The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 915: Cut Hongyu!

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"what is that?"

Taoist Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, and he was a little curious for the first time.

However, the next moment, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions.


As soon as this thought came out, I saw the green and misty pills turning in place, and the next moment it disappeared without a trace!


Daoist Hongyu hurriedly pinched Fa Jue while his thoughts turned, and the five Star Soul Fighting Gods moved in response, and they kept him in the middle like a guardian king Kong.

However, this location is too close to Liang Yan!

In the next moment, a cyan afterimage appeared in front of Taoist Hongyu. The speed was beyond imagination. With just a single stroke, it cut the five huge Star Soul Fighting Gods from it.

"Do not!"

Taoist Hongyu screamed, and the whole person turned into a light to retreat sharply.

The Star Soul Fighting God is where his lifelong cultivation base is. If it is the heyday, when twenty Star Soul Fighting Gods come out, there is still a way to deal with Liang Yan's Mayfly Sword Pill.

However, the Taoist Hongyu was severely injured at this time, and his supernatural powers were less than three. Even the Star Soul Fighting God could only release five statues. After being lightly stroked by Liang Yanjian Pill, it was directly shattered into countless stars.

His destiny was broken, and his heart was shaken, he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

However, that little sword pill obviously didn't let him go. At this moment, the blue light flashed, and the next moment, it appeared directly in front of Taoist Hongyu.

Looking at this blue pill that was close at hand, Taoist Hongyu's hairs stood up, and he couldn't help screaming:

"Save me! It's the sword...the sword..."

Before the word "maru" was spoken, the little green pill shook, and easily pierced Taoist Hongyu's eyebrows, and flew out from behind his head, splashing a lot of blood.

Taoist Hongyu seemed to be stunned for a moment in mid-air. However, in the next instant, countless blue sword qi exploded from his head. After only a few breaths, only one headless man was left. The body is still standing in the air.

At this time, the Devil Scorpion Boy and Wen Tai were shocked!

You must know that Hongyu Taoist is the ancestor of Qianyuan Sacred Palace. He has cultivated to the realm of Tongxuan. After fighting with them for hundreds of years, he is killed by such a small green pill. killed?

Until now, the Demon Scorpion Boy knew that Liang Yan had been showing his enemy's weakness just now. He deliberately did not leave the sword pill and made a dead end posture in order to attract Taoist Hongyu to the bait, so that he could be cut with a sword at close range!

In fact, his guess is correct. Among the three, Liang Yan hates Daoist Hongyu the most. In today's situation, this person is considered the mastermind!

And just now the three of them were in an intrigue, Liang Yan also keenly saw Taoist Hongyu's intention to reap the benefits, so he deliberately used the plan to trick him into stepping forward, and then use the thunder sword!

Taoist Hongyu probably didn't expect it in his dreams. He claimed to be scheming and wanting to reap the benefits, but on the contrary, he ruined the other party's calculations and became a ghost under the sword.

Mayfly Jian Wan was still in the period of sealing the sword, Liang Yan also had no choice at this time, regardless of the taboo of the exercise method, forcibly sacrificed it.

As soon as the sword pill was unsheathed, his internal organs seemed to be struck by lightning, blood flowed back in his body, and spiritual power in the meridians was even more chaotic. The whole person raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood, almost fainting.

This is the backlash caused by the forced Kaifeng. If he hadn't had the Buddhism supernatural powers "Eight Branch Yanyuan" forcibly suppressed, at this moment, I'm afraid that he has gone crazy.

However, Liang Yan did not give up in the slightest. He gritted his teeth and pinched the sword art with one hand. The mayfly sword pill slid around in mid-air, and then ran towards the remains of Taoist Hongyu.

At this moment, Taoist Hongyu's headless body shook lightly, and the next moment, a wisp of blue smoke flew out of his body.

This wisp of blue smoke gradually condensed in the air, and finally turned into an illusory figure, which looked almost the same as the Taoist Hongyu before.

This illusory Hongyu Taoist seemed to be very panicked. As soon as he appeared, he ran madly without looking back, and went straight out of the valley.

"It's the soul!"

