The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 566: The Magical Transformation of the Wild Sorcerer

The Ministry of Magic is not a powerful organization, and even because of the special attributes of wizards and the simple and wonderful social structure, almost every department exudes a lazy atmosphere.

Even the Wizengamore Administration and the Auror Command of the Legal Enforcement Division are usually in a state of turning a blind eye on many things.

There is only one circumstance in which the entire Ministry of Magic can function efficiently - involving Muggles!

The Ministry of Magic was established by the International Confederation of Wizards to implement the International Statute of Secrecy for Wizards. Even now, with a history of more than 300 years, it still only focuses on the Statute of Secrecy.


When Anton and his friends returned to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with large and small bags, several letters were quickly delivered to the hall of Weasley's Burrow at the foot of Bairong Mountain.

Then, a rare scream came from the window far away.


"You bought the castle secretly without telling me?"

"Oh~ Molly Xiaoquan, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Bright wall lamps replaced the dim, moody little yellow lamps, and Arthur and Molly stared at the letters on the table.

—"To Mr. Weasley, 368 Important Things to Know About Buying a Muggle Castle" - Office of the Minister of Magic

-"warn! Please be friendly with your Muggle neighbors, and don't use magic in private when you encounter major problems.

- "Warm Reminders: Common Problems and Common Solutions for Castles in Disrepair" - Division of Magical Creatures Management and Control, House Elf Resettlement Office / Committee on Disposal of Dangerous Animals / Pest Advisory Office / Office of Beasts, Exotics and Ghosts

- "Please register your fireplace at the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible and connect to the Floo Network (Muggle Castles are mandatory - Department of Magical Transportation. Floo Network Authority

- "If there are dead creatures that are not ghosts, please contact us" - Department of Mysteries

- "List of Muggle Items Available for Muggle Castles, please contact the Ministry of Magic for non-list items" - Division of Magical Law Enforcement, Office of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items


"You even sent a letter to yourself!" Molly pulled out the letter from the Office for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Objects in disbelief, and was stunned to find Arthur's signature at the very end.

The corners of Arthur's eyes twitched, "Well, sometimes I'm a little lazy. These are standard official letters. I just need to sign them quickly, and I don't need to read the contents carefully."

Molly's brows were raised, "Arthur, I can't believe how you treat your job like this.

Arthur shrugged innocently.

"There are too many documents to deal with every day, and most of them are boring content. It is not suitable for me to recruit more staff in the office. Some things can only be slightly relaxed."

"Relax a little?" Molly gave him a disdainful look, "That means you didn't read the specific content at all, and just replied to a standard document?"

"Oh~ Molly shiver, don't care about these little details."

"We should be more curious, who bought the castle? Is it Bill?"

A child who has graduated, Charlie is an honest and honest child. If he wants to buy a castle, he will definitely discuss it with his parents. That leaves only Bill, who works as a spell-breaker at Gringotts.

To become a spell-breaker, you need to achieve extremely high grades in the subject of 'arithmetic divination', and engage in work similar to code-breaking.

Then, it is intriguing why Gringotts, an abridged version of a bank responsible for 'currency manufacturing' and 'safety warehouse' as its main business, needs a spell-breaker.

Therefore, whether it is the nature of the job or the salary, Bill may be able to afford a castle.

It wasn't until the Arthurs carefully read through all the letters that they breathed a sigh of relief—not one, but two!

"Arthur, do you think it will be Anthony, I heard that his books are selling very well."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully, "Maybe so, otherwise who else can afford a castle, oh

, don't look at me suspiciously, I really didn't buy it, I'll find out when I go to the department tomorrow and ask. "


"Molly, Molly!" The next day, Arthur, who had just gone to work soon after, apparated back home with a loud noise, "It's unbelievable!"

"Not Anthony? Is it really Bill?"

"No no no!" Arthur's face was full of doubts about life, "It's George and Fred!"



The pot in her hand fell to the ground, Molly looked at Arthur blankly, not sure what she heard, "Who?"

