The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 138: days without tom

Humans are sometimes very numb creatures.

Some people, some things, if they break into your life, constantly change your habits, your mood, everything about you, but people will only be immersed in this change.

Only when it is lost.

We will suddenly realize.

To find, to think, to trace the people or things that brought about these changes.

Then, try to find a way to get it back, or feel lost.

Those who go further on the magical path can easily influence lower-level people. Such as Anton to Neville, such as Voldemort to Anton.

When all research suddenly becomes slow, when there are no more endless flashes of inspiration in my mind, when the received knowledge returns to normal again...

Oh, Anton doesn't mean that the professors at Hogwarts or the books in the library are bad, but that Professor Voldemort's classes are really good in comparison.

Anyway, Anton suddenly found that he had more time.

The usual feeling of not having enough time disappeared, and he returned to calm, and he sometimes even went to the Quidditch pitch to watch an afternoon of training, or pondered for hours with the pink drake.

Turn the wizard's eye potion into a spell, and he's done.

People always have to find something to do for themselves. Anton has recently begun to rethink his previous imagination and put a pair of wings on a werewolf.

This is not an easy task.

You can't make this thing by roughly stitching together magical images of werewolves and dragon wings.

Anton is not yet at the level of invention.

He just discovered, discovered the inexplicable match between the magical images of werewolves and dragon skins, and discovered the true colors of the hybrid creatures of fire dragons and werewolves that may have existed in history.

Moreover, even if the werewolf's wings are not mentioned, Anton has a special interest in flying.

From Snape flying in the air without props or animals, to chameleons, to levitating spells, he's been obsessed with this sort of thing.

Come to the Quidditch pitch, watch the Quaffle, watch the Snitch, watch each different model of broomstick, and even observe the characteristics of each wizard's broomstick.

Go back to the dormitory, observe the wings of the wurm, and observe the feathers of the wings.

Sometimes he would go to the door next door to see the dragon in Hagrid's house.

This is the state of Anton recently.

Reading books, researching, and gradually returning to dullness.

As Anton's need for potion materials decreased, Hannah and Neville also relaxed, and they asked Anton to build another third floor on top of Weasley's hut.

as a greenhouse for their cultivation of herbs.

Anton discussed with the twins, and finally everyone decided to change the name of the base. After all, there are not only the three Weasley brothers here, but it was officially renamed the 'hut'.

Anton and the twins' labs are on the first floor, and Neville and Hannah's greenhouses are on the third floor.

The second floor is empty.

These two well-born second-generations moved some things from the home and arranged the second floor well.

Neville contributed a set of circular sofas and a round tea table, as well as a beautiful set of oak cabinets.

Hannah brought in a lot of exquisite tea sets, tea leaves, all kinds of outlandish decorations, and an expensive-looking clock.

In short, the second floor has become a place where everyone usually sits and chats.

All the members of the hut are here today, and to celebrate the renaming of the hut, we decided to do something meaningful.

The twins proposed to explore the abandoned sewers of Hogwarts Castle, which is said to have several floors underneath.

Neville proposes to go to the Forbidden Forest to find out the secret of the sudden birth of runes. Recently, more and more runes have slipped into the castle, scaring many people.

"You guys like danger in your bones." Hannah rolled her eyes and took out a box from her bag. "Why don't we play wizard chess?"

"Wow~ This is good." Anton, who had become more and more lazy to move recently, slumped on the sofa and waved his arms weakly, agreeing with this idea.

"Although we are very smart..." Fred grimaced.

"But we have no talent for chess." George wore the same mask of pain.

They looked at each other and said at the same time, "Our grandfather's talent for playing chess was only passed on to Ron."

Neville also refused, "I've never won at chess,"

So Hannah looked at Anton.

Anton shrugged, "I can play chess, but my chess is different from yours. The one I learn is to walk on the lines in the middle of the grid."

"Walking on the line?" Fred said in surprise, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, what a good idea, maybe..." George's eyes were also bright.

"We can make our own wizard chess game without having to walk the grid."

Hannah froze for a moment, "Put them on the lines?"

"No no no." Anton laughed, "What they mean, not on the chessboard!"

That's kind of interesting.

"Hey!" Anton sat up straight and looked at everyone.

"Maybe we can make a three-dimensional war chess, the map can be..." He stepped on the soft wool carpet with bare feet, walked to the window, and looked at the castle by the Black Lake.

"The map could be Hogwarts!"

Everyone was energized, and Neville, who had no athletic ability, took the lead in putting forward the idea, "There is also a Quidditch pitch, where we can command the chess pieces to ride on broomsticks. I have always envied Harry Potter being able to participate in the game."

Hannah's eyes were also bright, "Maybe it can be extended to the Forbidden Forest, and let our chess pieces play us to take risks."

"We know all the secret passages at Hogwarts!" Fred's eyes lit up.

"Yes, we have a map, although we haven't opened it since we remembered it." George shrugged.


Anton looked away from the window and looked back at them with a smile, "Since it's a chess game, who is the enemy?"

"Evil dark wizard!" Neville gave the answer instantly.

"Azkaban fugitive!" Hannah seemed to be in a golden mood. "His wife divorced him and raised the child alone. The criminal saw the news of his wife's death in the newspaper. Decided to escape Azkaban to find his son who was studying at Hogwarts."

Anton raised his eyebrows, and said with some wicked interest, "Maybe after he arrived at the school, he used the blood curse to discover that his son was not his, but someone from the school, so he decided to take revenge."

George frowned with disgust, "What kind of **** plot is this."

Fred laughed. "Yeah, someone from the school, like some wicked-looking administrator."

George thought for a while, then nodded vigorously, with a serious face, "It's very possible."

Everyone knew who he was talking about, and everyone burst into laughter.

"So this fugitive has gathered a lot of dark wizards and plans to invade Hogwarts!" Neville was still struggling with the dark wizards.

Therefore, the ideas of war chess are summed up bit by bit.

Various interesting levels are written on parchment bit by bit. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"The Quietly Opened Chamber: Shadow of the Fugitive." This level was proposed by Hannah.

"House Duel Tournament" and "Quidditch Tournament" were Neville's idea.

"The murmur in the secret passage." That was George's theme.

"The gasp of the observatory." This was Fred's bad taste.

They have too many ideas.

Anton also gave this war chess map an interesting theme - a comeback.


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