The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 241: Snape in Silence

After playing handsome, it is necessary to clean up the mess.

Especially in the past time, doing some kind of weather spell is definitely an act of courting death.

Anton hurriedly cast the counter-curse, and instantly restored the original snowy evening scene.

Snowflakes fluttering~

The North Wind is Xiaoxiao~

In less than a while, Mr. Sun, who was outside the clouds, went back to sleep after get off work, and the world was dark.

A warm orange light glows in the window of the cottage under the huge pine tree, and in the light is a sweet family.


"The night Lily was killed again?"

Anton was stunned, looked left and right, and found no trace of Snape.

He didn't know how long Snape had stayed in the long river of time, how many years he had gone through again and again.

There was no trick, he couldn't see Snape, he could only wait patiently.

Incarnated as a color-changing wind bird, standing on the roof, patiently waiting for Voldemort to come and kill the couple.

Although the chameleon has no so-called body temperature and does not need to worry about the snow and ice weather, he still needs to move his figure from time to time so that his traces will not be left on the roof.

wait, wait...

wait, wait...

I don't know how long it took...

Anton blinked suspiciously.

It seems that it is already a day in time, right?

He looked up at the sky in amazement, feeling the slight change in the angle of the sun's slow movement, "What..."


! "

"It turned out to be a time loop here!"

"A night when Voldemort didn't come and the Potters survived?"

"And the night repeats over and over again?"

Anton rolled his eyes, "So you can't go out tonight, right?"


To put it simply, the time card was bugged and fell into an infinite loop.

Of course, for the powerful natural magic of time, this kind of thing is simply trivial, and it will be easily crushed and everything will be smoothed out.

So the outcome of the matter is the most important.

In other words, the result of the actual fact will determine the posture of the time magic to use this time.

This kind of thing is not difficult for Anton. He was a programmer in his previous life, and he is very familiar with bugs. When encountering problems, he first finds the variable. Obviously, Snape and Voldemort are this variable.

It is very troublesome. At this time, you cannot use the spell of exploring traces, otherwise it will leave traces in time.

Anton could only fly up and look around with his naked eyes.

Suddenly, he moved in his heart, opened his magical eyes, and looked at the sky with the vision of an augury.

God, in the calm world of ordinary vision, in fact, the magic level has long been swept away, and there are traces of broken lines everywhere.

Between heaven and earth, there are countless colored lines scattered everywhere!

And it's not the kind of one or two, just like the drifting rain, as if the whole world is.


This is simply a gift from nature!

Anton couldn't bear the temptation any longer, he quickly transformed into a divination bird, flapped his wings twice, and fell on the huge pine tree beside the hut.


The mournful chirping of the death bird was incessant, bringing an inexplicable coolness to this dark and snowy valley.

Countless colored lines poured into Anton's beak.

This thing is simply a supplement.

Anton didn't have a special feeling to experience one in Hufflepuff's inheritance fantasy, but he knew that this thing was very precious, but he didn't know what kind of precious method it was.

After all, Hufflepuff's fantasy can't be created out of nothing.

But he knew that the legendary messenger of the **** of death, the divination bird, was definitely special, and even after other magical animals ate this ordinary bird, their bodies would grow in magic power.

This is amazing.

Every kind of magical animal is a plug-in in its own field.

As the colorful lines swallowed into his stomach, Anton was surprised to find that these lines were filling the gaps in his soul little by little.

Yes, it's not patching, it's filling.

It was as if the cracks in the broken walls were stuffed with dirt, and they naturally floated into the crevices of the soul.

From the perspective of the soul, this kind of undigested power can only be said to be the fat and energy reserves raised on the body.

But on the magic side, Anton found that his magic power was quietly changing in quantity.

This description may be a bit problematic.

Analogy to Muggles, magic is the water in a bucket, and the weight of magic that a wizard can cast depends on his arm strength - Anton is now improving his arm strength.

Finally, these colorful lines that had been accumulated for some time became scarce, and Anton couldn't help but flutter his wings and fly upwards.

There also seems to be some colored lines in there.

Fly, fly, fly~

Break the clouds.

Anton was surprised to find that two wizards were flying above the clouds and accumulating, and a powerful and terrifying spell tore apart the space.

At this moment, the green light of a life-threatening curse almost wiped Anton's body, scaring him to float back into the clouds again.


! "

if he doesn't

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ If you read it wrong.

The two people above, one is Voldemort without a nose, and the other should be Snape.

Well, it should, probably, probably be him, right?

After all, the whole person was shrouded in black smoke, and he couldn't see his face at all.

"No, it's not black smoke, it's magic so strong that it takes shape!"

"Magic power that belongs to the side of black magic!"

Anton was stunned and stuck out a bird's head from the clouds, stared at the black smoke carefully, and thoroughly verified his judgment.

This Nima...

It looks like the concentration is comparable to the magic of Tom's wreck, right?

How could Snape be so arrogant?

Anton shook the bird's head, indicating that I didn't believe it.

This is too outrageous!

And what a smart old man, the wizard in this black fog looks like a brainless person, and the magic power is stronger than Voldemort, but he can't always tell when Voldemort made a false move.

Anton can't think of anyone else in the Harry Potter world who is comparable to Voldemort's strength?

You must know that Voldemort was in his prime at this time, even worse than Dumbledore. Old Deng even had to make the helpless act of forming the Order of the Phoenix.

At this moment, the black line on his body spread, and Dumbledore floated beside him, pouting at everything in the sky.

"That's Snape."

"???" Anton stared at him with wide eyes, then turned to look at the person in the dark fog, "Walter?!

! "

It shocked me for 10,000 years!

Is Lao Si so arrogant?

This unscientific!

Dumbledore sighed faintly, "A soul completely engulfed by dark emotions, black magic has reached its most extreme out of control."

He looked at Snape with a complicated expression, his old eyes full of sadness, "There's no help."

Anton frowned and stared at all this, "Extremely out of control?"

Dumbledore was stunned, "Yes, similar to the state of silence, but more terrifying."

"..." There is only one problem now.

Nimas Snape and Voldemort are in a stalemate, and time keeps running at this time, which means that these two people can fight forever.

Oh, is that Snape's way?

Stop Voldemort from killing Lily?

"My stupid teacher..." Anton rolled his eyes.

If he doesn't want to think of a way, he can foresee that everything will be repeated in this time, falling into a kind of judgment before Anton-'invisible person in the river of time'.

This thing will eventually be forcibly smoothed out by time.

Lao Si doesn't want to live anymore, well, what about love, Anton doesn't want to die like this.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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