The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 174: magic anti-curse

"All petrochemical!"

Anton reacted extremely quickly, waving his wand, the curse light flashed, and Crabbe instantly fell to the ground.

The magic power of the wand tip surged, rushing out from the tip of the wand, connecting with Crabbe's body, and gradually, the strands of magic light became like plasma.

Twisting in mid-air, a terrifying light emerges.

This is a high-end application of the Full Body Binding Charm.

Anton's own research.

Based on the 'the trinity theory of id, soul, and body', the petrification effect of the whole body restraint spell should not be limited to the body!

The magic of the spell spread quickly, pouring into Crabbe's soul, turning his entire soul to petrification.

Based on the observation of Lockhart's magical images, powerful and extremely powerful spells will contradict other spells, resulting in a "rejection reaction", and the souls that are quickly petrified will be free from the threat of fierce fire.

As long as the 'self and soul' are not damaged by the burning fire, Crabbe will be burned out of his brain, and it will only be a small injury in front of Madam Pomfrey in the school infirmary.

Of course, not only for the soul, the petrification of the body is also an effective means of defense.

In fact, the most useful now is Lihuo's anti-curse, but this thing is a high-end magic spell, and Anton still doesn't know it.

Crabbe could see the color of a stone with the naked eye, and under the effect of magic, his entire body quickly turned to petrification.

In the end, it could almost be said that the whole person turned to stone.

What's weird is that this stone man is still shaking violently, his face is twisted, as if he is wailing and screaming in pain, but his vocal cords have been completely petrified, and he can't make a sound.

It looks weird.

The fierce flames continued to burn on him, and Anton's petrification was barely able to compete with it.


Anton took a deep breath, maintained his magic power output, and quickly turned his head to look around.

Goyle was already frightened, his eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out, and he murmured 'Aba Aba'.

Malfoy knelt on the ground, his red eyes looking at Crabbe, he was crying, he was crying so badly.

"No, I didn't mean to, I... please, don't die!"

and also……

Anton's finger lightly hooked, and Draco's dark green glaze-colored ceramic bottle floated up, and all the medicinal liquid spilled on the ground flowed back into the bottle.

He took the bottle and sniffed it before taking it to his nose.


It was brought by Draco, not the half bottle he hid under the bed, too good, not of his own making!



This idiot brought such a dangerous thing to school!

Anton reacted instantly, this guy, wouldn't he want to poison himself with this thing?

Very doubtful!

He is not a fool, how could he not think of this level.

"Stupid Draco..." Anton looked at him coldly, "You should be thankful that this bottle of Flaming Fire Liquid has been diluted too much, otherwise I wouldn't have time to rescue me!"

The liquid of Lihuo is extremely expensive to manufacture, and I don't know how many unscrupulous businessmen thought of a good way to dilute and repackage it, which is really clever.

Like Anton's Snake Candy and Werewolf Candy, the old wizard Fiennes's potion seems to be a potion, but in fact it uses potion to imitate a spell.

All incantations require the magic of a wizard to have an effect, which is why the liquid of fiery fire will not burn through the bottle or the floor.

Only when it enters the body with magic power can it automatically release the fierce fire in the body.

And it's still a fake version, it doesn't have the possibility of infinite burning.

A must-have medicine for home travel, the best choice for poisoning, there will be no hair left after burning, the effect is excellent, the old wizard is awesome!

"Draco!" Anton shouted coldly.

"?" Draco looked up at him blankly.

"Now, immediately, go to Professor Snape and let him remove the spell effect for Crabbe!" Anton waved his wand, causing the fiery flames that suddenly appeared to shrink back again. "Be smart, you can only let the dean know, or you will definitely be fired."


"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Draco quickly got up, staggered, and rushed outside quickly.

"Draco Malfoy..."

Anton's voice came faintly, making his figure stagnate.

"This matter, it won't be like this, you know, you have to give me an explanation."

"You should be glad, I just doubt, you haven't put it into practice, otherwise..."

The unfinished meaning in the words turned into cold murderous intent, rushing towards him frantically, Draco opened and closed his mouth, his face full of pain and remorse, "I didn't!"

"I didn't kill you, I threw it away!"

Anton ignored him and just looked at Crabbe intently, "Pray, this kid is stupid, if he burns into a brain, hehe~"

Draco swallowed and ran to Professor Snape's office in a panic.


"Is he still saved?" Goyle looked at Crabbe sadly. "He looks miserable."

Anton looked up at him, "It's hard to say."

Scared you idiot!

"!!!" Gore was stunned. He looked at the ceramic bottle in Anton's hand with some fear. "We picked it up at the corner of the wall. I opened it and smelled it, and it was delicious..."

"Ha..." Anton almost didn't hold back. With a flick of his wand, the petrification he maintained almost broke.


This is beyond the stupidity of normal people, Anton stared at Gower, "You seem to have a big problem..."

Thanks to the teachings of Professor Voldemort, Anton became interested in all people with broken souls.

But this is not a good time for research.

It didn't take long for Professor Snape to run over in a hurry.

He waved his wand quickly, "The fire is over!"

The curse light lit up.

call out!

All the flames on Crabbe disappeared.

It's a miracle, such a terrifying curse damage, with a single counter-curse, it's all gone.

The anti-curse is not a curse to counteract and offset, but like the switch of a gas stove, with a slight twist, no matter how fierce the flames will disappear instantly.

This is the reason why Li Huo is not classified as an unforgivable curse - there is an anti-curse.

Anton also waved his wand, "Petrification will end!"

After returning to normal, Crabbe could finally make a sound, a shrill roar, as if his body had been slashed by thousands of knives.

Snape glared at Draco coldly, "You come to my office tomorrow, I want you to give me an explanation."

Quickly picked up and hurried to the school infirmary.

Snape is usually very annoying, even if he is partial to Slytherin, he doesn't take much care of the students of his own college, and is very mean.

But as long as it is a critical moment, the little snakes can always trust this eccentric dean.

Draco stood there dumbfounded, Anton smiled and patted him on the shoulder, the kid just looked at Anton blankly, "He'll be fine, right?"

Anton raised his eyebrows, "Afraid of bearing the consequences? Or concerned?"

"He's my friend!" Draco growled through gritted teeth. "I'll care too!"


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