The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 563: new cottage

Hannah's 'Wizard's Cabin, it's a lot of fun, everyone feels novel when they get a room.

However, the space in this thing is really not big. The small room made of six banyan tree whiskers is really small. It is probably the size of a bed, a wardrobe, and a small table that can only be walked sideways. .

This will remind Anton of the small rented house he lived in before he lived with his girlfriend in his previous life, and it was unbearably depressed.

Hannah felt a little frustrated, but Anna said she liked it very much. Her own castle just disliked being too spacious. Such a small space would make people feel calm.


George and Fred expressed their hurt, "Your own castle?"

Anton's wizard's hut, looking around beside the banyan tree, looking for a suitable place to place the elephant-eating vine, "It's not that you haven't been there. When Lupin got married, you both helped make buns in the castle."

"!!!" George covered his heart with a sad look on his face, "I thought... oh..."

Fred also put on the same exaggerated expression, "It must be very inconvenient to live alone, right?"

Anna just smiled shyly, "Yes."

"Haha~" Anton was filling the gun next to him, "Don't be modest, there are two house-elves in that castle, a total of seven, and they serve her alone.


George and Fred all gasped.

"Oh~ our family dreams of a house elf."

"But we don't know where to recruit."

Hannah looked at their expressions with a smirk, "I must remind you that the scientific name of house-elves is house-elves, which means that as long as your house is big enough, they will naturally appear in front of you."

George shrugged, "It seems that this life is hopeless."

Fred sighed, "There's no hope."

"Actually, the castle is very cheap." Neville, who had been silent just now, said suddenly, and he looked at the twins, "A wizard's castle is usually owned, and as proof of the family's glorious past, no one will sell it. .But Muggle castles are cheap, more cheap than you think."

Both George and Fred were stunned, "What do you mean?"

Hannah smiled, searched through her pile of objects, and took out a notepad, "During the holidays, I wrote to Neville about where to build the greenhouse after graduation. Neville suggested that I could The Muggle world bought a castle to house it in."

Saying that, she handed the notepad to the twins, "Well, we have checked these, and you can afford them with the money you are making now. As for the procedure to buy a castle from Muggles, just trouble Arthur Way. Mr. Sly said at the Ministry of Magic, easy."

"We..." George took the notepad from Hannah's hand with a confused look, "Buy a castle?"

Fred blinked, "Unbelievable!"

At this moment, Anton took out the "32 Conservation Charms of the Castle" borrowed from the school library from the snuff box and put it in Fred's hand, "It seems that you need this."


"Brother, I still feel like I'm in a dream." Fred looked at George blankly.

George blinked. "Maybe we can buy Mom a castle for her birthday? That way she'll support our cause."

For a time, the two seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and they all looked down at the books in their hands.

"It seems... it's really possible!"

The vines of the elephant-eating vine happily swam out of the suitcase, and the small mouth full of fangs called Anton's 'baby babble', and it took root on the sunny side of the valley.

Its vines twisted against the warm morning sun.

This is a vine with a completely different habit than 'Devil's Web', native to Africa, preferring hot, dry climates.

In order to make this thing grow vigorously in Europe, Anton used some potions, the main formula of which is the liver of the dragon. Fire poison is a terrible poison for humans, and it is indeed a great nutrient for magical plants.

Anton took out his wand and waved it gently, as if he was directing something.

With the shaking of his arm, the elephant-eating vine is also intertwined with vines a little bit. It first twisted together in a criss-cross pattern, forming the base of a minaret, which is three meters wide. There is a door in the middle. You can see a Circling up the stairs.

The tower-shaped staircase is 4 meters high, and a 12-meter-wide platform stretches out above it.

Around this platform, there are 6 passages that are 2 meters long, each of which builds a 4-meter-wide circular platform at the end.

Eventually, vines build walls and pointed vaults up the hall and six platforms in the middle.

"Wow~~" Anna stood beside Anton and looked at this scene in amazement.

"Although it looks very shocking..." Hannah looked back at the 'Wizard's Hut, Banyan Tree' that she cultivated, and said to Neville with a look of dissatisfaction, "I will continue to cultivate it so that it is really suitable for living. "

"I believe you can." Neville smiled and comforted her, "I will help you. And the habit of Elephant Vine is too fierce, so Anton can control it, and your research is the future."


Hearing these words, Hannah was overjoyed and shook her shoulders and head with a smile.

Beside them, George and Fred looked at this scene with some emotion, "The last time I saw such a scene was two years ago, it seems that time has passed like this."

