The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 178: Mom~ this is interesting

Anton never thought he was a smart person.

Not to mention the past life, in this life, he has done many, many stupid things.

For example, when I met Snape for the first time, when I was worried that the other party would kill me, I pretended to be a fan of the other party. Sometimes in retrospect he felt lucky that Snape hadn't used Legilimency, otherwise he would be one of the many corpses in the Chaos Lands.

For example, because he liked Dumbledore, he said some words that hurt the soul of the other party, in order to hope that the other party would give up the idea of ​​seeking death. I can only thank Dumbledore for his generosity. This guy is the White Devil King, and he is also a type of Devil King, the kind that even Greenwald beats.

Anton has never been proud of doing these things himself.

He knew it wasn't smart enough to do so.

But he was really just an ordinary ordinary person. Many of the characters in the original book are extremely brilliant, sometimes making him feel ashamed of himself.

Such as Lupin's tenacity to setbacks, Harry Potter's bravery in the face of death threats, Voldemort's practice of his inner desires...

A stupid person has a stupid way. He feels that the only reason why he can live a better life than others in this wizarding world may be that he has a more open-minded outlook on life and death than others.

Live your life as gorgeous as fireworks, even if it becomes short-lived.

Therefore, he sometimes resorts to things that are stupid in hindsight.

When he didn't have any ability, he would fight Snape to the death. Not trusting Dumbledore, and having no one else to rely on, he tried every means to get Voldemort's Horcrux into his head.

This kind of experience made Anton believe in the truth: sometimes, life needs a little...

"Vigorously miracle!"

The mandrake was mixed with his own saliva and the soil on the ground, and had been rubbed secretly behind his back, quickly rubbing it on his ears.

Anton instantly transformed.

Muscle werewolf.

Countless black wolf hairs grew out, the hands and feet stretched rapidly, and the head swelled.

With lightning speed, he used the power of transforming and deforming to kick Draco out of the bathroom with one kick.

Tom obviously knew how to control the basilisk's sight for a long time. Draco met the basilisk's sight through the water on the ground, showing a petrification effect that was different from the 'Full Body Binding Charm'.

After being kicked out, like a cannonball, it quickly rushed to the corridor outside the bathroom.

A radiant pattern of pink feathers lit up on his body, an imitation enchantment of the dragon's feathers, which provided the enchanted object with a speed comparable to that of a broom.

At the same time, Draco was wrapped in a cloud of air, which was a high-end application of the Levitation Charm.

These airflows are composed of countless tiny airflows intertwined. As part of the airflow is exhausted, the overall flight angle will be adjusted. This is the route Anton noted along the way with the twins exploring the secret passages of Hogwarts Castle.

Draco will fly all the way to Dumbledore's office.

If Lao Deng is now at school, if there are professors on the road who feel this magic...


This kick almost used all of Anton's ability to cast spells without a stick.

Anton closed his eyes tightly, squatted down slightly, and listened carefully to all the movements around him. Avoid eye contact with the basilisk, which requires great concentration, and when danger is approaching, it may be death to fail to open your eyes to observe.

Now, the only goal - to survive.

Professor Lockhart is simply a treasure. This kind of earthen method can really make people hear the world.

Especially magical senses, different from the eyes, as if the whole world is exuding waves, the whole world, the bathroom floor, the basilisk, Tom's...

Even like the eyes, if you distinguish carefully, you can clearly feel the different details.

For example, the wand in Tom's hand, the surging magic of his wand, the slowly opening eyelids of the basilisk, the subtle and high-frequency shaking of the basilisk's tail...


Anton lifted his left foot lightly, kicked his right foot hard, and hit the ground quickly and hard.

He could feel the magic light surging from the tip of Tom's wand, passing over his body, tearing a trail and hitting the bathroom wall hard.

boom! The stone wall exploded with a loud roar.

Anton reached out and grabbed a flying stone. The werewolf's body was like a huge bow and crossbow, which instantly tensed and bounced away. The stone in his hand hit Tom like a cannonball.

At the same time, following the force of this bounce, he turned over and jumped to the other side of the Basilisk.

The basilisk was so big that it was like a high wall separating him from Tom.

His reflexes are quick, the basilisk's reflexes are quicker.

The huge and sturdy tail twitched with a terrifying momentum.


Home run!

Anton was shot flying like a cannonball, and had a close contact with the stone wall of the bathroom.

Flakes fly.

Before waiting for Anton to react, the basilisk slammed into a roll, and hung the giant werewolf that Anton had transformed into.

Anton instantly switched and transformed into a color-changing wind bird again, and the basilisk flew out of the twisted gap.

"Confinement here!" Tom waved his wand, and a wave of airflow oscillated in the bathroom, eventually forming a huge gas bubble.

Anton even felt that his speed was slowing down.

"Anthony, you can't run away, maybe you..." Before Tom finished speaking, Anton instantly switched from a color-changing wind bird to a werewolf, and his hands turned into huge wolf claws and grabbed it.

