The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 933: Komatsu Tadashi

"How can it be?!"

Sanhua's face changed drastically, and he screamed in a gloomy manner.

There are a total of twelve of his set of "mourning nails", each of which is made of Chiyan Mysterious Iron. The strength is extraordinary. On weekdays, he is the only one who breaks the magic weapon of others, but today he is inconspicuous. Is your little beast melted?

But after all, he was considered a man who had been fighting for a long time. After being surprised at this time, he quickly calmed down.

"I don't care where your sacred is, but this is a feast between my Lieyang Sect and Xuanshuang Sect. I advise you to stay out of the matter and don't cause trouble to your upper body." Sanhua Judge looked at the sudden appearance of Liang Yan with a cold expression on his face. Said.

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled: "If I should have stayed out of the matter a few days ago, it's just that now, Liang has stepped in half of his foot. Even if I don't care, I'm afraid I can't get out easily!"

"What do you mean by your words?"

The layman Sanhua frowned slightly when he heard it, but Ning Qing, the "Fire Fox" beside him, showed a faint look, and pointed at Liang Yan and shouted angrily:

"It's you who broke the game I set up in Cangliu Country?"

"Haha, not bad!" Liang Yan laughed loudly: "Your Excellency's true flames of the sun, I have been taught in the air. Now that I see the deity, I have to try your fineness!"

As soon as he said this, the three cultivators of the Lieyang Sect condensed their faces and glanced at each other, and they all saw a trace of murderous intent in each other's eyes.

"I sent out a total of nineteen Profound Fire Jade to those monsters. One of them was shattered with force not long ago. It should be the person in front of me."

As Ning Qing moved her position, she secretly transmitted to the other two people:

"This son has already broken through what we did in the hundred thousand mountains. If it is leaked out by him, it will be very detrimental to my sect's competition for that place. He must not be allowed to escape!"

"Not bad!"

The layman Sanhua narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Since your Excellency likes to be nosy, let's accompany Old Man Cui on the road today!"

His words were not a voice transmission, but directly spoken out. At the same time, the three of the Lieyang Sect had already set up their positions and surrounded Liang Yan and Cui Zhengfei together, obviously not wanting to let one go.

"That's a coincidence." Liang Yan said lightly: "I am not used to seeing the killing of children. Since I met here today, let's end it easily!"

"It's a big tone, let's see if you have that strength first!"

The Sanhua layman sneered, and pinched his hands in a hurry. A glow above his head spread out and turned into thousands of silver threads, like a net of heaven and earth, shrouded toward the two people in the field.

This magical power of his hand is called "Senluo Ghost Net". The thousands of silver threads are all condensed from his own mana. Once the opponent falls into the net, the spiritual power in his body can no longer function freely, just like waiting. Slaughter the lamb and leave it to his disposal.

Although this trick was powerful, it was also extremely depleting spiritual power. If it weren't for fighting a strong enemy, the Sanhua layman would not use it lightly.

It's just that this is the territory of the Xuanshuang Sect. At this moment, there is another variable like Liang Yan. He has no choice but to do everything he can to make a quick fight and annihilate the two in front of him as soon as possible.

Seeing the sky full of silver wire tightening towards the two people in the middle of the yard, Cui Zhengfei's heart had already been mentioned in his throat, but Liang Yan was still calm, and he didn't even mean to act.

Instead, the little white beast in front of him soared into the sky, revealing a fang and two claws in the air, like a hungry tiger rushing to eat, it directly rushed onto the giant silver net.

Accompanied by the sound of biting and gnawing, it took only a moment of effort, and the seemingly boundless "Sin Luo Ghost Net" was already riddled with holes by this inconspicuous little white beast. , There is no more deterrence at all!

"No... this is impossible!"

The Sanhua layman screamed in surprise, "Falling Soul Nail", he never expected that the natal Tao that he had worked so hard to practice would be easily broken by such a little beast of unknown origin!

At this moment, a red figure flashed past Li Xiaosong like a shooting star, and then his long sleeves flicked, and a domineering flame swept out. It was the "Sunny Real Fire" of Firefox Ning Qing. !

"Playing with fire? I will too!"

Li Xiaosong, who was transformed into a small white beast, grinned, turned around abruptly, opened his mouth and spit out, a red flame swept out, it was the Nanming Lihuo that he got from Liang Yan back then.

Moreover, the five flames that Li Xiaosong refines have their own magical effects. Among them, the "forging gods fire" specializes in calcining opponents' magic weapons. After Li Xiaosong's unremitting cultivation these years, it can already melt most of the natal magic weapons of the cultivators of the Juyuan realm.

Just now Sanhua layman's "Sorrow Nail" was a precedent, and she was directly burned out by her fire.

As for this Nanming Lihuo, like Ning Qing’s "Blazing Sun Real Fire", it belongs to the pure sun fire of the Taoist School, but Li Xiaosong is far better than Ning Qing in terms of flame level and level of cultivation. This flame spurted out, and immediately swept the opponent Lieyang's true fire back.


After only hearing a scream, Ning Qing's entire body was wrapped in flames. She pinched her two-handed tactics eagerly and tried all kinds of methods, but she still couldn't get rid of the flames on her body. In the end, she could only roll all over the floor and burst into pain. Wailing.

Ning Qing’s tragic situation fell in everyone’s eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched. The face of the mourning **** stone puppet changed drastically. He hurriedly put the giant clock forward, and at the same time he kept beating with both hands, a weird bell rang. It can almost make people crazy.

"If you don't listen or listen, the eighth chanting!"

Li Xiaosong used two small claws to cover his ears, and at the same time, his whole body was like an arrow from the string, rushing to the stone puppet in an instant.

Seeing that this little beast was not affected by his own bell, Shi Puppet couldn't help being shocked. Seeing her rushing straight towards him, he was even more frightened.

In a hurry he didn't have time to ask for help, so he could only hide behind his own death knell.


Hearing a loud noise, the little white beast that Li Xiaosong transformed had a front paw clenched into a fist, smashing the huge bronze bell to pieces.

Moreover, she continued to move forward with this punch, and finally hit the stone puppet's chest.

The stone puppet of the Sangmen God, whose seemingly burly body was beaten by this punch, immediately bent into a bow shape, and his entire body flew back ten feet.

When he finally stopped, the person's chest had completely collapsed, and there was no breath, he was actually beaten to death by Li Xiaosong's punch!

From Liang Yan's appearance, to his spirit beast participating in the battle, to the sudden death of two cultivators of the Lieyang Sect, although all this is a long story, it is actually nothing but the skill of a cup of tea.

At this moment, the Sanhua layman looked at the two corpses in the courtyard. One was burned so badly that the other had collapsed in his chest. It was terrible, and he couldn't help but breathe in his heart.

"Your Excellency...... Is your Excellency a master of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain?"

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