The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 193: In the shape of Voldemort

Anton has been looking for some good seedlings to use in the big scene of Voldemort's comeback.

At first he just wanted to protect himself.

I bloom by myself, don't suffer Lao Tzu.

But later, the appearance of Voldemort's remnant was so delicious that he couldn't hold back, and set a trap to help the dear professor make a Horcrux.

This beam is finished.

But Anton didn't regret it, not to mention that his mushy soul was the existence that Voldemort coveted, and Lao Fu's understanding of the soul was also his only hope for self-help.

In particular, a 'Tom Wreck' was made by chance.

Absolutely great money.

Tom's self-destruction caused the Horcrux to be in a very special state, and the memory of the broken soul stirring into a pot of porridge brought extreme emotions. Combined with this emotion and Tom's own memory, the power that burst out is definitely more powerful than the so-called knife.

The premise is that Anton has a way to master it.

I tried it with the simplest tickling spell before, and the effect was absolutely brilliant, even Dumbledore was hit.

There are only two small problems.

First, this thing is uncontrollable. If you really want to release an offensive spell, it is definitely the kind of map cannon, and it even covers yourself.

Second, extreme emotions with magic power will contaminate and erode Anton's own soul, which is very annoying.

Anton didn't like to play and play, and finally he turned into the shape of Voldemort.


Anton squinted at Crabbe.

The pupils in the eyes dilated rapidly, and the dark green stars filled the air.

Under the vision of the wizard's eye spell, there were many dark green cracks on Crabbe's body. Although Anton couldn't understand what such cracks were, there was a faint smell of 'fierce'.

"It's so interesting..."

Pull this thing into the hut to cultivate?

I saw Crabbe turned his head and didn't look at the oranges in Anton's hands, but one hand quietly stretched out of the quilt and touched the fruit basket next to him.

After a while, Crabbe shrank into the bed, and a rustling sound resembling a little mouse gnawing came out.

Anton shook his head.

Forget it, this kid is so stupid.

Neville's kind was affected by spells when he was a child. As long as the wizarding world is affected by spells, he will definitely find a way to recover.

Crabbe was different. He was a child of consanguineous marriages, and he was no longer in the category of magic.

Oh, to be honest, blood magic should still be useful, but that thing is definitely a huge subject. Anton glanced at Crabbe and finally gave up.

There is absolutely nothing simpler than time, soul, space, etc.

This person is not worth wasting half a lifetime of energy on research.

In fact, among the students in the same school, the most worthy of training is Harry Potter. Born from an abused family, he still maintains an optimistic attitude towards life, full of sense of justice, enthusiasm and courage. It is a good material for learning white magic.

The key is that he still has a horcrux of Voldemort attached to him, which also makes him have a special talent for black magic.

Standard standard lead template.

Unfortunately, this man can't move.

Otherwise, Lao Deng would definitely kill him immediately waving his old wand.

Yes, Anton knows that even if Harry Potter makes friends with Draco, Old Deng has no idea, only if he is close to Harry...

Oh, Anton wasn't going to try it.

With only the wrong name and no wrong nickname, Harry is definitely the bottom line for this White Devil.

The vision moved, and Anton was stunned for a moment.

He stepped forward quickly, staring closely at Filch.

"No, he wasn't with such dark green cracks before!"

The crack on Filch's body was very similar to the one on Quirrell's body before. It was the kind that was parasitized by Voldemort and was torn apart because it couldn't carry such a terrifying and powerful soul.

And now, this crack is slowly twisting and changing.

It's like that weird feeling when you stare at a grass, it doesn't move, but the next day you wake up and find that it suddenly grows a lot taller.

To tell the truth, Filch can be parasitized by Tom, which Anton can understand.

Filch's desire is too strong and too obvious, that is, he hopes to release magic like a normal wizard, as long as the devil lures, 100% depravity.

But Tom found Filch for Mao, which Anton couldn't understand.

So many excellent little wizards did not choose, but chose such a squib?

