The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 134: longing for brave little fanboy

There is a very interesting thing about this period in the original book.

Harry finds the evil Snape pulling the good Professor Quirrell into the grove and threatens him to say if he knows what to do with the three-headed dog and questions about standing in line.

Poor Quirrell was much stronger than Harry had imagined, and while he did look paler and thinner in the weeks that followed, he didn't appear completely broken.

So, every time Harry met Quirrell, he sent an encouraging smile.

Ron was also constantly trying to persuade others to stop laughing at Quirrell's stuttering.


Two silly but comforting kids.

"Anton, Quirrell taught him..."

"Quiet!" Anton stared blankly at Ron.

Unless they come to provoke themselves.

Especially when your brain is quickly sorting out all the soul-related information.

"You've already told countless people beside me, buzzing~ buzzing~ I'm getting sick of hearing it, be quiet, eat your chicken legs, okay?"

Ron had to go back to the Gryffindor table, grab a drumstick, look at Anton, and take a big bite of the chicken.

At this moment, Hermione came over with a pile of books and sat down beside Ron.

"Oh my God, I didn't realize that I wasted too much time, and the exam is only ten weeks away!"

Ron's eyes widened and he said in disbelief, "Ten weeks?"

"Hermione, exams are still hundreds of years away."

It's amazing that the next semester goes by very fast, and the Easter holiday is coming soon.

Like Christmas, it's still a two-week holiday.

The difference is that this time all the courses are assigned a lot of homework.

Such a holiday, it is hard not to suspect that it is used for homework. If there is no holiday, students will not be able to finish writing so much!

Few little wizards choose to go home this holiday.

Anna's school does not have a holiday for Easter. In Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Easter there is a grand intra-school duel competition. In the history of this black magic school, there are often young wizards who are seriously injured and dying and are taught from the **** of death. pull back.

They call this the resurrection ceremony.

Only the little wizard who has undergone the resurrection ceremony can count as a complete Easter.

Unique campus Easter customs.

Anna's letter seemed very worried, because she used a trick of 'breaking apart' to blow up a classmate into three paragraphs.

Anton had to write in his reply - nothing, just a small problem.

It is indeed a small problem. As long as that classmate is not fried into meat sauce and has a professor guarding the arena, it will be difficult to die.

Fragmented anti-curse is not difficult for professors.

Unless you use a sharp blade to physically cut your classmates into three sections, then the professors will be troubled.

Lupin's letter is also very interesting. He says that his company has become a business partner of Growning's (uncle Harry's Uncle Dursley's company), and that he and a major shareholder of the company have like-minded interests and become good friends.

Pedro also wrote to ask some questions about the company's management. He didn't know why he didn't ask Lupin, but wrote to Anton, the child.

Anton didn't understand it very well, so he wrote to Lupin again, and waited for a reply before replying to Pedro.

In his reply, Lupin gently reminded Anton not to mention that it was his idea, and to let Anton take care of Pedro's competitive spirit.



It's strange that many people regard festivals as a time to communicate. Even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, they still want to write a letter to chat.


Anton also received a gift.

It's amazing that someone would choose to give gifts at Easter.


The cage containing the Yalong species was rudely thrown in front of Anton, causing the fat bird inside to jump in panic.

"The experiment on the dragon species is over." Snape said in a long, magnetic voice, "Get rid of it."

Anton raised his eyebrows.

Snape turned away, turned around suddenly, and stared at Anton, "I don't want to see it turn into a water dragon again."


The wizard's robes fluttered, and Snape left like a big bat.

"Wow~" The twins exclaimed at the bird in the cage.

The little wizards around also gathered around, especially some girls, looking at the round, fluffy, spherical bird with pink feathers in the cage, as well as the delicate beak and claws, they felt their hearts would melt. .

"What's this?" Ron stared curiously at the cage. "I've never seen one."

Although the Weasley family was poor, but his father was in the Ministry of Magic, and his brothers were in places like Gringotts and Dragon Farm, Ron, who came from a pure-blood family, had always been known for his knowledge.

ps: This is the case in the original book.

"The new species has not been named yet." Anton opened the cage and slipped the Yalong species out.

He gently stroked the feathers of the Yalong, and the magical image of the wings of the Yalong quickly appeared in his heart. According to its characteristics, its wing feathers can double the speed of the broom, which is a very precious material.

"I have to go to Hagrid and ask how to feed this little animal."

Laboratory feeding was different from normal feeding, and sometimes, in order to control the variables, Snape would also give the Argonian some potions that inhibit growth.

I don't know if this fat bird will grow taller like this in this life.

"Can't go!" Harry and Ron were both nervous.

"Hagrid has something to do right now, don't bother him." Hermione, who didn't know when she came over, hurriedly added.

"Hehehe..." Draco smiled strangely next to Anton, looking at the three of Harry with a sullen look on his face.

This smile made Harry and the others even more nervous.

Oh, got it.

Hagrid received a dragon egg in exchange for Quirrell's entire possessions.

This tight-lipped older brother obviously let many little wizards know that he was doing something illegal - raising dragons.

tsk tsk.

Anton had no interest in ignoring Harry and the others, and continued to eat his breakfast.

He had written to allow Rozier to add a house-elf to the family, mainly for Lupin and Ilsa.

This couple is busy with business and the survival of the werewolf tribe every day, and it is difficult to take good care of their family life. They really need an elf to help.

Anton decided to test the cooking skills of the elf when he went back, and if not, he would send it to the Hogwarts Kitchen Technology Academy for training.

After eating breakfast beautifully, Anton found that the fat bird was unceremoniously eating the food fed by the twins and some girls.

The three of Harry have disappeared.

It is estimated that he ran to Hagrid's side to report the letter.

The Slytherin side was very lively, and many little wizards looked around the fat bird curiously, discussing what kind of animal it was.

The arrival of Anton has changed many things.

Slytherin, in particular, seems to have lost a bit of gloom, and changed silently from dean to student.

"Anton, will there still be activities in our hut?" Neville rarely took the initiative to find Anton.

"Events?" Anton asked with a question mark on his face. "You have to ask George and the others before they like to engage in events."

Neville clenched his and breathed nervously, "I...I want to go to the Forbidden Forest with you again."

"Yo~" Anton looked up and down Neville curiously, "Why?"

"I want to be as brave as you are!"


The corners of Anton's mouth were slightly raised.

He finally knew what Snape's mentality was about him, and it was great to have such a little fanboy feeling!

"It's very dangerous there..."

"I'm not afraid!"

"Hahahaha, yes, that's how it should be." Anton laughed and patted Neville's shoulder, "Go and clean up, let's go!"

"Yeah." Neville nodded vigorously.


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