The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 958: Beginning of Hunyuan

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Liang Yan stood at the entrance of the medicine garden, his eyes swept around, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The medicinal garden in front of me is huge, and there are many rare spiritual herbs in it. If it can grow normally to the present, it will be at least thousands of years old.

But the problem is that these cherished spiritual herbs have almost withered away, and there is no even a trace of anger. Obviously, they are of no use.

"how so........."

Liang Yan frowned slightly, and his heart was full of doubts.

"Although these immortal herbs are very precious, they are not the kind with particularly harsh cultivation conditions. Moreover, this is a medicinal garden carefully arranged by the ancestors. There are formations around it, and these herbs will never wither so easily. NS."

With doubts, Liang Yan strolled around in the huge medicine garden, and felt a faint feeling in his heart. There seemed to be a very mysterious existence nearby, absorbing all the spirituality of these herbs.

However, no matter whether he used his divine sense to probe or use the "Eight-Blade Yanyuan" to perceive, he still could not detect this mysterious existence.

"Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Liang Yan thought secretly in his heart, slightly depressed.

However, at this moment, the Taixu gourd on his waist suddenly vibrated. After a while, a white light flew out of the gourd, gradually condensed in the air, and finally turned into an old man's shadow.

"Hey, wonderful, wonderful! Your kid has a lot of luck, I didn't expect this kind of opportunity!"

As soon as the old man appeared, he twisted his beard and praised him.

Liang Yan was taken aback when he heard it, and then he arched his hands and said, "Senior Tree Spirit, you said the kid has a chance, where is this chance?"

"Haha, right here!"

The fairy tree tree spirit laughed, and a blue light suddenly shot out of his eyes, directly shining at the center of the medicine garden.

As this blue light fell on the sky above the medicine garden, the surrounding space actually began to twist, like a ripple of water. After only a moment, I heard the sound of space shattering, and the medicine garden was the most In the center, at this moment, a white bud that was only the size of a palm appeared.

With the appearance of this white bud, the aura around the medicine garden suddenly increased, and an aura that was ten times stronger than the outside world swept around, giving Liang Yan a very comfortable feeling in it.

"There is such a thing!"

Liang Yan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. He had clearly explored it with God's Sense and Babu Yanyuan just now, but he didn't find this white shoot, which was hidden under his eyelids.

"It's normal that you can't search for it. This thing has absorbed enough aura. The first thing is to disguise yourself. If the old man is not an immortal tree into a spirit, he has the talent and magical power to sense the essence of Yimu, and it will never be found. The existence of." The old tree spirit touched his chin and said with a smile.

"So that's the case." Liang Yan nodded and asked again: "Senior said that I had a chance. That should be because I know the origin of this sprout, and I would like to ask Senior to help."

"Hehe, you just met me, otherwise ordinary human monks would not recognize it at all." The old tree spirit looked at the bud in front of him, his eyes narrowed and said: "This is a'Xuanwu Flower', it is a kind of An extremely rare Mizuki dual-attribute spiritual flower."

"Xuanwu flower? Water and wood attributes?" Liang Yan frowned and said, "Senior knows that I am a kendo. Even though this water and wood dual attribute spirit flower is precious, what use is it with me?"

"Hey, you don't know anything about it. In addition to its extremely precious value, this Profound Mist Flower is also a very rare companion flower."

"Companion flower?" Liang Yan's eyes lit up, "You mean, there are other treasures here?"

"Yes!" The old tree spirit nodded and smiled slightly: "In fact, the strange thing associated with the Profound Mist Flower is a wisp of'Hyun Yuan Xian Huang'!"

"This... the kid has never heard of it, please ask seniors to clarify."

"It's easy to say."

The tree spirit old man opened his mouth lightly: "The chaos of the element, there is no beginning and disorder, but the chaotic vitality born when the world is undivided, and the Yin and Yang are unknown. Later, the world gradually evolved, and the chaotic vitality that originally filled the space was also Gradually dissipated, evolved into various Dao laws, and was finally absorbed by this world."

"But in spite of this, there is still a very thin part of the chaotic vitality remaining, which is the'Hunyuan Xianqi' just mentioned. It is said that there are only two hundred strands of the'Hunyuan Xianqi' among the three realms of man, demon, and devil. ', some of them have been refined, and whenever the refining person falls or sits down, there is a wisp of'Hunyuan Xianxian' returning to heaven and earth."

"Hunyuan Xianxian..." Liang Yan murmured, his face suddenly showing a trace of excitement.

"Senior, does this thread of'Hunyuan Xianxian' you mentioned has something to do with the Nine Turns Hunyuan Immortal Golden Pill?"


The tree spirit old man nodded and said: "The nine levels of the golden core are the division of Taoism and Confucianism. As far as the old man knows, the cultivation system of Taoism and Confucianism of your human race is the closest, except that the combination of Yin and Yang of Taoism is Hunyuan. The Confucian school requires the rotation of the three talents of heaven, earth and man to be called Hunyuan. Although the two cultivating Taoism are different, in order to achieve the nine-turn Hunyuan immortal golden pill, they must have a wisp of'Hunyuan Xianxian'. Row."

Liang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking: "Senior meant that there is a'Hunyuan Xianxian' hidden in this palace?"

"That's not true." The old tree spirit shook his head and said: "The relationship between Hunyuan Xianqi and Xuanwuhua is very special. Generally speaking, the distance between the two is not less than a thousand miles. If you want to get bigger, the whole film The territory of Tianhe City is actually within the associated area of ​​the two..."

"Such a large area? Then how do we look for it?" Liang Yan asked with a frown.

" Since I said that you have a chance, naturally there is my way. As long as you give me three years and three years of aging, you can make this'Xuanwu Flower' bloom in advance. The secret method can point you in the direction and help you collect this wisp of'Hunyuan Xianxian'!"

Liang Yan smiled upon hearing it, and bowed his hands to the old man in the woods and said: "So, Liang X, thank you very much!"

The old man in the woods waved his hand and said, "Don't be too busy to thank you. I have to say something first. You can make a decision after you hear it."

"Okay, seniors please say!"

"First of all, this Nine Ranks Mixed Element Golden Core is not so easy to accomplish. The first difficulty is that you have already formed a pill now. If you want to refind the Nine Ranks Golden Core, you must rebuild the broken pill!"

The tree spirit old man said with a serious face: "You don't need to say anything about the risk of this broken pill. You can understand it. A little carelessness will cut off the immortal road, and there will be no hope of the road in this life. Even if you get lucky to keep your foundation, your own cultivation level will fall sharply. , I don’t know how many years it will take to condense the pills again."


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