147 cups of green tea

As the weather got colder, Tong Xuelu's stomach got bigger and bigger.

A while ago, the doctor had confirmed that she was indeed pregnant with double egg yolks.

Today she is going to have a B-ultrasound, by the way, to see the gender of the baby in her womb.

Mr. Wen was going to follow, but he suffered from a bit of wind and cold two days ago. The weather was so cold that Tong Xuelu didn't let him go out.

At this moment, he looked at Wen Rugui and Tong Xuelu eagerly, and said with aggrieved expression: "Then go back early, and Rugui, you have to take good care of Xuelu and the child."

Wen Rugui nodded: "Yes."

After taking the medicine, his thinking will be half a beat slower than before, but he is awake, and he has seen Xiao Xu less and less recently.

The last time Dr. Chen came over, he expressed shock and delight at the speed of his recovery.

After thinking about it, Mr. Wen still felt uneasy: "Why don't you let Xiaozong go there with you."

A dark shadow flashed in Wen Rugui's eyes, and he supported Tong Xuelu's hand.

Tong Xuelu keenly noticed his strangeness, and squeezed his hand: "No need, it's enough for Rugui to take care of me, and Rugui's colleague will also go for a prenatal checkup today, no problem."

Wen Rugui turned his head and met her eyes, the dark light in his eyes dissipated.

Only then did Mr. Wen realize that he had said the wrong thing: "Okay, then let you go, Xiaozong and I will wait for you at home."

Tong Xuelu nodded with a smile, and went out with the help of Wen Ruyuan.

As soon as he walked out the door, the cold wind blew in front of him. Although Tong Xuelu was dressed like a ball, she couldn't help shivering.

Wen Rugui stepped forward, blocking the wind with his body: "Why don't I borrow a car from Jianyi's unit?"

Tong Xuelu shook her head: "No need, the bus is used for private use, it's not good if someone reports it, and don't think I'm made of glass one or two. Proper exercise for pregnant women is good for the body."

Wen Rugui put one hand on her lower back, held her hand with the other, and hummed.

He remembered the matter of inquiring about cars a few months ago. These days, one or two cars cost more than 200,000 yuan, which is a price that most people can't afford.

Although the Wen family has a bit of wealth, they still can't afford the money.

However, Dean Zhuang told him one thing, that the country now has more and more opportunities to connect with the world, and the country urgently needs internationally recognized awards, such as the Nobel Prize.

If you can win glory for the country, the country will definitely give you generous rewards.

Thinking of this, his eyelashes, which were long and dense like small brushes, trembled.

Seeing his indifferent reaction, Tong Xuelu sighed silently.

It may be due to the effect of the medicine. Apart from slowing down his thinking, his temperament is also a little different from before. She hasn't seen him blushing and shy for a long time.

Thinking about how he used to blush at every turn, it's really nostalgic.

But people should be contented and happy, he is getting better day by day, she is already very grateful.

They were lucky, and the bus came after only a minute of waiting.

After getting on the bus, they came to the back seat and sat down.

Tong Xuelu turned her head, her eyes suddenly lit up: "It's like home, it's snowing."

The snowflakes fluttered outside and fell on the window of the bus. It was a small piece, which looked very cute.

Pedestrians outside exclaimed when they saw the falling snow. Winter started early this year, but it has not snowed for a long time. They all said that the auspicious snow is a sign of a good year, and everyone is worried that next year's grain production will not be enough.

Now the snow is falling more and more heavily, bringing everyone's hope with it, and the eaves and trees will soon be covered with whiteness. The children want to play in the snow outside, but the family pinches their ears and drives them home.

Wen Rugui followed her gaze to see that the snowflakes were dancing in the wind, adding a touch of romance to this winter day.

It's just that he glanced at her, and then quickly retracted his eyes and fell on her.

Tong Xuelu looked at it for a long time before turning around and meeting his bottomless gaze.

This kind of situation has happened countless times in the past two months, but she didn't find it strange.

She naturally held his hand, leaned her head against him and asked, "I'll know the baby's gender later. Do you like boys or girls?"

Tong Xuelu thought that he would say that both boys and girls are good, or that a boy and a girl make up a good word.

But he heard his voice low and said: "Girl."

