The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 236: 3 Deathly Hallows

What exactly is magic, everyone has their own answer.

Everyone sees magic differently.

For example, Transfiguration, in the eyes of ordinary little wizards, is a kind of magic that temporarily changes the shape of an object.

In Dumbledore's eyes, this is a process in which wizards control the natural world to deform according to their own will.

In Voldemort's eyes, this is another wonderful picture.

Everyone has their own research focus, and all of Lao Fu's research ultimately points to the soul side. In his eyes, the deformation is the signal released by the essential information to the world, guiding these inferior things to change naturally according to the instructions.

In simple terms, Dumbledore tends to control the process of deformation and pays more attention to the subtle changes in deformation.

Lao Fu is more inclined to issue deformation instructions by himself. As long as the instructions are correct, the deformation will be completed naturally, and there is no need to take care of the process.

Anton can fully understand the wisdom of these two bosses.

The old wizard's 'wizard is a god' perfectly fits Lao Fu's imperative magic system.

The process of observing the magical image by the "wizard eye" of the old wizard perfectly fits Dumbledore's manipulation and observation of the magical process.

It's amazing.

Anton first came into contact with the wizarding world, and the first enlightenment teacher he met, Alex Fiennes, gave him a perfect foundation.

The old ancestors said that when misfortunes and blessings depend, do not deceive me.

Anton only gave life a small step. Life has given so many gifts, and the gifts to Anton are a bit numb.

Sometimes I really appreciate the old wizard.

Anton wants to write off his past grievances and make a body for the old wizard, at least let him live like a person.

After pursing his lips, Anton was still somewhat hesitant.

People are unpredictable.

The ghost knew that after the old wizard was resurrected, the first thing he did was plan to kill himself.


Looking up from the Pensieve, Anton's expression changed.

If analyzed from Anton's perspective, the level of Dumbledore's operation is the magic side, which is similar to the perception and operation of the magic of the world. The level of Voldemort's operation is the soul side, which is deeper and more dangerous. There are countless black lines in the soul surging. If you are not careful, you will completely sink into the magic of magic.

Lao Fu's approach was deeper, more direct, and more dangerous than Dumbledore's. To this end, Lao Fu cut off a part of his own soul, and used extreme emotions to shape an indestructible soul, thereby rippling freely in the magical world.

Obviously, Lao Fu was successful.

In nearly half of the time, he completely caught up with the footsteps of old Deng for more than a hundred years, and even surpassed the past.

He doesn't just use Avada noodles!

He just didn't bother to use other spells.

This is a wizard more dangerous than Dumbledore, Anton is completely convinced.

Fortunately, Anton does not need to take the old road of Lao Fu. Dumbledore's research results and Voldemort's research results are placed in front of him, clearly pointing the way.

Two ways, the same magical world, plus Anton's own thinking, this can't let him walk out of his own magical path, which is really bad.

Although it is only about Transfiguration, it is enough for Anton to be obsessed.

And more!

The most precious Horcrux frequency change technique left by Lao Fu.

At this time, Anton was stunned to find that when Lao Fu said this technique, he used ancient rune instead of English.

The so-called Horcrux frequency change is nothing but a word translated by his own brain.

The message Lao Fu wanted to express should be 'change the structure of the soul and deform the body. ' Such a meaning.

In this process of change, there is no concept of 'permanent deformation' and 'temporary deformation', nor the concept of 'magic influence power', it is more like a hand flipping a switch.

Then completely change the state.

The difficulty here is to find such a switch, a critical point between two states.

What if the research is not deep enough?

Then forcibly create a critical point, a powerful switch, and flip it!

For example, Filch has countless dark green patterns with various regular patterns!

Of course, Anton has a more interesting reference object - Yalong species.

A creature that is at the borderline between pet-level and dragon-level magical animals.


Anton looked around.

"Where's my Yalong species?"

God, he seems to have not seen this little cutie for a long time!

This is the only gift that my dear idol gave him!

Anton blinked, took out his wand and put it on his head, and began to release the fairy's memory retrieval secret.


I remembered.

He had kept the Argonians in Hagrid's house.


After destroying Voldemort's notes on the Horcrux change and packing up his things, Anton simply left the hut and planned to go to Hagrid's side to have a look.

Halfway through, Anton was still thinking about the wisdom of the two top wizards on magic.

With a move in his heart, he changed his body and turned into a color-changing wind bird.

The bird's eyes blinked, one eye opened the 'Magic Eye', and the other opened the 'Eye of Grindelwald', flying and observing this interesting world.

Countless lines surging.

The sky with rolling clouds, the black lake with turbulent currents, the quiet forbidden forest, the sleeping Hogwarts castle...

Even the air turned into countless colored lines.

Different from oil painting, this is a three-dimensional picture. With the change of vision, the lines of each layer have a unique view.

Suddenly, Anton blinked and felt a foot quietly.

In an instant, the feet disappeared from the picture again.


Soon, three more feet appeared in the picture, and in a short while, they disappeared again.


Is Hogwarts haunted?

Finally, all the way to the door of Hagrid's hut, with a strange slide, the silhouettes of three little wizards suddenly appeared among the colored lines of the world.

Unruly, strong intuition erases any cause and effect, and just inserts it into this picture.

This is nothing short of miraculous in the wizarding world.

You know, everything has a trajectory, Apparition has a trajectory, an invisibility cloak has a trajectory, time travel has a trajectory, and everything has a trajectory.

There is only such a thing, which erases all traces like this, and it will not be swept away by the natural magic of 'time'.

Anton stood on the door frame of Hagrid's hut, looking down at Harry Potter who was talking to Hagrid... the invisibility cloak in his hand.

This isn't some kind of street goods sold at random in Knockturn Alley.

This is one of the Deathly Hallows, the invisibility cloak, that can prevent death from being discovered by the **** of death.

Logically speaking, if there is any way to deceive time and death by entering the past time, then this thing will definitely have a magical Anton tilted his bird head and stared at Harry Potter and stuffed it at will The invisibility cloak in the pocket of the wizard's robe, blinking and blinking.

Speaking of which, he has seen the three major Deathly Hallows.

Dumbledore's wand, which looks like a candied haws, is one of the three deathly holy instruments, the old wand (the Elder Wand).

There is also the ring handed down from the Gaunt family in his own hands. The gemstones inlaid on it are the legendary resurrection stones.


Anton leaped down and stood lightly on Hermione's shoulders, watching curiously.

I saw Hagrid was wearing a leather armor, and there was a set of hand crossbows that looked very complicated and huge.

"Hagrid, what are you doing?" Harry Potter asked curiously.

Hagrid frowned. "Children, you shouldn't be here so late! Hogwarts is especially dangerous these two days, especially Halloween..."

The tight-lipped Hagrid suddenly covered his mouth.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other and stared at Hagrid, "What happened to Halloween?"

"No! God, I didn't say anything." Hagrid seemed a little flustered, and started to drive these little kids away, "Listen, there are a lot of interesting games on Halloween, you can just have fun when the time comes, don't worry about the adults. Tube."

Hehe, do you see Harry and they listen?

Your eyes are brighter than light bulbs!

------off topic-----

The cold is finally getting better, and starting tomorrow, I will update 3 chapters every day at 8:00. There will be more and more capabilities, and there is no way to maintain this update frequency. Writing too fast without time to revise is very dangerous, I still have to be steady.


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