George smacked his mouth, "Suddenly, we are in fifth grade, and we are about to usher in the general wizard rank test."

"Oh~" Fred frowned, "That sounds terrible."

"Yes, it doesn't get any worse than this."

"Then~" Anton looked at the new house with great satisfaction, then turned to look at his friends, "Everyone go up and have a look, and choose your own room by the way."

This hut looks a bit like a mushroom with several mushroom heads. Everyone walked to the stem and front of the 'mushroom' and found that there were no stairs inside the gate.

"Is it an elevator?" Anna looked up and down in surprise. She stretched out her slender, pale fingers to press the panel next to the door, only to find that there were only ordinary walls intertwined with vines.

Anton looked at her in surprise, "Have you taken the elevator many times?"

Anna just smiled shyly, "Well, it's very funny. When I first met, I went up and down in the elevator many times, and was scolded by adults."

Saying that, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Anton looked strange, and Anna, who was familiar with her, seemed to have become a little strange. She seemed to have experienced a lot, but she didn't feel that she had a chance to go to the Muggle world for a long time in the daily life. .

He also simply ignored it, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ana fiddled with those time-turners every day, and it was hard not to let him guess whether this chick often ran into the past. Especially the fairy Pedro he had come into contact with, who would occasionally encounter himself who ran back in the future.

According to the words of the old wizard Fiennes, his stupid teacher has a rich experience of traveling through time.

As the vines of the elephant-eating vine extended out of the guardrail at the gate, and took everyone upstairs, everyone exclaimed.

The hall is a full 12 meters in diameter, and is not entirely surrounded by walls, but is supported by 36 revolving pillars with the mysterious culture of ancient goblins.

Standing here and looking around, it is as if standing on the treetops of the forbidden forest, with lush green extending under your feet, and there are a few white clouds in the clean and clear sky, which seems to be hanging on the eaves at your fingertips.


Hannah pointed behind her in surprise, and saw that Hogwarts Castle looked particularly majestic in the rippling black lake reflecting the sunlight.


Everyone exclaimed.

"I like this cottage!" Neville was a little excited. He walked into a room along one of the passages with some surprise, and found that it was also very spacious, with a floor-to-ceiling window and a balcony with a small platform.

Hannah dragged Anna around the huge hall, discussing how to arrange it, "Looks like we have to buy something."

Anna thought for a while, "We can go to the Muggle world to buy, there are many interesting items, which are more suitable for this kind of super space."

"Muggle world?" Hannah froze for a moment.

"Well" Anna squinted her eyes full of memories, "There are a lot of interesting things, and don't you all go to see the castle, we can just go and have a look, and buy two if we see fit. "

"But we don't have that much Muggle currency." George and Fred were a little confused.

"This is easy to solve." Anton smiled, "Mr. Dursley will be happy to help us solve the currency exchange problem."

In this way, the next group activity this weekend has been set again.

Of course, now everyone is more interested in choosing their own room.

George and Fred didn't want to separate, they only chose one, leaving one room vacated by the ivy-eating rattan.

So a few friends began to discuss what to do with this empty room, but it didn't seem to be of much use, after all, the hall in the middle was too big.

"You seem to be a little limited in your thinking."

Anton smiled and snapped his fingers. The vines on this house were quickly pulling away, and some of them came to the one chosen by George and Fred to expand it even bigger. UU reading

The other half is constantly weaving and extending downward, turning into a huge slide, all the way down, extending to the ground.

Neville stood at the edge in a little panic and looked down. The platform was 4 meters high, looking at the ground, which made him take a step back in fear.

Anton raised his eyebrows at George and Fred, "Are you afraid of heights?"

"Please! We are the batsmen of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and we are the most athletic characters in the team!" George looked proud.

"That's right, Pediatrics!" Fred had the same expression, but the two brothers didn't mean to move.

It was Anna who jumped in first and shouted excitedly, "Wuhu~~~"

The most important thing for time travelers is the adventurous spirit.

Anton raised his eyebrows at his twin brother, "Come?"

After he finished speaking, he also jumped in, "Wuhu~~~"

Neville swallowed his saliva, and looked at the other friends, "It seems to be fun?"



The new hut, the new secret base, as if everything was different from before, gently turned a page, and an interesting picture of the future unfolded in front of everyone.

take a break~~~

The figures of the members of the hut flashed from the high slide one by one, laughter and exciting screams intertwined.

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563 New Cabin

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