The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 201: This is too evil

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There are three classes on Monday, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions.

After Anton finished his Transfiguration class in the morning, he skipped class.

Of course, Professor Lockhart from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class would not say anything. As for the teacher who came to replace the potions class, hehe, since he made a few mistakes in class and was ruthlessly pointed out on the spot by Anton, I wish this student disappeared. .

That scene was embarrassing.

This kind of character is too lazy to make up a name, and it is normal to be ignored by Anton.

Back at the hut between the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest, follow the vine-woven stairs all the way down and down again.

In the deepest part of the ground, there is a large cabinet floating in the style of the time of the fairy Amidor, the king of knowledge, which Anton brought back from the room of responsiveness.

A vanishing cabinet that can travel freely!

And it goes with the vanishing cabinet I bought at the Boginbok store in Knockturn Alley.

There are several vanishing cabinets in Hogwarts, and one was even smashed by Peeves, but most of them come in sets.

Anton speculates that this may be part of the castle defense system that ancient wizards used to defend against witch hunts, like the Hogwarts castle stairs.

I don't know how one of the vanishing cabinets was left outside the school, and it even continued to function.

This is the highest achievement of the ancient goblins in space, so powerful that they can even ignore the protective spell of the Hogwarts school.

For Anton, there is such a thing in the original book, and it is definitely the least cost-effective to use it to assassinate Dumbledore.

Send a large number of people to sneak in, first control Snape, and then use the potion master's potion to add some ingredients to the back kitchen of the school.

For a meal, Hogwarts is in the palm of your hand.

There are so many ways to play.

The pattern of Lao Fu really makes Anton invisible, whether it is a strategic method or a method to tame his subordinates.

"I always feel that there is something important in the room." Anton thought for a while, but didn't think of it.

Either Lao Fu's Confusion Curse was at work again, or it was something that wasn't that important.

Open the cabinet door and step inside.

It just feels like the world is spinning, and that feeling is very similar to Apparition.

After a while, Anton suddenly felt a solid feeling under his feet, and quickly opened the cabinet door to take a look out, oh, it was his room in London.

The petals of the ivy vine on the wall swayed, and the mouth full of fangs opened and closed, as if to greet him.

After teasing the petals, Anton opened the door with a smile and walked out.

Going down the stairs in the corner of the hall, we came to the restaurant downstairs, where three old men were smoking cigars.

Apparently, a shy werewolf had been brought down by two dark wizards.

Seeing Anton coming back, Lupin waved his wand to freshen the air, and snuffed out the cigars that were in the mouths of the other two.

Pedro smacked his mouth helplessly, and Rozier shrugged.

"Anton, you asked the school owl to send a letter, asking us to do a favor. What's going on?" Lupin hugged Anton with a smile.

It's normal to ask parents for help.

Anton looked at them with a smile, and the soul that became lonely under the influence of Tom was instantly healed.

Look, Lao Tzu is much happier than you.

"The mysterious man released a Confusion Charm on me, which made me forget part of my memory."

Pedro laughed smugly, "It doesn't bother me."

Yes, as the top memory master among the goblins, Anton really doesn't know who else can do it if he can't figure it out in this regard.

"And about the Hufflepuff Heritage Chamber."

Lupin was thoughtful, as if thinking of some good memory, and said with a smile, "That's an interesting place."

"And some questions about the weather spell."

Rozier raised his hand gracefully, "I can answer that."

Oh, look at it, it's all solved.


"Actually, the memory will never disappear, nor will it change." The fairy Pedro stretched out his thick fingers, and his long nails shone with a violet-like light, and gently tapped on Anton's forehead.

"However, intelligent creatures are like this. Thinking can't truly read the memories in the depths of the soul. Different emotions, different experiences, and different physical states will make the memories they read completely different from the real ones."

"So we fairies divide memory into two layers. Without emotion, only the real memory world is recorded, and the memory table world hidden in the human soul is affected by emotions and time passage."

"In fact, there is a third layer, which is the call between our thinking and memory. Thinking constitutes the third layer."

"If we don't exercise deliberately, our mind's ability to recall memory will be very poor. Sometimes it can't be recalled, and sometimes it can only recall the picture of Mohu, or even the wrong picture."

"The Imperius Curse, Oblivion Curse, Confusion Curse, etc., most of them interfere with the third layer of thinking."

The goblin Pedro smiled, "Anton, after seeing so many memories of me, you still can't control the third floor. This is really bad."

"Remember, time exists in the memory world of the first layer, and the drill is aimed at the third layer of thinking. Long-term stimulation will break through the barriers and enter the second layer of memory table world..."

Anton was stunned, "So the Cruciatus Curse can actually be cured? It's the kind of patient who suffers from soul damage caused by the torture of the Cruciatus Curse for a long time."

Pedro shrugged, "Of course."

"Although it is difficult, rebuilding a memory channel allows the mind to read the world of the first layer of memory, and all memories will be remembered."

"Then over time, with the filling of various emotions, and the influence of prejudice, preference, bias and other factors in the heart, the creature will rebuild a new second-layer memory table world."

"All right."

Pedro smiled and took a step back, "The Confusion Curse is lifted."

Anton was stunned for a moment, "I thought you hadn't started yet."

"Because when people are thinking, their thoughts are highly concentrated and extremely distracted. This is the best time to deal with memory. For example, Dementorism is the same principle." Pedro laughed, looking very proud. .

"Haha, I'm a well-known therapist, and I treat different patients' conditions. That's why I talk about these things with you."

Pedro is simply a treasure boy.

Think about it too, a hundred-year-old monster who has collected the wisdom and memories of ancient fairies and ancient wizards, knows absolutely a lot, and has a very profound view of magic.

Anton even had the urge to stop going to school and study with Pedro.

Action is worse than heartbeat, you bastard.

Pedro can't run away, Anton can lay a solid foundation at Hogwarts first, and it will only take seven He is less than 20 years old after graduation, and there is still a lot of time to follow He studied hard.

Moreover, the fog in my mind dissipated, and the whole person was transparent in an instant.

Only then did Anton know what memory Voldemort had confused in his mind.

In fact, it is very simple, it is about the memory of the Horcrux.

About the location of each Horcrux, the memory of Tom's diary, and the memory of the basilisk.

That's right, apart from being prepared for the next year, Horcruxes were the only thing Voldemort cared about.

Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

Anton frowned.

It would make sense to say that the entrance to the Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets was built in the den of the house-elf that he adopted.

What the **** is this Slytherin who built the entrance to the secret room in the women's toilet?

So, everyone is saying that Slytherin is an evil wizard, such an evil law?

That's too evil.

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