Tong Xuelu froze for a moment: "Are both of them girls?"

Wen Rugui nodded: "Well, a girl like you."

Don't be like him, let alone be as sick as him, it's better for both girls to look like her.

At this moment, Tong Xuelu suddenly let out an "ouch".

Wen Rugui frowned: "Did the child kick you again?"

Tong Xuelu nodded, stroking her stomach with her hand: "It's really naughty, I'm afraid one of them is a boy."

Hearing this, Wen Rugui frowned even tighter: Sure enough, boys are the most annoying thing, and it would be nice if girls were quiet.

Tong Xuelu didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would have burst into tears. His idea coincided with Jia Baoyu's.

When the car stopped, the snow also stopped.

When she got off the bus, the snowy air rushed towards her face. Wen Rugui supported her, wishing she could hug her so that she wouldn't have to walk.

Walking to the entrance of the hospital, Zhou Yan arrived at the entrance on a bicycle, with his daughter-in-law Wang Xiaoyun sitting behind him.

Zhou Yan grinned and said, "What a coincidence, but Rugui, why didn't you come here by bicycle?"

Wen Rugui: "It's not safe."

Zhou Yan scratched his head: "Is it possible? Are you afraid that your skills are not good enough to drop your daughter-in-law, but it is winter now, and you are dressed like a ball, so you are not afraid even if you fall."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he yelled "Ouch".

Tong Xuelu and Wen Rugui looked over, only to see that he had an extra hand in his ear, which was twisted out of shape.

"Xiaoyun, let go quickly... Oh, it hurts me to death, what can I do to you?"

Seeing that Tong Xuelu and the others were with her, Wang Xiaoyun snorted and let go of his ears.

She slowly got down from the back seat of the bicycle: "I just think you don't like it, can't you?"

Zhou Yan: QAQ

Wang Xiaoyun was annoyed when she saw his aggrieved and confused face, she was not afraid of falling, and being able to say such a thing showed that he really had no heart!

Seeing that Zhou Yan didn't know where he was wrong, Tong Xuelu's mouth curled up.

The four walked into the hospital.

Wang Xiaoyun's eyes fell on her belly, and then she looked at her own: "Speaking of which, I'm still a month older than you, but now it looks like mine is much smaller than yours."

She couldn't eat anything at the beginning of her pregnancy, but when her appetite improved, her body blew up like an inflated balloon, but she gained a lot of weight, but her stomach was still not as good as Tong Xuelu's.

Tong Xuelu smiled and said: "How can this be the same, I have two in me, and you only have one."

Wang Xiaoyun turned her head to look at her face again, and then raised her hand to touch her own fleshy face: "I used to hear people say that people have different fates, but I didn't feel much at that time, but now I want to say this very much when I compare with you , your limbs are still so slender even though you are pregnant, and your skin has no spots, I really envy you!"

Tong Xuelu: "I heard that the spots will fade away after the baby is born."

Wang Xiaoyun's eyes lit up: "Is what you said true?"

"Some people are like this, and some people can't play it down. That's why I say that mothers are very great. Pregnancy is not only hard, but also so destructive to our bodies."

Tong Xuelu sighed, giving birth to a child will also accelerate the aging of a woman, and she has made up her mind that this child will never be born again.

Wang Xiaoyun nodded empathetically: "That's right, their men haven't been pregnant before, and they thought that our pregnancy is as easy as a hen laying an egg, and we are not afraid of falling."

After she finished speaking, she gave Zhou Yan a hard look.

Zhou Yan paused for a moment before realizing that he had said something wrong just now.

Quickly explained: "Daughter-in-law, I didn't mean that just now. I will not let you fall no matter what. If you fall, I will definitely rush to the bottom and let you fall on me."

The anger in Wang Xiaoyun's heart subsided, and she said angrily: "Smart words are better than deeds."

When Zhou Yan saw his daughter-in-law like this, he knew he had passed the test.

Unexpectedly, Wen Rugui's deep voice sounded in the next moment: "After the baby is born, I will have a vasectomy."

The reason why the child is born is because he is still taking anti-schizophrenic drugs and it is not easy to undergo surgery.

The three of them were stunned when they heard this.

Tong Xuelu immediately felt a warm feeling in her heart, and looked up at him: "You think about it clearly, and what if there are two girls, and grandpa wants a boy?"

