The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 940: Fighting in the forest

Reminiscent of Fang Liren from Wushuang City and Buwen laymen who joined forces against dozens of golden cores of the same rank, Liang Yan didn't dare to have the slightest intention in his heart. He pinched the sword art with one hand, and the three sword lights flew back. , Formed a sword net on top of his head, firmly guarding himself in it.


   There was a loud noise, but the nine-story pagoda fell from the sky, pushing down the three-color sword net above Liang Yan's head and his whole body, and finally smashed into the ground.


   Huangjiao Great Immortal yelled, and the magic tricks in his hands continued, and infinite suction suddenly appeared at the bottom of the nine-story pagoda, as if to empty the entire ground.


   With a series of loud noises coming from the ground, Huangjiao Great Immortal's brows wrinkled and tightened.

   He stared at the ground below for a long time, suddenly his expression changed, and he gave a low voice:


   At this moment, the ground suddenly exploded somewhere behind him, and a purple sword slammed into the back of his neck like a thunder!

Huangjiao Daxian's reaction speed is also extremely fast, I saw him turning into light, galloping away from the flying sword, and at the same time shaking his backhand, immediately a pair of golden hooks flew out of his sleeves and turned into mid-air. Two streamers flew straight towards Liang Yan's Zi Lei Tianyin Sword.


   There was a crisp sound in the air, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword slashed on the two golden hooks. The unstoppable Jian Gang was actually stopped!

   The pair of seemingly inconspicuous golden hooks, at this time, burst out a brilliant golden glow, like an umbrella cover, supporting the long river of purple thunder sword energy in the air.

Liang Yan didn't have any surprises about this. As early as when the Huangjiao Great Immortal sacrificed the magic weapon, he had already caught a glimpse of the fine runes on the pair of golden hooks, which seemed to be infused with the Buddhist mantra of not low grade, and it was far more robust. Extraordinary magic weapon.

   He didn't hesitate at the moment, his one-handed sword art changed, and the fixed light sword above his head became invisible and quietly went around behind the opponent.

The yellow horned immortal narrowed his eyes, apparently also aware of an invisible murderous intent, and immediately stretched out his hand to pat his forehead, and saw a cloud of yellow clouds floating out of his head. In just an instant, he was sent back and forth dozens of times. The scope of the foot is completely covered.

   The group of yellow clouds just dispersed, there was a crisp sound behind Huangjiao Great Immortal, and a sword rainbow appeared in the empty place.

   Although this sword rainbow looks vague, it is surrounded by yellow clouds, and it is already possible to determine the specific location of the flying sword.

   "What an invisible sword!"

   Huangjiao Fairy was shocked, but he didn't feel a little secretive joy. His group of Huang Yun is called "Xumi Transformation Spiritual Energy", which has been cultivated for more than seventy years, and it is specially used to overcome strength with softness.

   This "Xumihua Reiki" does not have any offensive ability, but it is an excellent defensive supernatural power. As long as the opponent's magic weapon enters this cloud of yellow clouds, it will gradually lose contact with the magic weapon owner.

   Liang Yan didn't recognize "Xumi Huan Reiki", but just felt that the Light Sword had just entered the scope of this yellow cloud, exposing its traces.

   Not only that, but a strange force swept from all directions, surrounded by the fixed light sword, making myself and the flying sword weaker and weaker, almost losing control of the flying sword.

   "This group of yellow clouds is so weird!"

   Liang Yan was shocked in his heart, and he didn't dare to continue the imperial flying sword forward. He hurriedly changed the method and wanted to withdraw the light sword.

   However, the big fairy with yellow horns was unreasonable. At this moment, he smiled, and the surrounding yellow clouds swarmed out, entangled the light sword in the air, and didn't want this flying sword to escape.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, pinched his two-handed tactics anxiously, and used the methods in the "No Phase Sword Classic". The silver changhong went back and forth in mid-air, and countless sword qi surged around, blocking the yellow clouds from three feet away. , And was never involved again for a while.

   The two sides are just like you come and go, fighting the yellow clouds with the fixed light, and the golden hook with the purple thunder. Suddenly, after more than a hundred moves, there is still no difference between the victory and the defeat.

   Liang Yan became more frightened as he fought. Although the Huangjiao Great Immortal in front of him was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core, his supernatural powers were completely different from those of the monks of the same realm in Nanchui.

   I thought that when he fought with the bald pen man of Yixing Pavilion, he didn't need to sacrifice a second flying sword at all. He could beat his opponent with just one sword, but now facing this Huangjiao Great Immortal, he deeply feels the difficulty of his opponent.

   If his mayfly sword pill can be unsheathed, naturally only a light sword can be used to break the person. But the battle of Yixing Pavilion that year caused the sword pill to be damaged. Although he had been in the "Taixu Gourd" for several years, he still couldn't make sacrifices to meet the enemy. There were only three sword gangs that he could rely on.

   Now that the purple thunder and the fixed light swords are coming out together, they can only match the Huangjiao Daxiandou. Although he still has the strongest black lotus sword gang that has not been sacrificed, his opponent also has the means of gathering sand into a tower.

The nine-story pagoda made of yellow sand not only has strong destructive power, but also has a weird power of forbidden. If it hadn’t been for Liang Yan to use the “distraction method” to reduce part of the power in advance, it would not be so easy. Escape from under the pagoda.

At this moment, although the fighting method in the woods is vigorous, both of them hold their strongest moves in their hands, just waiting for the other to reveal their flaws and then perform Thunder One. Hit, kill your opponent in one fell swoop!

In Liang Yan's eyes, there was a faint blue aura surging. After the "Wang Qi Method" in "Heartlessness Method" was put on display, he has gradually been able to see through some of the changes in the Huangjiao Great Immortal's spell, and move to respond Also more flexible.

When the two sides fought for more than two hundred moves, Liang Yan spotted a flaw in the magic of Huangjiao Great Immortal. He stirred the "Xu Mihua Aura" with a fixed light sword, and took the yellow cloud away from the direction, and at the same time single-handed With a pinch of the sword art, the black lotus sword gang suddenly soared, turning into a black long rainbow, and headed straight to the head of the big fairy Huangjiao.

   The Yellow Horned Immortal was also suddenly startled. As the whole person flew backwards, he pinched his two-handed technique anxiously, muttering words in his mouth.

   Numerous mad sands gathered in front of him, and once again turned into a nine-story pagoda, rotating in the air, as if a small hill was suppressing it.


   Hearing a loud noise, the black lotus sword slashed on the nine-story pagoda, bursting out a dazzling halo, and the surrounding jungle within hundreds of meters was turned into sawdust.

   Although the long black river was blocked in the air, countless sword energy rushed out, turning into a black lotus in the air, spinning endlessly.

   The Tower of Crazy Sand of the Great Yellow Horned Immortal, after working hard for half a cup of tea, was finally crushed by the countless black sword lotus.

   The full blow from both sides finally led Liang Yan to gain the upper hand!

   He succeeded with a move, and even more intolerant, the sword in his hand hurriedly pinched, the whole person Jin Guangsheng, actually walked with the sword, and the black lotus sword gang rushed towards the big fairy of Huangjiao!

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