The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 204: free day man

, !

this world……

It seems to be broken.

At least it's not the "Harry Potter" story that Anton remembers, everyone seems crazy, and everyone wants to destroy the status quo.

What the **** is wrong with this world!

Well, Anton knew, it was him, it was him. His arrival changed everything.

He made a Horcrux for Voldemort, which led to Tom's diary Horcrux obtaining Lao Fu's complete memory, which evolved directly from a child's thinking to a Jianghu veteran.

He ruined Dumbledore's heart that he was going to die quietly and gradually wither, but he also made the old man escape.

He also brought a time-turner that could travel through decades, keeping Snapka in time.

how to say.

Anton felt that since it was caused by himself, it was necessary to find a way to restore all this. Although he doesn't care about some things, he also feels that if he causes trouble to the world, he must take some responsibility.

in addition……

He raised his brows, "I feel a little irritated for some reason."

"Quack quack..."

The sky is gloomy, looking into the distance, there are electric lights flickering from time to time. At such a dark moment, even the Black Lake became quiet.

"Come on, pretend, there's a lot of time anyway..."

Humming a strange little tune, Anton walked briskly towards the Forbidden Forest.

He has mastered some advanced abilities, and also made a plug-in with a little side effect, but after all, he is only a little wizard with a barrier to entry.

Yes, he has something in his heart.

Can he beat Dumbledore? Or can he beat Voldemort? Still wondering if there is a resurrected Tom Riddle and his Basilisk?

Wizards are gods, and the mind creates strength.

Anton's strength is actually not that strong. By analogy, it may be almost the gap between Lockhart and Snape.

Lockhart made a sneak attack, and an oblivion spell might bring down Snape, but if the two sides were guarded against each other, Lockhart was really not enough to watch.

With one move, Shen Feng was invisible, and he directly turned into two Lockharts.

But to talk about spiritual power, Voldemort cut off his own love, Dumbledore was tortured by his sister's death for more than ninety years, and he was imprisoned in Hogwarts Castle.


"Find someone better and change the poker table completely."

After passing through the forbidden forest, I walked deeper along the forest path next to Hagrid's hut. After a while, I came to a corner that was obviously darker and quieter than other places.

He opened the snuff box given to him by his teacher Quirrell, took out a sealed bag and opened it gently.

The smell of blood permeates...

A piece of **** pork with bones attached, this is the favorite of the ivy.

Only a strange and shrill cry was heard, and a strange-looking horse-shaped animal ran out of the darkness.

Dark body, skinny horse body, like the head of a dragon head, covered with black mane.

As they walked, huge bat wings stretched.

It is Hagrid's captive Thestral, who is in charge of the Hogwarts carriage, and is ranked 4x at the Ministry of Magic's Fantastic Beasts Danger Level.

Ye Qi lowered his head, and there was only a pale color in his eyes, reflecting Anton's smiling face.

"Eat, take me somewhere after eating."

Ye Qi rubbed his cheek in Anton's raised palm, lowered his head and sniffed the **** pork, and made a strange and cheerful cry.

It opened its mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs, and easily crushed thick bones.

"The place we're going to be some distance away, you have to eat more."

The Thestrals have the same talent as owls to know the way, as long as they tell them their destination, they can easily take the wizard to the destination.

And their speed is extremely fast, faster than Firebolt.

Unless using Apparate, Anton doesn't know of a better vehicle than Thestrals.

Finally, when we're full, it's time to work.

Anton turned over, pulled out his wand, and laughed, "Target, Austria, Nurmengard!"

From Hogwarts Castle in the Scottish Highlands, the northernmost part of the UK, all the way south, across the entire British country, through Belgium, France, Germany, and finally to Austria.

Anton has been looking forward to this trip that says go.

Lift the table, as if he wouldn't be the same.

He believed that as long as Grindelwald was taken out, Old Deng would never be able to make any demons, and the combination of these two, even two Voldemorts, would not be enough to play.

As for the emergence of such a demon, will it bring any changes to the world.

"Quack quack..."