Wen Rugui looked at her: "Grandpa will understand, I don't want to see you working so hard again."

Wang Xiaoyun and Zhou Yan were fed a mouthful of dog food.

Wang Xiaoyun turned her head to look at Zhou Yan, who looked shocked and admired.

She suddenly became upset again, stretched out her foot and stepped on the back of his foot hard.

Zhou Yan: QAQ

Wen Rugui harmed him and became so flattering, it's really abominable.

Entering the hospital, registering, queuing, and waiting for more than half an hour, it was finally their turn.

Tong Xuelu was lying on a white hospital bed, watching the female doctor sweep the instrument around her belly. The B-ultrasound equipment these days is nothing compared to later generations.

The display is bulky and sharpness is poor, though some outlines are still visible.

The female doctor observed for a while and said: "The one on the left is a girl, and the one on the right...should also be a girl."

The girl on the right is partially covered by a hand, so it should be a girl.

As soon as the words fell, Wen Rugui's eyes finally shifted from Tong Xuelu's belly to the monitor: "Doctor, are you sure?"

The female doctor turned her head to look at him, only to see that the corners of his mouth were drawn into a line, and there was no trace of joy on his face.

It seems that he is another patriarchal man, really heartless.

The female doctor's face immediately turned down: "It's for sure, but this is a new era, not an old era. Women can hold up half the sky. Your attitude is not acceptable!"

Wen Rugui was stunned for a moment: "No, I like girls very much."

He just had the feeling of winning a lottery. He didn't expect that they were twin daughters. It's so wonderful!

The female doctor didn't believe his nonsense, and looked at Tong Xuelu sympathetically: "Conceiving twins is very detrimental to the body. After the baby is born, you'd better raise it for a year or two before giving birth. Women should cherish themselves more, don't worry about it." Everything is up to their stinky men!"

Wen Smelly Man Rugui: "..."

Tong Xuelu saw that he was bullied for no reason, so she couldn't help laughing out loud: "Doctor, you misunderstood, my wife really likes girls, we also agreed, after giving birth, he will not have another child, he will do it." ligation surgery."

Hearing this, the female doctor was shocked, and immediately changed her opinion of Wen Rugui: "That's really rare. I've worked in the hospital for so many years, but I've never seen a man come over for a ligation."

A woman wants to conceive a child, give birth to a child and take care of the child. If she does not have a child, she has to come to have a ligation and suffer again. On the contrary, the man only provides a seed, and then sit back and enjoy the achievement.

Now that she heard Tong Xuelu's words, she looked at Wen Rugui with admiration and praised him several times.

Coming out of the B-ultrasound room, the corners of Wen Rugui's mouth raised an arc.

Zhou Yan lined up behind them, seeing Wen Rugui's smug look, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Rugui, you are so happy, could it be that both children are boys?"

Wen Rugui shook his head: "No."

Zhou Yan: "Really? I don't believe it. Seeing you smiling like this, you must have two sons. I really envy you. Now I only hope that my wife's womb is a boy."

He is not patriarchal, but the elders in the family are patriarchal. If it is a girl this time, they will definitely give birth again, and the pressure on him and his wife will be great again.

He is not in good health, and it is not easy to get his wife pregnant. Wang Xiaoyun often vomited and couldn't sleep before, and it was also because of the stress of being talked about too much.

So if this is a son, it is the best, and they will have a daughter later, and the elders in the family will not say anything.

This was just heard by the female doctor inside, and when he helped Wang Xiaoyun in, he saw the female doctor glaring at him with a dark face.

Zhou Yan: QAQ

What the hell is going on in this world?

Does he look so disgusting?


Because it was snowing outside again, they went home after the birth checkup and did not stay outside.

Back home, Mr. Wen and Uncle Zong immediately surrounded him: "How is it? Is the child healthy?"

Tong Xuelu nodded: "Everything is fine with the children. The doctor said they are two girls. Next, we will prepare clothes for a pair of little sisters."

I didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl before, and some things were not easy to prepare. Now that I know it, I have to do it.

After saying this, she looked at Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded and said, "The daughter is also very good. You and Rugui are both good-looking. My little great-granddaughter must be very beautiful."

