The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 169: he can't accept

"Mandela leaf sap, your own saliva, the soil on the ground..." Professor Snape frowned, as if he had heard something outrageous.

"Which stall magazine did you read the recipe from?"

"Professor Lockhart." Anton smiled and looked at the notepad in his hand, "He is a very knowledgeable wizard."


Snape almost didn't hold back.

His lips moved, and finally he felt that he couldn't speak ill of other professors in front of the students, so he endured it.

"I think you should trust authority a little more."

Anton stared at Snape for a moment, then shook his head silently, "Actually, I think this thing might be useful in theory."

"!" Snape's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, you heard it right, I think it might be useful."

Anton stood up, rubbed his chin, and walked around Lao Si's office, "Professor Dumbledore once told me that mandrake is an ancient herbal medicine that was first used in rituals. Magic, used to link wizards and nature."

"This is the principle in the Animagos Transfiguration ritual, using moonlight and thunder and lightning to link oneself to heaven and earth with the magic of mandrakes, thus nurturing a new self in this great natural scene."

"And your teachings, mandrake leaves have hallucinogenic effects, and the wrong use will lead us to see the wrong world, twisted and weird, and its medicinal properties will release the greatest fear, evil, sadness, and desire in our hearts. ,hapiness……"

"And Professor Quirrell..." Anton raised an eyebrow at Snape.

Snape pursed his lips, "Don't mention him!"

"Well, I learned from a professor that moonlight, thunder and lightning, dew, ashes, earth and soil, etc., all have powerful magical powers, and ancient wizards were good at applying such things, applying them to spells, potions, Alchemy, etc."

"And my research, mandrakes, which are impregnated with our saliva, will provide an anchor, an anchor of our own being."

Anton stared at his notepad thoughtfully, "If mandrakes allow wizards to breed new bodies in thunder and lightning, then can it also allow them to acquire any abilities in the earth and soil?"

Snape still shook his head, "If it has a matching spell, I can clearly grasp the principle contained in it to judge whether this potion is effective."

"However, it is only ritual, which is the practice of very dangerous ancient wizards."

Snape stared at Anton, "I remember it very clearly, Anthony, I reminded you, don't easily try any formula that doesn't know the principle, especially ritual magic."

Anton nodded, "So I came to you."

Snape was silent for a long time, raised his hand and beckoned, a small glass bottle flew from the shelf in the corner of the office and landed on the desk.

"The quest for potions is never-ending, and it is impossible for us to resist the temptation of the unknown, which is the high-quality sap extracted from mandrakes."

He gently closed the notepad, pushed it in front of Anton, and tapped his fingers on it, "You can try, but you can't be blind."

That is to say...

Sri Lanka can provide materials for Anton, but does not intend to join the research.

After long-term contact, Anton discovered a less interesting thing.

Snape's highlight moment was during his reading, whether it was potions or spells. Since then, it can't be said that there is no savings, but it has stopped.

Very much like Voldemort's so-called "one-knife" theory, flawed souls forge powerful talents and magic, but stop at a certain level.

As for whether Anton guessed wrong, or there is another way of saying it, he doesn't care.

He didn't have so much time to take care of other people's private affairs.

At that time, Old Deng was so unhappy that he was suppressed, and he deliberately teased Dumbledore with those words. After all, gentlemen deceive him.

"Thank you." He picked up the notepad and glass bottle, turned and walked out.

Behind him, Snape's hollow tone sounded, "Don't let me catch my students doing something stupid."

"Of course." Anton turned back and smiled brightly, "It's a silly thing to do experiments on yourself."




The afternoon class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, still with Gryffindor.

Lockhart smiled brightly, talking about the many honors he had received.

Anton also stared at him and smiled, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he was rubbing the small glass bottle of Mandrake juice in his hand.

The person in front of him is the best test subject.

And he can also take the opportunity to observe the effect of the dark green lines on his body on the potion.

how nice.

Win twice, referred to as win-win.

Next, Lockhart prepared a test paper and gave everyone half an hour to start answering.

The problem inside...

For example: What is Lockhart's favorite color?

wow~ wow~

Lockhart frowned and flipped through the papers.

"Unbelievable!" He looked at his classmates, "Almost no one remembers my favorite lilac color. I mentioned it in "A Year with the Xz Snowman"."

"A few classmates have to read Weekend with Werewolves carefully - I made it clear in Chapter 12 of the book that my ideal birthday present is for all magic and non-magic people to live in harmony."

The surrounding classmates looked strange, and Draco was even more resistant, pretending to imitate Lockhart's speech to Pansy, making the girl tremble and laugh on the table.

An Dong smiled lightly, this ideal...

Professor Lockhart, you have the potential to be a saint of Grindelwald.

"It's good that Miss Hermione Granger knows that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and to sell my own line of conditioners."

This professor is just the opposite of Snape in everything.

Anton could almost imagine how this man brought his own shampoo to Sri Lanka, and then was forced back by Sri Lanka's murderous vision.

"Very good!" Lockhart flipped through the test paper, "Hermione Granger, Anthony Weasley, you both answered all the questions correctly, full marks!"

"Ten points for Slytherin and Gryffindor each!"

Hermione had been laughing fascinatedly for a year, but she was taken aback and looked back at Anton.

Oh~ it's not just Miss Granger.

All the people turned to look at Anton with a ghostly look.

Draco and Harry Potter have the same emoji, with a look of horror, as if he saw something strange,

Ron felt even more outrageous.

This cousin, who looked a little like a year ago, has now grown completely, and has begun to become handsome and compelling, and he is so good that he is envious. Can you imagine that feeling? It seems that everyone is similar at first, but in the end they can only look up from a distance.

But such a person!

Even Lockhart's admirer?

Do not!

He can't accept it!

This! he! Do not! can! catch! by!

It felt more outrageous than he knew his mother was a Lockhart fan.

What happened to this world?

What Anton can do, he can only shrug his shoulders and smile back, "Professor Lockhart's books are written in it, this is a precious treasure!"

"???" Draco.

"!!!" Harry Potter.

To be honest, Anton really thinks so. No matter how the content of this professor's book came from, the knowledge in it definitely deserves its high price.

Excluding some of Lockhart's boastful content and messy private goods, the description of the wizarding world in the book, the bizarre introduction to magic (even including the three elements of spell casting), the point of view full of life wisdom, and the eccentric group of wizards. way of life...

Anton thinks these books are worth savoring.

It's richer than books that simply introduce spells.

An adult wizard who is useless in terms of magic spells except the oblivion spell. In the living environment where many wizards are implicitly hostile, he can live so nourishingly with ease. He is really a very powerful person.

But obviously, no one would think that way except Anton.

Everyone looked odd, especially when Lockhart bent over and picked up a large, cloth-covered cage from behind the podium.

"Now... beware! My mission is to teach you to defend against the most evil things the wizarding world has ever known!"

With a serious look on his face and a mysterious tone, Lockhart grabbed the hood threateningly and stared at all his classmates.

"You're going to face the scariest things in this classroom. But remember as long as I'm here, you won't be hurt. I just ask you to stay calm."

After opening it, it was the Cornish elf that even Seamus thought was funny.

An azure-skinned elf who can only be mischievous.

As a result, the entire classroom burst into laughter that was extremely familiar from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Just like last year.


What a bad memory.

Familiar taste, familiar recipe, most students can almost imagine what this class will be like.


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