56 cups of green tea

Wen Rugui's letter was sent to Tong Xuelu's home, not to the state-run hotel.

So Tong Xuelu only received the letter after get off work.

She was surprised to see that the letter was from Wen Rugui.

I really didn't expect that he would think of writing a letter!

She had just thought of that last night.

Before wearing a book, technology was already very advanced, and everyone used mobile phones to communicate, and few people had the patience to write letters.

Since she has traveled to this era, she must feel the things of this era.

Tong Xuelu opened the envelope, and there was only one letter inside.

"Comrade Tong, words are like faces. It was a pleasure to meet you on Sunday. Tremella syrup tastes very good. Comrade Tong's cooking skills are as good as ever.

After I returned to the base, I stayed in the laboratory except for sleeping. The weather turned cold. Comrade Tong should pay attention to his body at all times. The military coat is still a bit thick. I have extra cloth tickets here. Comrade Tong can use it to make some moderately thick ones. clothing.

I wonder if Comrade Tong will find it strange to write letters in the same city? I am very worried, please write to me to let me know. "

After Tong Xuelu read the letter, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

It was as if someone stuffed a piece of sugar into his mouth, the sugar melted, and it was sweet from his mouth to his heart.

Wen Rugui really surprised her time and time again. The letters were simple without a word of ambiguity, but they showed his concern for her everywhere.

She looked at the cloth tickets, and there were actually ten!

Many families only have one fabric ticket a month, but he sent her ten tickets at once!

Wen Rugui was so kind to her!

Ten cloth tickets are nothing in later generations, but they are rare in this era, and what is even rarer is his kindness.

It made her feel hot when she thought about it.

The point is that this person is not as dumb as she thought.

He left a question in the tail, so she had to write back, and he would write again after she replied, so that the two of them got in touch.

Woo, so cunning and cute.

Tong Xuelu didn't reply immediately, Wen Rugui sent her ten cloth tickets, and she wanted to think about sending him something.

It is not practical to make clothes and shoes, because she can't do it.

What she is best at is cooking.

After thinking about it, she decided to go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some ingredients tomorrow, and then make some snacks for him and send them over.

Tong Xuelu folded the letter and put it away, and when she turned her head she saw Tong Mianmian sitting on the bed reading a comic book.

I don't know if she understood it, but her big eyes stared at the book, and the two little jios kept circling.

Those little feet are white and tender, and they are so soft, they are so cute that people's hearts tremble.

She rushed over and kissed her big on the cheek.

Xiaotuanzi seemed to be taken aback, his big eyes were wide open, and his mouth was opened into the letter O, as if he had been frightened by a fawn, so cute.

Tong Xuelu couldn't help but hugged her and kissed her twice.

When she first realized that she had transmigrated into a book in the 1970s, she felt really cheated in her heart. She is living a prosperous life in modern times, so why let her transmigrate into a cannon fodder?

Now she suddenly felt that wearing books was also pretty good.

There is a cutie like Tong Mianmian, and a big cutie like Wen Rugui.

very nice.


Going to work the next day, Meng Qingqing still looked sullen.

Tong Xuelu didn't ask her again, because she wouldn't tell if she asked.

She focused on Liu Dongchang.

Liu Dongchang seemed to know that he was observing him, and deliberately showed her a smug smile.

Tong Xuelu was disgusted by that appearance, she always felt that something was about to happen.

At noon, Fang Jingyuan came to the restaurant for dinner again.

After eating, she couldn't help complaining: "You don't have to rest every day in this job, I can't even go to your house to find you!"

Tong Xuelu squinted at her: "Actually, you just want to eat delicious food at my place?"

Fang Jingyuan's face flushed slightly: "I won't go empty-handed, if I go there, I will definitely bring my own ingredients!"

Tong Xuelu felt that although Fang Jingyuan didn't speak very well, she was not a bad person, and she was a friend she could associate with.

She thought for a while and said, "I'm going to make some snacks today, peanut crisps and chili sauce. If you want, I can make one for you. Come and get it tomorrow!"

Fang Jingyuan's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? Xuelu, you are so kind, I want it, I want it!"

As she spoke, she quickly took out food stamps and money from her pocket, and stuffed them in.

Tong Xuelu originally wanted to give it to her, but Fang Jingyuan didn't want to take advantage, so she threw the money on the table and ran away.

When she got off work, Meng Qingqing or her cousin came to pick her up.

After seeing her leave, Tong Xuelu went to the supply and marketing agency to buy peanuts, flour, and sugar.

When she got home, she put the peanuts in a pan to dry-fry. After frying, she crushed them with a rolling pin, then added oil, egg liquid and flour to knead the dough.

Cut the dough into pieces and press it into round cakes, brush the surface with a layer of egg wash, and when it's done, she takes it to the Wei's next door to bake.

There is a barbecue pit built in the yard of the Wei family, which is very convenient for baking biscuits and the like.

