The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 184: Why can't Anton be moved?

There is an interesting saying.

When our sense of a person is bad to a certain extent, no matter how bad the other person does, there will only be one thought in our heart - come again?

Anton has this kind of psychological expectation. Dumbledore, the old bee, seems to be a wise man, but in fact, he is a man of power.

The strong can do whatever they want, and the strong can rely on their own judgment to formulate a series of rules for the weak. Therefore, Lao Deng's repeated plans to restrict Anton are in line with Anton's psychological expectations.

Dumbledore also had this kind of psychological expectation. He saw Tom's shadow in Anton early, and sealed the Phoenix Phoenix into Anton's body before Anton showed any ability.

Then the little wizard broke his judgment time and time again.

Float the water of the Black Lake.

Build a 'cabin', let the research of the Weasley twins enter a state of rapid development, and turn Neville into a gifted child.

Made a Horcrux for Tom Riddle and stuffed it into his head.

Later, when the Horcrux was broken, he turned the Horcrux into a weird thing in one fell swoop.

So it doesn't seem so surprising that Anton entered the school with a time-turner that could go back decades.

This psychological expectation

We generally refer to it as - hemp.

Dumbledore was completely numb.

He pointed at Anton, really not knowing what to say.


It would be nice if Anton was as unscrupulous as Riddle, if Anton tried to subvert the world as Riddle was, and if Anton was as cold-blooded as Riddle...

In this way, Dumbledore can take out his wand cruelly, cast a curse on him, and send him to the sky with peace of mind.

But not so many 'what ifs'.

Anton, a little wizard, has experienced so much, and his behavior can often be called evil, but he inexplicably maintains a pure heart. Inexplicably, he loves life more than anyone else, which is outrageous.

Dumbledore sighed.

He really hoped that he would also have a time converter that could span the long river of time. When Anton released the Cruciatus, he took the opportunity to get rid of him.

Do not!

It was time to travel back in time, before the Hogwarts Owl Postman sent the admission letter, and ripped the letter to shreds.

Everything is troublesome.

Dumbledore originally thought that the troubles caused by Anton would have to be removed after Tom was removed, although it was desperate for the evil to continue.

Unexpectedly, Frontfoot Tom opened the secret room and released Slytherin's Basilisk, and he didn't know where to hide to prepare for trouble.

Backfoot Tom, a good student, had already caused trouble before Tom.

What a pair of good teachers and students.

Tired, destroy it.

It's not over! ! ! !

For the first time, this one-hundred-year-old old man showed a tired expression and looked at Snape helplessly.

The realm of time is simply a realm that he has never set foot in.

In fact, smart people would never consider touching a time-turner!

How stupid is it to think that traveling back into the past can change anything?

If it were that simple, he would have gone back to the past, rescued his sister, and killed Tom.

"Take out the time-turner." Dumbledore sighed, put on his glasses again, and looked at McGonagall, "Minerva, it looks like I'm going to ask you about the school, I have to go back to the past. Find out what Severus did and find a way to free him."

Mag nodded solemnly.


Anton looked at Dumbledore helplessly, "As I said, the time converter was taken away by Professor Snape. In fact, it is here now, but it can't be taken out."

He thought about it, pulled out his wand, and black lines stretched behind him, and a vague figure appeared behind him.

The wand lightly tapped, and ripples appeared in the air.

A ripple appeared in front of Snape, a vague spherical time-turner looming.

"The time-turner remains activated, as if it were stuck, neither going back to the past, nor restoring to the present."

"Professor Snape...he's stuck in time travel..."

Anton sighed, "This is what I call the 'curse of time'. According to the goblin theory, this state is called 'the invisible person of the river of time'."

"The invisible person will be gradually erased by time. After a year, everyone will start to forget the existence of such a person. When no one remembers him anymore, time will forcefully correct and completely erase the invisibility. all the marks of the man."


There was silence in the office.

Professor McGonagall looked at Snape in disbelief, his voice hoarse, "A few hours ago, he was teasing Anton, just for a while..."

"!!!" Anton's eyes widened, what are you kidding? ah? What are you kidding?