As a person of the older generation, Mr. Wen naturally hoped to have a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter, so that they would make a good pair, and it would be more face-saving to talk about it.

It's just that they are both girls now, so he doesn't feel bad about it, if both girls are as beautiful and capable as Xuelu, it doesn't matter if there are more girls.

Seeing that Mr. Wen did not show any disappointment, Tong Xuelu's smile grew stronger.

She would not want to have a son because other people were disappointed, but she still hoped that the child would be born in a family where everyone welcomed them.

At night, Commander Xiao also knew that he was about to have a pair of great-granddaughters.

He laughed so that the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes rose: "Girls are good, girls are well-behaved and sensible, unlike boys who are naughty and mischievous, sometimes I really want to slap their butts!"

Xiao Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin tightened their chrysanthemums: "..."

Grandpa, we are still sitting in front of you, is it really okay for you to say this?

When Xiao Mianmian heard that she was going to be an aunt in a few months, she blushed with joy: "Sister, I will play with my two nieces in the future, and I will teach them how to sing."

Tong Xuelu rubbed her head: "Okay, from now on you will be an aunt, an elder, if your two nieces shit and pee, then I will ask you."

Xiao Mianmian seemed to be struck by lightning: "..."

Tong Jiaxin saw his younger sister's embarrassed face, and laughed: "Mianmian, you just treat it as practice, and when I get old, you will be very proficient in carrying shit and peeing for me."

Xiao Mianmian: "..."

Can she not be an aunt? She regrets a little QAQ

Seeing her frightened appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The firewood in the stove was crackling and burning, making the wall of the stove red, and the north wind was blowing outside, making the house extremely warm.

A room full of laughter.

At this time, the family of three in the Northwest just came back from working on the farm.

It snowed half a month ago in the Northwest, and the temperature was as low as ten degrees below zero. It snowed heavily yesterday, and today they were called to shovel the snow.

After a day's work, my hands and feet were so cold that I couldn't feel it, and my whole body was shaking.

Shi Xiuneng shivered and pushed open the door, the room was also cold, no different from the outside.

He walked to the corner table and wanted to pour a glass of water, but found that the kettle was empty and could not pour out a drop of water.

He suddenly became angry: "Xiaorui, didn't I ask you to fetch water for cooking when I went out? Why isn't there a drop of water?"

Shi Xingrui poked her head out from under the quilt, and said naturally, "I forgot."

Shi Xiuneng stared: "What about the food? Have you come back from cooking for us?"

Shi Xingrui: "I did, but I didn't eat enough, so I ate it all by myself."

Shi Xiuneng: "..."

Cheng Xiuyun: "..."

The two of them ate a bun in one day, and they were already so hungry that their backs were on their stomachs. When they were shoveling snow, the only thing they were looking forward to was to go home quickly and drink a mouthful of hot water and eat a mouthful of hot rice.

Now there is no hot water, no food, and the stomachs of the two of them growled as if in protest.

Shi Xiuneng's eyes were red with anger, and he picked up a wooden stick beside him and threw it towards the bed.

The quilt was not thick at all, and Shi Xiuneng was angry again, and soon Shi Xingrui couldn't take it anymore.

"I beat someone to death. My dad wants to beat me to death. Come quickly..."

Cheng Xiuyun was also very angry at first, and thought it would be good to teach her a lesson, but seeing that Shi Xiu was able to beat her like this, she was afraid that she would break the child, so she hurried up to persuade her.

"Okay, okay, the child is not sensible, just teach her, how can I fight like this?"

Hearing this, Shi Xiu turned around and slapped her with a "slap": "Isn't it because you, a mother, are used to this little bastard becoming what he is today?"

Cheng Xiuyun was beaten into stares: "Shi Xiuneng, you bastard, I used to teach her, and you protected her every time, otherwise how could Xiaorui be like today?"

Shi Xiuneng sneered: "Like a mother, there must be a wife and daughter. You are shameless in seducing others, and the daughter you teach is also shameless..."

Cheng Xiuyun's face was flushed with anger, and she couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed Shi Xiuneng's face with both hands: "I can't live through this day, I will fight with you!"

The two wrestled together, Shi Xingrui sat on the kang and rolled his eyes.

