The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 180: baby sad

"Unbelievable!" Mag's eyes widened, "Someone can do such a crazy thing!"

Snape was silent for a long time, then shook his head with a smile, "This student..."

Anton slumped pitifully in the high-backed chair opposite Dumbledore, watching them helplessly.

He told a few professors about everything he had done about Horcrux. Why not? These are all powerful wizards who have studied deeply in various fields, and they can almost be said to be the top ones in the wizarding world today. A bunch of people.

It is also more useful to let them think for themselves than to think about it alone.

Dumbledore rested his hands on the table, and the fingers of his hands covered with rings were lightly clasped together, watching Anton with interest.

In midair, an eyeball the size of a basketball floated behind him with black mist and azure blue electric light.

"During the holiday this year, there was a rumor outside the school that the Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts was a cursed class, and the professor who taught the class would die after a year of teaching."

"It made it extremely difficult for us to recruit new professors."

Old Deng raised his head and looked at McGonagall and Snape, "Although I have no way to lift this curse, in fact, it just makes it impossible to teach people for two years."

"So, who is spreading the rumors?"

"After my investigation, those Death Eaters who were not punished back then have become much more active recently." Dumbledore smiled lightly. "It's obviously someone who is muddying the water."


"Going to do something in school."

"I saw him!" McGonagall stared at Dumbledore. "Tom Riddle, exactly like when he was a student. I can't remember wrong!"

So Lao Deng turned to look at An Dong.

"That's also a Horcrux." Anton shrugged, "But Voldemort taught... um, Voldemort used a Confusion Charm on me, and I can't remember what the entity of that Horcrux was."

"And the Basilisk. If Professor McGonagall and Dean didn't see it, I wouldn't be able to tell you what kind of magical animal it is."

After speaking, Anton looked at Dumbledore, "Can you help me remove this Confusion Curse?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "That's not a Confusion Curse. Tom has obviously researched a lot of magic in the soul, including the Curse of Defense Against the Dark Arts. This is a field that I have never dabbled in."

"!!!" Anton looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

Old Deng spread his hands with a smile, "No one is omnipotent."

He pointed to Anton's head, "Let him out and have a look, okay?"

Anton nodded, and black lines spread out from him, constricting into a chain, and at the end of the chain, an expressionless Voldemort without a nose appeared.

Lao Fu's whole body is full of cracks, on the face, the back of the head, the neck, the chest, the arms...

These openings are all stuffed with black lines.

Looking at this translucent Voldemort, everyone frowned. Feeling the other person floating aside at such a close distance, everyone felt a strong discomfort.

Snape clenched his fists tightly, his whole body trembling slightly, since Lily died, the former leader of fanatical worship is now the mortal enemy who can't wait to kill!

Anton also frowned and looked up at Lao Fu.

"My... er, I mean, this Voldemort Horcrux, he's dead!"

Anton raised his hand, the chain twisted, a black line floated, and his fingers touched lightly, "Hi..."

He took a breath.

"Without self-awareness, there is only a pile of messy memories, surging magic, and..." An Dong's face was solemn, "like a wild horse's boiling emotions."

"It's so terrifying that when you touch it a little, it will be contaminated by its madness, cruelty, hatred, despair, loneliness and other emotions."

Chain search, twist the black wire into it again.

"This kind of terrifying and boiling emotions brought a more terrifying magical intensity than before, but because of this, he looked more dangerous."

"Maybe this is the original form of the legendary Specter, who survives on emotions, has some deep memories and powerful magic..."

Anton shrugged.

"He's dead, I'm sure of this, if I didn't reluctantly keep his Horcrux from collapsing, it wouldn't take a second to crack and disappear."

He pointed to the chain that connected it.

"I barely maintained the speed of delaying the collapse, but the emotions of this Horcrux are too contagious, and I have to be careful to be affected by his emotions."

"It's like a well in the desert that can draw out endless water..."

"But there is a poisonous snake at the mouth of the well."

"Is there anything you can do?"