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Hagrid rushed in panting, looking anxious.

"Harry Potter..."

Dumbledore stared at Hagrid's open and closed mouth, only to feel his whole head buzzing, "Harry and Filch are petrified."

"Ron said he saw a giant snake tail."

"There is also a line of blood on the wall, saying it is..." Hagrid swallowed, "It is said that the secret room has been opened."

"Ha~" Dumbledore thought everything was ridiculous.

He waved his wand violently, and a mist swam around Snape's office, "This place will be completely closed, Anton, only you can come and go freely."

He stared at Anton. "The world is changing so fast, looks like I have to change my mind too. Maybe I shouldn't keep treating you like a kid. Listen, get Severus back to normal in a year, a year. , or you will be fired."

"Tom Riddle? Voldemort? Hehe..." Lao Deng sneered, his eyes overflowing with murderous intent.

Obviously, the old man was completely angry, and he no longer had the leisure of cat-and-mouse.

The two magic weapons he planned to use against Voldemort, Snape and Harry Potter, went wrong one after another.

He is no longer in the mood to play with any layout.

Do you really think that he can only defeat Voldemort by some intrigue?


"Professor Dumbledore." Anton stopped Old Deng, "I need more knowledge..."

Lao Deng nodded, "The library is completely open to you, remember, Anton, I only give you one year."

Several professors filed out, and in the end, only Anton was left in the office.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The solemnity on Anton's face turned into a smile, and he looked at Snape with a smile.

If he did not guess wrong, no, he must not guess wrong!

The petrification effect on Snape seems to be his own technique!

Of course, he definitely wouldn't say such a thing just now. Lao Deng looked like he was going to kill someone, but he didn't dare to say a few words to cause trouble for himself.

Time in the world of Harry Potter is an interesting topic.

It's not the so-called theory of time running in the Muggle world. Yes, Anton has learned a lot in the mind of the goblin Pedro, and he has some idea of ​​what 'time' is.

Simply put, it has no concept of 'time'.

The past is the past.

It's gone, gone, or even annihilated.

After today is spent, in the so-called 'time', the past day becomes nothingness.

Correspondingly, it is truth.

The present moment, when all people exist, is the only reality.

To paraphrase a phrase from past lives - live in the present.

This is a powerful spell that belongs to nature. If a fact is created, the spell will naturally smooth out everything in the past and make this fact completely true.

This is also the principle recorded several times in the history of goblins that can change the past.

The only problem is that no wizard has the ability to control this extremely dangerous and powerful spell. The only thing wizards can count on is luck, an elusive fate.

Snape was lucky, Anton didn't know what Snape did in time, and he made a 'fact'.

But this "fact" is incomplete, it lacks the participation of Anton, that is, the petrochemical link.

If Anton did not enter the time to make up for this, this 'fact' made by Snape would also be forcibly smoothed out as a 'mistake'.

It is the so-called 'invisible person of the river of time', completely erasing all the marks.

"Idol..." Anton pursed his lips and looked at Snape, "I feel sorry for you, I may have to delay for a while before entering the time."

"I have to take this opportunity to make Professor Dumbledore accept the reality that I have a 'Tom Wreck' plug-in."

Not only that, Anton could accomplish so much by saving Snape.

For example, let Dumbledore accept black magic in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Anton Research Library.

For example, let all the professors accept Anton wandering in the castle in the middle of the night, even running to the hut, and even the forbidden forest.


He is always like this,

Good at grasping every small opportunity.

It's like last year Filch gave Anton and the twins a room for them to study imitation wands,

Anton deliberately delayed the time, allowing Filch to accept the fact that they lived here for a long time.

Getting used to will really become natural.

Snape, of course Anton will save!

Coming from Transmigration, only Snape, and only Snape, is good to Anton without any premise.

The people in the family have some idea of ​​repaying their kindness. The relationship between the members of the hut is painstakingly managed, and the same is true for several professors. Only Snape, the oily man, called him an idol because of Anton.

Just a fake idol!

This mean, arrogant, and bad-mannered professor sincerely treats Anton as a direct disciple.

Why can't Anton be moved.


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