The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 126: Hannah's new discovery

Anton didn't go to the Forbidden Forest right away, yes, he wasn't that well-behaved.

He was waiting for Lao Fu's final warning. This kind of silent resistance would not make Lao Fu feel that this student could ask for anything.

He has always been good at this delicate situation.

With his theory of the trinity of 'id, soul and body', many spells became interesting.

Even spell classes and transfiguration are interesting.

It's like looking at these things from another perspective.

He is very clear that now he has reached the deepest point that he can explore, and has reached a certain level. He is unable to explore further, and the only thing he can do is to expand horizontally.

For example, thoroughly mastering 'fairy eyes', 'wizard eyes', and 'Grindelwald's research'.

Also, the 'Iron Armor' and 'Craze Curse' are both burned into the soul, the old wizard's last drop of knowledge about the so-called 'spell slot'.

The spell slot is very tempting.

But Anton didn't dare to recklessly try what a dead man taught him.

In particular, the old wizard was killed by him because his body was on the verge of collapse. Anton suspected that this kind of messing with his soul was the reason for the collapse of the old wizard's body.

He needs more knowledge.

Take classes seriously, learn every useful knowledge, and lay a solid foundation.

He is only eleven years old!

Just a little wizard who has been enrolled in a magic school for half a year.

Anton has enough patience.

Anton has patience, but Quirrell doesn't have that much patience.

After Defence Against the Dark Arts get out of class, Quirrell stopped Anton and led him into the woods outside the school.

Forbidden Forest!

"Now, immediately, immediately, go in and get the blood!" Quirrell's face was pale, and the cowardly expression on his face became distorted, "You promised to make a potion!"

Anton just stared at him coldly.

In the vision of the wizard's eyes, he found that Voldemort was in a worse state, and another huge crack appeared in the overall color block.

At the same time, more and more black lines stretched out from the crack, submerging into Quirrell's body.

Obviously, Voldemort was hurting Quirrell's body, and Quirrell's body was hurting Voldemort's soul in turn.

Like a ball being stuffed into a glass bottle, the rebound force propped up the glass bottle to the point of breaking, and the ball was also scratched by the glass fragments.

This is an interesting observation. Anton makes coincidences every day to record Voldemort's state.

This opportunity is hard to come by.

"Stupid Quirrell..." Anton looked at him with a sneer, "If you hadn't ruined my broomstick, I'd have gone in. I can only ask someone to buy it for me now, it's not easy, first-year student Broomsticks are not allowed, the person who helped me broke the school rules, you can't expect too fast."

Quirrell choked obviously, his expression contorted, "No, that's my broom!"

How many days and nights of ups and downs, it is the company of that flying broom!

An Dong looked at him blankly, turned and left.

Just then, a shrill voice came out of Quirrell's hat, weak and low, "Anthony, help me catch a rune! I need to change bodies occasionally, when Dumbledore isn't at school. ."

Anton stopped, was silent for a moment, and nodded lightly, "I'll go when the broomstick arrives."

His brain was running fast.

Did Dumbledore change to the runes when he was away?

In other words, he has a magic spell to block other people's detection, and needs the help of a human body to release the magic power of the wizard?

Also, why a rune?

He couldn't help but think of Nagini.

If I remember correctly, Voldemort's wandering spirit is possessed by various animals, especially snakes.

Then, why a snake?

Anton finds this information extremely useful.

When he first crossed over, he was lingering under the hands of the old wizard, relying on insight to explore the habits and weaknesses of the old wizard bit by bit, and finally found a solution.

"A rune snake?"

Anton raised his eyebrows slightly.




When Anton returned to Weasley's cottage, he heard George and Fred yelling on the second floor.

Following the voice, he walked up, and was stunned to find an outrageously ugly, weird-looking rag doll staggering on the ground.

"Anton, come and see, Hannah found something interesting."

Anton stared at the rag doll suspiciously, um, it still felt weird.

Under the vision of the wizard's eyes, inside the doll's Gothic clothes, countless black threads like spider webs were twisting in the body like blood vessels.


This strange scene instantly reminded Anton of Voldemort and Quirrell.


Anton pointed at the doll in disbelief, "What is this?"

"This is a ball of black fur peeled off from the mandrake, and it's attached to my rag doll. Anton, I didn't mean to." Hannah looked at him cautiously.

The little girl's eyes were all red, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Neville hurriedly explained, "We were dealing with Jumping Pea Pods, using the 'Flesh Separation' spell you taught, and I happened to be talking about something that distracted her, and Hannah's spell accidentally shot you in there. A mandrake is on."

Neville's face was clearly written with fear, but he was very manly holding the mandrake pot and walked to Anton, "We accidentally killed, I will be compensated."

Mandrake is a bit like a deformed ginseng, covered with green leaves and a human-shaped stem inside the soil.

And it's the kind that can move, with a particularly high-pitched cry that can kill you.

But now, this mandrake is lying softly in the pot, and it seems to have completely lost its activity.

Rozier helped to find this mandrake, mainly because its leaves were used to study Animagos.

If the leaf in the mouth fails, you can immediately pick one and continue the operation.

"No need for compensation, little thing. You should be thankful that she just missed this herb. If the shot misses you, you will really 'separate the pulp'." Anton grabbed the leaf and pulled out Mandela casually. Cao glanced at it, and casually threw it into a mouthpart full of tusks on the wall of an elephant-eating vine.

Neville and Hannah looked at each other in fear.

George and Fred were holding their wands lightly against the rag doll, as if they were fiddling with a cricket.

"A rag doll that can move on its own, this is an interesting discovery." George was amazed.

Fred mused, "I think it can be used in a lot of places, and I like this kind of fluffy thread."

"I'm afraid not." Anton waved his wand and let the ragdoll float in front of him.

"Mandela is rare. It's very difficult and expensive to grow this plant. It's even harder to grow your own ramets." He waved his wand and let the black fluffy **** in the ragdoll's clothes go. float out.

Exactly, it can't be called a plush graph.

It was like the tails of countless tiny nematodes were tied together, and all the black silk threads were twisting rapidly in mid-air.

Very weird.

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