No one spoke, everyone was silent for a while, this was no longer serious magic, and Snape even thought of the name of an ancient dark wizard - despicable Haierbo.

A dark wizard who has researched some strange, full of evil, terrifying and powerful.

"It's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to abandon it. (Translation Dumbledore pursed his lips and shook his head, "I hope you can let go of the **** and let him die completely."

Anton's eyes widened, his face unwilling, "How can you, Professor Dumbledore, this is too cruel!"

This is something I finally caught, and every step is full of hardships and coincidences.

Of course, it's also thanks to Anton's response to every fantastic moment.

When this thing is want to have it?

"!!!" Dumbledore's mouth twitched.

"Since that's the case..." Lao Deng sighed, stretched out his hand, and the phoenix phoenix on the shelf flew.

"Anton, I have to regret to tell you that this is not something you can control, and I have to impose some restrictions on you!"

Anton looked at the phoenix hovering above his head very upset, "come again?"



I didn't say it before I knew it.

Even doing research on your own is better than being restricted.

Also, these professors don't owe them anything, so why should they put themselves in their shoes?

This is a plug-in, and finding a way to use it is the right way! ! !

People who traveled can easily find old grandpas or plug-ins, but Anton can only make it out by himself.

easy for me!

The baby's heart is bitter, the baby does not say.

"Professor Dumbledore!" McGonagall called out, looking at him with a serious face, "Not all problems can be solved with tough restrictions!"

Dumbledore raised his head in surprise.

Mag looked at him seriously, "I think educating a little wizard should not limit his abilities and force them not to make mistakes, but to make them understand the truth and not make mistakes themselves."

In fact, except for some important things that Dumbledore needs to solve or take the blame, almost all the affairs in the school are in charge of Professor McGonagall.

Professor Dumbledore mainly focused on places such as the Order of the Phoenix and the International Confederation of Wizards.

Obviously, McGonagall has more say than Dumbledore when it comes to teaching and educating people.

He was silent for a moment, looked at McGonagall, at Snape, and finally at Anton.

Anton's face was innocent, his big eyes blinked and he grinned.


Snape looked at Dumbledore's astonished look, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he felt much happier.

If you had made me a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor for a year, I would definitely be on your side unprincipled and 100%, but...

not at all!

"I think so too." Snape said in a long tone, looking out of the oriel window of the office lightly.

"Professor Dumbledore, you are over a hundred years old, and Professor McGonagall is over fifty years old. Anton will eventually grow up in the future."

"He's the best student I've ever seen, and maybe one day he'll be as high as you."

"At that time, who can limit him?"

Snape looked at Dumbledore's eyes, smiled slightly, a little disappointed, "Don't count on me, if all goes well, Dumbledore, I will die before you."

"!!!" Dumbledore's eyes narrowed slightly.

He stared at Snape and finally sighed.

Anton once took great pains to persuade himself not to have death in his heart, that is to escape. Although this little guy can sometimes feel a little offensive, he knows that this is a child who cares and cares about himself.

But I am afraid that Severus in front of him is really heartbroken.

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "Okay."

He let go of his hands and spread them out, "It seems that I have to put aside the affairs of the International Federation of Wizards and pay more attention to the affairs in the school."

Old Deng stared at Anton, his eyes flickering, "I'm looking at you, little guy."

Ha ha.

Even if you don't say it, I know you're a voyeur!

Anton just smiled and asked curiously, "Is there a lot to do in the International Federation of Wizards?"


"I mean Aside from what Grindelwald and Voldemort have done, the wizarding world is actually pretty quiet, no progress, and no change."

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "In the age of information, the wizard's way of survival."

"!!!" An Dong widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Wow~"

"After the Easter break, second-year wizards need to determine their third-year electives. If you choose 'Muggle Studies' and get excellent grades, I don't mind taking you to see and see."

Anton's eyes lit up, "This is interesting!"

Dumbledore just smiled and waved his hand, and the door of the office opened slowly, indicating that these disobedient subordinates and students can get out.


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