The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 171: the meaning of friends

"Dear professor, this is today's experiment."

Anton's wand was aimed at his eyes, and the light of the spell permeated.

It seems that there is nothing to study about the dance mantra, so he decided to choose one of the mantras that he had the deepest understanding and expertise in, and burn it on Lao Fu.

But there is one thing, if this 'spell bit' is really useful, Lao Fu will passively possess the talent of this magic spell, especially on the premise that this Horcrux in the body can secretly release the magic spell, be extra careful.

Don't give him the chance to mess up.

Floating spells, Iron Armor spells, Cruciatus spells, and Transformation spells are all unusable.

Anton chose the Bread Mantra, which is a masterpiece of what he has learned and thought about in the past two or three years.

This kind of sunshine spell, life perception spell, has too much potential to be tapped, but he is not worried that Lao Fu will use it.

his teacher...

The love of life has been lost.

It's pathetic and pathetic.


There is no flying class in the second grade. Except for the astronomy class once a week, the rest of the evening is left to the freedom of the little wizards.

After dinner, the little wizards in the hut gathered again.

"It's time to do something fun." George smiled and waved his wand, tapping it lightly on a fist-sized box.

I saw the box expand rapidly, layer by layer, constantly deformed, and finally turned into a huge castle with a height of three meters.

Fred waved his wand lightly, and the castle became translucent, red translucent text floating, marking every place.

The observatory, Dumbledore's office, the owl shack, the library, the school infirmary...

Neville and Hannah looked at the huge model in amazement.

Anton also smiled and took out a small iron box similar to a cigar box, opened it gently, and neatly placed ten miniature brooms inside.

The broomsticks wriggled in the box, bounced into the air, and danced happily along the passages in the castle model.

Hannah put the book she was holding on the round table, "I have already written the story and the level plot."

She tapped the cover lightly with her wand, and the book opened automatically, with a hazy pink light floating on it.

"Everyone can enter at any time and experience a woven dream."


It's fun.

So everyone looked at Neville.

Neville was a little shy, and hurriedly lifted a delicate cloth bag from behind the sofa.

Whoops, dumped everything inside on the table.

It was some model sculptures made of wood. The dolls fell on the table and let out ooh hoots. They quickly got up and pointed at Neville, scolding, "Can't you be lighter? You're clumsy. "

Neville could only apologize.

"I carved it myself, and then cast an activating spell on them. I've been learning this spell with my uncle all the vacation, and I didn't learn it until school was about to start."

"Wow~" Anton looked at the doll in amazement.

He gently grabbed a puppet. It was a black wizard-like puppet. It could be seen that Neville was very careful when he carved it. Inside the hood of the wizard's robe was a mysterious and simple ghost mask.

Neville even carefully painted the mask with a metallic finish.

The black wizard puppet supported Anton's fingers with both hands, and let out a low scream, "Let go of me! I'm going to duel with you, you evil troll!"

The theory of activation spells Anton has read a lot, and they are all banned books in the library of Hogwarts Castle.

But they are all theories. There are very few specific and detailed spells. Most of them are simple housework spells such as brooms. Obviously, such spells are only in the hands of very few people in the wizarding world.

The wizarding world is always full of magical uncharted territories that amaze and fascinate.

Everything is ready……

Well, in fact, the basics of war chess are only prepared, and there is still a lot of work to be done to form a complete set of games that can be played.

For example, Hannah needs to constantly ponder the formulation and scoring of rules for various operations.

For example, Anton needs to apply potion to the activated chess piece, so that it can communicate with the operator's mind, and even communicate with the senses.

Interaction of minds, this potion has been researched, but it is difficult to communicate with senses.

The place to start is still the Horcrux.

In the original book, Harry Potter can interact with Voldemort and Nagini (horcrux state) sensory information.

Absolute conundrum.

But as long as you can figure it out, that gaming experience is definitely immersive.

In addition to showing off their achievements, the members of the hut today are more of an activity initiated by the twins.

- Explore the secret passages of Hogwarts.

George waved his wand to move the castle in mid-air, and saw that the upper part of the building quickly blurred, and the school kitchen where the house-elf was located was highlighted.

