The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 140: The secret shared by the cabin members

"Don't panic, don't resist your heart, and let everything take its course."

This sentence was repeated too many times when Anton explained to them before Animagus was transformed.

Animagus didn't succeed simply by drinking the potion, and the most dangerous always came from the moment of transformation.

The first transformation is often uncomfortable and frightening, as clothing, glasses, jewelry, etc. melt into the skin, turning into fur, scales, or sharp claw spikes.

At the same time, the wizard can feel that his mind is isolated by a translucent gate, which belongs to the instinct of the animal that is about to transform.

Any little resistance can cause trouble. In the worst cases, it can even turn people into a state of half-human, half-beast for the rest of their lives, and there is currently no way to treat them.

Therefore, the best time for Animagus to practice is at the magic school. At this time, the little wizard has unlimited imagination and fearlessness about the future.

Any grown-up wizard would refuse to practice such a time-consuming, dangerous, and unrewarding spell.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

Anton felt his whole being twisted.

This change is extremely unique.


"Very similar!"

Yes, very similar to the transformation of the Bionic Charm.

But more thoroughly.

Just like the narration in the memories of the Vokanova witches, the witches have the shadows of all species, and as long as they are turned over, the other side will be revealed.

This kind of tolerance comes from the blood, from the body.

Animagus is a transformation of the body, closer to the realm of the blood curse, the instinct of the body wraps the soul.

The bionic spell is a kind of transformation of the soul, which affects the body only through the change of magic power, and pays more attention to being dominated by the id in the soul shell.

Except for wands, or objects rich in high-intensity magic, everything is integrated into the body.

It was as if the whole person was melted.

Anton vaguely saw the animal he would transform into.


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Interesting."

He doesn't care what animal he will become. With the bionic magic spell, he can become whatever love becomes.

His request for Animagus was one.

Can escape from Azkaban.

Owls fit this very well, leaping across the sea and hiding in the environment. Even in the sky over the North Sea where Azkaban is located, owls will fly by in the distance from time to time.

Just don't be perfect.

The vines of the elephant-eating vine surged and quickly built walls in front of everyone.

This is the procedure that Anton explained before - everyone needs to have a quiet deformation environment.

George, Fred, Neville, Hannah, these four are all friends that Anton found himself. But that doesn't mean he's letting him escape Azkaban's life-saving image to let them know.

Although everyone said yes, this transformation should be regarded as the secret of the hut, and no one should know it.

It's an interesting topic with shared secrets, and everyone agrees.

But Anton had darker intentions.

All unregistered Animagus will be captured by the Ministry of Magic in Azkaban once discovered.

This kind of hidden clause will gradually become the source of cohesion of the hut in the future as the little wizard continues to mature and become sensible.

As he often said, everything has already been marked with a price in secret.

"Quack, I really am not a good person."

With a strong twisting force coming from his body, Anton quickly deformed and finally turned into an owl.

The gray forest owl species is about forty centimeters in length, with a round head, no ear hairs, a gray body, and brown-white outer coverts on the outer wings, forming prominent brown-white wing spots on the wings.

Kind of cute.

Anton looked at himself in the mirror and cooed.

Fluttering his wings, the elephant-eating vine hut cracked a window, and Anton flew out quickly.

It was pouring rain outside the window at this moment, and lightning flashed.

Quickly shuttled through the heavy rain, circled the castle at Hogwarts, and gently landed on the window, shaking the rain on his body.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore and passed by the window.

Professor McGonagall knew nothing and was still complaining about the ubiquitous runes in the castle. Dumbledore smiled and nodded, but did not express his opinion.

Old Deng smiled and blinked at the owl, and continued to follow Mag's words as he walked away.

The owl continued to fly, past Filch and his Mrs Norris, to the owl shack, and landed gently in the midst of all the owls.

After a while, it flew again and shot into the heavy rain.

Landing from a crack in the Elephant Vine House, the owl changed and finally turned into a human form.

"It feels good." Anton picked up the wand and snuff box on the ground with a smile.

The owl has a speed and power that the chameleon does not have, and it is a hearty flight.


Anton thought for a while, put the wand on the ground, took out the spare wand from the snuff box, and deformed again.

Bionic Spell - Rabbit.

It was the common rabbit he caught in the Forbidden Forest with Neville.

The vines of the Elephant Vine twisted, pulling all the partitions away.

Everyone showed their transformation.

Hannah is a tortoise, the brown tortoise shell has dark-brown lines, and it is the size of a washbasin.

Seeing An Dong looking over, he twisted his body a little embarrassedly, and soon turned back into a human form.

Neville seemed to be frightened, sitting in the corner with a pale face, holding his legs in his arms and watching everyone helplessly.

Before Anton could say anything, the twins' magical laughter resounded throughout the room.

"George, you'll never guess what I've become!" Fred smiled oddly.

"Wow~" George also smiled, "You can't guess what I've become."

Then, the figures of the two quickly twisted.

After a while, two identical kangaroos appeared on the spot.

Clearly startled, they looked at each other for a moment, giggled oddly, and pointed at each other.

Then, Fred took out a small kangaroo from the pocket on the kangaroo's stomach and pointed at George with a smile.

George did the same thing.

Kangaroo laughter...

special magic.

And it's a duo, super double.

Hearing that, Anton and Hannah looked uncomfortable.

Finally, the twins had had enough and changed into human form again.

"Hey, George, you can't mess with me in the future. If I'm angry, just grab this little kangaroo and beat it up." Fred made a feigned savage expression.

"Oh, do you think I'd be afraid?" George made a gesture of pulling out a wallaby from his stomach, and waving his fist with the other hand, "I can too."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two pointed to each other and fell to the ground laughing softly.

"Hey," Anton stopped them. "Maybe we should pay attention to Neville, he doesn't look very good."

Hannah also looked concerned, "Neville, what's the matter with you?"

She thought about it, "I don't like being a turtle either, it reminds me of how unresponsive I am, but that's the magic of magic isn't it? Man, face it."

Neville stared blankly at her, then turned to Anton, then to George and Fred.

Everyone cared about him, which made him feel better.

"You..." He murmured a little sadly, "Don't be scared!"

After he finished speaking, his body began to twist, constantly changing, and finally turned into a huge python.

Unlike Anton's own viper, his one already belongs to the category of magical animals.

Pythons are generally very large, and most of them are three to five meters long.

Neville transformed into a full five meters long, with a tan back, a large black-edged clouded leopard-like markings on the snake's body, and a yellow-white belly.

He obviously wanted to say something, but he could only utter a 'hissing' snake language.

Several people looked at each other.

"It's so cool!" Hannah always has a different aesthetic than ordinary She reached out and touched the scales of a big snake with bright eyes, "Wow~ It's so cold!"

Neville was obviously frightened, and shyly swam back.

"Wow~ If the people of Slytherin know..." Fred looked strange.

"That will definitely be jealous." George's same emoji.

Anton had a bad fantasy. He didn't know if he should persuade Neville to stop practicing that 'All Petrification' in the future, otherwise next year might not be easy.

Hahaha, poor kid.


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