"Daisies, sweet cream and sunshine..."

The dough floats in the air, kneading and kneading in cycles.

Raisins sprinkle lightly.

"Just a little more flame..." Anton waved his wand, and a flaming flower bloomed around the dough floating in the air. "Turn this dough into bread!"

The dough expands quickly, becomes slightly browned, and takes on an attractive color.

The aroma permeates...

It floated gently and landed on the plate.

"Chrysanthemum Raisin Milk Bread." Anton smiled and looked at the crowd in front of him, "Please enjoy."

"It's amazing!" Anna looked at the delicious buns on the plate with bright eyes.

"Wow~~" The twins were amazed. It was time for Lupin's wedding. The Weasleys came a day earlier to see if they could help.

Ron expressed his shock. He turned to look at Harry Potter and murmured, "Is this really a spell?"

Anton looked at everyone with a smile, continued to wave his wand, and pieces of delicate bread, fruit pies, and fruit rolls appeared on the shelves.

These are little treats for tomorrow's wedding.

It's amazing, Anton can always show great talent for some useless spells.

A floating spell, a moving figure, and now this self-invented "Anthony Bread Spell".

Yes, after coming to this wizarding world for a few years, Anton finally invented a spell, a spell that others can release according to the three elements of spell, casting gestures, and emotions.

He clapped his palm.

"After eating this little bread, come and learn this magic spell, and I will give you tomorrow's snacks."

Everyone is very excited, this is the curse invented by Anton, peers, and honorable.

Next, Anton began to explain the meaning of each gesture, the trick of each note.

"The first sentence 'daisies, sweet cream and sunshine' represents the feeling of the best life in my heart." Anton smiled lightly, "Such emotions determine the taste of your finished bread, it can be happy, moved, or It has a long aftertaste, and it can even be bitter."

"Well, but tomorrow is the wedding, so no bitterness, no one will like it."

"The second sentence, 'Just a little more fire', which represents the emergence of the food, the new life of the dough in the fire, is a force for change, force for growth, force for ripening results."

"The last sentence, 'Turn this ball into bread', represents the wizard's will. At this time, you should think carefully about what kind of bread you want. The stronger the will, the more complete the magic will help you. ."

"This is a spell that belongs to the love of life and the sunshine in the heart."

Next, Anton began to let everyone try.

Anna finished first. This quiet girl likes flowers and sunshine, and her heart is full of sweetness.

Her bun is a thousand-layer torn bread that resembles a petal.

The twins' buns are in the shape of a funny broomstick, similar to a baguette, but with a softer texture, which makes them feel inexplicably happy.

Ron's buns are just average.

Harry Potter...

Anton frowned, looked disgusted, and leaned back tactically, "Harry, although I said you have to be firm, please don't yell so loudly, this piece of bread is full of your saliva, I won't be willing to try it. of!"

Ron quietly took a half step aside.


Everyone laughed.

Taking off his apron, Anton asked the children to work hard and go out for a walk by himself.

"Professor, did you feel the same way when you invented the Flying Charm?"

An Dong was walking on the garden path outside Wanhua Castle, smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, and squinting his eyes.

"What does it feel like?" Black lines emerged from Anton's body and condensed into a human face on his face. After getting along for many days, Lao Fu's mood became stable.

"It's like..." Anton frowned.

"It seems that there is a supreme will in this world, or a magic atlas, which has already recorded all the magic spells in the world."

Oh, Anton doesn't like this feeling.

"We didn't invent the spell, we discovered the spell."

"Otherwise it's hard to explain the so-called magic principle." He looked up at the sky, the weather was fine and cloudless.

"I still need to think about the process of how to make bread, how to make sweet and delicious bread, but an irrelevant spell, everything I've explored seems to be automatically integrated into the spell."

Anton looked back at the window on the second floor of the castle, where the children were all working hard to prepare the bread for tomorrow.


"Just chanting this spell and making it?"

"Heh~" Voldemort chuckled, his laughter full of meaning, "Just like what I thought back then, it was too late to be proud of the invention of the magic spell, but instead my heart was shocked and filled with fear, as if there was a tall deity who was icy cold. It's like looking down at the world."


"My students, remember that there are no gods in this world, and even the legendary death **** is just a meaningless imagination of wizards."

Anton was still confused, "But it doesn't make sense!"

"This is an interesting topic." Voldemort turned his head to look at the sky and smiled faintly. "Humans always do this, blaming the gods for everything they don't know, trying to find an answer to everything they don't understand."

"Remember, emotions, wills, our thoughts, that are in our minds, are in every corner of the world."

"The intersection of all emotions, wills, and thoughts has created a magical world that we cannot perceive. It is the root of the universal spread of magic spells."

Anton exclaimed, "Wow~ Professor, you are too powerful, how did you observe it?!"

"..." Lao Fu was silent for a long time, and finally said quietly, "My guess."



That is bullshit, right?

Anton rolled his eyes.

"The wizarding world is always full of unknowns. The more we know, the more we can feel our ignorance." Lao Fu sighed with a rare lack of pride.

"I like this." Anton said with a smile.

"If you say it like this..." Anton looked at Lao Fu jokingly, "My dear professor, although you said that the method of casting a defective soul with one knife can master powerful magic..."

"But I'm afraid, after that knife, you will stop at that level, right?"

"Have you lost the ability to explore more?"

Voldemort was completely silent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The black thread was rolling and floating in the air.

I don't know how long it took, and a meaningful sigh filled with regret sounded, and Lao Fu's black lines retracted into Anton's body.

Anton ignored him, just put his hand in the air and fiddled with it gently in the sun.

"Daisies, sweet cream and sunshine..."

"It's not just a spell to make bread!"

Palm sliding, gently scooping up a ray of sunshine.

The sun is in the palm of the hand, and the heart is warm.


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