The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 176: Going to play ball

The forgetting spell can be said to be an extremely commonly used spell.

Although this spell is more disgusting than Cruciatus in Anton's opinion, there is nothing more uncomfortable than forgetting memories.

If we are washed out of memory, forget the people we care about most, forget our preferences, and lose the personality and behavior that we have accumulated over time...

Is that still us?

But this spell was abused recklessly against Muggles by wizards.

The reason is very simple. Muggles cannot know even the slightest bit of information about the wizarding world. At this time, wizards, as a kind of gods, condescendingly declare: Muggles do not deserve to know these things.

Even the Order of the Phoenix, the most representative of justice, those wizards who put love and being a good person in their mouths, Arthur, Molly, Lupin, Tonks...

No one would have thought about it. Is it evil for those Aurors in the Ministry of Magic who can't even cast the Iron Armor Curse to use the Oblivion Curse to cleanse Muggle memories?

And there are very few skills that can be mastered very finely, most of them are simple and rude use.

At times like these, Muggles are sometimes even wiped out of more memories than expected.


Who cares.

In addition to the cognition of the secular humanities, the forgetting spell is not classified as an unforgivable spell, and it is also because it has an anti-curse.

Yes, except for the three unforgivable curses, any curse has a counter-curse for it.

Therefore, the so-called cleansing memory of the forgetting spell does not completely disappear from the memory.

Just like our computer hard disk is damaged and no information can be read anymore, the data inside can still be exported by professional means.

With a counter-curse, the memory will be restored.

Of course, there are three prerequisites for this. First, you must know the counter-curse against the Forgotten Curse, although not many people actually know it. Second, we know that we have been cast on the Oblivion Charm. Third, the power of the anti-curse is higher than the power of the forgetting curse, and it is much higher.

Lockhart had only intended to explain the knowledge that would be taught in some books.

But I didn't expect this little wizard to be so smart, and it didn't take long for him to fully understand what he said.

And from time to time, he draws inferences from one case and asks highly targeted questions.

This forced Lockhart to go into a deeper field again.

With the professor's narration, Anton came into contact with a magical field.

A realm with a blurred boundary between the 'I' and the 'Soul Shell'.

The forgetting spell and the memories that touch the 'I' have not completely affected the 'I'.

This led Anton to re-examine his theory of the Trinity, which seemed to place too much emphasis on separating the three.

I remember Professor Voldemort once said, "If you want to study the soul, you must first study the body."

These are not three distinct layers, their boundaries are actually blurred, and sometimes they are even in a state of 'you have me, I have you'.

In short, Anton has benefited a lot from just one night's explanation.

"Professor..." Anton frowned and looked at Lockhart, "If you say that, the Forgetting Curse is in a very deep field, it has already secretly coincided with the effect of the Imperius Curse, right?"

Lockhart sneered, "Yes, but who would really study such a deep field? No one knew that after reaching this point, they would be able to bypass the legal punishment of the Ministry of Magic and use something like the Imperius Curse, which is unforgivable. The power of the curse."

His expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Anton in a panic.

"You know too much, I think you should go back to rest earlier."


Did you finally react?

Anton shrugged, stood up, thought about it, and looked at Lockhart seriously, "Professor, thank you."

He turned his back to the professor and left, and the eye charm could vaguely see Lockhart holding his wand hesitantly through the glass of the hallway wall lamp.


One step, two steps.

Eventually disappeared around the corner of the hallway.

An annoyed stomping could be heard faintly.



When Anton returned to the bedroom, the night was already deep.

The corridor was silent and silent, and even the people in the frame had fallen asleep. Goyle was sleeping soundly, and Draco didn't know where to go.

Anton looked at the empty bedroom silently and exhaled.

Last year, Brother Drag often brought his two younger brothers to visit each dormitory, and sometimes some students who planned to have a good relationship with the Malfoy family came to chat and enhance their relationship.

However, this semester has only started a few days, everything is changing quietly, and there is a sense of loneliness in the dormitory.

Anton doesn't like loneliness.

He had already tasted enough loneliness in his previous life, and he had no interest in reliving his whole life, and he was left alone.

He pouted and went to the bathroom with his toiletries.

London nights in September can already feel a hint of coldness, and in this huge stone castle, there is an inexplicable biting coolness.

When Anton takes a bath at night, he usually doesn't meet people. Occasionally, a few ghosts drift by, which adds to the wonderful bathing atmosphere.

Sometimes I feel that my eyes are staring at myself, and I look back suddenly, and most of them can see some strange-looking ghosts, strange faces in the picture frame, or I don't know which little wizard's pet ran out at night. .

It's very exciting.

More than a year has passed, Anton has already exercised a big heart, and it is not surprising.

Also numb.

However, in the bathroom under the dim night lights of Hogwarts Castle, the whine of 'woo woo woo' can still make people feel hairy.


Anton watched in amazement as his lovely roommate slapped his face with cold water.

Draco slowly turned his head to look at Anton, with indescribable tears or ice water on his face, unspeakable sadness and despair in his eyes, "Dead, he's dead!"


Anton took a breath and tactically leaned back, "Impossible!"

Draco seemed to have lost all his strength, crouched down and cried, his thin body shivering, and he looked terrified.


Anton shook his head, "It's impossible to die. You just don't believe in the treatment I used at the time, and you should also believe in Madam Pomfrey's ability."

Draco just shook his head and slumped to the ground.

The faucet gushed out, filling the washbasin, and it gradually overflowed, splashing high water beside Draco, chilling his entire being.

This girl is a little mentally ill.

Anton simply ignored him, and even planned to kill himself with poison. No matter whether he really shot or not, he was not so accepting in his heart.

The fact that he didn't take out his wand to fight back on the spot was already a good friendship over the past year.

Hang the bag of clean clothes on the hook on the wall, throw the worn clothes into a large bucket in the bathroom, and tomorrow the house-elf will fold the sun-baked clothes at the head of the bed.

Before the start of school, Uncle Lupin prepared a new type of shower gel for himself. It is said that it contains milk ingredients, and it is particularly tender and smooth to wash. It is strongly recommended that Anton use it.

This thing has a lot of bubbles.

Turn on the faucet of the shower and spray with water at a suitable temperature to wash away the tiredness of the day.

"I love bathing... my skin is good... yayo yao..."

Humming a weird little tune, smearing shampoo, and rubbing it, the whole person feels refreshed.

The golden red hair has grown to half Anton is considering whether to keep his hair long or cut it short. Life is not just about fighting and killing, there are many interesting trivial things to worry about.


Anton frowned suddenly, only to feel goose bumps all over his body burst, and a creepy sense of crisis suddenly spread from the bottom of his heart.

This is the magic warning!

But it's too late!

"Anthony..." A familiar and unfamiliar voice sounded outside the compartment.


Now there's only foam all over the body, and it's time to play ball!


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