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"Huh! I know this naturally, you don't need to say more!"

Old He hummed coldly, and squeezed with one hand. The speed of the white chain in mid-air suddenly increased, and it bypassed the blockade of the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword like a loach, and entangled directly towards Liang Yan's deity.

It turned out that this person saw that the opponent's flying sword was sharp, so he didn't intend to fight hard. Instead, relying on his own magic weapon to change freely, he wanted to avoid the sword's edge and go straight to Huanglong.

But Liang Yan is also a man who has been fighting for a long time. As soon as this talent raised his hand, he saw the other party's intention, hurriedly leaped into the air, flew into the air, and at the same time withdrew his sword back to aid, and locked it firmly with the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword. White chain.

The speed of the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword was surprisingly fast, and it caught up with the white chain almost instantly. He was inevitable and could only control the magic weapon, fighting against Liang Yan's flying sword.


There was a crisp sound, the white chain was chopped upside down, and there were several fine cracks on the original crystal chain.

Old He was also shocked in his heart. He dared not entangle the magic weapon with Liang Yan's flying sword, and hurriedly pinched the tactic with both hands. The white chain shook slightly in the air, and it turned into a giant net with a radius of one hundred feet, shrouded below. Come.

This magic weapon is called "fishing net". When the old crane was wandering, he found a yin fish with a thousand years of cultivation in a place of ice and snow. After fighting for three days and three nights, he killed it and took it later. The essence of its demon pill, and the master craftsman of Tianhe City was invited to make this net.

Once this "fishing net" is unfolded, the surrounding area will become a land of ice and snow, with a deep chill permeating it, as if everything around it will be frozen in the net.

Liang Yan was shocked and hurriedly pinched the tactics to withdraw the sword, trying to make the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword escape the coverage of the "fishing **** net", but the range covered by the giant net was too large, even at the speed of thundering, it was impossible. Escape in a short time.

In just the blink of an eye, the frosty chill fell on the flying sword, the speed of the purple thunder sword became slower and slower, and the surrounding space was slowly frozen.


Old Crane let out a low cry, and his two-handed technique changed again. The "fishing **** net" quickly closed, and soon wrapped the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword in it.

Liang Yan sensed it silently, secretly saying something was wrong in his heart. Although the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword was still in contact with his own mind, he hadn't listened to it at all.

However, he still had his hole cards and never shot, so he was not so flustered at the moment. Instead, he had a magical power of indecision silently on the spot. A blue light flashed through his eyes, and the corner of his mouth was hooked after a while, revealing a trace. Smile.

"Wang Qi method" transports his eyes, Liang Yan keenly perceives that the whole body of the old crane is boiling like water at this moment. Although his hands are hidden in his sleeves, he is also constantly pinching and casting spells. He obviously wants to control the "fishing." "Shen Wang" trapped his flying sword, it was not an easy task for him.

"It turns out he's not having a good time!"

Liang Yan sneered, and the whole person suddenly turned into a gray light, and went straight to the old man.

Lao He tried his best to trap Liang Yan's flying sword with the "fishing **** net". In his opinion, once Jian Xiu lost his life flying sword, it was equivalent to the tiger losing his minions. Opportunity to resist.

He was thinking about how to make a move, and took this person in one fell swoop, but he didn't prevent the other party from taking the lead, and instead of retreating, he flew toward him.

"Hmph, good job! See how you can eat my trick if you don't have Feijian!"

Old He snorted coldly and suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out hundreds of purple brilliance, which turned into a sea of ​​purple flames in mid-air, facing Liang Yan's escape light.

Facing this purple sea of ​​fire, Liang Yan didn't have the slightest fear in his eyes.

In order to imprison his own Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, the other party has expended too much spiritual power. This purple sea of ​​fire was inspired by his residual spiritual power, and its power was less than half of its heyday.

Liang Yan unfolded the "empty aspects of all dharmas" of mixed exercises. A layer of golden light surrounded him. Although those fierce auras were fierce, they had nothing to do with the golden light of this layer of Buddhism. It was just a blink of an eye. He had already reached the distance of less than a hundred feet in front of Old He.


Liang Yan yelled and pinched the magic formula in his hand, and a black sword lotus flew out of the Taixu gourd, and slid around in the air. It released hundreds of black sword qi and went straight to the old man.

"And Feijian?!"

The old He's expression changed drastically. He obviously didn't expect the other party to have a flying sword, and this sword was even more weird and unpredictable, with a breath of rotten death.

Liang Yan was not in a hurry to take out the sword at first, but relied on his "all dharmas and voidness" to protect him, and he suddenly sacrificed his second flying sword when he was within a hundred meters of the old crane, just trying to catch him by surprise. , Cut this person directly under the sword.

At such a close distance, facing the hundreds of black lotus sword auras full of death aura, Old He was indeed a little unable to dodge, and at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded from behind him:

"Quick back and shoot together!"

At the same time as the voice sounded behind him, there was another huge suction force, and Old He instantly reacted and hurriedly flew back with this suction force.

At the same time, a black giant python tens of feet long sprang out from behind him, blocking all the hundreds of black lotus sword spirits that lased for him.

brush! brush! brush!

The black lotus sword aura rained down, slashing all on the giant python's body, and the python skin, which originally looked indestructible, was also cut to blood and blood under the sword rain.

When the sword energy was exhausted, the giant python was already full of holes. But the strange thing is that even so, there is no pain in the python's pupils.


Liang Yan gave a light hey, and when I looked again the next moment, I found that the wound on the giant python body was actually misty. The mist became thicker and thicker and gradually covered the wound.

The **** and **** sword wounds that were nourished by these mists actually healed quickly. In less than a few breaths, the wounds on the giant python's body were healed seven or seven before the mists dissipated. At this time, the old crane has been pulled back with magical powers, the original image of floating out of dust disappears, and there is a slight embarrassment on his face.

Standing side by side with him was the old man with a pocky face, both of them had solemn faces at this time, and the eyes that looked at Liang Yan were full of jealousy.

Although Old He had just escaped from Liang Yan's sword, he had no time to use his magical powers and continued to imprison the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword because of his distraction to save his life.

Liang Yan just moved in his heart, and the purple flying sword in the air burst out with a thunderous thunder, and then galloped out of the "fishing **** net" and returned to him in an instant.

Liang Yan's two swords were in his hand, and he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. He was about to make another sword move, but suddenly he felt a breath of Ruowu rushing towards him.

Just in the blink of an eye, this breath came to his side, and then went straight into the Taixu gourd on his waist!


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