Anton looked at him suspiciously, pulled out his wand gently, placed it on Filch's forehead, and opened the three eyes with the spell.


"Please, as long as the magic can be released, I am willing to give everything!"

Filch knelt on his knees, tears running down the ravines of his face, clutching the clothes on his knees, his eyes filled with hope.

"Everything? Even if I told you to kill Dumbledore..."

Filch's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face, "Dumbledore!"

"No! I can't hurt Dumbledore, if it weren't for him, I'd be dead, and if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been able to get into Hogwarts. I'm a Squib, Muggles can't take it, wizards can't take it, I should have been like Useless maggots rotting in stinky gutters, if it wasn't for Dumbledore..."

The voice chuckled, "Yes, Dumbledore, it has brought hope to many people..."

"Then change it and help me kill Harry Potter!"

Filch leaned back in panic, fell to the ground with his hands on his back, and stared blankly at the blurry shadow in front of him, "Do you have to kill someone?"


"Only the power of death can cut the shackles of your soul and give you magic power."

"I will help you prepare everything, remember, if you can't kill Harry Potter and become a true wizard, these preparations will break your soul and die."

Filch backed away in fear, "I hate Harry Potter, but I just hate it, want me to kill him..."

"You have no choice..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The shadow looked at Filch with interest, "Those who have the blood of a wizard but cannot awaken their magic power are called Squibs. But people only pay attention to Squibs born in wizard families, and no one notices, the Muggle world It's the place with the most Squibs."

"They were so fertile, one after the other, and each one went on to give birth to another."

"How many Muggle wizards would show up if they used my method? A hundred thousand? A million?"

"It's terrible and disgusting magic."

"I shouldn't have researched it."

"However, to explore the soul, you must first study the body, and studying the body cannot avoid studying the bloodline."

"This road, sooner or later, other wizards will come up."

"When the time comes, will the new-age Muggle wizards who are used to Muggle society really allow the existence of traditional wizards like us?"

"What do you say?"

"My dear student..."

"Anthony Weasley."

A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the memory, and the pupils of the eyes became snake-like vertical pupils.


Anton pursed his lips, gently retracted the wand, and inserted it into the pocket of the wizard's robe.


"It's none of my business, don't beat me, roll the ball!"

You, Voldemort, say things one by one, and what you end up doing is nothing more than that.

Don't bother to talk about you.

low burst.


Anton stared at the dark green cracks on Filch's body. He finally reacted. This kind of cracks is found on the blood magic spell on Nagini's body, as well as on the rune snake...

Did Lao Fu find inspiration in snakes?

Anton frowned, and the cracks on Filch's body vaguely revealed a cold and lonely taste like Voldemort.

Old Fei, are you going to take on Voldemort's shape?

Anton shook his head and said he was not optimistic.

This thing seems to be the kind of extreme way of being biased, and I am afraid that it is not a group of killing weapons that have become mentally retarded like Voldemort in the end, right?


The wand lightly pressed against his head, raised it gently, and pulled out a milky white and crystal silk thread.

The silk thread fell slowly and fell into the Pensieve.

Anton looked at Dumbledore with a smile, "This is the essence of why he wants to promote pure blood supremacy."

Dumbledore frowned, rubbing the ring in his hand.

Anton shrugged, sat across from the desk, picked up a small spoon, and vigorously scooped up a large piece from the cold vanilla ice cream.



Only food can't live up to That kind of thing for all mankind, let Dumbledore do it, let's just enjoy life.

Wow, this delicate taste, this rich aroma, Anton can't eat this level of food when he goes to the kitchen by himself.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to visit Dumbledore from time to time and take care of the elderly.

Dumbledore took a deep breath, took off his glasses, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Sometimes I envy you, a child, always heartless."

Anton smiled, "Happy and it's over."


------off topic-----

ps: There is no such thing as white magic in the original book, but every time you call a spell that is not black magic, you can’t write a long paragraph every time. From now on, the name White Magic will be used.


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