The sharp wolf claws were like daggers, easily piercing Tom's chest, but at the moment Tom's state was like a 3D projection, and the wolf claws pierced straight through.

The basilisk let out a shrill hissing sound and ejected, and its huge fangs bit down on the werewolf's muscular upper body.


Once again transformed into a color-changing wind bird.

In this way, Anton has been switching between the color-changing wind bird and the werewolf.

"Anthony, you can't escape." Tom kept waving his wand to reinforce this imprisoned area. Anton's speed visibly slowed down, and he was almost attacked by a basilisk several times.

"Ha~" Tom suddenly laughed wildly.

I saw that when Anton switched from a color-changing wind bird to a werewolf, his movements were so slow that it seemed like slow motion.

"Caught you!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light rushed into Anton's chest instantly, so fast that people couldn't react.


Anton's body was hit by the spell, and the whole person burst open, turning into a large cloud of water.

"A figure that can move?!!!" Tom exclaimed.

He was familiar with this trick, and after connecting with the Horcrux in Anton's mind, he clearly saw how Anton used this trick to trick his own body into the trap of his body.

"Yes." Anton chuckled in his ear, grabbed the wand in his hand, and pulled it off without much effort.

Instantly disappeared again.

Having a wand and not having a wand are two different things.

For wizards, wandless casting is just a helpless backup trick, and it does not allow people to release too powerful magic. (In the original book, Voldemort also urged others to give him his wand at a critical moment.)

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Anton's cheerful laughter echoed in the bathroom, "Oh, my dear professor, it's my turn now."

In just an instant, countless ropes appeared, wrapped around the basilisk, and twisted towards different corners.

Anton smiled and looked at Tom from a distance.

The basilisk's eyelids were covered by the rope, and Anton could finally open his eyes.

Professor Quirrell is simply a genius. This kind of rope spell that ordinary wizards can't despise has just played to such an effect. Using the traction force in different directions, it perfectly restrains the joints of the animals, making the huge magical animals unable to move.

Of course, the basilisk is an extremely dangerous monster after all. Even if the most powerful spellcasting state is used, this kind of rope will not be bound for long, and the ropes will crack open when twisted.

Anton kept releasing more rope bindings.

To kill the basilisk, it is impossible to succeed by this trick, but at least it can be controlled for a while.

"It's really amazing. It takes countless difficulties to revive the main body. Your diary Horcrux only needs to absorb the vitality of a little wizard to complete the resurrection?"

Anton looked at him with interest, and squinted at the Basilisk.


"Do you need to use its magic power?"

Under the vision of the wizard's eyes, a diary in the position of the sink emits strange lines to connect with the basilisk, and then project Tom's body.

Horcruxes, Basilisks, they really complement each other!

"It's really a good opportunity to study the soul, I can't wait." The corner of An Dong's mouth raised slightly.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

Soul Scalpel.

This thing is definitely the most suitable for dealing with ghosts and Horcruxes.

Tom's complexion changed, and he didn't have time to escape, and he screamed suddenly, like a snake's voice.

The basilisk's majestic magic instantly rushed to the diary through that connection.


Anton let out a shrill cry, only to feel that something was broken in his mind, and the unstoppable pain and convulsions of the whole person were more uncomfortable than being released by the old wizard back then.

Tom gave Anton a cold look, "Anthony, we're not done yet!"

The confinement curse bubble he released suddenly burst into a thick mist, and it just burst open with a bang in an instant.

Looking again, Tom, the basilisk, and the diary all disappeared.


"Pain Pain~~~"

Anton fell to the ground softly and twitched. After a long time, he spread his arms and legs and lay on his back, panting.

There was a black mist in his eyes, and a blue electric light surged.

The vision passed through the colorful fog, all the way to the depths of the soul.

I saw Voldemort's Horcrux cracked in countless ways, as if it were about to fall apart at any time.


"You're so cruel to yourself, why don't you say no?"

"You actually destroyed one of your own Horcruxes?" An Dong smacked his mouth and was really excited by Lao Fu's ruthless temperament. He just didn't want to be controlled by himself, so he just took the opportunity to blow himself up and give another Horcrux Create an opportunity to escape.

Killing yourself can be done, Lao Fu is really ruthless.

But well.

Anton's eyes were shining brightly at Lao Fu, the cracked Horcrux.

My professor, it cracked again. It's cracked, okay, if it cracks, there's a chance to do something.

Anton raised his wand and aimed it at his eyeballs, "Gouging out the bone!"

After fiddling and adjusting little by little, in the end, a large number of black lines appeared on the shell of his soul, pouring in along the cracks of the old soul weapon.

After a while, the disintegration momentum stopped.

Anton took a breath, only to feel that his Horcrux shell was connected to Voldemort.

"This feeling……"

He waved his wand gracefully and gently—"Restored as The bathroom that was destroyed like a bomber plowed the rocks and sand flew up and returned to its original appearance little by little.

But that's not the point.

The point is,

Anton didn't use his magic!

The surging magic that spewed out, the extremely outrageous magic intensity...


"It's interesting now!"


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