So, the Weasleys, who couldn't sit still at home, visited Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

They first followed Headmaster Dumbledore and Vice Headmaster McGonagall to the cabin by the Black Lake.

"Welcome to the store, what do you need?"

It was Ron who opened the door for them. He was very grateful to Anton and the others for giving them this cabin. Ron, who had been deprived of everything since he was a child, has received enough love from Anton—homework and occasional after-school tutoring, Helped him cure the slug spell, the first wand in his life that belonged to him completely, taught him the Fiery Fire Charm and the Quiet Fire Charm, a magical secret base...

Ron decides to do something for his brothers, even if it's just to help watch the little shop.

He even found a Muggle-born classmate to ask how to boost sales for the small shop - the classmate's father was a medical device salesman.

God knows how long he has memorized this sales pitch, God knows how many times he has revised it a little bit.

"We have the latest stinky eggs, guaranteed..."

Unfortunately, for the first time in his life, he had to recite this sentence, but he only read the beginning.

"Promise... Paul... oh~~ Merlin's beard, Mom, why are you here?"

Molly raised her brows and stared at Ron coldly, "Promise what?"

Poor Ron could only swallow innocently, weak and helpless.

There is nothing worse than this!


There are still some.

He watched Professor McGonagall come out from behind his mother with a horrified face. "Mr. Weasley, I'd like to know too, what's the guarantee?"

It's a double coercion!

Then, Ron saw the smiling father and the smiling Dumbledore behind the two "can't afford to offend"...




Anton didn't know what was going on at the school. On Sunday, when everyone was furiously decorating the new cabin, he received an owl letter from Scrimgeour.

The letter said to let him come to the Auror's office and have something interesting to show him.

"What is this?" Anton took a magical prop that looked like a simple copper telescope from Scrimgeour in confusion.

"The memory kaleidoscope is similar to the Pensieve." Scrimgeour took out an egg-sized glass ball with a milky white thread floating in the transparent material.

Opened the tail of the "Kaleidoscope of Memory" and put the glass ball with the memory thread in it. Scrimgeour clicked on the document on the table, "This memory will be sealed later, and it will take a certain amount of time to read it again. The authority, for you to see now, follows the procedure of specially invited experts to assist the investigation.

Anton nodded, "Procedural justice, I understand."

He picked up the memory kaleidoscope, opened only one eye, and looked inside.

The vision presented in this memory is a somewhat dilapidated prison cell, and the visual protagonist seems to be tied to the execution rack.

As the field of vision swayed up and down, Anton instantly determined that this was the mercenary spying on the werewolf's home.

He looked a little frightened, and his breathing was a little heavy.

"Very tenacious will!" A voice came from behind him, his voice hoarse, with a strange emphasis that was unique after being changed by the potion.

"But this is not possible, you have to be afraid, you have to fall into extreme fear, so that the effect of my improved potion can be maximized

. "

"Damn, Anthony's potion recipe is so hard to concoct, I can barely break it down into a few steps."

Then, the talking figure walked in front of the mercenary, wearing a wizard's robe. Under the huge wizard's hood was a strange blood-red mask, with a big mouth full of ape teeth, looking very hideous.

Raised his hand, holding a ball in his hand to escape the bird.

This is a magical beast with a natural gift similar to Apparate, and the only magical beast known to Muggles, who call this flightless bird the dodo and think they are extinct.

"I don't know if the next method will be successful. After all, your will is too strong and you lack extreme fear, and I don't know if this ancient ritual can replace the complicated steps of one of the links."

The wizard took out a slender dagger, pierced the ball through the bird barrel, let it struggle on the dagger, and stabbed the end of the dagger into the mercenary's stomach.

"Hmm~" The mercenary grunted, still clenching his teeth.

The wizard ignored it, lit the candles around him, and walked around the mercenary, chanting an ancient rune incantation.

It probably means the chrysalis of the ghost-faced hawkmoth. You will wrap these two souls. I sacrifice the soul of the ball-eating bird full of spirituality, and I pray that you will give him the power of the ball-eating bird...