Soon the movement here alarmed the person in charge of the farm, and the family of three was called out, and then fined to pick shit in the middle of the night.

The three complained to each other while working, fighting like black-eyed chickens.

Can't wait to kill each other.


Tong Xuelu's restaurant opened, named "Green Tea Restaurant".

People don't understand this name very much.

Mr. Wen: "Xuelu, your name is not very good. Those who don't know it think you sell tea."

It is rare for Commander Xiao to stand on the front line with him: "That's right, your name was obtained too hastily."

Wen Rugui: "I have the same opinion as the two grandpas. It's better to call it green tea than green tea."

The corner of Tong Xuelu's mouth twitched. It seemed that even though Wen Rugui was sick, he still didn't give up the name Green Turtle.

Just, very persistent.

Xiao Mianmian tilted her head and said, "Then why not call it Xuegui, since the names of my sister and brother-in-law are also in it."

Wen Rugui glanced at her appreciatively.

Unexpectedly, Tong Jiaxin laughed loudly: "Xuegui, who lost all his money, who chose such a name? What a fool!"

Wen Rugui: "..."

Xiao Mianmian blushed, feeling that she hadn't considered it clearly.

In the end, it was still called "Green Tea Restaurant."

Not to mention, although the name is very strange, but because of the strangeness, everyone came to inquire.

How can there be a restaurant that sells green tea?

This inquiring was tantamount to free publicity, and many people even told their families about it as a joke when they went back.

In this way, by the time the Green Tea Restaurant opens, many people will already know about it.

Because Tong Xuelu was pregnant, her family didn't let her go to the kitchen, especially the restaurant work was more tiring.

So in order to start the business, she came up with a coup--everyone who spends more than 200 yuan in the green tea restaurant will get a small bottle of medicinal wine, and anyone who spends more than 500 yuan will get a large bottle of medicinal wine.

This medicated wine is not an ordinary medicated wine, but has the effect of aphrodisiac, which has an effect on men in a certain way.

Of course, because the consumption is still relatively small these days, the restaurant has launched a membership system. After registering the name, the consumption quota can be accumulated every time you come, and the consumption quota will be cleared every quarter.

In other words, if they want to get medicinal wine, they have to consume this fee within a quarter.

Many people feel that this consumption is too much, but in the past two years, some people have gone to sea to do business, and the wallets in their pockets have become fatter.

Sometimes I invite people to dinner for business, or I want to put wine at home to save face, but I can't find a high-end restaurant. Tong Xuelu's "Green Tea Restaurant" just makes up for this vacancy.

They got the medicinal wine after consuming it, and they didn't believe it at first, but after taking it for a while, they found that it was actually revived.

This is terrible, so they came to them one after another, wanting to use money to buy medicinal wine.

However, the restaurant does not sell them, and they will only be given away when they consume the quota. Therefore, in order to get the medicinal wine, these people can only come to the restaurant to eat frequently. As a result, the business of the restaurant is booming.

A month later, I took stock, and after excluding the initial investment and various expenses, I still made two hundred yuan.

At first, Deng Hong saw the restaurant's opening time being pushed back and forth, and he was a little worried, but he just agreed to come, so he couldn't say anything.

Now seeing that the restaurant not only gained popularity very quickly, but also started making money within a month, his confidence greatly increased.

"Manager Tong, many VIP guests often come to ask about medicinal wine. Are we really not going to mass-produce it?"

Tong Xuelu: "Not for now, I will talk about it after I have a baby, but these VIP guests can give a little more as a gift, so as to stimulate their consumption."

The secret recipe of the medicinal wine was given to her by Mr. Wen. This was bought by the former ancestor of the Wen family from an imperial doctor.

It does have some effect on a certain aspect of men, but it is not as magical as "returning the dead". Regarding this, they told the guests when they gave it away.

But for many men, certain abilities are more important than their lives, and they are willing to spend money to buy them even if they are only a little useful.

Deng Hong nodded: "That's fine, I'll release the news later."

Tong Xuelu pushed a gift prepared early in the morning: "Sister Danhong will graduate in a few days, this is a gift for her, just say I congratulate her on her successful graduation."

Deng Hong quickly waved his hand: "No, no, Manager Tong, take the things back. We accept what you want."

