The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 186: My home is where my heart is at ease

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The shrill screams echoed deep in Anton's soul.

Convulsions, the whole person is convulsing in pain. He was sweating all over his body, as if there was a stinging pain in his bones. Cold, as if all the blood had been lost, a kind of coldness in the depths of the soul spread.

The taste of gouging out the bone...

Anton has not had a good taste for a long time.

Dumbledore was a little helpless, "I have given up resistance."

"Yes... Is it?" Anton struggled to get up, stumbled, and fell to the ground again.

Among the three major unforgivable spells, the spells that are specially used for torture, the effect is borne.

Anton never thought that there was another way of resisting the Cruciatus Curse that was bounced back by the surging magic.

Extraordinarily outrageous.

It was at this moment that Anton felt what the 'greatest wizard of this century' was and what it was like.

He even had a conjecture that Lao Deng's inner torment, family love, love, and ambition were all making his magic power extremely powerful.

Powerful enough to make people despair just by feeling it.

I don't know if Voldemort was in the state of a remnant soul at that time, or if he had a bigger gap than Dumbledore's grade.

At that time, the life-suppressing spell was used. If the Avatar bounced back, it would really make people laugh at themselves.

Sure enough, people need to know how to fear.

Anton is always thinking about the fragments since the time he traveled. In just two or three years, he estimates that he has passed the **** of death several times.

I have to say, good luck.

Inexplicably a bit ashamed, remembering the stupid things I did before.

Simply Anton recovered very quickly from the Crucifixion, took a breath, and finally got up.

"Maybe you should take the Cruciatus a few more times," Dumbledore said with a smile.


Lao Deng, listen to yourself, are you speaking human words?

Anton pouted angrily, and was stunned to find that Dumbledore was serious, and could not help but follow his gaze.

Is it his own soul, or the miserable appearance that is about to fall apart.

"No, you guessed wrong." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "I can clearly see that after you suffered the Cruciatus, he became more solid."

"It's like the process of carving a stone, or the process of iron powder being smelted into iron tools."

Anton blinked.

"I've only been reading for a year, don't lie to me."

Dumbledore mused, staring at Anton's soul, "I don't think I got it wrong."

"Oh, really?"

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"


Anton's wand on his head fell to the ground. He struggled to keep himself from falling, raised his head hard and stared at his soul, and finally the pain softened.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and leaned back tactically.

"You are really...really..." Lao Deng thought for a long time, but did not think of a suitable adjective.

Today's children are really fierce.

"Don't look at me, look at the soul!" Anton gritted his teeth and spat out a few words between his teeth, "Ah~~"

He was lying on his back, in a large shape, panting and twitching from time to time. "It's sour, it's really strong."

"Yes, I can feel it." Dumbledore smiled and looked at the soul, "This is a good research direction, if you plan to save your soul."

"But it's okay to release the Cruciatus Curse for yourself. The effect doesn't seem to be very big, at least..."

"At least a few thousand times."

Thousands of times, that is, once a day, 365 times a year, and only 3,600 times in ten years.



"Dumbledore, I'm dying."

Anton gasped and looked at Old Deng convulsively. No matter what he did, a piercing blow could never tear Dumbledore's soul apart.

It was at this time that he realized how powerful Voldemort's so-called death was.

The Soul Scalpel is still too brittle after all.

In other words, the strength of the magic spell of piercing the bone is not enough.

Maybe a life-suppressing spell should be used.

However, Anton would never be willing to try. If this rebounds, hehe, he can play gg.

"Either you still commit suicide, er, I mean do it yourself."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "Everyone has something they are good at, Anton, I told you more than once, I am not omnipotent, but you always think I am good at everything."

"I think you are the most special in making Horcruxes. Even Tom can't beat you in this regard."

"In the more than 100 years of life experience, you are also the only person I have met who is good at soul manipulation."


You will say more.

An Dong was instantly refreshed, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly, "Really?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

"Haha..." Anton smiled proudly, pacing back and forth, thinking about the solution.

Actually nothing to think about.

The ability is not enough, plug in to make up.

Tom Wreck, it's your turn, come on!

"Wait a moment, I'll set the attribute parameters for the plug-in." Anton came to Tom's wreckage with his wand and waved his wand, "It's all empty!"

"Forget it all!"

One after another forgetting curse rushed towards Tom's wreckage, where the memories of various emotions were fading little by little.

