next day, the "Welling Bell" on the main peak of Qingyu Mountain rang three times, and all the disciples were solemnly ascending to the nine peaks around Qianbeng Peak.

As for the palm seats of the nine sword halls, each stands on the top of a mountain with their hands at the top of the mountain, looking at the Qianblade Peak in the middle at the same time, for those who are curious, and those who look forward to it.

These people waited for half of the incense, and suddenly heard a long sword sound from the top of Qianbfeng Peak, and then a cloud of green mist flew out, like clouds in the sky, misty and illusory.

Under this cyan fog, there was another figure who followed closely. This person was dressed in grey clothes with sword eyebrows and star eyes. It was Liang Yan who had been in retreat for two years.

At this moment, the "Wen Dao Bell" bell rang again, and the palms of the Nine Great Sword Hall's expressions were solemn, and said respectfully:

"The Qingyu Sword Sect is up and down, and I'm willing to help seniors become enlightened!"

As soon as they finished their words, they pinched the tactics with their respective hands, unreservedly released the sword intent they had cultivated, and the nine sword intents rushed straight into the sky and sank upward into the blue mist.

Following the voices of the nine palms, the disciples of the Qingyu Sword Sect on the surrounding mountains also shouted in unison:

"I am waiting to help seniors become enlightened!"

There are a total of 3,000 disciples in the Qingyu Sword Sect. At this moment, they are listed on the nine peaks at the same time, shaking the clouds!

And as soon as their voices fell, they ran their own techniques at the same time. Three thousand strands of different strengths and different attributes burst out, like a sword mountain and sea of ​​swords, and at the same time the one that sank into the air. In the blue mist.

And that group of cyan fog captured the sword intent of all members of the Qingyu Jianzong Ju faction, and it has gradually become more solid, not as illusory as it was at the beginning.

Liang Yan, who was chasing behind, smiled with joy, and raised his hand with a few more magic tricks, setting the cyan fog that was flying indiscriminately on the spot.

"Mum also came to help Brother Liang!"

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, but Mu Jianhan stepped out of the clouds in a white robe.

He pinched his two-handed technique anxiously, and a frost sword aura burst out from behind, piercing the cloud and mist upward, and plunged directly into Liang Yan's cyan mist.

The blue mist was helped by Mu Jianhan's sword intent, and finally solidified completely, as if reborn from nothingness, all the mist rolled inward, and finally shrank into a misty pill.

Although there are 3,000 disciples of the Qingyu Sword Sect present, none of them knows what this small green pill represents. Only the palm of the Nine Great Sword Hall and Mu Jianhan know well, looking up at the sky at this time. , Can't help but feel a little emotional.

"The prototype of the sword pill is finally made!"

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