The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 945: Relief

Liang Yan was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, and saw that he was a big bald man with a cultivation base that had reached the initial stage of the Golden Core, and he was walking towards him with five monks from the Ju Yuan realm.

At this time, there were not many people on the street, and a few passing cultivators saw them and avoided them from a distance.

"This fellow Taoist, he looks very face-to-face, why, he's anxious to get out of the city?"

The bald man brought the group of patrolling monks to Liang Yan, looked up and down, and started asking questions.

"Hehe, there is indeed something important here, and I need to leave Tianyuan Town. But I don't know what happened just now. Why did the martial law suddenly start?" Liang Yan said with a kind smile.

After hearing this, the bald man narrowed his eyes and sneered: "You are afraid that you don't understand the rules, right? I work in Seven Star City, do I still need to inform you?"

"Friends of Taoism misunderstood."

Liang Yan didn't show the slightest irritation. He still kept a warm smile and said, "How dare you inquire about Seven Star City to do things, but when I was out of the city, I encountered martial law, and I was a little bit puzzled. Since the Daoist is unwilling to disclose, then I too I won't ask more."

Seeing Liang Yan always maintained a polite attitude, the bald man's expression was slightly softened, but his tone was still cold:

"What's your name?"

"You are talented in Xialu."

The bald man nodded, and then asked: "What kind of monk are you from, what is the so-called coming to Tianyuan Town?"


Liang Yan felt a little depressed. Since "Huangjiao Great Immortal" had returned to Tianyuan Mountain, his identity as the elder of the Xuanshuang Sect could no longer be used. But when he first arrived in Xianzhou, Antarctica, he didn't even know which sect or clan forces were nearby, but if he directly said that he was a casual cultivator, it would inevitably arouse this person's suspicion.

The thoughts in his heart turned quickly, but he hesitated for a while, pretending to be difficult, and said: "I am not a monk in the territory of the Seven Star City, but a merchant who travels here. As for the purpose of this place, it is related to internal secrets. Please forgive me for not being able to elaborate further."

"It's confidential?"

The bald man sneered and said, "Well, I don't want others to say that our Seven Star City is too domineering. Since you don't want to say, then we don't force it..."

Liang Yan just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but the big guy said coldly, "As long as you check the storage ring for me, you can naturally release you out of the city!"


Liang Yan's expression changed when he heard it. Checking the storage ring was a taboo among the monks. What the bald man said he didn't want to be too domineering, this was obviously extremely domineering!

"Do you really treat the monks in the world as nothing?"

Liang Yan's face gradually became gloomy, making a look of forbearing anger.

"Haha, that's not the case. It depends on who is right. For a suspicious person like your Excellency who does not want to reveal his identity, I will never be polite to Seven Star City!"

The bald man smiled and said, "Since your Excellency is unwilling to cooperate, you can blame me for being ruthless! First take you to the Tianyuan Mountain cell, and then slowly interrogate your origins!"

As this person said, he stretched his hand to the storage bag around his waist, and the atmosphere on the street suddenly became rattled.

Liang Yan also secretly cried out in his heart that he had already learned the tricks of the monks in the Seven Star City. Although this person is only in the early stage of the Golden Core, but if he wants to deal with him, he must also sacrifice the sword.

He is now using the "Root of Origin" spell to disguise himself. Once the three swords are unsheathed, his identity will be exposed, and it will inevitably cause everyone to be besieged.

In this Tianyuan Mountain, just being a "Yellow Horned Fairy" is a bit difficult, plus Xiong Tianqi who guards this place and the rest of the Golden Core monks, wanting to get away, only to fight the danger of being seriously injured again, forcibly sacrificed. Kenmaru is one way.

His sword pill had already been damaged once, and if it were to be sacrificed forcibly this time, it would be completely destroyed, and the sword repair road would be missed.

Faced with the aggressiveness of the bald man, Liang Yan's eyes gradually became cold. He stroked the "Tai Xu Hu" on his waist without a trace with his right hand, and secretly made up his mind. If he is really forced to this step, then Kill all the seven-star city monks on Tianyuan Mountain!

At the critical moment when the two confronted each other and the fighting was on the verge of breaking out, a man's voice came from the side of the street, and said leisurely: "Oh, who am I? It turned out to be Ambassador Yao!"

Hearing this voice, the two parties who were facing each other were slightly taken aback, and at the same time they turned their heads to look.

I saw a dozen people slowly coming out from the west end of the street, with different costumes. The first one was about forty years old, wearing a felt hat and a set of red embroidered gold robes, and dressed as a staff member. He looked kind and approachable.

"Teacher and Taoist friend?" The bald man frowned slightly: "If you don't bring your own caravan, how can you run around in this muddy water?"


The middle-aged member smiled heartily, and said to the bald man with a fist: "Inspector Yao, this time it is really flooded into the Dragon King Temple, and he beat his family!"

"Teacher and Daoist, what does this mean?" The bald man asked, squinting his eyes.

The middle-aged member smiled slightly, and suddenly pointed his finger at Liang Yan, and said, "He is the guest secretary of our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Several true monarchs in Seven Star City have said hello."

"What happened?"

I heard that Liang Yan was sent from the headquarters of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. The bald man's complexion couldn't help changing, and he bowed his hand to Liang Yan: "It turns out that you are from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Yao did not know how he was offended. Please don't take it to heart."

Liang Yan had been watching with cold eyes. At this time, seeing the attitude of the bald man took a big turn, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is strange ~ On the tiny Tianyuan Mountain, some people want to kill me, but some people want to protect me? Looking at the attitude of this bald man, Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is clearly not a weak force. Even Seven Star City has to give a bit of face, but I don't know why he wants to come forward for me?"

Liang Yan thought of this, and suddenly moved in his heart, and then secretly said: "No, I have obviously changed my face. The people from Qingyun Chamber of Commerce should also not be aware of my origin. Why should I protect me?"

He has always been cautious. In just a few moments of effort, countless thoughts have flooded into his mind, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't find a clue.

"No matter, let's deal with the current predicament first. No matter what the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is in, it will never be worse than the current situation. Let's recognize the identity of Ke Qing first."

Liang Yan's thoughts turned, although countless thoughts flashed in his mind, but in fact only a short moment passed.

At this time, he was already smiling, and he arched his hands at the bald man: "It's no wonder that you don't know, inspector Yao is dedicated to his duties, and Lu is also very impressed!"


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