The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 983: Behead

"I've heard about Liang's name for a long time. Today, I, Li Chongba, want to see, what exactly do you do!"

Li Zhong Baheran sneered, and then pinched with a single hand, and immediately behind him was an eight-stroke flag rushing into the air.

Each side of the eight-pole flag banner is the size of a house, and there are eight different ghost heads painted on it, either staring furiously, or smiling wickedly. There are eight gestures, which are all different.

"Eight ghosts eat souls!"

Li Chongba gave a low shout, and pointed at Liang Yanyao with one hand. The eight evil spirits immediately flew out of the flag and pounced in the direction he pointed.

"I said, what means do you have, it turns out that there are eight little ghosts, just to send you to reincarnation!"

Liang Yan chuckled and slapped the Taixu gourd on his waist with one hand. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword galloped out and turned into a hundred-foot-long Thunder Sword in mid-air, which was actually cut at the same time at the eight imps.


Before the flying sword arrived, there was the might of thunder from the sword. The evil spirits were already afraid of thunder, and the eight little ghosts were no exception. At the same time, there was a look of fear in their eyes, and there were signs of running backwards.

"Useless waste!"

Li Chong yelled in a low voice, pinched the Fa Jue in his hand, and suddenly opened his mouth, sucking all the eight little ghosts who had escaped into his belly.

After the eight little ghosts entered the abdomen, Li Chongba's belly was seen swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after just a few breaths, it had become a huge ball of meat.

At the same time, his aura suddenly skyrocketed, from the original middle stage to the latter stage.

Compared with his huge body, Li Chongba's head is like a small mole on a ball of flesh. Even without seeing how he speaks, there is an urn voice and ventral language:

"Hahaha, they are afraid of your thunder sword intent, Lao Tzu is not afraid! After I swallow you alive, let's see how arrogant you are!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Chongba's fleshy ball rushed towards Liang Yan, and halfway through the flight, the fleshy ball suddenly split, exposing a big mouth of blood, and a stench radiated from it.

Liang Yan's face changed slightly, but he did not expect that the president of the Fengtian City branch had actually hidden his cultivation base, and he was a monk in the late Golden Core!

Seeing this weird meat ball swallowed at him, Liang Yan hurriedly pinched the sword tactics, the purple thunder sky sound sword flew back, and the thunder sword gang slashed at the meat ball from top to bottom.


Hearing a muffled sound, Liang Yan felt that his sword was cut on a slippery ice block. Instead of piercing Li Chongba’s body, Liang Yan followed the ball of flesh. The surface slid to the side, and in the end it all fell on Li Chongba's side.

"What kind of exercise is this, why is it so weird?"

Liang Yan was shocked, and hurriedly gathered spiritual power, and the whole person turned into a escape light and flew back.

However, even though he retreated fast, the speed of the meat ball was not slow. You chased me and kept keeping a distance of about one hundred meters. Before Liang Yan could play his sword again, the blood bowl of the meat ball slammed again and again. Sucking, a huge suction force spread out, pulling Liang Yan back abruptly.


Hearing only a sound of breaking through the air, a red light shot out from the big mouth of the blood basin and came straight to Liang Yan's door!

"All dharmas are empty, I am the only one!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes slightly and pinched the tactics with one hand. A golden light of Buddhism immediately covered the whole body.

The red light hit his Buddhism golden light, making a "sizzling" sound, and the next moment it flew upside down, bounced up to several tens of feet in the air.


There was a scream from Li Chongba, Liang Yan looked intently, only to realize that the red light was actually a long scarlet tongue in the mouth of the meat ball. At this time, bursts of blue smoke appeared in the air. Began to fester and purulent.

"Little thief, you are from Luo Tianzong!"

Li Chongba's urn sound came from his belly, as if someone was hiding in a jar and talking, with a hint of horror in his tone.


Liang Yan didn't answer even more, only pinched the sword art in his hand, and the long river transformed by the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword volleyed down into the air and went straight to the top of Li Chongba's head.

At the same time, he patted the Taixu gourd on his waist with one hand, and a long black river shot out, opening countless black lotus flowers in the air.

These sword lotuses surround the flesh ball, and every time they rotate, there are countless sword qi stirrings, trapping Li Chongba in the center, killing its flesh with one sword.


Li Chongba's screams came from his abdomen. At this moment, the abnormally rosy flesh ball was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and with just one cup of tea, it became withered and decayed.

"What kind of sword energy is this?!"

Li Chongba's tone was panic, and the whole meat ball leaped upwards, trying to avoid the encirclement and suppression of these black lotus sword auras, but it had just escaped less than ten feet, and thunder sounded above its head.

I saw the purple thunder sword gang whistling coming, incredibly fast, like a huge thunder sword, a sword smashed into the big mouth of the flesh ball.


There was a blast in the air, and countless pieces of meat flew in all directions, and a stench filled with it, which made people feel nauseous.

Liang Yan has a Buddhist golden light body, but he is not afraid of these filthy things. He just combined his two swords and chopped Li Chongba’s flesh ball into powder. At this time, he did not relax at all. Instead, he released his spiritual consciousness. Searched carefully in midair.

At this moment, a faint light suddenly flew out from the sky full of pieces of meat.

The breath in the light was weak, but the speed was surprisingly fast, and in a flash, it flew out of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce compound.

"Want to run?"

Liang Yan caught this vision almost immediately, almost without hesitation, with a single pinch, the whole person soared into the sky, rushing to chase after that beam of light.

However, before he could chase out of the compound, someone outside stopped in front of the ray of light, and then with a single-handed I saw a small wooden sword lashing out, slashing straight. Li Chongba's light.


In the faint light, Li Chongba had time to let out a scream, the next moment he was cut in half by this wooden sword.

This change was so sudden that even Liang Yan was surprised.

I saw that the man in the hand, wearing a set of cyan robe and a shabby felt hat, was the mid-term consecration of another Jindan in the Fengtian City branch, except for Du Li.

This person was standing with Li Chongba just now. Liang Yan thought they were going to join forces. He didn't expect that he had fought with Li Chongba for so long, but he remained motionless until now.

He slashed Li Chongba with a single sword, but he didn't stop for half a minute, and the whole person turned into a blue light, the speed was incredible. In an instant, he flew out of Fengtian City and disappeared into the sight of everyone..........


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