The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 975: Undercurrent

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Hearing Su Yi's praise, Li Chongba couldn't help but smile, with a smug expression on his face.

"This is the case. As long as the'blood cloud branch' can be used to draw him out, then this person will undoubtedly die!" Su Yi finally nodded.

"Well, since the senior agrees, let's do it now." Li Chongba arched his hands at the two of them, turned and walked out.

After Li Chongba left, the two people in the secret room were silent for a while, and then Su Yan asked:

"Four uncle, is this person reliable?"

"Haha, girl, I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, this person has a handle in my hand, and I will never dare to disobey our Su family." Su Yi looked confident.

"That's good..........."

Su Yan nodded, with a sullen expression in her eyes, and whispered to herself softly: "So you are called Liang Yan...Hmph, you dare to take my chance, this time it fell into my hand. Here, I will torture you to death!"


In the next two months, the Qingyun Pavilion and Fengtian City branch seemed calm on the surface, but in fact they were surging.

In the past two months, Liang Yan stayed in the Qingyun Pavilion, barely leaving home, either meditating or inquiring about the progress of Luo Wu and others.

On this day, in the study room of Qingyun Pavilion, Liang Yanduan was sitting on a wooden chair, while Luo Wu and Lin Yue stood in front of the desk, both of whom had just returned to Qingyun Pavilion, looking like being in the dust.

"Not bad!"

Liang Yan closed the account book in his hand and nodded in praise: "You really did not disappoint me. Although these evidences are not enough to bring down the Fengtiancheng branch, they can be handed over to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters for them to thoroughly investigate Li Chongba. NS."

Luo Wu and Lin Yue looked at each other, and there was a slight smile on their faces.

"Sir, Qingyun Pavilion has such clues, if it weren't suppressed by the previous flag-holder, we would have been able to find out a few years ago."


Liang Yan nodded and said: "I know the ability of the two of you to do things, but the closer you get to success, the more you have to take precautions. It is impossible for the Fengtian City branch to be ignorant of such a big move. The so-called rabbit bites people in a hurry, you two must pay attention to your safety and don't take risks alone."

When Luo Wu and Lin Yue heard this, they both felt hot, and blurted out, "Thank you, sir!"

"My lord, don't worry. With the magic weapon you lent us, Lin Yue and I have already greatly beaten the strength of the past. As long as we don't meet the monks in the late Jindan period, we will have a certain degree of self-protection." Luo Wu said with a smile. .

After Lin Yue heard this, he nodded and said, "Luo Wu said it right. We both got the magic weapon to hold the flag and make adults, so we should do our best."

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this and didn't say much. He raised his hand and put the ledger and related evidence on the table into the storage ring. Only then did he ask: "Any other news recently?"


Lin Yue stepped forward and said: "The palm of the flag has made the news of the'Blood Cloud Branch' you were looking for."

"What? So there are eyebrows?" Liang Yan's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, it's a cultivator from the Guangyuan City branch. He took out the'Blood Cloud Branch' at a recent trade fair, but the asking price was so high that the auction ended."

"Are you sure you are a cultivator from the Guangyuan City Branch?" Liang Yan asked with some caution.

"It's true. Situ Shen also sent a letter about this matter, saying that he had already tested it for you. The blood cloud branch is more than 1,500 years old, and it absolutely meets the requirements of adults."

"Blood cloud branches more than 1,500 years old..."

Liang Yan took a deep breath, feeling a little excited in his heart. If it was exactly what Situ Shen said, he would be able to repair the sword pill at most two years after he got the blood cloud branch.

This Antarctic immortal continent is vast, rich in resources, and at the same time crisis-ridden. If the sword pill can be repaired as soon as possible, there will be one more life-saving method. How can this not make him feel excited?

It's just that Liang Yan has always been cautious, and at the same time he was excited, he also faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Since I have discovered the'Blood Cloud Branch', why didn't Situ Shen directly buy it for me, but send a letter to inform him? I said at the beginning that all the expenses involved are counted on my Liang Yan's head. It won't make them suffer."

Lin Yue shook his head and said: "Situ Shen wanted to buy it, but the monk who had the'blood cloud branch' changed his mind, saying that he didn't want spirit stones, but he wanted to barter with objects, and those who had to trade to him In the cave mansion, the two can discuss face-to-face."

"Is there such a thing?" Liang Yan frowned slightly: "Isn't that person a monk from the Guangyuan City Branch? Why don't you even give Situ Shen's face?"

When Luo Wu and Lin Yue heard this, they both smiled and said, "The adults don't know. After all, our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is just a business organization. It is not as strict and demanding as the monks' sect. , They are all based on the principle of voluntary transactions. There are many eccentric monks in the society, and they are nothing like this."

After Liang Yan heard it, he nodded slightly. He had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what Luo Wu and Lin Yue said, but he always felt a sense of anxiety.

Two months after arriving here, he hardly left home, rarely left Qingyun Pavilion, let alone walked out of Langya City.

Because of Xuanwuhua's matter, he had offended the Su family, the cultivation family here. The Su family was the family of the ancestors of the Transformation Tribulation Realm, whose strength was more terrifying than any previous sect.

Although he and Miss Su's family had never known each other before, the fight for chance was to seize the road of, of course, this kind of thing is endless. Liang Yan knew very well in his heart that the Su family probably had already ascertained his identity and was wondering **** him to vent his anger.

So after Liang Yan arrived here, he stayed in the Qingyun Pavilion in Langya City. His biggest backer now was the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Although the Su family was powerful, he still had to be afraid of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

The elders in their family will not openly slay the banner officer of Qingyun Pavilion for the enmity of a junior.

It’s safe to stay in Qingyun Pavilion, but after going out, it’s hard to tell............

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan asked, "What is the name of the monk you are talking about? What is its origin, have you checked it out?"

"This person's name is Zhou Yun. He was a casual repairer in his early years. He has joined the Guangyuan City branch for nearly 30 years. During this period, he has done some tasks for the Chamber of Commerce, and he has also done a few transactions within the Chamber of Commerce. According to the information, there is nothing suspicious." Lin Yue introduced.


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