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After Liang Yan heard this, he nodded slightly and said: "Liang also knows that this blood cloud branch is rare. I just say hello to the two presidents. If you encounter this thing, you can do your best to stay. The cost of this is up to Liang. A certain assumption."

After Situ Shen and Wang Tai heard this, they both breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the blood cloud branches are too precious.

"Since Liang Qishi has spoken to this point, I will pay more attention to it. Liang Qishi will wait for our good news." Situ Shen was the first to speak.

"Okay!" Liang Yan said with a smile: "Langya City is simple, I won't keep two more, please do it yourself."

"Then I'll say goodbye first."

Situ Shen and Wang Tai each clasped their fists, and took the monks from the Chamber of Commerce to leave from Mingyue Tower. For a time, there were only Liang Yan, Luo Wu and Lin Yue left in the bustling teahouse.

"Liang Qishi, just let them go like this?" Luo Wu looked at the backs of a few people leaving, his face still a little uncomfortable.

"They have been pursuing their own pockets in the past few years, and the party is the same, and they don’t know how much resources of the Chamber of Commerce have been encroached on! Li Chongba clearly entered the middle stage of the golden core 30 years ago, and now his aura is almost complete, and he is about to break through to the second phase of the golden core. !" Lin Yue was also a little unhappy.

Liang Yan smiled slightly, walked to the table and poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said:

"The three major branches are deeply entrenched in this area. If any branch is attacked today, it will attract the joint resistance of the other two. This situation is not what we want to see... Rather than let the three of them unite, it is better to divide them and defeat them one by one!"

After Luo Wu and Lin Yue heard this, they both showed a look of sudden realization. Among them, Luo Wu smiled a little excitedly: "No wonder Liang Qishi just showed good wishes to Guangyuan City and Qishui City branch. It turns out that he wanted to divide them. , Start with the Fengtian City branch first, and finally defeat them one by one. Holding the flag makes the adults really clever!"

Liang Yan just smiled lightly for Luo Wu's flattery.

In fact, what he said just now was just a perfunctory rhetoric between the two of them. As the envoy who has been here for three years, he didn't want to go to war.

Among the three branches, the only one Liang Yan wanted to deal with was the Fengtiancheng branch!

Because of the "Xuanwuhua" incident, he was regarded as having an enmity with the Su family. With the influence of the other family, he believed that he would be able to find out his identity soon, and his only backing would be the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

And according to the information that Luo Wu had detected before, this Fengtiancheng branch actually showed signs of secret collusion with the Su family, which greatly violated Liang Yan's taboo!

In Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, there is a Su family comrade, so wouldn't he sleep and eat?

So what Liang Yan is thinking about now is how to isolate the Fengtian City branch, and then find Li Chongba's handle to report to the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and root out the power of the Fengtian City branch.

Of course, Liang Yan would never say these things. After all, this was a public revenge, and it would not be good to let Luo Wu and Lin Yue know about it.

"You have stepped up the arrangement of manpower, these days you are doing all you can to search for evidence of Li Chongba's private pockets. Remember, no matter what method you two use, the sooner the better, what happens, I will bear it!" Liang Yan His face solemnly said.

"The palm of the flag reassures you, I will not let you down!"


In the following days, Liang Yan returned to Qingyun Pavilion and began to stay behind closed doors.

The cultivators of Qingyun Pavilion acted secretly, and they picked up the clues that were interrupted because of the obstruction of the predecessor's holding of the flag, and began a further investigation.

The Qingyun Chamber of Commerce in the entire southwestern region can be described as an undercurrent surging. While Qingyun Pavilion launched a series of actions against the Fengtian City branch, in Fengtian City, thousands of miles away from Langya City, there was a carriage traveling leisurely on the gravel road. .

This carriage looked unremarkable, and there was no trace of monks in it, just like an ordinary mortal car, but when it came outside the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce in Fengtian City, it was invited respectfully by several monks. Go in.

After the carriage drove into the inner courtyard, the curtain was slowly opened, and the first girl to emerge from the inside was a young girl in yellow. Although she was pretty and charming, there was a hint of domineering and surly in her eyes.

If Liang Yan were here, he would definitely recognize that this woman was the Su family's eldest lady who wanted to **** Xuanwuhua, Su Yan!

"Four uncle, we are here."

Su Yan turned her head and said respectfully to the person in the carriage.


The person in the car only faintly responded, and then the curtain was pulled open, and a middle-aged man in his early thirties, but with some white frost on his temples, walked out slowly.

As soon as he stepped out of the carriage, the surrounding temperature dropped abruptly, and the flowers and trees in the garden were covered with a thick layer of frost at this moment.

In the inner courtyard, the monks of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce were waiting here for a long time. At this time, they felt a deep chill, and even their hands and feet were a little reluctant.

The leader of these monks was Li Chongba, the president of the branch here. He stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Senior Su Yi, I haven't seen you for seven years. I didn't expect the cultivation of seniors to be higher. It's really gratifying! It's just that it is not easy to plant the spiritual flowers and grasses in my yard. Please don't embarrass them. "

"You kid, you don't have any other skills, but you are good at planting flowers and grass."

The middle-aged man called Su Yi chuckled, and with his smile, the surrounding ice-cold aura receded like a tide, and in just a few moments, it had all fallen into his body.

And the thick frost covering the flowers, plants and trees also melted away at this instant, and the lifeless courtyard was now revived.

"Senior Su please come inside!"

Li Chong smiled and made a "please" gesture..........

After a while, in a secret room of the Fengtian City branch, Su Yi sat on the main seat, sipping a sip of tea leisurely, while his niece Su Yan was standing by the side docilely at this moment.

As for the president of the branch here, Li Chongba, he didn't look like the president at all. Instead, he stood in place, standing with his hands down, reporting something to the two of them respectfully.


Su Yi, who was tasting tea in a leisurely manner, waved his hand suddenly and interrupted him: "I am not here to listen to your report on these tasks. To be honest, with regard to the benefits brought by your small branch, we The Su family still doesn't look very much."

When he said this, the conversation changed, and then he continued: "What I really care about is this new envoy, will this person affect our plan?"


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