The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 226: Never mess with a sleeping dragon

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Anton sometimes wondered what Lupin would do when he came to school.

For example, for his loyal Dumbledore, he was busy and busy. Or it will make up for the lack of Harry Potter's childhood parents. This old man who regards Potter as his best friend will love Harry as much as possible.

But Anton never thought that Lupin would put all his energy on himself.

Simply hateful.

Lupin guessed that he was spoiled by the hateful Yin Ersa, and he had a tendency to develop into a housekeeper.

No matter how you laugh!

Not only that, he even asked Anton not to go to Dumbledore all the time.

"Why Mao?" Anton looked at him with a displeased expression. Recently, running to see Lao Deng's jokes has become one of his joys in life, okay?

"Dumbledore is a big man, different from ordinary people like us." Lupin's expression was very subtle.

"???" There are a lot of question marks in Anton's children.

what do you mean.

What the heck, can we ordinary people get high after chatting with such a big man for a few words? so noble?

"I won't hurt you, Anton, you have to believe me." Lupin obviously didn't want to explain too much, and worried that Anton wouldn't listen to his advice, so he pointed out something incomprehensible, "You haven't experienced war, You don't know what a big man is like."

"Anton, what is our Hogwarts school motto?"

"Never provoke a sleeping dragon (Don't disturb the sleeping dragon)."

Lupin smiled slightly, pointed to his head and said, "This is a very philosophical statement, maybe you can think about it."

He patted Anton on the shoulder, "Your classroom is here, Transfiguration class, this is what you should devote the most energy to studying."

After Lupin finished speaking, he left in a hurry. He was going to teach the senior class, and he probably had to prepare a lot of things.

Anton looked at his back silently, smack his mouth, "Okay, you are my uncle, just listen to you."


This is my family.

If you don't trust them, who else can you trust?

Several old men in the family can be said to be people with extremely rich life experience.

Pedro has lived for hundreds of years with the pain of genocide. In order to preserve the spark of goblin wisdom, he has been brutally cleaning up his own memories.

Rozier, a powerful wizard who was supposed to be a brilliant wizard in the world, in order to save his wife, he ran wildly in the long river of time, and the time he experienced may be more than two hundred years old.

Nowadays, they live on the 'stubborn potion', but Anton knows the horror of that thing. This is not a normal life-extending potion.

This potion is nothing but a curse, a mockery of those trying to survive.

He could almost believe how boring Rozier's inner world was, so boring that only a pale stubbornness remained.

There is also Lupin, who has wandered as a werewolf for so many years, and has experienced all kinds of life. After experiencing the glory of defeating the Mysterious Man campaign, he resolutely rejected the good intentions of his comrades in arms and wandered around the world alone, no one knows why.

Anton dare not say that he is smarter than these people.

He has always been an ordinary person. Before crossing, he was a hard-working social animal. After crossing over, he was just lucky to have a little talent in magic.

The person is still the same person.

He still has some self-awareness.

The only intellectual confidence he could find in this family was in the presence of his stupid teacher, Fiennes.

quack quack~~~



The new headmaster Lockhart has a very reasonable saying that a young wizard should only care about 'study, magic, and life'.

When all the hustle and bustle came to an abrupt end, when all the conspiracies sneaked into the bottom of the lake, the breeze was gentle, as if everything had returned to normal.

"Hey, Draco." Anton put down the book and sat beside Draco.

Draco was talking to Pansy at the front table, which made the two girls at the front table burst into laughter. Seeing Anton sitting down, he gave a bright smile, "Hey, Anton."

After Lockhart recruited Mandrake to rescue these petrified classmates, Anton and Draco and two small attendants had a long talk called "friendship" in the dormitory.

In fact, there is not much to talk about, that is, some fanciful topics such as 'we are friends'.

On the contrary, Draco took out the red wine he had smuggled into the school from his suitcase, got drunk and talked a lot, and even sincerely apologized to the two little servants for his past attitude, and promised to be serious in the future. Treat these two friends.

Good guy, moved the two silly things, Goyle and Crabbe, to cry all night.