"None of my business!"

"I'm only responsible for the ignition!"


take off~

Let's get up~

Traveling through European countries is such a wonderful thing!


Facing the strong wind and waves, Anton waved his wand, and a cloud filled the air, wrapping him and Thestral.

As long as they don't show their bodies, the Muggles won't find out that the Ministry of Magic has no way to hold him accountable without finding out who was riding the Thestral.

In this regard, Anton has long studied the law of the Ministry of Magic, which is full of errors and omissions.

As for the Muggles who photographed such a strange cloud with such a fast speed.

Haha, it's still the same sentence, don't mind his shit.

I believe that some experts will come out to prove that this is such a miraculous natural phenomenon.

It was a little bumpy at first, but gradually Anton got used to this wonderful flying speed, and even shouted at high altitude.

Called very happily.

To be arrogant, just to play, this is Dumbledore's teaching, capable people are so free to do whatever they want, right?

Looking down from the sky, the high-rise buildings of the cities are brightly lit.

The street lights on both sides of the road converge into a river, and sparse vehicles pass through the road.

Speeding all the way, Anton can clearly feel the difference between different countries, different cities, and different villages. That magical experience is very interesting.

Two thousand years of Europe, hehe...

Sometimes he could also encounter wizards traveling on broomsticks, wearing a disillusionment spell on their bodies, shuttled through the clouds.

You will also see the giant camps that are reinforced by wizards to strengthen the secrecy of the magic spell. Those guys with huge bodies live only one mountain away from the human village.

Anton's miraculous discovery that every time he flew freely and freely, always gave him a deeper understanding of the floating spell.

This is a kind of emotional magic that is loaded with freedom, flying, ease and freedom.

He suddenly had such a clear understanding in his heart.

"So, have I been going in the wrong direction all the time?"

"Always thinking about how to use the floating spell as a means of attack, but it turns out that there is no progress?"

Thinking about it carefully, the highlight moment of his Floating Charm was when he first made a chair float when he was a beginner. At that time, he was obsessed with magic, a magical power that he did not have in his previous life.

The second time was to help Anna mechanically pack the eight-meter-high practice converter into her suitcase.

The third time is to help Neville find the memory ball.

"I have been researching how to turn it into a suitable attack method since then, but nothing has been researched."

Similar things exist.

"A moving figure."

This trick has never been an inch. Ever since Dumbledore's "Guardian Knight Curse" was integrated with the help of Professor Voldemort, Anton has never considered using it.

It seems that the initial love for 'moving figures' has become a little boring.

That kind of love that would call this spell a 'moving figure' is gone.

The same thing is true of the Sunshine Bread Charm, which has never been so ideal in terms of research progress into an attack method.

The successive stagnation of research made Anton feel that his qualifications were actually mediocre.

But it just takes the advantage of having so many good teachers.

Anton suddenly thought of going home this time. At night, Lupin pulled himself to talk about the truth of life earnestly.

He wasn't actually interested in listening, after all, Lupin himself wasn't that good.

Just because Lupin really cared about his own growth, he didn't show any impatience.

At the time, Lupin said, "The wizard's journey is a path of inward exploration, and we are always searching for the peace of mind that we long for."

"Don't be influenced by your experience, remember every touch of learning magic, and every touch of life."

"Maybe you think it's enough to learn magic with the three of us, but Anton, no, the meaning of entering a magic school is more than Anton pursed his lips, and in Yestral A strange face was made on his back.

"This gentle old man knows how to observe people's hearts better than a woman, hehe~"

"How did he get hold of my state of mind?"


"Well, Uncle Lupin is right."

Anton was a little disappointed, a little relaxed, inexplicable and a little weird. "I am not a warrior by nature. I thought I was going to be a big devil or a hero of salvation, but I want to be a man?"

"Quack quack..."


He rubbed Yestral's neck, "Oh~ my old buddy~, is your speed like this?"


The speed of Thestral suddenly increased again.

"Wuhu~~" An Dong raised his head and opened his hands, facing the strong wind, smiling like a fool.

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