The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 929: Li Shao

Just as Liang Yan was thinking secretly, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs of the restaurant. It didn't take long for a group of people to walk up from the top of the stairs.

The leader is a rich man, wearing a big red ice silkworm robe with a colorful blue pattern belt around his waist. Although there is no gold or silver on his body, there are a lot of jade jewelry, which seems to be the praise of the big family in the town. Master.

Behind him were also a dozen guards, dressed in exactly the same blue martial arts uniforms, with long swords or short clubs on their waists, and they looked quite fierce and mighty.

The rich man's eyes swept around on the second floor of the restaurant, and finally fell on Liang Yan.

"Haha, I really didn't lie to me, I'm here!"

The rich man laughed and walked to Liang Yan's table swaggeringly.

"This little thing is so funny!"

He didn't even look at Liang Yan, but stretched out his right hand, trying to tease the little snow-white beast on his shoulder.

Although Li Xiaosong's demon body looks cute, she has a hot temper, and usually prides herself on being a bully of the demon clan. She is the only one who bullies people. There is no time when she is bullied.

Seeing that the rich man's right hand was about to stretch out in front of him, Li Xiaosong's teeth were rustling and he was about to bite it away, but someone was faster than her.

Seeing Liang Yan's sleeves flicked lightly, he pushed the rich young man back several feet away.

The rich son was only about sixteen years old. Although he was dressed luxuriously, his feet were vain and his face was pale. He was obviously obsessed with wine. At this time, Liang Yan was gently brushed, and one of them was unstable and fell back on the ground.


The face of the guards behind him changed drastically, and they hurriedly helped the rich young man on the ground. Some of them shouted angrily: "Where are you from the scholar? After eating the bear heart and leopard, you dare to run into Shao Li!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, someone next to him shouted: "I don't know which poor country came from. Maybe I don't know the name of the old man. If I don't talk to him, I will break both legs directly to calm the young master!"

"Yes, interrupt his leg to calm the young master!"

This group of family members took out the iron sword and iron rod from the waist at the same time, and walked towards Liang Yan with a grinning grin.

At this time, the guests in the restaurant have long since dispersed. The Lin Family in Xinglong Town is here, and has always been rampant. They are ordinary people who are unwilling to be troublesome and fear that they will be hurt by fighting, so they run faster than anyone else. .

In the restaurant of Nuo Da, only Young Master Li and his group still had Liang Yan who had placed orders.

Liang Yan frowned slightly at this time. The push he had just saved actually saved the other person.

Li Xiaosong's temper could not be clear to him. If the rich man took a step forward just now, he was afraid that one of his right arms would be gnawed off.

Although Liang Yan didn't like this person to be a faction, after all, this place was only a mortal town. He wanted to investigate secretly when he came here, and didn't want to make a fuss, so he secretly pushed this person.

But now it seems that the other party insists on having trouble with him.

Liang Yan pondered for a while, then stood up from the wine table, clasped his fists at the crowd, and said, "Everyone, I'm just a passenger passing by here, and you don't offend the water in the well. Why do you have to trouble me? "

"Trouble? No, no! I just want the little beast on your shoulder."

Young Master Li smiled behind the guard: "My Young Master Li has no other hobbies. I only like to collect all kinds of rare birds and beasts, like the hanging tiger in the Shiwan Dashan Mountains and the three-headed birds in Huanshaxi. There are treasures!"

When he said this, there was a smug look on his face, as if he was showing off his spoils to others.

When Liang Yan heard this, it was instantly clear that when he entered the town, he was caught by the eyeliner of the Li family and told Li Xiaosong's affairs, which caused this persistent boast to worry about it.

Suddenly he was a little funny. He didn't expect that this live treasure on his shoulder still had such a market. If it were auctioned at a trade fair, would anyone **** it wildly?

It's just that he didn't say these words, otherwise, with Li Xiaosong's temper, I'm afraid it's not going to be mad, we are a master of the demon clan, you actually treat me as goods?

Seeing him with a weird look, the Li family didn’t reply for a long time. He thought he was weighing the pros and cons, and he smiled immediately:

"If your kid is acquainted, you will take the initiative to give me the little beast on your shoulders. Maybe Younger Li is in a good mood, so I won't pursue the matter you just offended me. If not, you will regret coming to this world. !"

Liang Yan glanced at him and said with a smile, "Liang never regrets his actions, especially when he came to the world, he will never regret it!"

"Boy, do you dare to tease Ben Shao?" Young Master Li was furious, waved his hand and shouted: "Hit me, beat him hard! Kill him, let my Li family take care of him!"

After hearing this, the family members all moved forward bravely, wanting to perform well in front of Young Master Li.

"Boy, beg!"

"There is a kind of don't run!"

These people rushed up, cursing, but before they rushed to Liang Yan, they felt the wind in the house was rolling, and an unparalleled force hit everyone, seeming to shake their skeletons. Up.

boom! boom! boom!

Li Jiajia and Ding flew upside down, or hit the wooden table, or got stuck in the wall. Some of them were hung upside down from the beam, foaming at the mouth, as if they didn't know anything.

As for the Li family son, he was also forced to roll a dozen times on the ground at this moment, and finally his buttocks were turned upside down, and he threw himself into the corner with a dog chewing manure.

There was a wailing in the restaurant, and the young master Li struggled to raise his head, looked at Liang Yan with horrified eyes, and muttered: " are a cultivator!"

He struggled twice again as he talked Although he still couldn't stand up, he could barely fall to the ground and immediately kowtow.

"Predecessors forgive sins, seniors forgive sins, my dog ​​sees people inferiorly, but I don't know the immortals, damn, damn!"

Young Master Li said, fanning his ear scrapers vigorously, exhausting every effort, but within a few moments, he fanned himself like a pig's head.

In fact, his heart is also very depressed, the person who has seen immortality cultivators in the past, who is not the bones of immortal wind, is elegant and out of dust?

Like the fairy envoys of the Xuanshuang Sect, their eyes are higher than the top, and they have always been high and high. They would not take a straight look at them. Where would such a secular restaurant come?

And the man in front of him, dressed in a gray gown, dressed plainly, just like a down-and-out scholar in a backcountry, without any immortality at all.

And when you go to such a place to drink, is there any kind of person like a cultivator?

It's not that Shao Li is inexperienced, but the enemy is too cunning!

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