Tong Xuelu couldn't refuse: "I'm giving it to Sister Danhong, you have no right to refuse it for her, take it, I'll go back first."

Deng Hong was embarrassed by the words, and when he heard this, he quickly stood up and sent her out.

After Tong Xuelu left, he walked back, opened the box, and saw a lady's watch inside.

The watch costs more than 100 yuan. This gift is very expensive.

Deng Hong closed the box and vowed in his heart that he would put more effort into running the restaurant well.

Jiang Danhong, Fang Jingyuan, and Jiang Baihui were the first batch of students after the resumption of the college entrance examination, and graduated before the Spring Festival in 1981.

Tong Xuelu gave all three of them a watch.

In fact, it's not because she is rich and powerful that she spends such a large sum of money, but for a reason.

During Wen Rugui's accident, the opening of the restaurant was pushed back and forth. Deng Hong had already resigned from the state-run restaurant at that time. If the restaurant didn't open, he wouldn't get paid, but the couple never complained.

And before the restaurant opened until now, it was Deng Hongyi who helped her with all his strength. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be able to relax so easily.

Fang Jingyuan was the only one who knew about Wen Rugui's illness, because she knew a lot of people from the director. After learning about Wen's family, she helped find a doctor and was busy.

And she recently found Xiao Mianmian a leading role in a movie, and the filming will start after the new year, so this watch is also a gift.

After sending Jiang Danhong and Fang Jingyuan away, it is naturally not easy to leave Jiang Baihui alone.

What's more, Jiang Baihui also helped her a lot when she was in school, so she bought three watches at once.

Jiang Baihui was very happy to receive the watch, and put it on immediately: "Thank you Xuelu, I really like this gift, by the way, do you have any foreign goods you want to buy, when I go to Germany, I bought it and sent it return."

Tong Xuelu thought for a while: "If there is milk powder, it's the best, I'm afraid it won't be easy to send it back."

Jiang Baihui patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way, but it's a pity that I can't see the child born."

She was assigned to work as a trainee diplomat at the German embassy. Originally, she wanted to go after the next year, but there was a notice on the board that they were asked to report as soon as they graduated.

German is only her second foreign language. It was impossible for her to become a regular for a long time in the past. Whether she can become a regular in the future depends on her ability, so she dare not delay.

Tong Xuelu comforted her and said, "After the baby is born, I will send you photos."

When Jiang Baihui heard this, she laughed again: "That's a deal."

After chatting for a while, because the school still has things to do, Jiang Baihui stood up and said goodbye.

When she reached the door, she bumped into Fang Jingyuan who came to visit Tong Xuelu: "Jingyuan, you came to see Xuelu? Why didn't you come here sooner, I'm leaving now."

Fang Jingyuan raised the apple in her hand: "Someone sent apples to the family. I thought the apples were big and sweet, so I sent some to Xuelu."

Jiang Baihui looked at the apple in her hand, and was immediately attracted by the watch on her wrist: "Your watch is the same as mine, and it's all from Longines."

Fang Jingyuan smiled and said, "Yes, it was given by Xuelu, and she bought exactly the same one for the three of us, what a slob."

Jiang Baihui was startled: "Three people? Besides you and me, who else has it?"

Fang Jingyuan: "Sister Danhong, I'm going in, and I have something to do later."

Jiang Baihui nodded, and after Fang Jingyuan left, she looked down at her watch.

I don't know why I'm suddenly less happy, it's like the liquid has been diluted.


Half a month later, Jiang Baihui went abroad to reunite with her husband Liang Tianyi in Germany.

Amidst the fluttering snowflakes and the sound of firecrackers, 1981 came.

This Spring Festival, Wen's family and Xiao's family didn't go out to visit anyone, so they stayed at home and spent it with their families.

One reason is that Wen Rugui's condition is still not recovering, and the other reason is that Tong Xuelu's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

Afterwards, Tong Xuelu started to reduce the amount of food she ate, eating small and frequent meals every day, so as not to let her stomach grow too big.

She still insists on exercising every day, even if her stomach is so heavy that she doesn't want to stand up, she will still persist.

Wen Rugui was on sick leave for a long time, but from this point of view it was a good thing, at least he could stay with Tong Xuelu at home.

