The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 980: See you in the picture!

The cave where Zhou Yun was located was built on a small hill on the island. After the door of the cave was opened, a deep passage was exposed in front of Liang Yan.

Liang Yan looked at this passage with a slight expression of contemplation on his face, but he didn't hesitate for long. He just swept the divine consciousness inward and stepped in.

This passage was very dim, and the journey was not short. Liang Yan had walked for about half a time before he could vaguely see a little light appearing in front of him.

He walked another half of a cup of tea in the direction of the light, and the surrounding environment suddenly became clear, and he saw a stone room with a radius of one hundred meters, and a man was sitting in the stone room.

This person has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. He is short in stature, with one eye and long beard, wearing a set of linen clothes, sitting on a futon and meditating with his eyes closed.

Liang Yan didn't hide his aura, it can be said that he came here in an open manner, but strangely, the monk on the futon always closed his eyes and meditated, and did not seem to notice his arrival.

"Your Excellency is Zhou Yun?"

Liang Yan asked carefully while looking around.

The voice echoed in the empty cave, but he didn't get a response from the person on the futon. The man in sackcloth was always sitting tightly, looking like an old monk in peace.

Liang Yan frowned when he saw his piety, and he said again: "Why do you have to be mystical, I am Liang Yan, and I have come according to your request. What conditions are needed for the'Blood Cloud Branch' to be traded? Can you say it clearly now?"

As soon as he said this, the Mai Yi man who had been sitting still suddenly trembled, and the next moment he suddenly opened his one-eyed eye.

It's just that this one-eyed look is very different from that of ordinary people. An eyeball is spinning wildly in the eye socket, as if it will burst out of it in the next moment.

Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed drastically.


He didn't have time to use any magical powers. He just pinched a single-handed technique, and instantly there was a layer of body protection aura surrounding him, and then the whole person turned into a blue light and fled towards the outside of the stone room.

However, before he could get close to the door of the stone room, the man in linen sitting on the futon was already flushed. In the next instant, the man exploded, and an unspeakable icy breath swept the surroundings, almost covering the entire space. Froze down.


Hearing a scream, Liang Yan was caught off guard, and was caught in this icy breath. Without making any extra sounds, he was frozen into an ice sculpture!

This change was too sudden, from the time when the Maid man opened his one eye to the moment when he exploded himself with an icy air, the whole process was a long story, but it was actually just a short breath.

At this time, the stone room was already covered with a thick layer of ice, and at the distance from the door of the stone room, there was an ice sculpture.

In the ice sculpture, Liang Yan's gray-clothed gown, standing tall and straight, is maintaining a posture of rushing toward the entrance of the cave. One foot has just stepped forward, and there is a hint of panic in his eyes, so he is permanently impressed. Frozen in place.........

The whole stone room was silent, but in the next moment, someone broke the silence.

"The fourth uncle is really amazing. No matter how good this Liang Yan is, it won't be able to survive in your hands!"

With this sound, on the wall behind the stone room, a girl in a yellow shirt walked out slowly.

This woman is twenty-eight years old, with a graceful figure and good looks, and anyone who sees it can't help but feel happy. But only those who know the details know that this woman is surly, domineering and ruthless, and there is no reason at all.

"Huh, a little kid from the early stage of Jindan, can he really turn the sky upside down? He fell into my hand, but just a silent sparrow!"

A slightly older voice sounded in the stone chamber, and Su Yi's figure slowly appeared.

"My dear niece, although my'Nine Condensation Cold Qi' sealed his breath and spiritual power, making it unmovable, it did not seal his five senses and six senses. This person can feel all the pain in the world. "

Su Yi said with a slight smile, then turned to Su Yan and continued: "This person is robbing you of your treasure and seizing your chance. It is really hateful! Now it is in our hands. We must torture him well before taking the treasure back. , Only in this way can I show the prestige of my Su family!"

"Uncle rest assured!"

There was a hint of excitement in Su Yan's eyes, and she slowly said, "Yan'er likes this torture fun. Besides, it's not the first time. I'll let him know what it means to be unable to survive. , Please die!"

While she was speaking, she took out a crystal clear jar from the storage ring, and it was vaguely visible that there were many thumb-sized red worms in it.

"This is the evil fetus Gu, which feeds on the internal organs of the cultivator. The feeling of being eaten bit by bit from one's body by insects must be very unforgettable, right?"

Su Yan smiled evilly, holding the jar in her right hand, and slowly walked to Liang Yan's face.

"I know you can hear it, do you regret it now? Huh, if you knew you would end up like this today, did you dare to compete with Su Yan for the opportunity?"

There was a trace of morbid excitement on Su Yan's face. She seemed to enjoy the feeling that the other party knew it, but could not resist, and could only be slaughtered.

But just when she had to say something to humiliate Liang Yan, the next moment, something strange happened.

I saw Liang Yan, who had been frozen in place, suddenly blinked at himself, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Seeing this smile, Su Yan was slightly taken aback, and suddenly she felt a little lost in her mind.

But the next moment I heard Su Yi shout:


Before she could move, there was a sudden burst of cold behind her, and a long sword made of ice crystals slashed across her shoulders and went straight to the ice sculpture where Liang Yan was.

At the same time, a soft suction came from the rear, pulling Su Yan back several tens of feet.


With a loud explosion, the ice sculpture where Liang Yan was located was chopped into countless icicles, and a thick fog burst out, covering almost the entire stone room.

Su Yan was forcibly pulled back by her fourth uncle, and she was still a little dazed at this time, as if she didn't understand what happened just now.

The next moment, I heard a voice in the cold mist:

"It's freezing to death, freezing to death, the old guy's Jiu Ning chill is really cold!"

This voice was frivolous and exaggerated, completely different from the voice of "Liang Yan" just now.

At this time, the cold mist had slowly dissipated to the surroundings. Su Yan looked at it intently, and saw that the young man walking out of the cold mist was actually a young man who turned back while walking:

"The surname Xu, if you are not coming out yet, do you want me to be satisfied with being planted by this girl?"


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