The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 103: God's Guard

Septicemia is an important part of the 'Wizard's Eye' potion.

This thing is highly toxic, not only the various potion materials are highly toxic, but the 'Wizard's Eye' potion itself is also highly toxic.

The old wizard drank it for decades, and finally his body became extremely fragile, and he dared not touch a drop of potion, which made it possible for An Dong to counterattack and kill him.

After Anton inherited this knowledge, he has been tirelessly trying to improve it. As long as the first half of septicemia is only a small change.

Now, the 'Wizard's Eye' potion he concocted can be consumed by normal wizards without any side effects.

But he still didn't stop fumbling.

According to the old wizard's "Potion and Curse One Theory", Anton is eager to turn this "Wizard's Eye" potion into a magic spell.

It's hard.

It was at this time that Anton discovered how powerful people who invented spells like Voldemort and Snape were.

He invented the Bionic Charm, but that's just what he knows.

To turn this spell into a spell with gestures and emotions that others can also use, he needs to study the essence of this spell more deeply.

He was thinking of a way to simulate the effect of the 'Wizard's Eye' potion.

This is something he only reacted to recently.

If it can be achieved, it will become convenient and save a lot of potion materials.

To do this, there are two ways, let another person drink this potion, and he will draw a magic image.

Another way is to drink the potion and replace it with a soul-moving spell to observe yourself.

However, no matter which method is adopted, no suitable object has been found for the time being.


Anton thought about it for a while, and denied it. He didn't trust Neville as much as he said. Trusting this kind of thing needs to be accumulated, and it can't be done in one sentence, otherwise, it's a fool.

The potion material of septicemia is really too familiar, and he can feel the breath on it when he closes his eyes.

If Neville didn't handle it well, it would take a little more time to pick and choose.

"Do it well!"

"I have something to go out, so you can go back to the dormitory to sleep after finishing the work. If you see something you like in the small shop outside, you can take it yourself as a reward for welcoming new members to our Weasley Cottage."

Neville's eyes lit up, "Really...really?"

Anton smiled and nodded, "George and the others just happen to be busy, otherwise we will have a celebration today about the joining of new members."

Out of the Weasley Cottage.

Carrying a broomstick to somewhere in the Forbidden Forest.

Here's what I found when I followed Quirrell around looking for magical beasts during this time.

A sandy field half the size of a football field, surrounded by trees on three sides, and a small hill of stones stacked on one side.

This is a good place to practice magic spells.

On the other side of the stone hill, there is an elephant-eating vine, which guards a small cave composed of stone gaps.

Anton usually hides inside when he is tired, and enters the 'Mama Tom's embrace' to restore the effect of the magic spell. After all, he seems to have not returned to the dormitory to sleep for a long time.

After pursing his lips, Anton took out his magic wand. He has a toughness that ordinary people don't have. With this magic spell, he seems to have lost sleep.

Not bad though.

What to sleep for, there is time to sleep after death.



The next day, Saturday, Anton came to Dean Snape's office as scheduled.

Today's Lao Si is very strange, staring straight at An Dong for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Anton quickly touched his face. Could it be that he had dark circles under his eyes because he had not slept for a long time? No, Voldemort's spell works better than sleep.

"I won't teach you potions today." Snape took him to an abandoned classroom.

I have to say that the castle at Hogwarts is really big, and many classrooms are almost vacant.

"Today I'm going to teach you a magic spell."

An Dong blinked curiously, "Shen Feng Wuying?!!!"

He was excited!

Anton knew where Snape's notebook of the Half-Blood Prince was, so he took a look. Although he couldn't use black magic because Dumbledore cast a spell on himself, he still remembered the spell firmly.

This spell is much better than any Unforgivable spell.

And there's an anti-curse, so it's simply not appropriate.

Exactly, after Snape taught him today, he can use this trick openly in the future.

"..." Snape was silent for a moment, staring at Anton, "You can't use black magic."

Anton shrugged helplessly, "Got it."

He curled his lips, "Idol, you and Dumbledore are both good at black magic, but in turn ask me not to use black magic, is this reasonable?"

Snape's mouth twitched, "..."

"You should tell Dumbledore this yourself, and, stop your stupid name, call me Dean Snape!"


"What I'm going to teach you today is God's Guard, a curse that is seriously underestimated." Snape talked about this curse and was silent for a long time. He didn't know what to think, and his expression was complicated.

"Call God Guard?" Anton said he couldn't understand, because Mao Snape suddenly wanted to teach himself this spell.

Control the rhythm of the classroom? Occasionally take a break to change your mind?

It shouldn't be, the idol's private teaching class is only once a week.

In comparison, Professor Voldemort is more in charge. He says that it is Sunday, but in fact he will teach some every now and then.

"Learn it!"

Snape's voice was low, and his face was more serious than ever.

"Every week!"

"I want you to release it to me once a week!" Snape stared at Anton with his empty eyes. "Whenever you can't release it, I'll kick you out of Hogwarts!"


Anton took a deep breath.


Are you serious?

"What kind of weird request is this?" Anton said he couldn't accept it. "Do you think you should follow in Dumbledore's footsteps and give me a restriction?"

Snape didn't explain, just explained the spell on his own.

"The key to releasing this spell is to concentrate and think about the happiest things."

"This spell is generally considered to be used to ward off Dementors and Voldemort bats, but it's actually more useful."

"First of all, we can use it to confirm our identity. None of the dark wizards, especially the Death Eaters, can release the Godly Guard." Snape said, seeing Anton's strange expression, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, "do you have any opinion?"

"No, no!" Anton shook his hands.

Bird Food, there was an introduction in the video in the previous life, Snape was the only Death Eater who could release the Guards of God, it was simply.


Is Lao Si planning to use this method to judge whether he is a Death Eater?

When did you decide when you were fully committed to Voldemort's service?

Anton was a little puzzled. If he remembered correctly, Snape didn't know that Voldemort possessed the back of Quirrell's head, so why would he worry about becoming a Death Eater?

Because you are also taking Quirrell's class?

If this is the case, Snape is too self-effacing. If he really wants to be influenced by the professor to become a Death Eater, Quirrell, a temporary Horcrux and slave of the Dark Lord, is compared to Snape, the number one Death Eater. A younger brother.

"In addition to identifying identities, we can also use the Godly Guard to deliver messages."

"The most important thing is that it represents the last purity in your heart, and it also protects the purity in your heart." Snape's voice was magnetic, with a faint smile on his face, "It's guarding you, accompanying you, so that you don't become a bad person completely."

Anton wrinkled his face, inexplicably feeling like he had eaten expired dog food.

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