The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 970: Lianchuang 3rd floor

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This bald man holding a golden rod with a dragon pattern is naturally Luo Wu, and the one who fends off the enemy with him is his senior brother Lin Yue.

Luo Wu himself is a physical training, and now he has obtained Liang Yan's "Tianlong Cudgel" magic weapon.

And his senior brother Lin Yue cultivated a thunder and lightning aura, which is usually hidden in his belly, and then spit it out when fighting against others, suppressing his opponent with the power of thunder.

Du Li is one enemy and two, and he hasn't lost the wind at this moment. His "Barbarian Tyrant Body Jue" is a fragment of the ancient body trainer. He exercises his body in an extremely dangerous and demanding way. Although he is slow, he can enter During the golden period, there will be a qualitative leap.

He fluttered around in the small floor space, and every time he evaded, it was because of the "Dragon Stick" in Luo Wu's hands, and most of the other attacks by the two chose to resist with physical strength.

Since the two sides have fought, they have fought more than a hundred moves. Although Luo Wu and Lin Yue were surprised at the strength of this person's physical body, Du Li was equally bored.

He had always been pretentious, and felt that even in the same rank, there were few rivals. He didn't expect that the two early Golden Core cultivators in front of him could actually fight him to such a degree.

"Unexpectedly, these two shrimp soldiers and crabs are not very capable, but the magic weapon is powerful. If it weren't for the dragon-patterned gold rod in the hand of the bald boy to make the old man a little jealous, I would have shot these two people to death several times!"

The more Du Li thought about it, the more resentful he became. He also cultivated himself, but he had been practicing his physical body hard for hundreds of years, but he didn't look for a suitable magic weapon to practice it.

Because the "Manji Tyrant Body Jue" pays attention to self-cultivation, when the realm is up, the general magic weapon is not as hard as his physical body, so naturally he is not willing to spend time to practice.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a magic weapon here today, and I couldn't help feeling greed for Luo Wu's "Tianlong Cudgel".

"Hmph, you and I are both physical cultivators, but natural talents are the difference between clouds and mud. Do you deserve to have these magic weapons?"

He was fiery in his heart, but he didn't lose his reason, he was still calm on the surface, and only secretly said:

"Today there are many people with mixed eyes, and Qingyun Pavilion is here as a banner officer. I can't do it too conspicuously. I will find an opportunity to secretly leave a mark on this child. When the matter is over, I will look for it. He..."

Du Li's abacus clinked in his heart, but before he found a chance to start, he heard a thunderstorm behind him, followed by a thunder and lightning rushing towards his heart.

"Huh, that annoying kid again!"

Du Li didn't need to guess that it was Lin Yue who gave out this thunder and lightning.

The two men joined forces to attack him just now, Luo Wuchong was in the forefront, entangled with the magic weapon of "Tianlong Cudgel" with the power of physical cultivation, while Lin Yue opened the distance and bombarded Du Li with the thunder and lightning secret technique.

The two are both positive and strange, one is far and the other is close, and they cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding.

It's just that Du Li's physical power is too strong, and he often resists Lin Yue's thunder and lightning secret technique, and only suffers a little skin trauma, and can't pose too much threat to him.

At this time, Du Li, hearing the thunder and whistling behind his ears, didn't look back at all, just grinned and grabbed back with his backhand.

Hearing the sound of a thunderbolt, the aura of thunder and lightning behind him was firmly grasped by Du Li in his hand. Smoke.

"Small bugs, dare to stand in front of Du?"

After solving Lin Yue's spell, Du Li laughed, and he was about to take a shot with his spiritual power in his hand, leaving a mark on Luo Wu on the opposite side.

But at this moment, a chill suddenly came from behind, and then there was a domineering breath that penetrated into the meridians from the back of his heart.

"Crap! This kid still has the means to press the bottom of the box!"

Du Li suddenly woke up and immediately circulated the Manji Domineering Body Art all over his body, and a mighty spiritual force rushed out, trying to expel the domineering and cold aura from his body.

However, when the spiritual power in his body was entangled with that domineering aura, it immediately melted and disappeared.

Not only that, the meridians all over his body seemed to be locked, and even his movements became sluggish.

"What is this..."

In a hurry, Du Li had only time to look back, but saw Lin Yue holding a purple clay pot, and a few auspicious clouds could be seen faintly above the pot.

A vigorous purple aura was flying out of the mouth of the pot, and it continued to sink into the back of his heart.

"There are such magic weapons..."

Du Li murmured, only feeling unwilling to his heart, he couldn't help but roar, using his brute force to the extreme, punching Luo Wu in front of him.

Luo Wu was also unwilling to show weakness. He swept the "Dragon Stick" in his hand, swept it from top to bottom, and collided with Du Li's fist.


There was a loud noise, and Du Li, who was originally pretentious, was knocked down and flew out. Not only did he smash the wall of Mingyue Tower backward, he also smashed the streets of Langya City into a deep Pit.

Du Li probably never dreamed that he would be defeated by two cultivators in the early stage of the Golden Core.

Just now, Lin Yue attacked his rear with the thunder and lightning secret technique, just to let him relax his vigilance, so that the emperor Ziqi in the "Purple Qi Cloud Pot" could hit him in one fell swoop.

Du Li had broken this person's supernatural powers several times, thinking that Lin Yue was innocent, and focused most of his attention on Luo Wu, who was holding the "Dragon Cudgel". He didn't expect that this person would break the supernatural powers in the end. .

In fact, Luo Wu and Lin Yue were just average in the early days of Jin Dan in terms of their own strength. But the "Dragon Stick" and the "Purple Qi Xiangyun Pot" lent to them by Liang Yan were the secret treasures left by Liu Hongcheng that year, and belonged to the best magic weapons used by the monks of the Golden Core Peak.

The two of them got this magic weapon and it was considered a great increase in their strength, and they teamed up to defeat Du Li. If you put it in the past, it is something that you can't even think of.

Looking at the hole Du Li left in the wall, Liang Yan suddenly sneered.

"It seems that the people from the three major branches are nothing more than that!"

Luo Wu and Lin Yue are also very confident at the moment, and they laughed: "With the flag holding the adults, the good life of these branch people is over. Let's find out the scandals of these people in the past, and we should investigate and deal with them. , The rewards and punishments hall of the rewards and punishment halls. From now on, my position in the chamber of commerce will surely increase. By then, all the resources will not be coming!"

After Liang Yan heard this, he just smiled non-committal, then waved his hand and said: "Don't talk too much here, let me go upstairs."

"Yes!" the two responded at the same time.

Liang Yan nodded, without saying anything, leading Luo Wu and Lin Yue, turned around and walked up the stairs.


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