This is an evil ritual of an ancient wizard trying to steal the power of magical animals. Anton has read its detailed introduction in the forbidden book area of ​​​​the school. Obviously, the wizard may not understand the key.

It is a witchcraft in which ancient tribal wizards applied magic power to warriors before they set off for battle or hunting. It itself requires warriors to have an absolutely strong will.

In other words, the wizard really met the conditions by mistake.

Of course, the price of this seemingly powerful "enchantment" is extremely vicious - the warrior will feel the pain of the heart-piercing bone on every full moon night, until he collapses and turns into an unconscious "evil beast".

In order to seek liberation, this "evil beast" will turn around and attack the wizard who has turned himself into a ghost, and even slaughter all the creatures he has seen.

So this ceremony is usually equipped with a lie—the pain represents the call of the moon god, and the warriors will go to the heavenly kingdom of the moon **** to enjoy the blessings in the flames.

A fire burned

Next, Anton witnessed an ignorant wild wizard who used various methods of fixing his feet to replace the potion he had prepared little by little, and finally...

A miraculous success!

Simply outrageous!

Anton smacking his mouth and broke away from this memory. How should I put it, although there are too many coincidences that just contributed to the success of this ceremony, it does not have the possibility of being repeatable.

But a lot of interesting observations in it really gave him too much inspiration.

"This wizard is terrible!" Scrimgeour said solemnly.

Anton froze for a moment and opened his mouth.

"He can definitely make wizards in batches, I think we need to find him!"

Okay, what you say is what it is. Anton thought for a while, but still closed his mouth, to point out the mistakes here, and to explain why this time was successful, he would definitely talk for a few days and nights.

Think about it or forget it.

In the end, Scrimgeour solemnly placed the glass sphere with the memory in a metal box and then into a magic box.

Anton raised his brows and witnessed the source of the Ministry of Magic's box magic. He couldn't help but be more cautious about the box magic he had seen before. If there is a chance to come into contact with it again in the future, he must be careful. He can't blindly trust the Ministry of Magic. authority.


Scrimgeour was silent for a long time, his voice hesitant.

"You said, if there is another race for buffering between Muggles and wizards, and they are gradually exposed in the Muggle world, can we observe the attitudes and attitudes of Muggles towards this race? Have more ample time to think about how to respond in the future?"


"Gain some valuable experience?"

Anton wrinkle

He frowned, "Director, I have to remind you that they are actually wizards, even if their talents are relatively weak and the upper limit is relatively poor."

"And their descendants will be more prone to wizards than ordinary Muggles."

"Is that so..." Scrimgeour's face was hesitant, he rubbed the magic box in his hands, and his expression changed.

Seeing the unwilling look on the big man's face, Anton hesitated for a while, but persuaded, "We can use them to observe and explore a way of getting along with Muggles and wizards, which seems to be a very good way."

"But, Director!"

"They're wizards! This is tantamount to splitting the wizarding community!"

"Those who manipulate the conspiracy will inevitably be attacked by the conspiracy in the end! Think of a new wizard group that has no sense of belonging to the wizard group, because the original wizard group's selfish idea is not to choose to tolerate them, but to push them away. To the front line of the war with Muggles, gradually formed in the war..."

Anton sighed, "This is not a wise choice."

He advised.

Anton swore that he really persuaded him from the bottom of his heart.

But could he persuade Scrimgeour? Anton doesn't know.


How many people in the wizarding world would think like that?

The **** knows. UU reading www.

He finally somehow understood Dumbledore's helplessness - watching these idiots step by step towards an irreversible situation, but they were so powerless, very embarrassing!

Anton shrugged, patted his **** and stood up, "Thank you for the information you shared, it was very useful to me."

Scrimgeour waved his hand casually, and took out a metal cigarette case from his jacket pocket, "I am selfish, and I hope that under my influence, you will have more affection for the Auror Office, at least in the future, even if If you can be a little bit arrogant, Luo people think about it."

He raised his head with a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes blurred, "even a little closer to the Ministry of Magic."

An Dong was stunned, "You look down on me too much."

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