The Forgetting Curse is a magical skill, and the counter-curse of the Forgetting Curse is also a necessary means to reset Tom's wreckage.

"Child, did you figure out the method of this oblivion spell yourself?" Dumbledore asked suspiciously from behind.

Anton was stunned for a moment, "No, Professor Lockhart taught me."

Dumbledore said in a low tone, "It doesn't seem like a skill he could develop."

"Forget it!" Anton stopped, turned his head and smiled, "Professor Lockhart is a very powerful Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Old Deng chuckled lightly, "This kind of technique is not like the idea of ​​a wizard, but a bit like the instinctive magic of magical animals. I don't believe this child has such an ability to use analogies."

"Like the magic that makes chocolate frogs?"

"Well." Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, without thinking too much, Lockhart was just an insignificant little person to him, and it wasn't enough to make him lose his mind.


The Tom Wreck is set up successfully, tailor-made for Crucifixion.

If this doesn't work, Anton plans to give up. What are you doing, Lao Deng, don't bother me.

To be honest, he's a little scared now.

Using Tom's wreckage, the power is absolutely super fierce.

If this bounces back...


It's creepy to think about.

"Dumbledore, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Old Deng looked at Anton with a smile, "I'm not one to give up."

All right.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"


The light of the spell gushed out from the tip of the wand and turned into a huge beam of light ten meters thick.

Rolling magic power surged in the beam of light, rushing towards the distance, with no edge in sight.

Anton clenched his wand tightly, fine-tuning the power of the spell little by little, trying his best to make himself relaxed.

He didn't feel good, especially bad, the emotions and memories of the frantic torment of desire in Tom's wreckage rushed toward his mind like a river breaking its banks.

Stay true to yourself!

Anton admonished himself.

To be graceful, to be lighthearted, this is the state of the best spell mastery that Professor Voldemort has taught himself.

This thing is simply torturing myself.

As if pretending to be a rocket booster for his bike, Anton felt like he was going to fall apart.

I don't know how long it took.

Anton took a deep breath, huh~~~~~~

The light of the spell began to condense, changing little by little, and finally turned into a one-meter-long dazzling plasma at the tip of the wand.

Waving the wand gracefully.

Plasma crawled along the air, rushing into Dumbledore's forehead with great speed.

Old Deng groaned, his whole body trembling frantically, but he was very stubborn and did not hum.

The light of the spell scattered, and plasma-like light splashed on Dumbledore's forehead. In the light, another Dumbledore slowly appeared.


Plasma disappears.

Anton shivered and inserted his wand into the pocket of the wizard's robe, and the man fell into a trance.

He stared at the two Dumbledores coldly, gritted his teeth, "Dumbledore, I don't owe you anything. It wasn't easy for me to make you into a Horcrux and put it in my body. Voldemort I don't care, I know his broken soul can't take my body."

"But you can."

"This is the only time I trust you."

"You said you promised me 'Dumbledore's Gift', but that's just a distant promise."

"I will do this, it just means that I am willing to do it for you. It is not a decision after weighing the pros and cons. To be honest, I am at a loss."


Before Anton could finish speaking, he passed out.

Dumbledore looked at him with a complicated expression, and finally sighed deeply, "Yeah, how could I not feel your sincerity to me."

He squinted and looked up at the sky, as if he had penetrated the endless fog and looked at the vast universe.

"Am I really living in a novel?"

Of course Lao Deng didn't read the memory of the child he liked thoroughly, and he didn't want to do this to those close to him. After all, although everyone quietly called him the White Devil, no one would call him the Dark Lord. Some bottom lines in his heart, he is still different from Voldemort.

It's just that the information that pops up in Anton's head from time to time tells him this clearly.

It's hard to do, even if you don't know.

No one can answer his question, but maybe a word in Anton's mind can give him the answer - my hometown is where my heart is at ease.

Anton didn't have such troubles, he felt that this was a real world.

In a flash of light and shadow, Dumbledore and Anton appeared in the office.

He smiled and looked at the little wizard curled up in the chair, "The meaning of life is to find excitement? This is not your real answer. Your path has just begun."

------off topic-----

In the past few days, the chapter reviews have not been displayed, so I pre-judged the readers' chapter reviews and responded in a unified way - [Relax, dear, the plot will not collapse, it is all within the plan. 】

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