The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 30: High-end magic course private teaching

Anton has a strong tenacity in his work. Even if the light rain in the forest does not stop, he still practices the 'Displacement Soul Charm' unremittingly every day.

The feeling that he seemed to grasp it, but couldn't grasp it, made him feel that he might not be able to practice at home.

"You are obviously going astray." The old wizard floated out from nowhere.

Anton smiled slightly, "Didn't you harass Pedro today?"

The old wizard chuckled, "I was so annoyed that I couldn't stand it, so I activated the time shifter, probably planning to go back a few days ago to stop myself from concluding the 'Unbreakable Oath' spell with you, and drive you out of the house. ."

Anton was stunned, "Is this still possible?"

The old wizard shook his hand dragging his head, as if shaking his head, "Impossible."

"He can't change anything. No one can change anything with a time switch."

"Besides, he also has an 'unbreakable oath' spell on his body. If he prevents himself from concluding a contract with you, Lupin will not be able to fall into his hands, and he will have no chance to complete the agreement. in."

"Quack, my stupid teacher."

After routinely ridiculing his own stupid teacher every day, the old wizard entered the teaching state.

"Black magic can't be learned by practicing against a tree. Although you seem to be doing it decently now, it's only a superficial learning."

Anton nodded, "I feel the same way, I always feel that something is missing."

The old wizard floated forward and said, "If I could not give you an in-depth answer before, I can only tell you that black magic is used to kill people, not for fun. You have to kill people to be effective."

"Now I have a new understanding of life and magic."

"Little bastard, remember, wherever life has passed, there must be traces."

"If you kill a person, that person's tragic situation will be deeply imprinted in your memory, deep in your soul, and this is the most essential source of power of black magic."

"This memory, this experience, will quietly change your heart, your will, and thus reflect on the magic released by your will."

"You torture a person with the Cruciatus. The longer you torture, the more you will understand the heart-wrenching mourning and the twisting of your body. This is the secret of the Cruciatus."

"This kind of remark is a bit profound, I don't know if you can understand it."

"Understood." Anton murmured, "Translation, it means that effective spellcasting can increase proficiency."

"???" Now the old wizard doesn't understand.

"It's nothing, it's just a weird saying that's not so appropriate but I understand, sir, go ahead."

"Okay." The old wizard was a little sad, "I didn't understand it before, no matter how simple you said it, I, who became a ghost, couldn't understand it."

Ha ha.

It's not necessary.

You can't understand such words even if you live.

Anton asked the old wizard to come to his oak hut, find the parchment, first record what he just said, and continue to listen carefully.

"According to this line of thought, you will discover a very wonderful thing." The old wizard put his head on his neck to maintain his dignity as a teacher.

"Your life, your memory, your experience, these will become necessary factors to influence magic."

"You can only go further on the road of magic if you experience enough things."

"And in this, you must not forget that your will must be carried out from beginning to end. When your experience becomes the nourishment of your will, you will be able to easily control those so-called various magics that require emotions."

"Then, after these theories are finished, let's do something practical."

"If you've read my diary, you should know that there are two spells I'm good at."

An Dong's eyes lit up, "The Crucifixion and the Iron Armor, the Iron Armor!"

"Quack quack." The old wizard smiled, "It seems that you have grasped the point, that is, the Iron Armor Curse."

"You are obviously confused by this common-sounding name, thinking it is a very simple spell." The old wizard waved his hand proudly, "No, in fact, there may be quite a few people who know, but they are only skilled. What we have is that the Ministry of Magic won't have too many."

Anton was surprised, "Ministry of Magic?"

The old wizard nodded with a smile, his head dropped instantly, he quickly caught it and put it back on.

Ps: In the original book, the twins proudly told Harry Potter in their own trick shop that the Ministry of Magic asked them to order hundreds of protective equipment with Iron Armor, because even the Ministry of Magic didn't know many Iron Armor spells.

"Understanding does not mean mastering." The old wizard waved his arms, "When you are attacked, when you are facing the tension in your heart, many spells that can be released smoothly will not be released. Only then will you be able to release them. Know how shallow your knowledge of this spell is."

"The Iron Armor Spell is a promising spell. Can you imagine what it would be like to become an Iron Armor Spell Master?"

Anton swallowed.

The old wizard continued to describe the wonderful scene, "Except for the life-threatening spell released by the extremely powerful dark wizard, all other attacks will be ineffective against you. As long as you stand there, no one can shake it."

"As it happens, although I can't be called a master in terms of iron armor spells, I can still be called a master."

"First of all, please let me tell you the secret of how this spell goes to the depths before I tell you the basics of casting the spell."

"That's the wizard's will!"

Anton's eyes lit up, and he said, "Wizards are gods!"

"Hahaha, you little **** is really smart. Yes, that's right, it's the same sentence, order your magic power, order this spell, order it to resist all damage."

The old wizard was obviously prepared.

From the correction of pronunciation and gestures at the beginning, to how to quickly chant the incantation in the later stage to shorten the casting speed.

Then, the old wizard began to describe in detail the process of casting the Iron Armor Spell 384 times in the more than 60 years since he learned the Iron Armor Spell, and commented and explained each scene and reaction.

This course is destined to be Anton just stays in the hut every day, diligently absorbing the experience of this old wizard.

The notes recorded on the desk have been stacked into a hill.

until this day.

Anna knocked on Anton's door.

"Mr. Pedro invites you to come over. Tonight is the night of the full moon."

Anton hadn't responded yet, and the old wizard took the lead in giggling, "Great, I finally have the opportunity to appreciate my stupid teacher and do a stupid thing in such a stupid way."

He sank straight into the ground.

I don't know how he got back to the wooden house on the island through the stone gate.

Anna looked curiously at the pile of towering parchment paper, which was full of handwriting. Obviously, these were some kind of materials. "Have you written so much during this time?"

Her childhood experience made her have less contact with her peers.

When An Dong first came here, she was very happy, she felt that she would have a friend. (She is only nine years old.)

However, unfortunately, this little boy did not intend to become her friend.

When he first came, he came in with a middle-aged man on his back and sat in a chair with his eyes closed and silent.

Come back later, except for the first few days in the woods to contact the magic spell, I only know that I will be locked in the house.

She was very curious, but according to noble etiquette, a lady can't knock on the door of a single man casually, which is very inappropriate.

The little boy didn't answer her right away.

It's just that he looked at the documents with a strange expression, and let out a deep breath, as if he had put something down.

He smiled brightly at her, with a particularly relaxed smile, "Yes, this is the magic spell my teacher taught me."

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