"One night we went to the kitchen to find something to eat."

The two light and shadow figures laughed and ran to the kitchen door, found a picture of a silver bowl full of fruit, scratched the pear, the pear giggled, and then turned into a large green handle, grabbing He pulled the door open and slipped in.

"There's a fireplace in the kitchen that no one has ever used." Fred looked mysterious.

"So we prepared Floo powder to see where this fireplace leads." George snapped his fingers, and the fireplace in the castle kitchen lit up with green flames, a red line running down the fireplace, and finally to an underground one. Stone tunnel hall.

There was still a fireplace behind him, and in front of him was a stone corridor covered with dark clouds and lightning.

Through the dense thunder and lightning, a huge stone gate can be seen standing there.

"Tonight, I'll show you guys." George smiled.

"Absolutely shocked." Fred was amazed.

There is an interesting question.

How to avoid Filch's Mrs. Norris, who is stronger than a dog during a night tour of Hogwarts Castle.

Mrs Norris is definitely special.

When the twins shared the Marauder's Map, Mrs. Norris' name appeared on it.

You know, other little wizard's pets will not appear.

"You said, could it be changed by a witch?" Neville, whose head became more and more active, was the first to open his mind.

"Wow~" Hannah exclaimed, clasping her hands on her chest, "You suddenly feel so romantic when you say this, a witch who can't restore her human body, a middle-aged wizard who has lost the ability to release magic, interdependent..."

This girl has already started hundreds of episodes of pink foam dog blood in her mind.

"We also had conjectures in this regard, but it shouldn't be. We secretly fed it a visible potion, and Mrs. Norris still maintains the appearance of a cat." George interrupted her fantasy.

"Yes. A more reasonable explanation should be that Mrs. Norris has the blood of some magical animals, with magical powers."

Fred shook the Marauder's map and carefully observed Filch's location, "There are too many names on it, whether it's class, restaurant, bedtime, the names are all stacked together, who knows if there will be any more. other animal names."

"We generally don't need this map." George looked smug.

"Yes, we found a better way." Fred put away the Marauder's map, "Do you want to try it?"

"Of course!" The other three nodded in unison.

The night is filled.

The castle's magic wall light went from incandescent to a dim warm yellow.

Most of the corridors were plunged into darkness.

call out!

A little wizard riding a broomstick rushed straight into the corridor, and reached the end of the corridor at a very fast speed. The broom twisted deftly, turned sharply against the wall, and disappeared into the darkness like lightning.

call out!

Another little wizard flew by on a broomstick.


A group of people even met Mrs. Norris, but before the cat could call Filch, there was no sign of the little wizards in the corridor.

"???" Mrs. Norris raised her cat's paw, rubbed her eyes, looked around, and let out a suspicious meow.

Neville and Hannah weren't very good at flying broomsticks, but the twins always had a way of correcting each other's flight angle with a slight stretch.

These are the twins known as 'Gryffindor's Bludger'!

The usual spacious and tall stone corridors turned into extremely exciting tracks at the super-high speed of the broomsticks.


A group of people skimmed the stairs, swooping straight down.


Extremely exciting!

Anton felt that the whole person was boiling.

He finally understood why the wizarding world liked Quidditch so much. When all the familiar things distorted into blurry scenery in his eyes and quickly faded back, every cell in the whole person was screaming with excitement.



This is the meaning of friends. Anton is influencing his friends, and his friends are also influencing Anton. Everyone who integrates into the hut is bringing unprecedented influence to each other, allowing each participant to step out of the small circle of their own life and welcome everything that is strange and interesting.

Anton likes" Anton whispered.

Neville was already nervous, but when he heard the scream, he was almost scared to death. He clutched his broom tightly and stared straight ahead, feeling that he might hit the wall at any moment. "Don't say anything, we'll be found out!"

"Wuhu~" the twins called out.

"Wuhu~" Hannah called out, smiling happily.

"..." Neville was silent for a while, "Wuhu~"

"Hahaha..." I don't know who laughed first, and soon, the joy of the little wizards echoed in the corridor.


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