She plans to find a free time and build one in her yard.

Taking advantage of the gap between roasting peanut crisps, she went back to make chili sauce.

The red hot peppers are grown by the Wei family next door, and the reward is to give them a bottle when the time comes.

Before going out today, she washed the red hot peppers and put them in the yard to dry. Now they are completely dried.

It is not difficult to make chili sauce. Chop the red pepper, add garlic, ginger, sugar and salt, then add sesame oil and pour it into the pot to heat.

She made a total of six bottles of chili sauce, two at Wei's house, two at Wen Rugui, one at Fang Jingyuan, and one at her own house.

The chili sauce is spicy and refreshing. Whether it is cooking or mixing noodles, just add some chili sauce to make it very delicious.

That night she made lo mein for everyone to eat.

The Wei family is full of praise for the peanut crisps and chili sauce.

General rear compound, Fang's family.

Fang Jingyuan's mouth was spoiled by Tong Xuelu, and now she feels very tasteless eating home food.

Seeing her lazy look, Mother Fang worried: "Jingyuan, why don't you eat, is there something uncomfortable?"

Fang Jingyuan shook her head: "No, I think this dish is not delicious! Mom, don't be in a hurry to scold me, if you have eaten Xuelu's dishes like me, you will also say it is not delicious!"

"The food made by Xuelu is really delicious, and she said that she will make me a peanut crisp and chili sauce tomorrow, she is so kind!"

Fang's mother felt strange: "When did you become so good? In the past, the two of you fought like black-eyed chickens every day."

Fang Jingyuan: "Hey, she was young and ignorant before, but now I think she is very nice, especially the food she cooks is so delicious! If I were a man, I would definitely marry her!"

Mother Fang: "..."

When Fang Wenyuan, who was on the opposite side, heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Fang Jingyuan. Tong Xuelu's face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt a little irritable.

When he saw that Tong Xuelu didn't come to him, he thought she was playing hard to get.

But now it's been three months since she left Tong's house, and she hasn't come to find herself once!

Does she really not like herself?

But how is this possible?

Since she was a child, she liked to follow her buttocks. After liking him for so many years, how could she just let it go?

Fang Wenyuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Tong Xuelu really still likes him!

It's just that she has changed her method now, to please his family in a roundabout way!

Thinking of this, Fang Wenyuan's mood immediately improved.


After two days of malaise, Xiao Liu finally got up today to drink water and eat rice.

Tong Xuelu breathed a sigh of relief.

This chicken was given to her by Wen Rugui, she didn't want to let it die so easily.

The time for the chef's verification was suddenly advanced.

After she cooked the meal at noon, she set out to research.

Before going to do research, she went to the post office to post things and letters.

As soon as she walked into the post office, she heard a woman shouting into the phone: "Zhou Yan, you die! I want to break up with you!"

After speaking, she hung up the phone, paid a dime and ran away crying.

Looking at her back, Tong Xuelu felt that Zhou Yan's name seemed to have been heard somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

But time was running out, so she didn't think much about it.

After sending the things out, she hurried to the research site.

The place for research is a big kitchen, there are three judges, and if the three judges pass unanimously, you can get the certificate of the master chef.

Those who take the test have to pay a registration fee of 50 cents, and the ingredients can be bought from the big kitchen.

The test question is to make a meat dish and a vegetable.

There were 30 people who came to take the test, except Tong Xuelu, all of them were men, and all of them were over 30 years old.

When a group of men saw Tong Xuelu, their eyes showed contempt.

"Anyone can take the exam these days!"

"Maybe it's because they have a lot of money?"

"Whether there is a lot of money or not, to put it bluntly, I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth! How can a young person know how to cook, and she is still a woman!"

"That's right, the food made by my family is almost inedible!"

Tong Xuelu's face was indifferent, and she didn't even give them a glance.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu didn't say a word, everyone laughed more and more unscrupulously, and engraved the words "look down on women" on their faces.

Tong Xuelu was in the twentieth place. The nineteen men who went in ahead went in with their heads held high, and all came out with their heads down.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help becoming nervous.

The people who finished the exam didn't leave either, and waited outside, wanting to see who would be the first to get the chef's certificate today.

Soon it was Tong Xuelu's turn.

One of the judges asked, "What dish are you going to cook today?"

Tong Xuelu said: "The meat dish is fried pork with chili peppers, and the vegetarian dish is hot and sour potato shreds."

The three judges shook their heads when they heard the words, thinking that these two dishes were too ordinary, and it was difficult to make a good one.

A group of old men outside also grinned, thinking that women really can't enter the kitchen.

Actually make chili fried meat and potatoes, can it be delicious?

You must know that they choose either braised pork or steamed fish.

Tong Xuelu ignored the laughing voices around her, and started cooking after saying a word.

It didn't take long for everyone to realize that something was wrong.

Everyone thought Tong Xuelu was young, so she couldn't even hold a kitchen knife well, but who would have thought that she would pick up a kitchen knife like a breeze.