A snot and a tear.

But anyway, the ambience of this dormitory becomes very good.

Ps: Crabbe's home provided a precious potion, which was cured ahead of time.

It is said that there will be blessings in the afterlife. With the traces of Voldemort's erosion on Decora's body, he will definitely show his unique talent in black magic (refer to Harry Potter).

Crabbe is quite amazing, and his soul faintly revealed an anxious aura of 'fierce fire'. Although it has not yet reached the level of 'spell level', it can be expected that learning this spell in the future will have more talents than others.

Anton was not jealous of their experience, but secretly studied for a long time after they slept.

It is really tempting to have such good research materials in front of you.

After a while, it was time for class.

A tabby cat with spectacled lines on the podium jumped down, and instantly turned into a gray-haired old witch with a serious face.

She looked around. "Malfoy, if you have a lot to say, you can go out first."

Draco hurriedly sat up straight, and when he saw Professor McGonagall staring at him, he trembled with fright.

The majestic Professor McGonagall always reminded him of his mother, and his face was especially scary every day.

"And you, Harry, Ron, what's so funny?"

Eyes like lightning, "If I see you handing in the exact same homework next time, I'll have to deduct points from Gryffindor!"

God, the lethality of this sentence is not only affecting these two little boys who have turned pale.

Gryffindor and Slytherin sitting in the classroom are mostly copying homework.

Didn't you always open one eye and close the other?

Why did it suddenly become so harsh!

Anton squinted, all the professors began to pay close attention to the students' teaching progress, which did not seem to be something that Lockhart's prestige could facilitate.

It's hard not to think of a certain old bee.

What is this for?

I don't understand, I don't understand, and sure enough, Lupin is right, it's right to stay away from these scheming ghosts.

"Today, let's learn an interesting magic that turns an animal into a goblet. The spell is 'Shape Change'." Professor McGonagall rubbed his long wand and walked gracefully to the podium.

Here, a blackboard is erected on a wooden shelf, and when the wand is tapped lightly, a circular figure appears in the middle.

The circle is full of strange and mysterious symbols and lines.

As two arrows extend out of the circle, they point to a bird and a cup.

Tu Eu continued to twist, as if an invisible pen was scribbling on the blackboard.

A circle filled with line drawings appeared between the bird and the cup.

"Although a talented little wizard can successfully cast this magic spell with magic." Professor McGonagall shrugged, "In fact, you only need to recite the magic spell and wave your wand, and you can do this magic. things."

"But I still hope you understand the rationale behind this."

"You will be lucky to have these foundations in your senior year, it will allow you to go further in the path of magic." McGonagall stared at Harry and Ron through the glasses, "especially some who only know how to copy The little wizard of the Everyone burst into laughter, and the class was full of joy for a while.

Professor McGonagall, although somewhat serious and rigid, always inadvertently makes people relaxed.

Anton stared at the picture on the blackboard and blinked in surprise.

The pictures in these two circles...

It seems to be very similar to the magic image observed in the eyes of the augury, but there are some differences. The magic image is more of a line to describe the world, while the circle on the blackboard is more of some ancient runes.

Some runes that look like magic images.

If you look at Runic from a Muggle point of view, this is a language course that uses animal images to create characters, which Anton is all too familiar with.

But if you look at it from a wizard's point of view, runewen has more meanings, especially after Anton experienced the inheritance of Hufflepuff, and found that these magical animals have their own instinctive spells, the combination of the two, it seems Very interesting.

For example, the invisible monster (the monkey in Newt's box) that is good at invisibility, represents 0.

The unicorn represents 1, the three-headed rune represents 3, and the eight-eyed spider represents 8.

After many little wizards understand such basics, they always think that this is the meaning of runes, and the number of organs represents numbers, which is too simple.

But if you take into account the instinctive magic of animals, or at a deeper level, why are they good at these magics, and what does it mean to the runes they represent.

Perhaps the runes were the dictionary used to describe magic in ancient times.

It's just that modern wizards have a hard time reading this dictionary.

PS: See the comments on the pictures of Mag's teaching materials.

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