In the back, Tong Xuelu's calf often cramped and swelled, and it was Wen Rugui who gave her a massage.

The family's nanny has also been found, she is a distant niece of Shen Wanrong.

The other party is in his forties, although he is a rural person, but he likes to be clean, honest and careless, and has experience in taking care of babies.

Before Tong Xuelu hired her, she asked her to come to the house to do work for two days, making sure that she passed everything before deciding.

In March of Yangchun, the season of warm spring and flowers blooming, Tong Xuelu is about to give birth.

She went to the hospital one day before the due date, because she was afraid that she would be in a hurry, and she was pregnant with twins, so she felt sorry for her life.

The due date of delivery is usually not very accurate, but Tong Xuelu's due date was very accurate. One day after she was admitted to the hospital, her stomach began to hurt.

At that time, Wen Rugui was telling a story to a pair of little padded jackets in his stomach, when Tong Xuelu suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "Rugui, my stomach hurts intermittently, I may be about to give birth."

Wen Rugui's face turned pale, and he stood up with a "bang", "I'll call the doctor!"

The doctor came over quickly, and after the examination, he said that she was indeed going to give birth, but it was still very early, and asked her to eat something.

When Wen Rugui heard this, he hurried to the canteen to buy wontons and called his family.

Although very excited and flustered, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

When the family received a call, Mr. Wen, Uncle Zong, and Mrs. Chen, the nanny, came over with chicken soup and ginger syrup.

Commander Xiao also wanted to come over, but there were several children at home, and they had to go to class tomorrow, so he could only stay.

Xiao Mianmian looked at her grandfather expectantly: "Grandpa, can't we ask for leave tomorrow? I want to go to the hospital to accompany my sister."

Tong Jiaxin nodded sharply: "I want to go too."

Xiao Jiaming also nodded, the will in his eyes was very firm.

His sister is the backbone of their family, and he was very worried when he heard that it was a hell for a woman to give birth.

If he doesn't go to the hospital now, he won't be able to sleep tonight, and he won't be in the mood for class tomorrow.

Commander Xiao thought for a while, then nodded: "Let's go, let's all go!"

So the family hurried to the hospital by car.

Tong Xuelu's stomach pain lasted for more than two hours, which was not long or short, but compared with many people, she was quite lucky.

At least when she went in, Wang Xiaoyun, who was in labor three hours earlier than her, still couldn't give birth.

Seeing her being pushed into the delivery room, Wang Xiaoyun picked up Zhou Yan's hand and bit down hard: "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to suffer this kind of pain..."

Zhou Yan: QAQ

It's a mistake for a man to live, isn't it?

When Tong Xuelu was pushed into the delivery room, Wen Rugui wanted to follow, but was stopped by the nurse.

Tong Xuelu held his hand, looked into his eyes and said, "You wait for me outside, the child and I will be fine."

Wen Rugui was very stubborn this time: "No, I'll go in with you!"

In the end, it was Commander Xiao who came forward to find a relationship and let Wen Rugui enter the delivery room together.

The scene of a woman giving birth was not beautiful at all, Tong Xuelu was so painful that her forehead was wet with cold sweat, and her lips were almost bitten off.

Wen Rugui stood aside, his hand turned white from being held by her, and suddenly he passed his other hand over: "Don't bite yourself, bite my hand."

Tong Xuelu wanted to say no, but a sharp pain hit her and she opened her mouth to bite.


The two felt the same at this time.

It's just that Wen Rugui knew that his pain was not one-thousandth of her pain.

Seeing her giving birth to her child so hard and so painfully, his heart seemed to be pinched.

He decided that no matter what, he couldn't get her pregnant again.

Half an hour later, a baby crying sounded in the delivery room.

Wen Rugui looked over and only heard the female doctor say, "The first child was born at 8:11 Beijing time, a boy."

Wen Rugui was stunned: "Doctor, did you make a mistake? How could it be a boy?"

Before doing B-ultrasound, it was clearly about a pair of daughters, why did a brat come out?

Could it be a mistake?

The female doctor cast a glance at him and said, "If I can get my gender wrong, how can you trust me to deliver your daughter-in-law?"

Wen Rugui still didn't want to believe it, he looked at the baby in the nurse's hand.

Wen Rugui:? !

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