Liang Yan is not surprised. If you want to achieve the profound knowledge, you must break the profound entrance and cultivate the soul from your body.

Yuanshen going out of the orifice is the sign of the monks in the Tongxuan realm.

This Daoist Hongyu has been in the Tongxuan Realm for many years. Even though his body has been cut off at this time, his primordial spirit can still be separated from his body, and can even soar for thousands of miles to regenerate.

Liang Yan never relaxed, waiting for this moment, only to see his one-handed sword art hurriedly pinched, the mayfly sword pill made a detonation, and it cut through the sky in an instant and appeared behind the soul of Taoist Hongyu. .


With a sound of breaking through the air, the Demon Scorpion Boy and Master Wen only saw a flash of green light. The next moment, the soul of Taoist Hongyu was pierced by this sword pill, and countless sword qi rushed out. The primordial spirit of this Tongxuan realm cultivator was completely wiped out in an instant!

After Liang Yan slashed out this sword, the blood in his body also rolled endlessly, and he raised his head and spewed out another mouthful of blood.

His face turned pale for a while, blood-red for a while, and blue smoke was rising above his head, and he looked like he was dead soon.

However, Liang Yan didn't back down at this time. Instead, he shot his sword light horizontally and took the initiative to cut off the Demon Scorpion Boy in mid-air.

In fact, from pretending that he was defeated, to the sudden attack by Taoist Hongyu, and then to Liang Yan offering a sword pill to kill him, the whole process was a long story, but in fact it only took a few breaths.

When the Hongyu Taoist spirit was destroyed, the Demon Scorpion boy came back to his senses in a daze. When he looked at Liang Yan again, there was a hint of horror.

Not long ago, he regarded Liang Yan as an ant, and he was a godlike existence.

However, at this moment, he suddenly reacted. It turned out that the man in front of him already had the ability to kill God!

"Master Wen, if you still don't make a move at this time, when will you have to wait?"

While the Demon Scorpion Boy shouted, his deity retreated quickly.

He hurriedly pinched the "Ten Thousand Demon Youquan Art" to the extreme. The tidal eater and Youquan Demon Scorpion rushed towards Liang Yan at the same time, just to block his sword pill. One block.

Taishi Wen also had a solemn expression at the moment, and when he raised his hand with a wave, a simple book flew out of his sleeve.

This volume was slowly unfolding in the air, and countless obscure characters flew out one after another, as if one by one Jinding big seal, heading towards Liang Yan's suppression.

However, Liang Yan at this time did not evade at all, and only opened the way with a sword pill!

Those rushing text seals and soul-eaters were all smashed by him with a green pill. Even if some fish that slipped through the net landed on him, they were mostly destroyed by a layer of Buddhism golden light.

Liang Yan manipulated Jian Wan to move forward, but Taishi Wen and Devil Scorpion Boy retreated while fighting, both of them were a little surprised.

They are cultivators of the Tongxuan Realm. Even though they are slightly injured, they are far less serious than Taoist Hongyu. The reason why Taoist Hongyu was cut with a sword just now was because this person was greedy for meritorious advances and was sneak attacked by Liang Yan.

If they really fight head-on one-on-one, with their respective magical powers, they can't be sure to win Liang Yan, but at least he can be suppressed.

But today Liang Yan doesn't care about his own safety at all, he just wants to fight them to death and life. Jianxiu was originally the most advantageous genre to attack. Liang Yan only attacked at this time. A small green pill is in his hands. , Just like the most murderous weapon in the world!

On the other hand, Devil Scorpion Boy and Wen Taishi, the two were both jealous, unable to let go of their hands and feet, even though two cultivators from the Profound Realm joined forces, they were crushed and beaten by Liang Yan alone.

The Demon Scorpion boy retreated while fighting, and he was shocked in his heart:

"It is said that one person is desperate, and I am not deceived by this sincerity! The true strength of this kid is comparable to me, but now he can chase the two of us with his own strength. Really Terrible!"

But he thought about it, and then secretly said: "Confused, this person is already at the end of the crossbow, why should I fight him to death and life? He only attacked but not defended, and I only defended but not attacked, and waited until he was exhausted. At that time, I will send him one last ride!"

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