The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 919: Goodbye Wuxin

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I don't know how long it has passed, Liang Yan's consciousness has been in a dazed state, it seems that he has traveled thousands of miles in the dark, and it seems that he hasn't moved.

Until he heard a rustle faintly.

The sound became louder and louder, and finally made him distinguish that it was actually the sound of the ocean tide!

"Where am I?"

Liang Yan's consciousness gradually recovered, and he barely opened his eyes, only to find that he was lying in a wooden hut.

His whole body was sore, and the meridians were like needles, but there was a warm current pouring into the body below his body, which made his pain a little less.

Liang Yan struggled and turned over, only to realize that he was not sleeping on a wooden bed, but a piece of Yuanyang warm jade that was well-rounded!

That warm current was born from this jade, and it continuously nourished the meridians in his body.


Liang Yan endured a violent cough. The first thing he did was to sit up and check the "Taixu Gourd" on his waist. He found that all four flying swords that had been involved in life were lying quietly in the gourd. This was a long time to relax. With a sigh of relief, he lay back on the bed with his head back.

For him, the flying sword is the foundation of his own questioning. Fortunately, the four flying swords have been spiritualized, and they automatically followed when he fell, and no sword was lost.

Liang Yan didn't know where he was now. He could only hear that there seemed to be a violent tide outside the house, one after another, as if the wooden house might be overturned at any time.

While he was secretly speculating in his heart, he suddenly heard a "squeak" and the wooden door was pushed open inward.

Then a purple Liying came in.

"you're awake!"

There was a hint of joy in the sweet voice.


Liang Yan looked at the woman in front of him, and couldn't help feeling full of emotion in his heart.

"Why? It's okay if I can't see your fellow villager, I feel a little lost?" Wuxin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

After listening to Liang Yan, he raised his head and looked at Wuxin seriously and said: "I came to Yixing Pavilion this time just to cut off my own past. There is nothing to do with her anymore."

Wuxin was stunned for a while, and then he said: "Are you related to her, and what does it have to do with me?"

Having said that, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes.

Back then, Wuxin and Liang Yan strayed into Lu Beiyou's chess game puzzle, so that they saw each other's first half of their lives. She knew Liang Yan had such a confidante. Although she didn't say it, she always cared about it in her heart.

To this day, I heard Liang Yan personally say that he had no relationship with Tang Diexian. Even with her witch's mood, she couldn't help but feel a little joyful.

Liang Yan didn't know what to say at this moment. Although the other party saved his life, between him and Wuxin, he didn't need to use words to thank him.

From the moment he saw Tang Diexian from the valley of Yixingge, he had already seen his heart clearly, the woman who made him never forget, now stood in front of him.

After a long time, I heard Liang Yan speak slowly: "I only care about you now..."

Although the voice was slow, the tone and eyes were extremely serious.

The unintentional cheek blushed without warning. Although she is a witch, she is usually exquisite and charming, but at this moment, like Liang Yan, she stands in a daze, not knowing what to say. .

"This idiot!"

After a long while, Wuxin came back to his senses and couldn't help but stomped his feet and cursed secretly: "I'm not afraid of nerds playing hooligans, just afraid of nerds playing seriously!"

She looked at Liang Yan's serious appearance, suddenly a little amused, and was about to make a few jokes, but the wooden door behind her was pushed open again.

This time, Xiong Yueer and a middle-aged man in a green robe walked in.

Xiong Yue'er didn't know what she interrupted, and as soon as she came in, she asked nonchalantly: "How is your husband's injury? Is it better?"

Wuxin smiled slightly and said: "He ate my'Holy Demon Pill' and it is no longer a serious problem. If he recuperates for another seven or eight days, it is estimated that he will be able to recover as before."

"Wow, the'Holy Demon Pill' is so powerful! Fortunately there is Sister Wuxin!"

Xiong Yue'er patted her chest, and she was finally relieved.

Liang Yan looked at the three people in the house and suddenly asked, "Xiong Yue'er, how do you know about me?"

Xiong Yue'er heard his question and immediately replied: "Back then, you killed all the big monsters above the Golden Core level of the North Sea monster clan, and the elder of the Ju Yuan level I followed was promoted to the position of guardian of the clan. He was at the banquet not long ago. I missed the words, saying that in recent years, you are too sharp and have made too many enemies. The ancestors of Qianyuan Sacred Palace, Misty Valley, and Huangjue Palace will all go out of the mountain and do a good job of calculating you, but they are suffering from not knowing where you are. There has been no action since then."

"However, he later said that there was news that you had a close relationship with Tang Diexian, the pavilion master of Yixing Pavilion, and he once stated that you would go to worship the mountain when Tang Diexian left the pass. If he were those old men. Ancestor, I will definitely go and wait for the rabbit before the agreed time!"

After Liang Yan listened to her words, he also woke up in his heart.

Indeed, he advanced to the golden core in the underworld, with great magical powers, and the sharpness of the years when he returned to Nanchui was so sharp that he would have the result today.

But even so, he didn't regret it, even if it was all over again, he would still do some things!

Thinking of Xiong Yue'er, just because of a piece of news and a speculation, he traveled far and wide, and committed danger alone, Liang Yan couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He nodded slightly, suddenly thinking of something, then turned to Wuxin, and asked: "How do you know about me?"

"Hmph, I have been hiding in the Yixing Pavilion for the past seven years after coming back from the, how can I not know their conspiracy?" Wuxin said amusedly.

"Have you been hiding in Yixing Pavilion?" Liang Yan was taken aback.

"Yes, there is something I'm looking for during this trip in Yixing Pavilion. I hid for seven years and finally got what I wanted not long ago. I planned to leave quietly, but I just happened to find that they were discussing how to deal with you!"

After hearing Wuxin's explanation, Liang Yan suddenly remembered the demon soul sealed in the heavenly jewel.

It has to be said that Yixingge is clearly a Confucian sect, but it seems to be inextricably linked with the true demons.

The devil soul in his body came from the forbidden area of ​​the Patriarch of Yixing Pavilion. Even their founder, Lu Beiyou, died with the Motian layman!

If there is anything in Yixing Pavilion that interests Wuxin, Liang Yan would not be surprised.

He thought secretly in his heart, and didn't ask what Wuxin was looking for. Instead, he turned his head and cast his eyes on the last person in the house.

This person seems to be over thirty years old, wearing a Tsing Yi, and looks very ordinary, but his cultivation is a real early stage of the Ju Yuan Realm!

"Dare to ask your Excellency, I don't know you, why did you come to rescue Liang?"

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