The movement was very swift, without a sudden pause, the potatoes were shredded.

None of the big men outside could do such a quick move.

"Look at the way she chops vegetables, she seems to have two strokes."

"That's right, I didn't choose to make potato shreds, but the shreds weren't fast enough or even enough!"

"Well-cut dishes don't necessarily make them delicious. Otherwise, why don't the state-owned restaurants in Beijing have a woman as a chef?"

Tong Xuelu was so focused on cooking that she didn't pay attention to the sounds around her.

When she threw minced green onion, ginger and garlic into the oil pan, a domineering fragrance permeated instantly.

The three judges were stunned, and the elders outside were also stunned.

"Smells good!"

"This smell is too attractive, I feel like I'm hungry!"

The two dishes were ready quickly, and the whole kitchen was filled with a strong aroma.

The three judges picked up the chopsticks and quickly picked up a chopstick.



Stir-fried pork with chili is spicy and refreshing, the pork is smooth and chewy, and the hot and sour potato shreds are sour and spicy, which is very good with rice.

If there were no candidates behind, they would want a bowl of rice now!

They picked up several chopsticks before reluctantly putting them down, and without any discussion, they unanimously gave Tong Xuelu ten points.

Ten points is the highest score. Those who took the exam before won not get three points, but none of them!

The person in front of the exam got the highest score of 7 points, but that person had a judge who scored 4 points, so he failed.

The judges stamped the chef's certificate and handed it to Tong Xuelu.

"Comrade Tong, the food you cook is delicious, I will go to your restaurant to eat later!"

"Me too, especially the hot and sour potato shreds, it's so delicious! You can grab it from me later!"

"I just like the chili fried pork. It's rare that the pork can be so tender!"

When the elders outside saw this scene, their eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

At the same time, everyone's faces were burning hot, it was the pain of being slapped in the face.

None of their gentlemen got their certificates, but this girl they despised got one.

And the scores are rolling over them.

Thinking of what they said just now, they suddenly felt their faces hurt even more!

After Tong Xuelu thanked the judges, she walked out calmly with her master certificate.

Walking past a group of elders, she said in a moderate voice: "What can a man do, he can't bear children, and now he can't even cook. To put it bluntly, he is useless!"

The faces of a group of men turned red and white.

Although they didn't know what the last sentence meant, they knew that the woman was laughing at them.

Nineteen people went in, but none of them got a master certificate.

It is indeed embarrassing!

They will never dare to underestimate women again!

After coming out of the verification point, Tong Xuelu was going back to the hotel.

In fact, it's fine if she doesn't go back, but she's a little worried about Meng Qingqing.

At this moment, a man and a woman walked up to them.

The man was holding a child in his hands, and the child was lying on the man's shoulders. His body was covered with a large piece of clothing, which was tightly covered, except for a poke of hair on his head.

They seemed to be on their way, they kept their heads down and rushed forward, just bumped into Tong Xuelu who came out of the verification point.

Tong Xuelu lowered her head to think about things but didn't see them. She almost fell to the ground after such a bump.

The man quickly apologized: "I'm sorry big girl, I was in a hurry and didn't see you, are you okay?"

The woman next to him also apologized quickly, both of them had strong accents.

Tong Xuelu was about to say it's okay, the man was bumped just now, and there was a gap in his clothes, looking from Tong Xuelu's angle, he happened to see the child's arm.

That arm was white and tender, in stark contrast to the complexion of the couple.

The man looked about forty years old, tall, with crab eyes and thick eyebrows, and dark skin.

The woman was about thirty years old, short in stature, with triangular eyes and high cheekbones, thin lips, and dark skin.

The two of them looked like traditional farmers, dusty and honest.

Seeing Tong Xuelu staring at the child, the woman hurriedly pushed down the clothes.

He also took a step forward to block Tong Xuelu's sight: "This is my youngest son. He has a cold and fever these two days. We brought him to Beijing to see a doctor. Now we have to rush home. Girl, you are fine. Then we Just go!"

As he said that, he would leave without waiting for Tong Xuelu to agree.

Tong Xuelu rushed out to block their way: "You can't go!"

The man didn't expect that she would suddenly run out to block the way, and said pitifully, "Daughter, please don't embarrass us country people!"

The woman wiped her eyes with her hands: "Daughter, please do me a favor. We bought the train tickets. If you keep doing this, we will be late!"

Pedestrians saw how pitiful the couple were, and pointed to Tong Xuelu to persuade them.

"Daughter, you haven't been injured, why don't you let people go?"

"That's right, you see that the husband and wife are in a hurry, let them take the train quickly!"

Oh, are you pretending to be pitiful?

Who wouldn't!

Tong Xuelu frowned, and her eyes turned red immediately: "It's not that I'm being unreasonable, it's that they stole my money!"

The man's crab eyes stared fiercely: "You fart! When did we steal your money!"

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