The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 191: Reaper Youth Edition Lockhart


Anton walked silently down the corridors of Hogwarts Castle.

He has a family who is very good at this, the fairy Pedro, the very few wise men among the fairies, and the very few 'time and memory collectors and adventurers' among the wise men.

Therefore, the concept of memory does not have too many thresholds for Anton.

Of course, Anton is just a foot in the threshold. Learning some knowledge of Pedro does not mean that he is a 'time and memory collector and adventurer'.

This is an extremely wonderful field.

Because, time and memory, they are one.

In the wizarding world, or in the earlier research of the goblin family, a very clear conclusion has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and every generation of goblin wise men has recognized the conclusion.

That is - no time!

When a day passes and becomes yesterday, that time disappears.

It's like walking on a broken bridge, we run frantically forward, the bridge behind us all crumbles, there is no possibility of existence anymore.

Then, what kind of situation does the "past time" exist in, and why can someone travel to the past to change everything? (Although rare, there are successes.)

The answer is that all surviving intelligent beings, all their memories constitute 'past time'.

This is a very mysterious nature magic.

After realizing this, the fairies tried to revive a fairy wise man who died in an emergency by thoroughly cleaning their memories on a large scale.

They succeeded, resurrecting a wise man.

They also failed. The wise man's in-depth research in the field of magic has long connected him to nature. This sudden action of pulling it out of the long river of time has successfully put the world into a terrible state of magical disorder.

It lasted for ten years.

In the past ten years, the wise men of the fairies have dropped by one third.

In the past ten years, wizards have appeared in human beings (not alone).

This kind of price is not too big, so the fairies also came to the second conclusion - those who fool the time will be fooled by time.

After that, all the skills related to time, including the most basic time converter technology, were banned, and only 'time and memory collectors and travelers' could touch.

It is worth mentioning that the goblins choose the "time and memory collector and traveller" to inherit the successor, in addition to requiring extremely high talent and wisdom, the character of the successor is particularly required - timid and cowardly.

This premise is not to prevent the other party from entering time.

But when the inheritor resolutely steps into the long river of time, he must have a firm goal and belief to overcome his nature.

Think clearly so you won't be fooling around.

According to this theory, a professor who is proficient in forgetting spells has actually stepped into the realm of death.

Holding the power of resurrection without knowing it.

Of course, it's just a joke.

Lockhart really dared to play like this, he must be dead.

Anton had enough awe, even if Snapka was in the time gap, he didn't recklessly pass through.

This thing really isn't playable.

Anton really felt very lucky that Nagini was a real newborn calf that time and was not afraid of tigers, and it was fortunate that there was no accident.

Old Si is difficult to do.

The more you know, the more you will know what awe is.

Or choose the simpler things to solve first.

The Confusion Charm that Voldemort cast on himself, Dumbledore once said that it was not a Confusion Charm, Anton guessed that it might be a variant of the Confusion Charm involving the soul domain.

The kind that changes self-awareness, self-imposed limits.

It's a bit like the fairy Pedro can make himself forget the memory of the history of the "Blood Curse".

The memory is sealed, and no one else remembers such a period of time, so the Time Transformer has no way to bring people into this period of time.

In this kind of thing, Anton tends to ask Pedro for help directly, rather than wasting his time and energy.

He dislikes the study of time and memory.

That kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling of life or death did not make him feel stimulated.

After all, messing around with time has a very wide-ranging impact. It's just about himself, Anton doesn't mind looking for some excitement. When it comes to others or even the whole world, Anton will have a psychological burden.


"I am often too kind to my teachers."


Thinking about it like this, I suddenly felt that the whole person felt much better.

Sure enough, the sense of superiority is compared.




The sky is constantly cloudy, like the atmosphere of Hogwarts Castle.

Although it seems that everything has become orderly again, the people who have been petrified one after another still make everyone tense.

In particular, one of them turned out to be the dean of Slytherin, Professor Snape.

No one knows how strong Professor Snape is. In the eyes of the little wizards, all professors are very powerful.

Well, there are exceptions.

"Professor Lockhart, where are you going?"


The book in his hand fell, and Lockhart stiffened. He turned his head slowly, seeing that it was Anton, and couldn't help but relax.

"Son, it's you."

He quickly picked up the books and letters on the ground, tied them with a rope, stuffed them into the suitcase, and turned to clean up the clothes in the closet.

The door of the cabinet opened, and a burst of purple and red came out.

This handsome middle-aged man, who has always known how to pack himself, naturally has all kinds of clothes that are extremely sassy, ​​and it is a complete set.

Above the wardrobe hangs the same hat, and below the wardrobe there are shoes of the same color.

The blue like forget-me-not flowers, the aqua green embroidered with elegant lines, the elegant turquoise, the lightest lavender...

There are even umbrellas in several colors in the corners.

"I have to say, Professor, you should consider buying a suitcase with the Unmarked Stretch Charm," Anton suggested.

Lockhart shook his head lightly, as if recalling some bad things, "I used to be like this, the suitcase was not full, so I put all my things in it..."

"Then I met a robber... oh no, a thief."

Lockhart shrugged. "I'd rather pack a few more boxes than take all my belongings with a single mention."


Anton put his arms on his chest and leaned against the door frame with a smile, "Professor, you haven't said, where are you going to leave Hogwarts with all your things?"

Lockhart was folding his clothes carefully, and froze when he heard the words.

"Sorry, boy, I have to go."

Anton picked it up, "Really? Did you tell Dumbledore?"

"I will write to him after I leave." Lockhart sighed deeply, "Professor Dumbledore told me at the time that as long as he taught his students well, he never said that he had to deal with the mysterious , A terrifying enemy who doesn't even know where he is!"

"Well~" Anton smiled incomprehensibly, "After selling so many expensive textbooks, you will leave school within a month of teaching, I am afraid that parents will want to tear you apart, even Dumbledore will I think you played him."

Lockhart was startled, and finally continued to fold the clothes and put them in the suitcase, "I can't take care of this much, my life is at stake."

He turned around, holding a wand in his hand.

The wand tip was pointed towards Anton.

He took a big step, the tip of his wand lightly touching Anton's forehead.

" I'm sorry, I have to clear your memory, you have learned some dangerous knowledge from me, I can't expose my secrets."

He looked at Anton and sighed, "I am very lucky to meet a student like you, and the time I spent with you was wonderful."

"But forget everything."

"Let me get out of here quietly."

An Dong raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Really?"

A chain composed of countless black lines extended from the back of his head, and at the end, the figure of an adult wizard appeared.

This adult wizard's face was blurred, and there were gaps up and down his body, and in the gaps, countless black lines twisted and swayed.

"!!!" Lockhart's eyes widened in fright.

He responded very quickly, "Forget it!"


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